Food Gravitas: Panic buying in China

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Gravitas: Panic buying in China

China has asked its people to stock up on household supplies without telling them why. Is China heading into a nationwide lockdown? Is it expecting tensions with Taiwan to blow up? Or is there something more serious that Beijing is hiding from its people and the world? Palki Sharma tells you.

Run Time 7:06 M

Gravitas: Panic buying in China - YouTube


Senior Member
Chinese are some of the most prepared. They have to be. Food would be gone in an instant in an emergency scenario. The only problem is that they eat mostly fresh foods except for rice. They keep a crap ton of rice and flour.


Veteran Member
It ant old news if you have never seen it before, please forgive me if I wasted your time.
You are correct. Plus, what is new about this story is that the providences are stocking up on food. China had major floods last year to affect their major growing area, they had infestations into their corn storages and their economy is tanking. Add to that most countries have already announced they will not be exporting food as they need it to feed their own population. I fear that next year will be food shortages for the poorer countries. I doubt anyone in the US will starve but we will probably have fewer choices, smaller packages and shorter inventory supplies. Stack it to the ceiling if you can!