[Health] Mercury in Amalgam Fillings



Got this email this morning from Life Extension regarding the desire of Florida dentists to deny patients their right to have those toxic mercury amalgam fillings removed from their mouths.

I can testify to the toxicity of the amalgam fillings. When I was a child of seven my parents sent me to the dentist for several weeks...almost everyday after school....ALONE! They were too busy to go with me and supervise what the dam dentist was doing. Consequently I had ALLLLLLLL of my molars up and down drilled out and completely filled with mercury amalgam fillings. The dentist drilled out my teeth to the point where they just crumbled and broke... Most have been pulled out now but a few remain. I have gone to several dentist over the years requesting to have the amalgam fillings replace only to be told that it was illegal to do so. Dam, it's my body, it's my right but no I was refused.

It long ago dawned on me that there was something sinister about this situation. What would you think is the reason that dentists are so dam determined to leave this crap in your mouth. It ain't cause it's good for ya...that you can bank on. It isn't because it's cheap material. My assumption is that it is some kind of conductor for something. You take it from there.
Mercury is so toxic....it's no wonder I don't have a mind for math or science/biology. Just let your mind wander with this one and imagine, imagine!
There are only a handful of dentist scattered around the country that are willing to remove your amalgam fillings and they do so under threat from the dental association.
Here is a good thought for you to mince around. All these allergies that people spend millions on...isn't caused from what we think....could it be a reaction to a mouth full of metal. I know I am allergic to metal of all kind if it touches my skin....so why wouldn't I be reacting to having a heavy metal mouth?
Give this information some thought and do what you need to do.

LEF Email List1 - http://www.lef.org

Citizens for Health Freedom


Dear Friends of Health Freedom:

Please read the following message just received from our President, Julie
Hilton. There is mounting opposition to our health bill which passed the
House and Senate earlier this month, with planned organized appeals to
Governor Bush to veto it.

This requires IMMEDIATE ACTION. Please e-mail the Governor in support of
Senate Bill 1324.

Please e-mail, fax or call Governor Bush and ask that he sign Senate Bill
1324 and include you in the tally of individuals supporting this Bill.

Governor Jeb Bush jeb.bush@myflorida.com Ph: 850-488-4441
Fx: 850-487-0801
B. J. West
Ph: 407-645-4502
Fx: 407628-0510

From: Julie Hilton
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2001 3:43 AM
Subject: Health Freedom Bill - Down to the 1 yard line and we need your

Hi CHF Team!

We have learned today that the Florida Dental Association is (or is
planning to) lobby Governor Bush to veto Health Freedom Bill - S1324.
Please join me in encouraging Governor Bush (e-mail: bushj@myflorida.com)
to sign S1324 by Thursday, May 31 (and certainly not to veto it). I have
enclosed my letter to Governor Bush below.



Julie Hilton
Citizens for Health Freedom


To: Governor Jeb Bush
Subject: Please sign Health Freedom Bill - S1324!!!
Importance: High

Dear Governor Bush:

You very kindly responded to our previous e-mail of May 7 and assured us
you would look at S1324 very carefully (which I understand you have until
May 31 on which to act). We have just learned that the President of the
Florida Dental Association intends to write you a letter requesting that
you veto our Health Freedom Bill - S1324 (sponsored by Senator Peaden and
Representative Mack) because it will allow citizens to receive information
about amalgams. As a strong proponent of freedom, I certainly hope that
you will not be swayed by someone who would like to restrict freedom of
speech and the freedom to have one's amalgams removed with informed
consent. The bill does not say that any dentist has to do anything - it
says that like all other health care practitioners, dentists may provide
complementary and alternative health care, within their scope of practice
and remaining subject to their legal standard of care, with informed
consent. (see note 1).

S1324 passed through all committees/councils of the House and Senate with
no dissenting votes and no one even speaking against the bill. So we are
disappointed that anyone would now request you to veto the bill. (see
note 2).

Although this bill is about freedom to choose one's preferred method of
health care - not about justifying any particular alternative treatment -
I have significant research to show that mercury (which by the way is
illegal to put in the ground) is unhealthy to have in your mouth. (see
note 3).

I hope that you will sign S1324 by May 31 to support health care freedom,
and if you are giving any consideration to vetoing this bill we worked
dilligently to pass for the good of our health, PLEASE give my dad,
Charles or myself a call (see numbers below) and allow us the opportunity
to provide you further information so you can make a more informed
decision. Thanks very kindly for your consideration!

