RACE WAR Here we go - Cory Booker: U.S. Yet to Acknowledge White Supremacy Tainted Founding

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
Cory Booker: U.S. Yet to Acknowledge White Supremacy Tainted Founding
Joshua Caplan
4-4 minutes

Testifying Wednesday before a House subcommittee on reparations for slavery, 2020 White Houe hopeful Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) said that the United States has thus far failed to adequately address the “white supremacy that tainted this country’s founding.”

The House Judiciary Subcommittee on Constitution, Civil Rights and Civil Liberties is holding a hearing on subcommittee member Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee’s (D-TX) H.R. 40 bill to establish a commission to study reparations. The panel invited Booker, Hollywood actor and left-wing activist Danny Glover, author Ta-Nehisi Coates, and others to discuss Lee’s measure that was re-introduced in January. In April, the New Jersey Democrat introduced his own version to the Senate.

Booker, who testified first, said the U.S has “yet to truly acknowledge and grapple with the racism and white supremacy that tainted this country’s founding and continues to cause persistent and deep racial disparities and inequality.”

“The stain of slavery was not just inked in bloodshed, but in policies that have disadvantaged African Americans for generations,” he added.

Following Booker was Glover, who declared that establishing a national policy on reparations for descendants of enslaved Africans is a “moral, democratic, and economic imperative.”

“A national reparations policy is a moral, democratic, and economic imperative,” he told lawmakers, before detailing his lineage as a descendant of former slaves. “I sit here as a great-grandson of a former slave, Mary Brown, who was freed by the Emancipation Proclamation of January 1st, 1863. I had the fortune of meeting her as a small child.”

“Despite much progress over the last centuries, this hearing is yet another important step in the long and heroic struggle of African-Americans to cure the damages inflicted by enslavement, post-emancipation and forced racial exclusionary policies,” he added.

The hearing comes amid a growing discussion in the Democrat Party about reparations. Several of the party’s presidential candidates have endorsed looking at the idea, though they have stopped short of endorsing direct payouts for African Americans.

In a Point Taken-Marist poll conducted in 2016, 68 percent of Americans said the country should not pay cash reparations to African American descendants of slaves to make up for the harm caused by slavery and racial discrimination. About 8 in 10 white Americans said they were opposed to reparations, while about 6 in 10 black Americans said they were in favor.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said Tuesday that he opposes reparations, telling reporters: “I don’t want reparations for something that happened 150 years ago. We’ve tried to deal with the original sin of slavery by passing civil rights legislation.”

“It would be hard to figure out who to compensate” for slavery, the Kentucky Republican noted. “No one currently alive was responsible for that.”

Appearing Wednesday on Sirius XM radio, Booker criticized McConnell’s remarks, accusing the Kentucky Republican of demonstrating a “tremendous amount of ignorance.”

Booker argued reparations is about “equality of opportunity, a leveling of our economic playing fields, health playing fields, housing playing fields” and “addressing those past consciously racial harms and wounds.”

The Associated Press contributed to this report.


Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
So, the logical extension of this (and it WILL happen, sooner or later):

- All Founders statues and monuments will come down

- Any mention of the Founders in textbooks or school curricula will be wiped

- All "racist white men" will be removed from coins and currency, and replaced with black faces


Knuckle Dragger
The D's making a stab at a POTUS run are having a hard time getting headlines.

They are all trying to out commie each other, just to grab some coverage.

I'm waiting for one to slither up on the stump with a copy of the Communist Manifesto in their hand...with a hammer n sickle tattoo on the forehead.


Veteran Member
So, the logical extension of this (and it WILL happen, sooner or later):

- All Founders statues and monuments will come down

- Any mention of the Founders in textbooks or school curricula will be wiped

- All "racist white men" will be removed from coins and currency, and replaced with black faces

IMHO this could turn into something similar as what has happened in some African countries (with the addition of special privallages to LBQT, and other special minorities):

1. All management positions in gooberment to go to blacks, LBQT, minorities (whites need not apply)
2. Exclusion from all gooberment benefits and programs if your not blacks, LBQT, minorities (whites need not apply)
3. Ruinous tax rates for all white workers, special tax surcharges on any property owned by whites
4. White owned businesses will be forced to add blacks, LBQT, minorities as a majority on their board of directors
5. Outright confiscation of property owned by whites and redistributed to blacks, LBQT, minorities
6. Special treatment for blacks, LBQT, minorities in all courts
7. White votes counted as 1/10th of a vote while blacks, LBQT, minority votes count as full vote
8. Higher education special preference for blacks, LBQT, minorities enrollment at greatly reduced standards and free tuition/housing etc. With whites penalized with higher entry standards-cost and forced attendance to re-education courses demeaning them


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Did You Know the First Legal Slave Owner in America Was a Black Man?

