Hi, My Name is Tessee


Veteran Member

"You have a loose tooth," Clora said to her little man, who was not happy he couldn't see what was going on in his own mouth.

"I can't see," Milo complained, "I want to see my tooth."

"I'll look," Teddy seriously assured his brother. "Open your mouth, which tooth?" In Milo's mouth went Teddy's grubby little hand, making Milo gag.

"Easy Teddy. just a finger at a time," Clora cautioned the younger boy. "Tell me Milo, which tooth?"

"Thisss one," he lisped with his tongue pushing on a front bottom tooth.

"It will come out when it is ready," Clora assured the youngster. "You won't have to do anything,"

"I want one," Teddy and Anne crowded in to get a better look. "That's cool, Milo, will there be lots of blood?"

"Your a blood thirsty little thing, aren't you?" Clora teased. "There will be some blood, not very much and it will hurt just a little bit," Clora held up her hand, measuring a hair's difference with her thumb and forefinger.

"Oh, that's good," Milo was relieved as he squinted at the amount of pain Clora was estimating. "I don't like hurt."

Teddy and Anne followed Milo around in awe, looking in his mouth at every opportunity. The ladies had a good laugh as Milo went outside with the other two trailing closely behind.

"Stay in sight of the lodge," Clora ordered, "understand."

"Yes Ma." all three answered at the same time. Shaking her head, Clora turned to the sink and got ready to do battle with the dishes.

Cheryl and Christy got brooms and started cleaning the first bedroom. Ev rolled himself out on the front porch with his rifle, he was on guard duty. Toby and Willie and the men used rope that they rolled out as a measure, the trees inside the measure were those that needed to be taken down. Wade agreed reluctantly, as a couple of the giants had been there decades.

Milo, Teddy Anne and the dogs played on the porch, the small cars always in their pockets. Anne had a small doll that Lainey fashioned from a sock and a old worn out hanky. She directed traffic and explained to the boys just exactly how they needed to make their motor noises.

They played companionably until Anne grabbed Teddy's car to straighten out his misguided attempt to follow her directions. "No, no!" Teddy howled, as the dogs barked at the agonized yell. "Naughty girl, no touch!"

Both mom's appeared at the door, hands over their mouth's to stifle the laughter. "Anne, I want you to come inside and help me choose a ribbon for your hair. I found a blue, a pink and a yellow one. What color do you like best?" Anne was up and inside in a flash, leaving the boy's to their own company. Clora winked at them with a smile, "thank you for playing nicely, that tells me that you both are growing up." Milo nodded, as though he was well aware that they were in excellent behavior.

Clora didn't see the high five that Ev and the boy's exchanged, but Mark did, and he had to turn his face away so as not to laugh.
Wade chuckled. "She's quite a director, I can see her being a lawyer!" Everyone thought that was funny, and Ben laughed, but he wasn't all that amused. Anne was becoming a tryant in her sweet, adorable 3 year old way. It was a problem that needed a remedy.

Wade stayed around almost the whole day, as the men pointed out the massive amount of work that needed to be done. He neatly made notes on the paper sack followed by his initials, OK'ing the jobs. Reluctantly, he finally had to leave. "I will be sending credit cards from the local home improvement store so you can get started; any further questions?"

There weren't any further questions, so Wade left, and the men went into town with the detailed grocery list Lainey and Clora had put together.

Ev was alert, watching Danny as the dog picked up on a scent. His ears were up and he was staring intently into the forest. The animal he had alerted too, shuffled it's spiny body into the clearing and shifted it's beady eyes and twitched it's snout. It was irresistible.


Veteran Member

The porcupine waddled slow, unafraid of the quivering mass rushing at him with uncontrolled rage. Danny was protecting his human from a hideous monster, and he was giving it his all. The porky won and Danny went yelping to Ev. Ev sighed in frustration and let his free hand fall on his thigh. Danny took that as the command to get in Ev's lap as he howled with rage and pain, his head over the wheel chair bound man's shoulder.

Alerted by the ruckus, the ladies went rushing outside. Cheryl grabbed Danny's collar and singlehandedly hauled him over Ev's form, taking the crushing weight off her husband. They both rolled off the porch and down the stairs. Christy went tearing after her mother and stumbled over Cindy, as the second dog went to her buddy's aid.