Julie Hilton

1. Florida Dental Association President, Dr. Richard Chichetti, told me
that he did not think I should have the right to have my amalgams removed
because there is no evidence they are unsafe. Whether they are or not - I
should have the freedom to choose. Likewise, I respect his and others'
choices for themselves to put mercury in their mouths. I believe things
happen for a reason, and perhaps we need to thank Dr. Chichetti for giving
us this opportunity to provide information on a subject that could make a
significant difference in our health and for giving the Governor an
opportunity to support freedom and sign S1324!

2. When we learned that the President of the Florida Dental Association
wanted to exclude dentists from the bill, we spoke with him and his
lobbyist and did extensive research on the subject. We were fully
prepared to debate the issue in committee because we believe so strongly
that we should have the right to have our amalgams removed, however, no
one from the Florida Dental Association spoke up at the Committee Meeting
about their objections, even though their two lobbyists were present.

3. I will be delighted to provide you documentation of research from the
National Institute of Health's Medical Library (Medline) of over 1,000
uncontradicted peer review articles evidencing that 1) dental amalgam
fillings are the number one source of mercury in people and exposure to
mercury from amalgam commonly exceeds Government health guidelines for
mercury, 2) mercury from amalgams is a significant cause of 40 chronic
conditions and diseases, and articles document over 60,000 clinical cases
of recovery or significant improvement after amalgam replacement and
treatment from the 40 conditions as followed and documented by doctors, 3)
there is significant risk of birth defects from mercury amalgams (a number
of countries restrict the use of mercury amalgams in women of child
bearing age and children), and 4) environmental effects of amalgam affect
everyone since the level of excretion of mercury into home sewers and
sewer plants from those with amalgam fillings is enough to cause the level
of mercury in fish to exceed safe levels in the majority of rivers and
lakes impacted by sewage.


Wow...THis is a topic that hits me hard in the heart-I have heard of a case here locally where the woman in her like 40's began showing signs of neurological problems and the only thing they could NOT rule out was her fillings and her mother-whom I spoke to about this-said that she believed it was the toxins in teh fillings leeching into her daughter's sytem over time and causing a breakdown neurologically-I mean its terrible that this farce is thrust upon us forcefully and without remorse just as the vaccination controversey rages on about what? MERCURY POISONING!! ARGH!!! :mad:

Thank you for posting this Grace. Its good to see folks are working against it and fighting for what should not have to be fought for-the right to farking CHOOSE what we want in our bodies for god's sake. :eek:


Membership Revoked
This must be a state thing. I've lived in California and Colorado. Even my "western" dentists removed amalgams and replaced them with another material upon request. If you find a "natural" dentist, they will take more care about getting the amalgam out with less ingested by you in the process.

[ 05-31-2001: Message edited by: Reliance ]


Membership Revoked
here in PA just fork over 5-12 thousand bucks per mouth and they'll replace everything.

The new fillings actually are chemically bonded to the tooth material, not just pressed into place next to the tooth, so in theory they never leak. My dentist re did a lot of mine with minor leaking.

Do you really trust the new fillings either? They are chemicals too. But it's either that or dentures. I haven't noticed any health differences before or after.

My dentist swears the mercury is stable in the amalgum. There are soooo many sources of harmful things in life we ingest I don't know how you isolate one as the culprit. Just pray your liver keeps filtering everything....


What a joke these these dentists are that can't read. :confused:

Answer: The simple answer is NO! What the FDA has done is to approve the two components that make up amalgam i.e, mercury and dental alloy, but have not seen fit to approve ''mixed amalgam,'' which is what is actually used as the filling material placed in your teeth. Yes, that is correct. Although charged by law to evaluate and classify every medical or dental device to be used on or in humans, the FDA has not evaluated or classified ''mixed amalgam'' the material used in 75-80% of all tooth restorations. To avoid classifying mixed amalgam, the FDA simply took the position that mixed amalgam was a ''reaction'' product manufactured by the dentist when he or she mixed the mercury with the alloy before placing it in your tooth.

Partial or complete prohibition in Germany, Sweden, Norway, Canada and Austria.
Planned to be completely forbidden in Sweden around the Millennium. However in Sweden the Authorities have chosen to pull the teeth out nowadays instead of repairing them to a large extent. This is just one example of how little you can trust authorities in Socialist countries.web page

Hungry dogs don't play


Membership Revoked
Hi Grace.