2 mins read

Here’s something you won’t read about in the US history books.

The first legal slave owner in America was black and he owned white slaves.

Anthony Johnson (BC 1600 – 1670) was an Angolan who achieved freedom in the early 17th century Colony of Virginia.
Johnson was captured in his native Angola by an enemy tribe and sold to Arab (Muslim) slave traders. He was eventually sold as an indentured servant to a merchant working for the Virginia Company.

Sometime after 1635, Antonio and Mary gained their freedom from indenture. Antonio changed his name to Anthony Johnson.

In 1651 Anthony Johnson owned 250 acres, and the services of four white and one black indentured servants. The black indentured servant John Casor (Casar, Cazarao and Corsala) demanded that Johnson release him after his seven years of indenture.

In March of 1654, according to Delmarva Settlers, Anthony’s servant, a man named John Casar requested that Johnson release him from his indenture because it had long expired past the usual seven years. Johnson replied that he knew of no indenture and that Casar was to be his servant for life. Anthony Johnson’s neighbors, George and Robert Parker, stated that they knew of another indenture for the said Casar to a planter on the other side of the bay. They continued to threaten Johnson with the loss of the servant’s cattle if he were to deny him his freedom. Johnson, with the influence from his family, released the servant, and even went to see that John Casar received his freedom dues.

Freedom dues are materials and supplies given to the freed person in order for them to start their new lives with the necessary materials. In the case of John Casar, clothing and corn.[110] But after careful reflection, Johnson was certain that Casar was his servant for life; a slave. Johnson then sued the Parker brothers for unlawfully taking his property from him, and since there were no other indentures for John Casar, he was returned to the Johnsons.

The courts ruled in favor of Anthony Johnson and declared John Casor his property in 1655. Casor became the first person of African descent in Britain’s Thirteen Colonies to be declared as a slave for life as the result of Johnson’s civil suit.

In the case of Johnson v. Parker, the court of Northampton County upheld Johnson’s right to hold Casor as a slave, saying in its ruling of 8 March 1655:

“This daye Anthony Johnson negro made his complaint to the court against mr. Robert Parker and declared that hee deteyneth his servant John Casor negro under the pretence that said negro was a free man. The court seriously consideringe and maturely weighing the premisses, doe fynde that the saide Mr. Robert Parker most unjustly keepeth the said Negro from Anthony Johnson his master … It is therefore the Judgement of the Court and ordered That the said John Casor Negro forthwith returne unto the service of the said master Anthony Johnson, And that Mr. Robert Parker make payment of all charges in the suit.”

In a 1916 article, John H. Russell wrote, “Indeed no earlier record, to our knowledge, has been found of judicial support given to slavery in Virginia except as a punishment for a crime.”

It’s not clear if Anthony Johnson also kept his white indentured servants as slaves.


ETA: Where those the fore fathers Booker was talking about?


Res ipsa loquitur
IMHO this could turn into something similar as what has happened in some African countries (with the addition of special privallages to LBQT, and other special minorities):

1. All management positions in gooberment to go to blacks, LBQT, minorities (whites need not apply)
2. Exclusion from all gooberment benefits and programs if your not blacks, LBQT, minorities (whites need not apply)
3. Ruinous tax rates for all white workers, special tax surcharges on any property owned by whites
4. White owned businesses will be forced to add blacks, LBQT, minorities as a majority on their board of directors
5. Outright confiscation of property owned by whites and redistributed to blacks, LBQT, minorities
6. Special treatment for blacks, LBQT, minorities in all courts
7. White votes counted as 1/10th of a vote while blacks, LBQT, minority votes count as full vote
8. Higher education special preference for blacks, LBQT, minorities enrollment at greatly reduced standards and free tuition/housing etc. With whites penalized with higher entry standards-cost and forced attendance to re-education courses demeaning them

THIS^^^^^ is exactly where we're headed now - and we're a good piece down the road.