It was all over in seconds; but the results were long lasting. Bruised and battered, Cheryl was patched up and ensconced in a comfy chair next to Ev. Danny however suffered greatly as Clora and Lainey wrapped him tightly in a sheet and began to pull the quills from the whimpering dog.

It was tough work, requiring all hands to pitch in and help. When they were done, Milo and Teddy were crying at Danny's distress, and if they had looked, Ev was kinda sniffy at his dog's pain.

Clora was wrung out. The effort to hold Danny still so Lainey could pull the quills out with a pair of needle nosed pliers, took all the starch out of her. Resting against the tree trunk column holding up the porch overhang, she closed her eyes and tried to calm her racing heart.

It was Lainey who noticed how pale Clora had become, sweat on her brow and pain lines bracketed around her mouth. Wordlessly, she beckoned to Christy and whispered in the teen's ear. Christy took the smalls on a hike, patting her pocket to indicate she had her pistol and grabbing a pail to hold any treasures they might find.

Lainey went straight for her cell phone and had great difficulty reaching Ben. She made connections five different times only to have the call drop. Ben took the futile calls as a warning and the men checked out of the store on the double.

Tearing home, driving like a stock car driver Mark slid to a stop and went running inside. Pistol in hand he went looking for the source of the trouble. What he found was Clora laying on her sleeping bag, panting from the lack of oxygen.

"Asprin," he shouted, and Lainey appeared with the bottle. Placing two of the bitter white pills under her tongue, Mark carried his wife to the pickup and practically threw the slow kids out of the pickup when they dawdled handing out the many sacks of food. Roaring back down the forest track, Mark called 911 and made arrangements to meet the ambulance at the small store.

Two hours later Clora was in the hospital and the fancy-schmancy heart specialist has been called. It looked to Mark like she was hooked up to every possible machine, but the oxygen was helping the most. Mark stood just inside her hospital room door with crossed arms and feet far apart. He wasn't in the way, didn't say a word and gave every person entering the room the heebie-jeebies.

Mark was exerting tremendous effort to keep himself under control. He wanted to roar like 'the hulk' but the timid looking medical personnel would probably have him thrown out, and he intended to stay with Clora.

He watched the monitor as her heart beat was traced in squiggly lines. It was as erratic as all get out, the top line fluctuating with dangerous swings beyond the normal. Lips thinned against the building dread in his heart, Mark stared stone faced at Clora. The baby monitor strapped on her belly gave the readout that Tessee was alive, but very sluggish. Both of them were in danger.

The long night drug on with agonizing slowness. Little by little, Clora's heart calmed and evened out and her color improved. Tessee picked up, her heart beat raising a little and out of the danger zone. Mark carefully placed a chair by the foot of Clora's bed and leaned over holding his head in his hands.

Back in the forest, Lainey took over as chief cook and bottle washer. "There will always be a teen and another man here at all times," she declared in harsh tones. "The times that you all leave together are over, the work needs to be scheduled so we have protection and adults to help in emergencies." There was a hush as her words sunk in. Lainey was correct, flush with the freedom of stress, the men had forgotten.

"We need to pray for Clora," Lainey said firmly. "After supper we need a prayer session, and I am going to ask every one of you to speak."

Milo was a little difficult at supper, misbehaving in his frustration and confusion. Finally Lainey stopped his antics with a stern warning. "I don't believe your Mom and Dad are going to be happy when they find out how you are behaving." The threat was enough.

Milo sat looking down at his plate. Supper tasted horrible cause Ma didn't make it, but actually he was one very scared child. He was old enough to know there was something very serious happening, and it made his tummy very upset.

The clan prayed. With Clora and Mark gone, it highlighted how empty the family was without them.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
What a chapter! I don't guess there will be another coming tonight will there? Might be getting close to Tessee time.


Veteran Member

Mark mistook the heart specialist for one of the young girls that brought the water and newspaper. The small red haired adult didn't look old enough to have Clora's and Tessee's life in her hands. Very gently she set him straight, while she listened to both her patient's hearts.

"Mrs Linderman,....Clora" Bethany Wallace consulted the chart for accuracy, "has a bad valve in the upper chamber of her heart. It is leaking blood back with every beat and she is getting less than 50% of the oxygen she needs. The stress on her body has caused premature labor, but the baby has not settled down and is not ready. Has there been any undue stress Clora has been dealing with?"