I had ALL of my mercury fillings removed in November 2000, and I can promise you the difference was profound. While pulling the teeth, we accidently broke the jaw. Even with a broken jaw, the difference I felt, even by the time we got to the car, was remarkably better. For the first time in years, the side of my face quit tingling, and my ears opened up. Within 3-4 months I started to get energy again, and wasn't so pooped all the time.

Also found this article for you (from the BBC):

Your fillings will live on after your death ... to kill the environment

By Rob Edwards Environment Editor
Publication Date: Feb 11 2001

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, poison to the environment. If you are cremated when you die, toxic mercury from the fillings in your teeth will pollute the air, contaminate rivers and endanger the health of those you leave behind.

Every year crematoria in Scotland belch out about 130kg of mercury, a liquid heavy metal that attacks the nervous system and can cause brain damage. But the government is planning to introduce new regulations requiring major cuts in mercury emissions.

But crematoria say they do not have the money to build mercury removal plants, and that up to a quarter of Britain's 242 crematoria, more than 20 of which are in Scotland, could be forced to close.

Environmentalists, however, say that mercury is such a toxic and long-term pollutant that measures to cut emissions are vital. One American group has even suggested pulling people's teeth before their bodies are incinerated.

For decades mercury has been in the amalgam used by dentists to fill holes caused by decay in teeth. M illions of people still have two to four grams of mercury in their mouths.

If, like 70% of people in Britain, their bodies end up being cremated, the mercury escapes into the atmosphere and contaminates waterways, soil, wildlife and food. Crematoria now contribute 11% of all the mercury released by industry and power plants, which is why they are being targeted by environmental agencies.

The Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions (DETR) in London, along with the English Environment Agency, the Scottish Executive and the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (Sepa) is reviewing mercury emissions from crematoria. The aim is to reduce emissions by tightening the guidance given under a system known as Batneec - "best available techniques not entailing excessive cost".

But the Federation of British Cremation Authorities is protesting that installing equipment to remove the mercury would cost £150 million.

The federation's Bernard McHale said there was "insufficient scientific evidence that we are causing a problem".

"Mercury is one of the world's most dangerous pollutants," said Dr Richard Dixon from Friends of the Earth Scotland. "It spreads through the environment and can cause brain damage. "

An environmental group in California, the Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition, has called for teeth containing mercury to be extracted before their owners are cremated. Evidence from the US Environment Protection Agency suggests that a few grams of mercury are enough to make a lake toxic to fish.

The 440,000 people cremated in Britain every year are estimated to discharge 1300kg of mercury. That means that the 40,000 or more cremated in Scotland will result in 130kg of emissions .

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BBC-ITV fail in World Cup bid, so get ready to pay

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Online music service in the balance

Silver surfers oldly go into cyberspace


Membership Revoked
Scientific Facts on the Biological Effects of Mercury Amalgam Implants

©1996 Leading Edge Research Group

Return to Chemical Manipulation Menu


1. Mercury penetrates the blood-brain barrier around the brain, and as little as one part per million can impair this barrier, permitting entry of substances in the blood that would otherwise be excluded. (Chang and Hartman, 1972; Chang and Burkholder, 1974).

2. The effect of mercury on the nervous system selectively inhibits protein and amino acid absorption into brain tissue. (Yoshino et al.,1966; Steinwall, 1969; Steinwall and Snyder, 1969; Cavanagh and Chen, 1971).

3. Mercury inhibits the synaptic uptake of neurotransmitters in the brain and can produce subsequent development of Parkinson's disease.

Ohlson and Hogstedt, "Parkinsons Disease and Occupational Exposure to Organic Solvents, Agricultural Chemicals and Mercury" Scandinavian Journal of Work Environment Health Vol 7 No.4 : 252-256,1981.

4. Mercury is nephrotoxic (toxic to the kidneys) and causes pathological damage.

Nicholson et al, "Cadmium and Mercury Nephrotoxicity" Nature Vol 304:633, 1983.

5. Chronic exposure to mercury may cause an excess of serum proteins in the urine which may progress to nephrotic syndrome and peculiar susceptibility to infections that break into and modify the course of any pre-existing disease.