Jeff B.

Don’t let the Piss Ants get you down…
It would not surprise me to hear one day that Mr. Booker has prematurely departed this mortal coil...

I'm just sayin'

Jeff B.


Live Free & Die Free.... God Freedom Country....
Here we go - Cory Booker: U.S. Yet to Acknowledge White Supremacy Tainted Founding


No one believes anything that you spew out of your mouth....



TB Fanatic
So, the logical extension of this (and it WILL happen, sooner or later):

- All Founders statues and monuments will come down

- Any mention of the Founders in textbooks or school curricula will be wiped

- All "racist white men" will be removed from coins and currency, and replaced with black faces

Yep and white men specifically and whites in general will be come the new "slaves" as we will be forced to pay for past transgressions with a form of 2nd class status.


TB Fanatic
The D's making a stab at a POTUS run are having a hard time getting headlines.

They are all trying to out commie each other, just to grab some coverage.

I'm waiting for one to slither up on the stump with a copy of the Communist Manifesto in their hand...with a hammer n sickle tattoo on the forehead.

Yet whomever is the candidate will still garner nearly 50% of the vote no matter what.


Membership Revoked
So, the logical extension of this (and it WILL happen, sooner or later):

- All Founders statues and monuments will come down

- Any mention of the Founders in textbooks or school curricula will be wiped

- All "racist white men" will be removed from coins and currency, and replaced with black faces

Replace most "blacks" with "Hispanics" and I'd agree

The latter are smarter, already more numerous, and increasing numerically faster.


Faithful Steed
I cannot think of anything to say that isn’t bitter or sarcastic.

I can't think of anything in the original Declaration or the Constitution which says white humans will hold the whip hand?

A 3/5ths compromise was made to assure ratification (3/5ths of black slave population would be counted for representation, taxation, and ultimately number of seats in the representative body) but this was not in the original Constitutional Proposal. Rather that was the "compromise" agreed to by all in order to secure ratification of the Constitution. So this was a compromise of expediency - much like lawmaking is done on a wider scale today.

At least among civilized humans. Some, seemingly uncivilized, assume a stand and try to compel with force everyone around them to that stand -

By any means necessary.

Which in the case of Cory Booker, includes attempt at "shame" and discreditation.

He fails to remember where slaves and everyone else might be had a 3/5ths compromise not been agreed.

And what exactly does he hope to gain by anyone's admission of "taint?"


A very weak play on the "aggrievement" card.



Res ipsa loquitur
Yep and white men specifically and whites in general will be come the new "slaves" as we will be forced to pay for past transgressions with a form of 2nd class status.

OH NO!!!! NOT the hand wringers

the kindly negro of that not-so-far-away day will remember them for their loving kindness, concern and interest in vibrant diversity . . . SURELY they will be treated accordingly . . .
Last edited:


Veteran Member
So, the logical extension of this (and it WILL happen, sooner or later):

- All Founders statues and monuments will come down

- Any mention of the Founders in textbooks or school curricula will be wiped

- All "racist white men" will be removed from coins and currency, and replaced with black faces

Only if we let it. Blacks need to realize that color is only skin deep. White, black, pink or purple, we are all human beings first and foremost. Blacks like Cory Booker need to be brought down a notch from their high horse and made to understand that slavery was only legal in the Southern states. The federal government fought the South to free the slaves. After the war, the Federal government freed the slaves but the South never got over it. It's now a mental wound that refuses to heal and has spread to all blacks.

When agitators like Al Sharpton and other black activists die out, so will the slavery ideal finally die out.

Wise Owl

When the blacks can actually prove that they settle American first and came here on ships owned by them, they are correct. It WAS white men and women who founded this country and if there were black slaves it's because blacks in Africa captured them and sold them to the slavers and brought to America to sell.
But Christopher Columbus came and settled white people. The people from the Norwegian countries who came before that were also WHITE.......not black. The blacks were still living in mud huts in Africa.