"Massive amounts of stress," Mark said, "we were displaced by the earthquake, had difficult time adjusting, and have severe outside forces that have threatened us harm. At the moment we have a safe haven courtesy of Wade Donaldson, that we appreciate deeply."

The capable Ms. Wallace looked up at Mark and considered the tall man seriously. "Am I to believe what I am seeing?" she asked crisply.

"Probably," Mark replied smoothly. "It's not well known, and it's up to Wade to decide what to do with it."

"I see, well I suppose Bonita doesn't know? as you say it's not well known." the heart specialist supposed accurately.

"Yes," Mark kept his answer short and sweet.

"Clora has a choice, she can stay in bed at home or stay in the hospital; and then there needs to be a surgery once the baby is born. A repaired valve will do wonders for her."

"No," there was a weak sound from the bed. "I can't stay in bed, too much work to do." Clora meant to have the final word.

"Sorry," Ms. Wallace bit off briskly," if you want to keep your baby, this is non negotiable. "You look big and strong, and it's a shell that is encasing a very fragile body. There will be complications with your baby's birth, we can see them already, and we strongly urge that you have no more children. We, meaning the doctors attending your case, have very carefully evaluated all of your options and you have a few, but it will take caution and almost total rest. The valve will fail if you stress it further, do you have questions concerning your health?"

"Your scaring me," Clora said weakly, holding her hand up for Mark to grasp.

"Good," Bethany gave no quarter, "fool around with our advise and loose your baby. It's your call."

"We will gratefully follow your recommendations," Mark promised, giving Clora's hand a slight squeeze. Clora watched him with tears in her eyes. "I don't want to loose our baby," she whispered.

"Good enough then," Dr. Wallace made a few notations on the chart. "There are pages of instructions for you to follow, and you Sir, are charged with her compliance. Remember, total bed rest, you may get up to use the bathroom, but that's all."

Dr. Bethany left the room rubbing her upper lip. This was an explosive situation, she didn't want to withhold information from Bonita, but there was no way she had any intention of involving herself in the problem. One good look at Mark, and there was no doubt that he was Wade's son, so no one would have to tell Bonita anything.

"I want to go home," Clora whispered, "I hate hospitals."

"Easy baby, let's see what the doctors suggest," Mark stalled as he walked around the bed to the window. Opening the blinds he watched the clouds race across the sky. Clora turned her face to the window and said, "I really need to be home. The kids will be worried."

The lodge group spent a worrisome night, but none more upset and fearsome as Wayne. It was a shock to him to find out he depended on Clora's calm steadfastness to keep himself grounded and centered. Away from her, he was unraveled and scattered, unable to concentrate and think clearly.

Wayne needed Clora to furnish him with mental stability, he discovered. He withdrew from the noisy chatter of the family and went to stare at the creek. Pretty quick, a small body leaned against his shoulder. "Do you feel sad too?" Milo asked his Uncle. It surprised Wayne that the child would even talk to him, as Milo and Teddy trusted only Clora and Mark.

"Yes," Wayne replied before he thought about the child's perception. In the distance Christy could be heard hollering for Milo.

"You had better answer her," he instructed Milo, "that's not fair to make her worry."

"OK," Milo was off in a flash, "bye Uncle W, I know Ma will be home soon."

Jeepcats 3

Contributing Member

Thank you for the new chapter!
It's sad to think Clora can only have one baby!
She is such an mother figure!



Veteran Member

It took forever for Clora to be discharged. Tired of all the fol de rol complicating her release, she had to sign forms from each doctor that had treated her, looked at her x-rays, checked her differential, her oil level, her washer fluid and rotated and checked her tire pressure.

Mark tried to keep her in good humor by comparing Clora to a car undergoing a 'pre-sale' checkup, as yet another business agent showed up in the room waving a sheaf of papers.

"This is for the satisfaction of your bill," the highly efficient, black pin striped suited woman briskly announced. "Before you can be discharged, we need to know how you are going to pay?"

"I can give you a credit card, or a check," Mark sighed deeply. "How much is the bill, I don't imagine I have that amount of cash on my person."

"$3953.44" the woman consulted the bottom line of the last page.