Friberg et al, 1953 "Kidney Injury after chronic exposure to inorganic mercury" Archives of Environmenal Health Vol 15:64, 1967; Kazantis et al, 1962 "Albuminuria and the Nephrotic Sundrome Following Exposure to Mercury" Quarterly Journal of Medicine Vol 31: 403-418, 1962; Joselow and Goldwater, 1967 "Absorption and Excretion of Mercury in Man and Mercury Content of "normal" Human Tissues" Archives of Environmental Health Vol 15:64, 1967.

6. Mercury fillings can contribute to a higher level of mercury in the blood, and can affect the functioning of the heart, change the vascular response to norepinepherine and potassium chloride, and block the entry of calcium ions into the cytoplasm.

Abraham et al, 1984 "The Effect of Dental Amalgam Restorations on Blood Mercury Levels" Journal of Dental Research Vol 63 No.1:71-73,1984; Kuntz et al, "Maternal and Cord Blood Background Mercury Levels: A Longitudinal Surveillance" American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Vol 143 No. 4: 440-443, 1982; Joselow et al, 1972; Mantyla and Wright, 1976; Trakhtenberg, 1968; Oka et al, 1979.

7. Mercury exposure from amalgams leads to interference with brain catecholamine reactivity levels, has a pronounced effect on the human endocrine system, and accumulates in both the thyroid and pituitary glands, reducing production of important hormones.

Carmignani, Finelli and Boscolo, 1983; Kosta et al, 1975; Trakhtenberg, 1974.

8. Mercury induces the thyroid gland to absorb an increasing amount of nuclear radiation from the environment. (Trakhtenberg, 1974.)

9. Mercury can impair the adrenal and testicular steroid hormone secretions, cause intolerance for stress and decreased sexual ability. In rats, it causes subnormal fertility and sperm production. (Burton and Meikle, 1980; Khera, 1973; Stoewsand et al, 1971; Lee and Dixon, 1975; Thaxton and Parkhurst, 1973.)

10. Mercury in the body can produce contact dermititis and reduced function of the adrenal glands (Addison's disease), producing progressive anemia, low blood pressure, diarrhea and digestive disturbances. (Alomar et al, 1983.)

11. Mercury has a distinct effect on the human immune system, especially the white blood cells. Mercury ions have been observed to cause chromosomal aberrations and alters the cellular genetic code. Mercury has the ability to induce chromosomal breakage, alter cellular mitosis, cause a drop in T-cell production and kill white blood cells.

Vershaeve et al, 1976; Popescu et al, 1979; Skerfving et al, 1970,1974; Fiskesjo, 1970.

12. Mercury has an effect on the fetal nervous system, even at levels far below that considered to be toxic in adults. Background levels of mercury in mothers correlate with incidence of fetal birth defects and still births.

Reuhl and Chang, 1979;Clarkson et al, 1981; Marsh et al, 1980; Tejning, 1968; Kuntz, W.D., Pitkin, R.M., Bostrum, A.W., and Hughes M.S., The American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Vol 143 No.4:440-443,1982.

13. Mercury in the human body can contribute to intelligence disturbances, speech difficulties, limb deformity, and hyperkinesia (hyperactivity resulting from brain damage). Abnormally small heads and retardation were present in 60% of cases.

Amin-Zaki and Clarkson, et al, 1979.


Membership Revoked
Dental problems

Compiled by Walter Last

A major problem causing or contributing to poor health and many diseases are our teeth. Frequently there are mercury amalgam fillings, different types of metal in the mouth that act like an electric battery and dead teeth with filled root canals or inflammation inside the jawbone even after removal of teeth. These problems may not cause any pain locally and so are difficult to detect, but they cause a lot of health problems in other parts of the body. Through acupuncture meridians as well as other mechanisms each tooth is connected with a specific organ or other part of the body as shown in the following diagram.

Heart disease, for instance, is commonly connected with inflammations or infections in the number 8 or wisdom tooth positions, while kidney problems are related to the front teeth. A four thousand year old papyrus describes the dialog between the Pharaoh and his physician. The Pharaoh complains of severe arthritis and his doctor replies that this is due to the bad condition of his teeth which need to be removed. Even orthodox medicine is now slowly catching up to realise that heart disease is frequently associated with microbes originating from infected teeth, gums or jawbones.