"THEIR" ancestors did NOT found this country. Whites from Europe did. GO back to your jungles if you can't figure that part out. YOU were given a chance to live here free and to make a life. YOU squandered that chance many times over by NOT contributing anything other than stealing, theft and murdering to get what you desire. For the most part.

"If" the blacks can't read history books, then they failed in the schools provided for them to learn in. GO back to the Africa that you yearn to make America into.
Pretty sure we can do a Go Fund me to help with tickets on boats or planes for you to get there. You haven't been a slave for a very long time now. You are FREE to leave. Pretty sure most Americans won't stand in your way........


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Only if we let it. Blacks need to realize that color is only skin deep. White, black, pink or purple, we are all human beings first and foremost. Blacks like Cory Booker need to be brought down a notch from their high horse and made to understand that slavery was only legal in the Southern states. The federal government fought the South to free the slaves. After the war, the Federal government freed the slaves but the South never got over it. It's now a mental wound that refuses to heal and has spread to all blacks.

When agitators like Al Sharpton and other black activists die out, so will the slavery ideal finally die out.

Boy you got that wrong on so many levels, you need to go back to school.

For example: Lincoln's EO 95 only applied to 7 of the 13 rebel states, and none of the northern states, which held some several thousand black slaves at the time. Gen Grant, the great Federal General didn't own any personally, well he did own one, but freed him, but used those his wife supplied. That's just 2 examples, and to fill out the extent of your error, would take up several pages on the forum.

And slavery in fact was NOT the issue of the day, of note were the 1863 New York Draft Riots. Yes, New York City, NY. The draft riots were riots based on the Federal government drafting men to fight in the CW. They stated, that they wasn't going to fight to free slaves.

You may start your re-education here: (and note on the left there are links for each northern state)


Follow that with:


Once you have studied those let me know, and I will give you more.


Veteran Member
Only if we let it. Blacks need to realize that color is only skin deep. White, black, pink or purple, we are all human beings first and foremost. Blacks like Cory Booker need to be brought down a notch from their high horse and made to understand that slavery was only legal in the Southern states. The federal government fought the South to free the slaves. After the war, the Federal government freed the slaves but the South never got over it. It's now a mental wound that refuses to heal and has spread to all blacks.

When agitators like Al Sharpton and other black activists die out, so will the slavery ideal finally die out.

The CW was not fought to free the slaves, it was fought over taxation and the right of a state to secede. This lie of the CW freeing the slaves is why these now superior betters known as the negro, is continually whipped into their low IQ frenzy to kill all things white. Most slaves in america, until the early 1800's where white scot/irish. BTW, slavery is not the unpardonable sin.


TB Fanatic
Did You Know the First Legal Slave Owner in America Was a Black Man?

2 mins read

Here’s something you won’t read about in the US history books.

The first legal slave owner in America was black and he owned white slaves.

Anthony Johnson (BC 1600 – 1670) was an Angolan who achieved freedom in the early 17th century Colony of Virginia.
Johnson was captured in his native Angola by an enemy tribe and sold to Arab (Muslim) slave traders. He was eventually sold as an indentured servant to a merchant working for the Virginia Company.

Sometime after 1635, Antonio and Mary gained their freedom from indenture. Antonio changed his name to Anthony Johnson.

In 1651 Anthony Johnson owned 250 acres, and the services of four white and one black indentured servants. The black indentured servant John Casor (Casar, Cazarao and Corsala) demanded that Johnson release him after his seven years of indenture.

In March of 1654, according to Delmarva Settlers, Anthony’s servant, a man named John Casar requested that Johnson release him from his indenture because it had long expired past the usual seven years. Johnson replied that he knew of no indenture and that Casar was to be his servant for life. Anthony Johnson’s neighbors, George and Robert Parker, stated that they knew of another indenture for the said Casar to a planter on the other side of the bay. They continued to threaten Johnson with the loss of the servant’s cattle if he were to deny him his freedom. Johnson, with the influence from his family, released the servant, and even went to see that John Casar received his freedom dues.

Freedom dues are materials and supplies given to the freed person in order for them to start their new lives with the necessary materials. In the case of John Casar, clothing and corn.[110] But after careful reflection, Johnson was certain that Casar was his servant for life; a slave. Johnson then sued the Parker brothers for unlawfully taking his property from him, and since there were no other indentures for John Casar, he was returned to the Johnsons.