"Check or credit card?" questioned Mark. It was clear the woman prefer he get the cash, but by then she was rubbing Mark the wrong way with her suspicious, superior attitude. Rather than cause a scene, he opened his wallet and took out a well known credit card. Using the tip of his fingers, he held out the card and the woman grasped it securely, afraid he might take it away.

"Wow," was all Clora could say, "that's a awful amount of money for just overnight."

"You had an extreme battery of tests done Mrs. Lindstrom, they aren't free you know." the business agent replied as soon as Clora's observation was out of her mouth.

Clora clamped her mouth shut tightly, for the only thing that wanted to come out,...wasn't very nice. Rather than provoke the situation, both Lindstroms refused to talk.

Mark bundled Clora into the pickup and detoured to the bank, where he resupplied his wallet. Alerting the bank staff that there would be an incoming check for a large amount, he asked for a readout of his account. The balance wasn't dismal, but it wasn't all that healthy, so Mark accepted the white slip and tucked it in his pocket.

"Could we,..." Clora was hesitant, but grabbed a breath and plunged on. "Do we have enough money to stop and get a few baby things? I would feel so much better if there were some diapers and blankets. I don't have to go in, you could do it."

"My Dear," Mark handed her the slip from his pocket, "we have enough."

Clora's eyes got big as she read the balance, "Is this true?"

"Yes, so don't worry about spending a few dollars on baby things. Do you want to shop here?" Mark pulled into the shopping center and parked close to the door of a major chain.

"Oh we can't shop here," Clora automatically protested, "this is way too expensive."

"Humor me," Mark grinned at his tired and drooping wife. "Give me a few and I'll get the basics."


Veteran Member
thank you! wow things are going to be rough without Clora's help! I bet she will figure out how to help even from her bed! lol!


Veteran Member
I hate snobby people who want money and look down their noses at you.

So do I.
Thanks Pac. Clora is NOT going to be happy laying around all the time. I was on bedrest the last 3 months of my 3rd pregnancy and it about drove me crazy. Thank God for my mother, who took care of me and my family during that time.



Veteran Member

"Get 4 of every thing you buy, 2 pink and two blue, please." Clora requested.

"Blue?" Mark queried and then raised his chin, "gotcha," and in the store he went. Out came Mark with four huge shopping bags and tucked them in the back seat.

"That was quick," Clora approved, "I didn't get much of a nap." She patted Mark's arm as he turned to give her a goofy grin.

"I have an idea for supper," Mark teased mysteriously, "it starts with a tall frosty vanilla milkshake, and then it can be anything you want. I've always heard about pregnant ladies and the really weird things they want to eat, so what have you been craving."

Clora got this really strange look on her face, "anything?" she asked, starting to smile. "Well since you asked..." she laughed. "I have been dreaming about chocolate covered raisins. That and sour gherkin pickles."

"Oh Lord, it is true," Mark said dramatically, clutching his chest. "Expectant women and pickles and sweets. How absolutely gross."

"You asked," Clora chuckled at his antics. "Any grocery store will have the items," she hinted strongly that once the idea was activated, he was honor bound to carry through.

"You got it, how about a milkshake first. The Dr. said you needed way more calcium than you were getting."

"OK, and I think we need to find another cow, we all could do with more milk in our
diet. And then butter, cottage cheese, and farmer cheese," Clora said dreamily. "Good homemade food for our growing family."

"Humm, what about the promise to stay in bed? You are going to have to do that Clora," Mark was adamant. "no fudging on that decree."

"Yeah, I'll do it," she promised, "but boy will it be hard."

The milkshake was cold, thick and delicious. Clora wanted a plain hamburger, while Mark ate the bacon monster burger with hot peppers. Mark stopped at the small grocery store and loaded up on everything Clora had requested, knowing full well that it was Lainey that was pining for the sour pickles.

The old man was manning the counter and he asked about the woman that had been taken to the hospital. "She out in the pickup," Mark explained. "We are taking a treat back to the family tonight, she and the baby are OK, and our other kids will be out of this world with ice cream." Mark sacked up five quarts, and a bottle of chocolate syrup. For good measure he threw in a dozen packages of chocolate chip cookies.

"Thanks for the business," the store owner said as he waved the couple toward home.