With advanced cancer, heart disease and other serious diseases it is best to have dead teeth removed as soon as possible and the remaining cavity scraped out to remove any softened parts of the jawbone. This scraping also stimulates healthy bone growth to quickly refill the cavity. Just leave some gaps if you cannot immediately pay for replacements. Root-canal filled teeth also appear to be a major contributing factor in auto-immune diseases. This is due to microbes multiplying in anaerobic conditions in the multitude of tiny canals or tubuli in the dentine and gradually leaching out into the lymph system.

Weston Price, a former Director of Research for the American Dental Association, observed that the removal of root-filled teeth from patients with kidney or heart disease would in most cases lead to an improvement. When he then inserted a removed root-filled tooth under the skin of a rabbit, it would die within 2 days. In some experiments he implanted the same fragments of root-filled teeth in succession under the skins of up to 100 rabbits and they all died within 2 weeks of the same disease that the human donor had.

Until now the only solution was the removal of such dead teeth but problems might still persist from the infection having spread to the jaw-bone. The microbes in dead teeth and infected jaw-bones cannot normally be eliminated with pharmaceutical or natural antibiotics. Dr Beck claims in an interview that the magnetic pulser can eliminate these problems caused by dead teeth. I can confirm from my own experience that a tender abscess on a root that had resisted treatment for years appears to be healed after several weeks of treatment with the pulser. Nevertheless, I still recommend to play it safe and remove any dead teeth, especially if they are already dead for several years and show signs of deterioration and also in case of cancer, auto-immune diseases and other serious diseases. If you cannot immediately have all dead teeth removed, but also as after-treatment for several weeks or months after their removal continue to use the magnetic pulser on these tooth positions.

In addition try to have amalgam fillings replaced with plastic composite. The dentist should use a rubber dam and suction when removing old fillings. If you cannot pay for proper replacements, just seal them with a cheap temporary filler and do not chew any hard items. Also nickel as in stainless steel can suppress the immune system. Try to find a dentist who is familiar with safe amalgam removal procedures as recommended by holistic dentists associations.

The pink colour of dentures may be due to heavy metals, commonly mercury or cadmium. If you cannot get a guarantee that the colouring is free of heavy metals, it is safer to ask for clear plastic dentures made of Methyl Methacrylate, or Flexite for partial dentures. Use plastic denture teeth rather than porcelain teeth which have a metal base. Bridges and metal partials should be changed to clear plastic partial dentures. Even gold can be a problem because to make it cheaper it is commonly blended with 20% of the more harmful palladium. A small amount of gold as for one crown may be acceptable but as a general rule keep your mouth free of metals and make sure only metal-free plastics are used as replacement. Try to find a holistic dentist. Nevertheless, any metal in the mouth can lead to allergy. For wide-ranging scientific information on the harmful health effects of amalgam fillings and heavy metals see http://www.melisa.org/. For a detailed documentation of the problems associated with amalgam fillings see Bernhard Windham's article on this site.

Even after removal of bad teeth, health problems can arise or continue from root or metal fragments or due to chronic infection and inflammation in the jawbone. This may be discovered by an experienced dentist with panoramic X-rays. If you cannot do all of this to sanitise the inside of your mouth, just do the best you can and do not worry. Compensate any shortcomings here with a better diet and positive thinking.



The following chart shows the relationship between the teeth and other areas of the right side of the body. The same relationship in a symmetrical arrangement applies for the left body side, except that the spleen takes the place of the pancreas.



This questionnaire is part of a US FDA approved study called an Institutional Review Board to assess how body burden of mercury is determined, toxicity levels etc. It will serve as a warning or alert to clinicians when patients have scores of 'yes' in five or more of the questions. It is recommended that such patients be referred to dentists with special knowledge of safe mercury amalgam removal and replacement.