The courts ruled in favor of Anthony Johnson and declared John Casor his property in 1655. Casor became the first person of African descent in Britain’s Thirteen Colonies to be declared as a slave for life as the result of Johnson’s civil suit.

In the case of Johnson v. Parker, the court of Northampton County upheld Johnson’s right to hold Casor as a slave, saying in its ruling of 8 March 1655:

“This daye Anthony Johnson negro made his complaint to the court against mr. Robert Parker and declared that hee deteyneth his servant John Casor negro under the pretence that said negro was a free man. The court seriously consideringe and maturely weighing the premisses, doe fynde that the saide Mr. Robert Parker most unjustly keepeth the said Negro from Anthony Johnson his master … It is therefore the Judgement of the Court and ordered That the said John Casor Negro forthwith returne unto the service of the said master Anthony Johnson, And that Mr. Robert Parker make payment of all charges in the suit.”

In a 1916 article, John H. Russell wrote, “Indeed no earlier record, to our knowledge, has been found of judicial support given to slavery in Virginia except as a punishment for a crime.”

It’s not clear if Anthony Johnson also kept his white indentured servants as slaves.


ETA: Where those the fore fathers Booker was talking about?

Thanks CaryC I was just going to point that Booker needs to go back and read his history and read up on the jungle tribal disputes that got them sent here to begin with by their own countrymen.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Thanks CaryC I was just going to point that Booker needs to go back and read his history and read up on the jungle tribal disputes that got them sent here to begin with by their own countrymen.

Sure no problem. There is just way to much out there, to keep up the line of thinking catnip did. We are accused of not getting over it, when the fact of the matter is, we are tired of being accused of it. Staring the war, owning slaves, etc.... Acceptance of the MSM dogma is something that applies to many things, including old history.


Membership Revoked
You CANNOT be serious...

Only if we let it. Blacks need to realize that color is only skin deep.

From median intelligence to time preference to responses to numerous pharmaceuticals to disease resistance, skeletal differences, etc., the differences between races as central tendencies are consistent and predictable. When anthropologists can look at part of a skeleton and determine the race, as can geneticists when they don't know where race genes are located, there's clearly much more to race than just some difference in skin melanin abundance.

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
Only if we let it. Blacks need to realize that color is only skin deep. White, black, pink or purple, we are all human beings first and foremost. Blacks like Cory Booker need to be brought down a notch from their high horse and made to understand that slavery was only legal in the Southern states. The federal government fought the South to free the slaves. After the war, the Federal government freed the slaves but the South never got over it. It's now a mental wound that refuses to heal and has spread to all blacks.

When agitators like Al Sharpton and other black activists die out, so will the slavery ideal finally die out.

You need your meds adjusted. Soon.
So, the logical extension of this (and it WILL happen, sooner or later):

- All Founders statues and monuments will come down

- Any mention of the Founders in textbooks or school curricula will be wiped

- All "racist white men" will be removed from coins and currency, and replaced with black faces

While we’re at it, we should remove all indoor plumbing and fresh water, electricity, transportation, communication, modern medicine and health care, agriculture with any kind of mechanization, you know, Western Civilization.


TB Fanatic
After reading this article, I sat and thought a few minutes about it.

I've come to the conclusion that Cory Booker and all of his kind are good for one thing and one thing only.


Cory Booker: U.S. Yet to Acknowledge White Supremacy Tainted Founding
Joshua Caplan
4-4 minutes

Testifying Wednesday before a House subcommittee on reparations for slavery, 2020 White Houe hopeful Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) said that the United States has thus far failed to adequately address the “white supremacy that tainted this country’s founding.”

The House Judiciary Subcommittee on Constitution, Civil Rights and Civil Liberties is holding a hearing on subcommittee member Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee’s (D-TX) H.R. 40 bill to establish a commission to study reparations. The panel invited Booker, Hollywood actor and left-wing activist Danny Glover, author Ta-Nehisi Coates, and others to discuss Lee’s measure that was re-introduced in January. In April, the New Jersey Democrat introduced his own version to the Senate.

Booker, who testified first, said the U.S has “yet to truly acknowledge and grapple with the racism and white supremacy that tainted this country’s founding and continues to cause persistent and deep racial disparities and inequality.”

