Misc help finding a story


ok guys, i'm looking for some help finding a story. actually it's a series of three stories. it starts out with a fellow somewhere down south as a contractor when an illness runs rampant throughout the world. he goes to find his family and winds up getting held up in a small town. in the end everybody dies, finds his family dead then goes on to start a small community. there's an indian from the original small he was holed up in...an indian woman that knows herbs...

it was a pretty cool story but I can not remember the name or where I read it. can anybody help?

Thanks! Hatch


Veteran Member
Hi Hatch
It sounds kind of familiar. Did it maybe also have a male indian who was "mentoring" the contractor guy? And maybe avian flu pandemic? It sounds like something I might have read overs at Frugal's. I'll look through whatever saved stories I have, although don't get your hopes up. I have had lots of computer crashes between now and then.....but eventually someone here may remember it and be able to help.


yeah, sorta mentoring. I don't remember if it was flu but it escaped containment in a type of European "cdc"... he goes on to start a community that the indian winds up showing up at... the female indian was in a community they started trading with, the first time I heard of yupon being used as a coffee replacement.

thanks! Hatch