Have you had sore gums (gingivitis) often over the years?
Have you had mental symptoms such as confusion, forgetfulness?
Has severe depression been a frequent problem?
Has ringing in the ears (tinnitus) been present?
Have TMJ (temporal mandibular joint) problems been a concern?
Have you had unusual shakiness (tremors) your hands or arms or twitching of muscles?
Do you have 'brown spots' or 'age spots' under your eyes or elsewhere?
Have you tended to have more colds, flu, and other infectious diseases than 'normal'?
Have you had food allergies or intolerances?
Have you been to many doctors and they have usually said "there is nothing wrong"?
Do you have numbness or burning sensations in your mouth or gums?
Do you have numbness or unexplained tingling in your arms or legs?
Have you developed difficulty in walking (ataxia) over the years?
Do you have ten or more amalgam fillings?
Do you often have a 'metallic' taste in your mouth?
Have you ever worked as a painter or in factories or in pulp/paper mills that used mercury?
Have you worked as a dentist, or dental assistant?
Have you ever had Candida or yeast infections (vagina, mouth, or GID tract)?
Do you have a lot of bad breath (halitosis) or white tongue (thrush)?
Have you frequently had low basal body temperature, below 97.4 degrees F/ 36.5 degrees C?
Do you have problems with constipation?
Are you on antidepressants now or have you been in the past?
Do you have heart irregularities or rapid pulse (tachycardia)?
Do you have unexplained arthritis in various joints?
Is your sleep poor or do you have frequent insomnia?
Have you had frequent kidney infections or do you have significant kidney problems?
Are you extremely fatigued much of the time and never seem to have enough energy?
Do you have unidentified chest pains even when ECG, X-ray and heart studies are normal?
Do you have irritability or dramatic changes in behaviour?
Is it common for you to have a lot of mucus in your stools?




Percentage of 1320 respondents indicating presence of symptom.

Symptom Percentage

1. Unexplained irritability 73.3%

2. Constant or very frequent periods of depression 72.0%

3. Numbness and tingling in extremities 67.3%

4. Frequent urination during the night 64.5%

5. Unexplained chronic fatigue 63.1%

6. Cold hands and feet, even in moderate/warm weather 62.6%

7. Bloated feeling most of the time 60.6%

8. Difficulty remembering or use of memory 58.0%

9. Sudden, unexplained or unsolicited anger 55.5%

10. Constipation on a regular basis 54.6%

11. Difficulty in making even simple decisions 54.2%

12. Tremors or shakes of hands, feet, head, etc. 52.3%

13. Twitching of face and other muscles 52.3%

14. Experience frequent leg cramps 49.1%

15. Constant or frequent ringing or noise in ears 47.8%

16. Get out of breath easily 43.1%

17. Frequent or recurring heartburn 42.5%

18. Excessive itching 40.8%

19. Unexplained rashes, skin irritation 40.4%

20. Constant or frequent metallic taste in mouth 38.7%

21. Jumpy, Jittery, Nervous 38.1%

22. Constant death wish or suicidal intent 37.3%

23. Frequent insomnia 36.4%

24. Unexplained chest pains 35.6%

25. Constant or frequent pain in joints 35.5%

26. Tachycardia 32.4%


Wow what a wonderufl amount of information. You have done a great service to all of us by posting this information. Thank you!

Please folks...take the time to read all of Suzy's replies. There is a wealth of value information here that could change your life...literally.

Never,but never let anybody put anything metal into your mouth....
I know it isn't cosmetically attractive but before you accept metal into your mouth...go toothless.

I hope that when I finish getting the metal out of my mouth that my right ear will open up....The riniging and clogged feeling is a real whack to my equilibrium and it drives me nuts sometimes. When I hear a noise I can't always determine where it is coming from. My stereo hearing not what it was and I want it back. Hearing is like listening to music on a surround sound system with one half of the speakers out. Yuggggg!

Folks....don't what ever you do have root canal work done or implants of teeth. These things will compound your physical problems.
Get plastic, plastic, plastic. :)


What I read some time ago is that in the mid-1800s, there was the American College of Dental Surgeons. You had to sign an oath to be a member that you wouldn't put any harmful substance into a person, so only gold "fillings" were used. Then a couple of brothers (non0doctors) developed mercury amalgam filling which were much cheaper. They formed a new organization to promote the use of thier "fillings". This was the American Dental Association. So, the sole purpose of the ADA is to promote the use of mercury amalgam "fillings". The ADA "won" the publicity "war" and the ACDS had to disband.



<a NAME="dancr"></a><a href="http://www.amalgam.org/"><u>Mercury Free and Healthy</u></a>

From: <a href="http://www.lacarte.org/health/"><u>Health, a la carte</u></a>


You too have provided a wealth of information. I will thank you for all those people that get to read this.

Getting the mercury out of your mouth is only half the battle folks....you NEED to DE-
TOX from it also.

Not long ago I read a long article on detoxifying from Mercury....it is no easy task and you must prep for it but it needs to be done... So, just get your mind ready and do what you need to do....I am.

We as a people have been robbed not just of our liberties recently but of our joy, our health, our brain function and immune function.