“The stain of slavery was not just inked in bloodshed, but in policies that have disadvantaged African Americans for generations,” he added.

Following Booker was Glover, who declared that establishing a national policy on reparations for descendants of enslaved Africans is a “moral, democratic, and economic imperative.”

“A national reparations policy is a moral, democratic, and economic imperative,” he told lawmakers, before detailing his lineage as a descendant of former slaves. “I sit here as a great-grandson of a former slave, Mary Brown, who was freed by the Emancipation Proclamation of January 1st, 1863. I had the fortune of meeting her as a small child.”

“Despite much progress over the last centuries, this hearing is yet another important step in the long and heroic struggle of African-Americans to cure the damages inflicted by enslavement, post-emancipation and forced racial exclusionary policies,” he added.

The hearing comes amid a growing discussion in the Democrat Party about reparations. Several of the party’s presidential candidates have endorsed looking at the idea, though they have stopped short of endorsing direct payouts for African Americans.

In a Point Taken-Marist poll conducted in 2016, 68 percent of Americans said the country should not pay cash reparations to African American descendants of slaves to make up for the harm caused by slavery and racial discrimination. About 8 in 10 white Americans said they were opposed to reparations, while about 6 in 10 black Americans said they were in favor.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said Tuesday that he opposes reparations, telling reporters: “I don’t want reparations for something that happened 150 years ago. We’ve tried to deal with the original sin of slavery by passing civil rights legislation.”

“It would be hard to figure out who to compensate” for slavery, the Kentucky Republican noted. “No one currently alive was responsible for that.”

Appearing Wednesday on Sirius XM radio, Booker criticized McConnell’s remarks, accusing the Kentucky Republican of demonstrating a “tremendous amount of ignorance.”

Booker argued reparations is about “equality of opportunity, a leveling of our economic playing fields, health playing fields, housing playing fields” and “addressing those past consciously racial harms and wounds.”

The Associated Press contributed to this report.



Veteran Member
Politicians thrive on the ignorance of the people
Booker is no exception
Facts don’t matter. Only the emotional response that can be achieved


Veteran Member
White supremacists? Really? I'm not at all sure of that hyperbolic designation - seems those "supremacists" are sitting on their fat behinds and allowing the bulldozer to take them out. Nothing "supreme" about that, only cowards and girly men aiding and abetting their own suicide.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Booker here is reality.......

1) White man discovers the scientific method and coupled with Western idea of the value of the individual and creative thought process within their economic model and governess create 1st world modern societies around the world. Extensive model of large scale cooperation, trust and care within societies build an existence that is the envy of the world.

2) All through this historical process of the march of the White race the Black race in Africa exists as stone age humans with a culture of tribal community with no need to extend any further in the reach of cooperation.

Connect the dot........Booker.

You should be kissing the White race's ass...................without them........good luck with Africans run anything........

Reality and end of story


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Politicians have always said stupid stuff:

Roger Wicker from MS: We need to do away with spending caps, so we don't have to vote/debate on it every year. Bad paraphrase, but it's like just print more money and stop bothering me.

A chicken in every pot, and a car in every garage.

I get it, it's to garner votes, no doubt about that. However, the rhetoric now is directed at other individuals-Trump supporters are deplorables. The nature of politics has changed. Those that disagree with your policies need to be jailed, eliminated, in physic wards, you can't say that it hurts, etc.....

Now people who accuse others of "causing division" are actually causing division. And it's getting hostile on account of it.

There is another thing I've noticed: Those who promote different causes, and especially those on the screaming left, don't, or haven't, actually experienced it (whatever it is) for themselves.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Another history lesson for Booker (when their ain't much going on, one starts to look for stuff)


Reparations: Let’s Do It!

3 mins read

Reparations for the deserving.? Who gets the money? Who gives up the money? Who owes the money?

The idea for reparations for which many of the current political and /or media hacks call the “original sin” of “the country” is restitution. That is, a large number of thugs like Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson or the usual peripheral suspects of the bastardized political class will seize a financial opportunity. That is an opportunity to soak the people with more taxes.