It was pandemonium when the pickup got stopped. Kids were screaming, the adults were talking all at once and when the ice cream was brought out, it went sky high. Supper was forgotten as bowls of ice cream were dished up and passed around. The cookies were opened and devoured as the chatter and relief rose to the ceilings.

Clora was home so everything was right with the world. She managed to pat Wayne on the hand, correctly interpreting his dazed look as a plea for normalcy. Suddenly Wayne shook and smiled and it was like the curtain had lifted.

Milo and Teddy acted like they were Velcro on their mother. They stood on either side of Clora, so tight to her she couldn't hardly lift her arm. Finally she gave up and put her arms around each boy and let them feed her bites of the frozen treat.

Mark tapped lightly on his glass, gathering the clan's attention. "Clora, has to stay in bed. This was a big scare, and there is no fudging except to use the bathroom. She has to rest more, so I'm asking all of you to help me, help Clora."

There was instant agreement all around the table. Lainey smiled to help Clora feel better about the chores that needed to be redistributed, and Wayne volunteered to help Ev guard the main lodge.

The stew was eaten after every scoop of ice cream was gone, and the dishes finished and put away. The excitement of Clora coming home slowly wained and the house returned to normal. Clora and Mark got the first cleaned bedroom, close as possible to the living room and kitchen so it would seem Clora was part of their chaotic life.


Veteran Member
I hope the family will finally have some peace and quiet, no more being targets for maniacs.

Thank you Pac. I hope Mr. Pac and everyone are doing well.


Pac you are putting waaaaaay too much stress on me :sht:

I have to say this again. This. Should. Be. A. Novel.

If it were, it would be adapted for television in a heartbeat I think. And it would be good entertainment for everyone. Except of course for all those cliff's. ;)

Thank you for all this hard work.



Veteran Member
Great way to start another God made day, new chapters form Pac, thanks for the hard work and your time, you are a blessing to us.

Sneaker 11

Pac. Thanks so much for this and your other stories. Your character evolution and family intrigue are very well done. It has allowed this old grunt many hours of reading enjoyment.

Sneaker 11


Veteran Member
Thank YOU dear readers for reading my ramblings. It has been a thrill for me to write and have people actually want to read the disjointed sentences. Thinking about the story and putting it to 'paper' so to speak has helped me over many a hard patch in my road.

Our life has gone up and down as roller coaster, but I thank God for the chance to take the ride. It has given me a lot of fuel to write about now. So, all I can say is ....Hang On! Pac and Mr Pac and June and Mr June.


Veteran Member
Thank YOU dear Pac for giving us the opportunity read your wonderful ramblings! As soon as I log on to TB the first thing I do is see if you have a new chapter up. You have a way of keeping all of your readers enthused, entertained and hooked.

I agree with Bad..this would make a great book, I know it would be a big seller.



Veteran Member
Thank YOU dear Pac for giving us the opportunity read your wonderful ramblings! As soon as I log on to TB the first thing I do is see if you have a new chapter up. You have a way of keeping all of your readers enthused, entertained and hooked.

I agree with Bad..this would make a great book, I know it would be a big seller.


THIS! Pac, you probably don't realize how much of a high point it is to come here and find a new chapter. It's so nice to be able to follow this family, and for just a little while, forget about all the stuff happening in the world. Thank you for all you do here, while dealing with all you have to do in life.


Veteran Member
THIS! Pac, you probably don't realize how much of a high point it is to come here and find a new chapter. It's so nice to be able to follow this family, and for just a little while, forget about all the stuff happening in the world. Thank you for all you do here, while dealing with all you have to do in life.

I agree with Vtshooter, Pac! It's wonderful to relax with the family and read about their "stuff" happening for a few minutes rather than reading about the slams we're getting in the real world day after day after day. Thank you for your chapters!

And I agree with the others........this should be a book (or two or more) and a movie, or even a weekly TV show. I KNOW I would buy the book(s) and watch the shows!!

May God continue to watch over and bless you and Mr. Pac and June and Mr. June!


Veteran Member

"I think we should plant some beans," Lainey came breezing into Clora's room the next morning with a tray holding a wonderful, steaming bowl of oatmeal, a couple of pieces of buttered toast and a glass of milk.

"We already ate," Milo announced happily. "Daddy helped us and we only spilled a little." Teddy smiled as he climbed on the bed. "I washed," and he held out his hands for inspection.