This greed and lust for money is also known by another name of intention....it is called the killing of the spirit.

Take charge of your life now and do what you need to do. Remember that mercury is not just in those fillings but also in vaccines given to babies.... Now are you beginning to see the bigger picture????? :(
The goal is destroy the physical brain...the mind. Save yours and your loved ones if you can.


Mercury Detox Autism
I am posting this here rather than start a detox thread.

Mercury Detox Autism Protocol
Part 1 of 3 (Part 2, Part 3)


This is such a long article I wanted to put my comment at the beginning so my newsletter subscribers can view my perspective prior to reading the document.

First of all the professionals who put this protocol together are to be strongly congratulated. They did a tremendous effort in getting together and developing a consensus statement among some of the top clinicians treating this problem in the country.

This is exactly what is required if we are going to advance natural medicine in this country and I am grateful to these professionals for their dedication, commitment and hard work in developing this document.

I was part of the Great Lakes Chelation Panel on mercury toxicity, and have co-authored one of the leading papers in clinical mercury detoxification, and have worked with hundreds of patients with mercury detoxification issues, so I have some experience in this area.

In general, the panel's review of this subject is thorough and I would strongly recommend reading it if you have an interest in this area.

However, I cannot endorse a number of the panel's recommendations and I will provide my objections to the protocol at the beginning.

The major objection to the recommendation is the use of DMSA for mercury detoxification. My affinity for the use of DMPS is likely one of the reasons I was not invited to participate in this panel.

However, one needs to know that in the overall treatment of this problem our approaches are very similar. The KEY strategy to improve children with brain injury is to optimize their gut flora and diet and this is something the panel makes very clear.

Mercury detox with DMSA or DMPS is not a huge magic bullet, it is just one of many strategies that can be implemented to help these children. If one uses either of these chemicals without first properly preparing the child, there can be great harm and damage.

The panel refuses to support the DMPS recommendation, despite the fact that it is, as they admit, a clearly more effective agent, due to DMPS's history of complications in adults and its lack of FDA approval in children.

The issue of DMPS, and for that matter DMSA, toxicity, is not related to the direct toxicity of the drugs, but to the drug's ability to take the heavy metals out of the body. It is actually the heavy metals that cause the side effects. If one does not properly prepare the body to address these heavy metals then one will have complications from the chealting agent.

DMPS was, and still is, frequently improperly used in many adults. Primarily by well-intentioned physicians who provide DMPS when the person still has amalgam fillings in their mouth. Because DMPS is so effective at removing mercury, it will actually pull the mercury right out of the fillings and cause huge problems in some patients.

It is has been my and Dr. Klinghardt's combined thirty year experience that DMPS when used properly is far safer then DMSA.

The other issue the panel raises of FDA approval is really moot as DMSA, although approved for lead chelation, clearly is not approved for removing mercury.

Additionally, please pay special attention to the huge list of complications of DMSA that are listed in this protocol. They require that the child have regular blood draws for a chemistry profile and a CBC to monitor for these complications.

This is not necessary for DMPS, which is another reason I prefer it. Through my use of IV secretin I have become very proficient in drawing blood from children. But after doing that for several years I realized that I was inflicting emotional trauma and scaring that was worsening their problem overall.

For this reason, at this time I cannot endorse any protocol that requires regular blood draws on children below the age of 6.

Other areas of disagreement are in the negative recommendation for chlorella. Their information on chlorella is seriously flawed. It is based on a small study done by Doctor's Data. They never demonstrated increased absorption of mercury from the chlorella, only that mercury was present in the chlorella. Since hundreds of tons of mercury are deposited into the oceans every year, this is not surprising.

However, what the investigators failed to account for was that the binding coefficient of chlorella to mercury is far in excess of its potential to release mercury into the body. It only ABSORBS mercury, it does NOT release it into the body.

The other issue of potential for contamination with toxic dinoflagellates is only true for blue green algae and NOT for chlorella since chlorella is a cultured product and is NOT contaminated with it.

Mineral replacement is a critical element of mercury detoxification when using chelating agents. Monitoring the child's mineral status prior to and during chelation is essential.

The panel recommends the use of the more expensive blood tests for monitoring mineral status. As I wrote in my letter in JAMA, I believe that hair analysis from specific labs is far less expensive, more clinically valid and clearly less traumatic on the child then the blood tests.

With those objections aside, I invite you to review the Panel's outstanding compilation of an effective Autism Protocol.