The usual calamitous historical nonsense begins by blaming the American South and its failure to come to grips with its racism. The supposition is that if the South would give up on the “lost cause” of the Confederate States of America and pay all blacks for the criminal activities of the C.S.A. the so-called conservatives would carry every election—no matter that The Confederate States of America was the last link to honest conservative action in the old republic.

Therefore, with a paid-up South– money paid, monuments obliterated, the now anti-racism Republicans could carry any place outside the South because the South had been purified in the eyes of the country, and specifically Rush Limbaugh, Dinesh D’Souza et., al.

So, tax the South and that’s that. Right?

But wait, even the historical tyros who pillory the South for its Jim Crow Laws (a Yankee origination, passed to the “reconstructed South”) have a few taxable skeletons in the slave-tax closet.

So, should only the South have its taxes raised to pay Al or Jesse? As an aside: Will Al have to pay taxes on this “income”?

Or perhaps the campaigns of Cory Booker or Kamala Harris or Elizabeth Warren could be paid because of their dedication to reparations.
But stop. Could there not be other sources for these new taxes?

“The effects of the New England slave trade were momentous. It was one of the foundations of New England’s economic structure; it created a wealthy class of slave-trading merchants, while the profits derived from this commerce stimulated cultural development and philanthropy.”The Negro in Colonial New England, 1620-1726, Lorenzo Johnston Greene, P. 319

It seems the reparations tax base has increased.

But would these tax sources even be in existence if their end product of chattel in human life and blood not been available to them?

Perhaps an original source of the “original sin” should go to the metaphorical “Garden of Slave-Eden” in central Africa. After all, the Imbangalas of Angola and Nyamwezis of Tanzania, who were indigenous Africans, were the man-stealers (the Biblical crime, not slavery) who brought the chattel product to the Dutch, Portuguese, English and French merchants waiting on the western coasts of Africa.

Africans captured and sold other Africans to Europeans. Europeans did not venture into the interior to hunt down living chattel.

But not to worry. The tax base for reparations looms larger. Now we have the original sinners, Africans along with the Dutch, English, French, Portuguese, and New England slavers. And at the end of the line, after Brazil, The West Indies, Cuba, Hati we have the American South. The American South had only about 5% of the total slave populations brought to the Western Hemisphere over the 300 years or so of the slave trading years. Maybe it will have the fewest taxes to pay. Jesse and Al won’t like that.

But who gets paid? And how much? According to sources (Root Online Magazine) the average American black is approximately 72% sub-Saharan African. It varies, so a DNA of every black person in America must be taken (tax-paid?), and every white person for that matter. There surely are some Elizabeth Warren types out there who want some cash for their zillionth drop of African blood. And the revelation will set them up for some super affirmative action deal somewhere.

The calculations to determine who pays whom how much and across which borders and to what degree would take a genius in combinatoric mathematics and statistics a lifetime to get within an inkling of some answer.

The best candidate at the genius level would be Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. She calculated in only a few minutes how to eliminate all hydrocarbon use and necessity within ten years without harming a soul.

That has got to be affirmative action. God Bless America.



Who hasn't gotten over it? I contend that it is those calling for reparations.


I wonder. Japan never signed the Geneva Convention before WWII. So when they captured Americans (just to name one group of people) they weren't considered POW's but rather slaves. Americans who surrendered in the Philippine's went through the Bataan Death March, and ended up in "concentration camps/death camps" some 60 miles north. Those that survived the march, and were in better condition than there comrades, were removed from the camps, and shipped to the home land, Japan, to be used as slaves to dig coal.

You may remember the movie about the Olympic runner. And of note is when the A-bomb was dropped on Hiroshima American POW/slaves were mining coal some 50 miles away in a mine called Omnia. (sp?)

Did the Japanese government (now our allies, in comparing the war between the states) ever pay those POW's/slaves reparations?


On TB every waking moment
I suggest Mr. Booker have his DNA done. His eyes tell me that he would might have European ancestors. Would that mean he would only get a percentage of those reparations?


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The Great Cat
Sure no problem. There is just way to much out there, to keep up the line of thinking catnip did. We are accused of not getting over it, when the fact of the matter is, we are tired of being accused of it. Staring the war, owning slaves, etc.... Acceptance of the MSM dogma is something that applies to many things, including old history.


The South got over CWI some time ago. It's the rest of the country that can't stop talking about it.