OT/MISC Has anyone here ever gone into the Torch of the Statue of Liberty?


Stone Cold Crazy
Just curious.

Does anyone remember what got us into WW1?

How about the German terror attack?

Don't go looking this stuff up-tell me what you remember.

Buick Electra

TB2K Girls with Guns
Never been IN the Statue of Liberty (just to and around it), but my mom said when she was in her 20's they were able to go up in the torch.


Veteran Member
The torch was closed for "renovations" when I climbed her...disappointing...
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TB Fanatic
Never been to the Statue of Liberty.

Intertwining Defense Treaties and the Assasination of an Archduke named Ferdinand kicked off the festivities of WWI

Which German Terror attack? Sorry, not catching the reference.

The Snack Artist

Membership Revoked
I remember going up that circular ladder to the crown 37 yrs ago. I heard an Asian comment to his father that the staircase was a double helix. That's when I knew were doomed! The kid was about ten.


Stone Cold Crazy
I remember going up that circular ladder to the crown 37 yrs ago. I heard an Asian comment to his father that the staircase was a double helix. That's when I knew were doomed! The kid was about ten.

Well, that is one actual answer. Thank you.

Anyone else?

Remember what got us into WW1 or been in the Torch?


Faithful Steed
Truly the first of the "mostly peaceful explosions."

US media attempted to "downplay" the sabotage so as not to prematurely push the US into war with Germany on public outrage.

It took next year's submarine warfare and a German/Mexico alliance to push Woodrow Wilson to initiate the US outrage.



TB Fanatic
Never been to the Statue of Liberty.

Intertwining Defense Treaties and the Assasination of an Archduke named Ferdinand kicked off the festivities of WWI

Which German Terror attack? Sorry, not catching the reference.

Correct on the assassination of Ferdinand and WWI.

Folks the Statue of Liberty torch was closed long ago because of structural issues with the arm, I have visited it three times as a kid doing school field trip that also included a trip to the N.Y. Museum of Natural History and the Haden Planetarium which is attached to the Natural History Museum. After the first trip the Planetarium was more interesting as it was different show each time.


Rich Fleetwood - Founder - author/coder/podcaster
My family went to New York in 1965, for my dads IBM training school for Texas Instruments. We got to be part of a couple of exciting things. Going to the Statue of Liberty at age 5 was very exciting. We made it to the crown, and back down without any of us being mugged. One of those photographic memory things that never fades.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Got up to the crown with two young daughters many, many years ago. I was the pack mule, toting their Cabbage Patch dolls up that long and spiral-ey stair way.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Nope.............the closest I ever came to being inside the torch was years ago when some guy lit up a cigarette in the stall next to me in a men's room while I was ripping a big one........ :D


Contributing Member
in 4th grade my class went to the SOL, 1964 and we climbed up the statue. There was a velvet rope across the opening up into the torch so of course my friend Stevie and I climbed up the ladder to get a look. We were disappointed to find a 2x4 wall and a sign warning of danger. Mrs. Green saw us and we had to ride home in the front seat of the bus.


Stone Cold Crazy
I will have to be a bit more explicit with the Rules for these as I'm researching something.

My memory-never having been there is, we got into the War because a Ger,am Sub torpedoed a ship of civilians-the Lusitania IIRC.

I remember the Torch getting shut down in the 80's for gold plating but never reopened.

Someone here mentioned Archbishop Ferdinand-that rings a bell.

Here is what comes up with a Search of 'Can you go into the Torch Statue of Liberty"
Visitors have not been allowed inside the torch for over a century after a massive explosion. ... The National Park Service's Statue of Liberty website cites the Black Tom explosion as the reason the torch is closed off, though it is unclear why, a century later, guests are still not allowed inside.Jul 30, 2018"

Has anyone besides me never heard of the Black Tom incident? It was supposed to be BIG-blew out and broke windows as far as Manhatten, blew a huge crater and was felt as far away as Mayland and Pa. IIRC my reading correctly, yet I've never heard of it-I was big into the World Wars as a kid-mostly Tanks and certain aircraft but still-never heard of it in school or in movies or 'Rememberances'?