Autism Panel Report

An enormous, alarming, and unexplained increase in the prevalence of autism is being reported, on an almost daily basis, in the U.S., the U.K., and elsewhere.

California maintains what is probably the world's best and most systematic database on autism and other developmental disabilities. In California the reported increase in the prevalence of autism over a 20-year period is over one thousand percent.

Similar enormous increases have been reported from studies in New Jersey and elsewhere in the US, in the UK, in the Middle East, and in Asia. While the reality of the increase is beyond doubt, there is great controversy over the cause. Many experts believe the primary cause is the increase in the number of vaccines given to children from birth to age two, which has risen from 8 in 1980 to 22 in the year 2001.

The increased number of vaccines has brought with it an increased exposure of young infants to mercury intoxication. The preservative thimerosal, which is used in many vaccines, consists of approximately 50% mercury.

In 1998 the Food and Drug Administration requested the vaccine manufacturers to begin the process of removing thimerosal from the vaccines. Thimerosal containing vaccines are still being used in 2001.

Mercury is highly toxic in even very small doses, and some individuals are exquisitely sensitive to mercury.

Some infants have been given, in one day, as much as 100 times the maximum dosage of mercury permitted by the Environmental Protection Agency's standards, based on the weight of an adult. An infant's system is much less capable of dealing with toxins than an adult's.

In early 2000, parent Sallie Bernard and several other concerned and inquisitive parents began looking into the mercury issue. They learned that thimerosal was used in most vaccines at levels that greatly exceeded the upper limits decreed safe by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The scientific paper by Bernard et al. may be found on the website of the Autism Research Institute (www.autismresearchinstitute.com).

In her testimony before the US House of Representatives in July, 2000, Sallie, the primary author of the report, testified: "The symptoms which are diagnostic of or strongly associated with autism itself are found to arise from mercury exposure, as described in available literature on past cases of mercury poisoning."

"These similarities," she testified, "include the defining characteristics of autism - and they include traits strongly associated with autism and found in nearly all cases of the disorder - sensory disturbances such as numbness in the extremities and mouth, aversion to touch, and unusual response to noise; movement disorders like toe-walking, hand flapping, clumsiness, and choreiform movements; and cognitive impairments in specific domains like short-term, verbal and auditory memory and in understanding abstract ideas."

In addition, she noted, mercury poisoning can cause many of the same biological abnormalities as are seen in autism, including immune system dysfunction and anomalies in the cerebellum, amygdala, and hippocampus.

Bernard noted that the growing prevalence rate of autism closely matches the introduction and spread of thimerosal-containing vaccines and that autistic symptoms generally emerge at the time the child is given these vaccines.

She added "Our group has also documented a number of cases of autistic children with toxic levels of mercury in hair, urine and blood." In addition, she noted, mercury is more toxic to males than to females, and the male-to-female ratio in autism is 4 to 1.

Noting that low doses of mercury tend to harm genetically susceptible individuals, Bernard pointed out that "autism has been recognized as one of the most heritable of all neurological disorders and is strongly associated with familial autoimmune disorders."

Bernard and her colleagues called for an immediate ban on thimerosal-containing childhood vaccines in October 2000. The meeting was attended by a number of physicians and scientists. One of the physicians, Dr. Stephanie Cave of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, told the group that in her experience over a number of years in treating over 400 autistic children with various modalities, she had found no modality which was more effective in a great many autistic children than mercury detoxification.

Other physicians who also had experience with mercury detoxification in autistic children, including several who were themselves parents of autistic children, strongly supported Dr. Cave's remarks.

The Autism Research Institute convened a weekend Consensus Conference on the Detoxification of Autistic Children in Dallas, Texas in February, 2001. The attendees were 25 carefully selected physicians and scientists knowledgeable about mercury and mercury detoxification.

The 15 physicians present included 7 who were parents of autistic children and who had detoxified their own children with good results. The physician attendees present had treated well over 3,000 patients for heavy metal poisoning, about 1,500 of them being autistic children. The chemists, toxicologists and other scientists present had a combined total of almost 90 years of experience in research on the toxicology of mercury.

The purpose of the meeting was to arrive at a consensus document that would delineate the safest and most effective methods of detoxifying autistic children. Nine candidate detoxification protocols, including five submitted by non-attendees, were considered in detail by the conferees.

Click Here for Part 2