"You did, good work and good remembering the rules Teddy. How about you Milo, did you remember?" Clora praised her children.

"Almost," and Milo was gone in a flash.

"Lainey thank you for bringing my breakfast, I am so embarrassed to have you do this for me, it feels so wrong to be here and not working" Clora accepted the tray from the smiling Lainey. "Here you are expecting sooner than me, and I should be helping you."

"Think nothing of it," Lainey stressed as she helped Teddy down off the bed. "Now, back to the beans. I think we should give them a try. There is a place along side the woodshed they could crawl up to the roof. There are also a couple of fencing panels we could use to protect them from the animals. What do you think?"

"Fresh green beans sound wonderful, I can just feel the crunch between my teeth," Clora encouraged. "What about a couple of zucchini plants, and maybe a couple of cucumbers?"

"Oh I knew you would have good ideas," Lainey enthused as she sat on the side of the bed. "Christy and Cheryl are out there right now looking to see how much spading it will take. The ground seems to be full of old sawdust and really mellow."

"Should be good," Clora brightened as she thought of the wondrous gifts the earth could give them. "a garden makes the world seem so much more stable and accepting of us."

"Well, I've got to get the dishes done, and what sounds good for supper? Do you have ideas, Ben is going in for the seeds so he can get what ever we need." Lainey's eyes were caught by the sacks of baby things piled against the wall. She had to swallow hard and avert her eyes, the cheerfulness she brought into the room suddenly gone.

"We went shopping yesterday, or rather Mark did," Clora watched Lainey's sadness as she thought of her destroyed layette. "I've got a secret to share with you. Please bring the sacks to the bed," Clora instructed her friend.

"I haven't had a chance to go through these, so there may be some things missing, but Mark usually does a good job." Clora started pulling out the packages, piling the pink items next to her and the blue in Lainey's lap. "There's not much of a lap there," Clora teased as the blue rimmed package fell on the floor.

"Oh Clora," Lainey started to cry, "Oh Clora are you sure, thank you so much." Holding the package of diapers like they were precious stones, Lainey had to fish around in her pocket for a hanky to dab at the tears. "I've been so worried that we didn't have anything for the baby, it's been a real stress for me, but I didn't want to say anything to Ben. He's doing well with all the changes, but he's not sleeping well at night. But since we have landed here, he seems to be relaxing."

Dividing up the packages of baby clothes was like opening presents on Christmas morning. It meant so much to the two women to have something for their unborn's that they sniffed, sobbed, and dabbed at their weepy eyes.

"What are those?" the small boy had suspicion clouding his voice as he looked at the pile of packages on the bed. It was one thing for Milo to accept the idea of Ma having another baby, but these things were proof it was going to happen and Milo had a flashback to the way life turned out when a new baby came on board.

"Why can't we get our baby the same age as Teddy? I like'm better that way," Milo demanded, as he stomped out of the bedroom and they heard the screen door slam as he thumped his feet on the porch.

"Ohh, the green eyed jealousy monster strikes again," Clora jested as she gathered up the packages and slid them into the pink sacks.
"I'll talk to him when he cools down, what an opinionated little hothead," she said as she shook her head.

"I'm afraid Anne is going to be the same way," Lainey confessed as she gathered up her packages. "Thank you Clora, this means so much to me and Ben, but especially me."

"Think nothing of it," Clora gave Lainey back her own words with a smile.

Mark started the chain saw and began the undercut on the tallest tree furtherest from the lodge. Laying the tree down away from the lodge, they started the harsh task of creating a firebreak. Mark cut three trees before stopping, the cleanup task of limbing the huge firs as much a job as the original cut.

Ben and Wayne had smaller saws going, using them to cut the limb wood for stoves. Ev was on duty circling the porch as he watched the children at play. For the umpteenth day in a row, Kent disappeared and was no where to be found. Ben was disgusted, they sure could have used his help pulling the tangled limbs away from where they were sawing, and as per usual the old boy was no where to be found.


Veteran Member
Thanks Pac for the new chapter, I think that maybe Kent should go hungry if he is not willing to help with the work of feeding and providing for the clan. I am a strong beleaver in no work no eat for any one able to.
Last edited:


Veteran Member
Oh, I agree Wayne. No workee---no eatee! Even those unable to do a lot of physical labor can do other things such as folding clothes, sorting the rocks out of beans, etc. Nimble minds can find things for porch sitters to do. But Kent is an enigma. Will be interesting to see what Pac has him doing. Thanks Pac for continuing to spin this tale for us.