They made movies and documentaries about the gas explosion in Galveston back in the day.



Veteran Member
You're right about the Lusitania. The US was in full isolationist mode up until that point.

The war itself was, as was mentioned, started in Europe when a Serbian assassin shot the Archduke Ferdinand of Austria when he was doing his victory tour - having just been appointed Archduke IIRC.

The odd little ironic twist of history is that the assassin missed his first opportunity but the Archduke's ego apparently made him come around for another victory lap and that's when the guy nailed him. I guess the Austria/Hungary Empire of the time wasn't very well liked by its Balkan conquered ones, and that region has been just as unrulable ever since, except when the Yugoslavian strongman Tito had them all under his thumb for so long post-WWII.

Now don't beat me around the head and shoulders if that's not all completely accurate. I was following Satanta's original instructions and that was off the top of my head. :shr:


Country exile in the city
I seem to remember even as a little girl in the 1960's that even then it was closed off to tourists. The reason (ostensibly) was that the arm was not structurally sound enough to stand up to tourists trampling up and down it inside daily, but I now wonder if this Black Tom explosion (which I'd never heard of till today) was the real reason.

But if so--why would they not want to TELL us that?


Contributing Member
When I was a corporal, I went to a training school on demolition. The instructor used the Black Tom and an example of what could be done, if you know what you were doing. Had pictures.


Faithful Steed
I remember the Torch getting shut down in the 80's for gold plating but never reopened.
There are some past National Geographic magazine here in the barn left by Owner's grand-parents. Owner made a pile outside my stall as he was cleaning out.

Of course, someone just can't resist getting into "information." And these were headed to the trash.

One of the magazines showed pictures of the "rebuilding" of the Statue to correct original mistakes, do maintenance, and rebuild the torch. This was about year 1986 which would have been the hundred year anniversary.

The rebuilding of the original leaded glass torch had a several page spread.


Was converted to "fiberglass" somewhat in the original shape, and then gold-leafed for daytime appearance. Night time it was going to be lit by Lasers from shoreline stations arranged within sight.

IIRC, the structural damage from the explosion was mentioned, also that the arm was to be corrected and "strengthened."

The consensus then was "not sure" on re-admission of the public. I suspect now the issue may be more personal safety as the manwalk at the flame is not covered, is a pretty small area, and it does "concentrate the wear."

The arm and flame was displayed at the 1876 Centennial. Back when the country was making itself great and everyone was proud.


"Dobbin, can you do me a favor? I don't mind when you look but when you throw down what you've seen - can you make a stack?"

Owner has thumbs - its easier for him to pick them up and put them down where he wants.

He has no idea of my challenges...

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Let's Go Brandon!
Closest I've ever been to New York City was Buffalo, for a wedding. Saw Niagara Falls, and that was a real surprise. But would rather not get any closer to NYC than needs be.

The assassinated Archduke started World War One, but it was the bombing of the Maine that got us involved. That and Hearst's media super-coverage of it, if I remember right.


Fringe Ranger
The assassinated Archduke started World War One, but it was the bombing of the Maine that got us involved. That and Hearst's media super-coverage of it, if I remember right.

That was the Spanish-American war, not WWI. Sinking of the Lusitania was a major impetus for us in WWI.


Let's Go Brandon!
That was the Spanish-American war, not WWI. Sinking of the Lusitania was a major impetus for us in WWI.

Mea culpa. Definitely got my false flags mixed up. Funny how often a boat seems to go up in the process of kicking off a war.

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
From www.nps.gov:

Is the torch open?

The torch has been closed since the "Black Tom" explosion of July 30, 1916, which was one of the largest acts of sabotage to our nation prior to the event of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. Many people think they've been there and confuse it with climbing a spiral staircase which goes to the crown. National Park Service staff must climb a narrow 40ft. ladder in order to maintain the floodlights which light the torch.