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hand made glass bead demo


View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WlAU3FQmel4

50-something min run time, but just a peak shows some beautiful work. This is a demo on techniques for a large glass bead. Many gorgeous beads in the background. Checked on Starter kits, they are about $100 plus. I would really like to learn how to do this.

Here is another artist. She is pulling glass, and twisting the colors together. Reminds me of spinning, actually. This is a one hour run time. I still have most of it to watch.
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X56AdXd1h84
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Dove Chocolate tastes way better than their soap.
Faroe, I learned to do this about 15 years ago. I still have all the rods and map gas. I have a tiny kiln too! SO much of life has passed and it makes me want to drag it out from the closet under the stairs. I loved lampwork. I was just a newb. and not very good but loved it!