Veteran Member
Thank you Pac, you've given us so much great story!

bbbbbbbbuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuttttttttttttttt..... can we have moar please???? <puts on innocent face>


and thank you :)


Thanks for more news on our clan! Hey, dontcha think all those 'cliffs' are perfect for commercial breaks? Pac could be writing the next award winning show, better than Little House...! (Or other pioneer or shtf show)

Ps, wonder what important stuff was in those papers Mark had in his pocket...? Didn't it say it was much more important or impactful than the stones? Or did I miss something?


Veteran Member

Willie and Toby came running into the clearing where the men were having a water break. "We found a lake, can we try fishing?"

Mark asked if they had crossed a fence to get to the water, and both boys shook their heads no. "I'm asking because we need to know if it's on someone's property, or a part of this place."

"It seems like it's on this place; the buck fence that is around here, goes beyond the lake and further into the forest. We haven't explored all the way, but it goes way back." Toby was excited and all the words tumbled out in a rush. "There's a corral and a pasture that allows the animals to drink from the lake, Mr. Ev can have his cows here, and maybe we could get a horse," he slipped in, hoping to plant a seed.

Mark and Ben chuckled out loud, and Wayne grinned at their impatience. "Go check out the lake," Ben suggested, "we could do with a fish fry tonight." he added as a huge hint.

The boys turned around and headed for the house and the garage/fishing shed for the miscellaneous gear they hoped to find. Chattering loudly, they broke into a run in their haste.

Like a whirlwind, they were there and then gone. Ev was smiling, the boy's had yelled the information that there was a pasture, so he had hopes for his cattle after all.

"Are you going to tell them that's probably a stock watering hole?" Ben was laughing as he wiped his brow.

"Nope," Mark said considering, "it could be a stocked pond, so they might actually catch something."

Wayne bent over to pull a branch out of his way, and straightened up with a yell. The branch tore the top off a hornet"s nest built into the ground and the nasty tempered little devils really resented the intrusion. All three men took off on a run, headed to the house. Mark shouted for all to get in the house immediately, and Ev had the kids on the move instantly.

All three men suffered stings to their heads and neck, so Lainey made a paste of flour and water to daub on the burning sites. Wayne was the only one that they had to watch carefully, in the past he had shown a allergy reaction..

"Nasty little buggers," Ben was mumbling as Lainey inspected his face with the tweezers and pulled out the stingers she found. "How are we going to get back there and get the trees cut."

"With a mason jar," Clora shouted from the bedroom. "Tonight in the dark you put a jar over the nest hole. Twist it down into the ground so it isn't bumped off, but you have to check carefully for another entrance. Sometime they make a second one."

Mark stuck his head in the door and let Clora see the extent of his injuries. "You really were attacked," she said horrified at the puffy red swellings that were closing his eyes. "Are you allergic?"

"No, supposed not to be," he slurred, "I took enzyme therapy to prevent reactions."

"You need cold, cold water to bathe your face with, hurry before your eyes swell shut," Clora urged.

The men all rushed into the kitchen and opened the faucet to splash the ice cold water on their faces. The spring water felt so good and it did help.

That stopped the work for the afternoon, as the guy's recuperated and the younger children got to play doctor. Anne decided that only she could work on her Daddy, and a squabble broke out when Milo insisted he was a older doctor so he could treat all three.

Lainey put Anne in one corner and Milo in another. "That's enough quarreling. If you can't get along and play nicely, the you have a time out." Teddy had a hey day, running from one injured patient to another. He was very serious in his care, once he was free of the bossiness of the other two kids.


Veteran Member
oh my that chapter sent chills up my spine! I once stepped on a ground hornets' nest and got "tagged", I had over a hundred on me. Thankfully there were only girls at the campsite and we already had a nice smokey fire going..... the girls helped me smoke the hornets and get them off of me, I stripped down right there. LOL! SO glad the guys were gone! Went into my tent and changed pulled out stingers for about 30 minutes. I stopped counting at 16.

Was so glad I did NOT have a reaction because we were about an hour and half away from help.

Loved the chapter! thanks!