CRISIS Got Rats? NYC Sees Population Explode

Bridey Rose

Veteran Member

Which Major City Will Completely Collapse First – Los Angeles, Chicago Or New York City?​

Michael Snyder
Apr 21, 2024

In 2024, virtually all major U.S. cities have certain things in common. First of all, if you visit the downtown area of one of our major cities you are likely to see garbage, human excrement and graffiti all over the place. As you will see below, some of our core urban areas literally look like they belong in a third world country. Most of our politicians don’t seem too concerned about doing anything to clean up all the filth, and so it shouldn’t be a surprise that rat populations are absolutely exploding all over the country. In some of our largest cities, the total rat population is numbered in the millions....

This is just one of the reasons why we have seen a mass exodus.

Countless New Yorkers have already left for greener pastures, and lots more are thinking of leaving
About 7 million New Yorkers plan to leave the state, a new survey revealed this month.
In a new Marist poll, 37 percent of New Yorkers—roughly 7 million people—said they plan to move away. The number was slightly more concentrated among Republicans, as 46 percent said they plan to leave the state compared to just 29 percent of Democrats.
I wouldn’t want to live in the Big Apple either.

The rat problem alone would be enough for me to move.

It just continues to escalate, and politicians are now proposing to use “rat contraceptives” to deal with “the millions of rats lurking in subway stations and empty lots”…
In New York City, the idea to distribute rat contraceptives got fresh attention in city government Thursday following the death of an escaped zoo owl, known as Flaco, who was found dead with rat poison in his system.

City Council Member Shaun Abreu proposed a city ordinance Thursday that would establish a pilot program for controlling the millions of rats lurking in subway stations and empty lots by using birth control instead of lethal chemicals. Abreu, chair of the Committee on Sanitation and Solid Waste Management, said the contraceptives also are more ethical and humane than other methods.

Unfortunately, New York City doesn’t have the worst rat problem in America.

That title actually belongs to the city of Chicago
Chicago has once again been declared the rattiest city in the U.S. according to Orkin’s annual ranking.
Los Angeles surpassed New York on this year’s list now holding the #2 spot and bringing the Big Apple down to #3, Orkin shared.
Other notable shifts included Houston, which moved 10 spots up to #20, and Charlotte, North Carolina that rose 16 spots to #21.
Somehow, the rat problem in Chicago has gone to an entirely new level in 2024.

In fact, one local resident says that it is now the worst that she has ever seen in her entire lifetime
A resurgence of rats has gotten out of control in Chicago’s Portage Park neighborhood, multiple residents explained Friday as they called for city leaders to take further action.
Diana Gazda, a resident of the Far Northwest Side community for seven decades, said she has never seen an infestation like it.

“We never had a rat problem like this,” she stated. “I’ve been here 71 years in my house.”
More at: Which Major City Will Collapse First?

Better stock some of those rat contraceptives in your preps if you live anywhere near these places or similar!
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In the crazy robot man reservation
I watch some walking tours of NYC. There are garbage bags piled high outside buildings and businesses all the time.


Veteran Member
with the contraception method they should note that the lifespan of a rat can be up to 5 years


Veteran Member
So one owl flew the coop and ends up dead. Who cares?

I don't care if the last golden egg laying condor might be at risk: Poison the rats into extinction.

Eradication not Compromised Copulation :xpmp:


Knuckle Dragger
Tell the immigrants that it's free food.



passin' thru
I thought the pics we've seen of them grilling them on their streets were for real?
actually, the city is filthy, that would probably do it good to import a species to eat it's invasive vermin


TB Fanatic
The stories of New York rat's being bigger than cats is true. Using poison to control the rats has its problems and one is they go into places inside buildings thats imposable to get at and die in there and they stink for a weeks as it rots.


Senior Member

Which Major City Will Completely Collapse First – Los Angeles, Chicago Or New York City?​

Michael Snyder
Apr 21, 2024

In 2024, virtually all major U.S. cities have certain things in common. First of all, if you visit the downtown area of one of our major cities you are likely to see garbage, human excrement and graffiti all over the place. As you will see below, some of our core urban areas literally look like they belong in a third world country. Most of our politicians don’t seem too concerned about doing anything to clean up all the filth, and so it shouldn’t be a surprise that rat populations are absolutely exploding all over the country. In some of our largest cities, the total rat population is numbered in the millions....

This is just one of the reasons why we have seen a mass exodus.

Countless New Yorkers have already left for greener pastures, and lots more are thinking of leaving

I wouldn’t want to live in the Big Apple either.

The rat problem alone would be enough for me to move.

It just continues to escalate, and politicians are now proposing to use “rat contraceptives” to deal with “the millions of rats lurking in subway stations and empty lots”…

Unfortunately, New York City doesn’t have the worst rat problem in America.

That title actually belongs to the city of Chicago

Somehow, the rat problem in Chicago has gone to an entirely new level in 2024.

In fact, one local resident says that it is now the worst that she has ever seen in her entire lifetime

More at: Which Major City Will Collapse First?

Better stock some of those rat contraceptives in your preps if you live anywhere near these places or similar!
NYC. first one. Hard to exit and way more people crammed in per space. Police will leave at some point - will not be pretty. Plus - no one except criminals in armed. Chicago - easier to bail out of - can walk if you have to. Los angeles - very spread out - and something tells me - even though it may or may not be legal - most people in houses probably have firearms. Prob not case in all the high rises in NYC>


Veteran Member

So one of the main products "ContraPest" is basically a bait station. The rats have to consume it often over a 2 month period for it to start working, and then have to keep consuming it or they become fertile again.

Talk about a way to keep repeat orders going.

If the rats are eating from a bait station, wouldn't poison work well better? Or is that too inhumane?


TB Fanatic
Some company is making a trap that uses bait sent to attract rats to it and the rat has to try and climb up into a tube and when it go's into the tube far enough it will trigger the trap and it will kill the rat on the spot and the rat falls out on the ground and resets for the next rat to come along. The problem with this trap is the price and second is it uses a CO2 cartridge to power it, also someone needs to check on it every day and collect the dead rat or rats. Oddly the rats are out looking for food at night so first thing in the morning you need to see what dead rats are laying around and remove them.


Pride comes before the fall.....Pride month ended.
I'd suspect the old bucket trap with a teeter toter that drops them in a bucket of water would be quite functional. Clean, just scoop them out every other day or so.....fifty five gallon buckets...


God has a plan, Trust it!
It is really ironic that Tucker reported Moscow being so clean and safe and yet our cities are so bad.
Because the reason our streets are so bad isnt a physical problem, but a mental one. You have people who have no love for each other, selfishness, hate filled and vile hearts...and is shown in one of its symptoms, filth.

Cleanliness only happens when you take pride in the things you own. They hold value - not in a monetary sense, but in a good stewardship sense. But when things are in abundance, or when you dont have to work for them, they hold no value to you. You toss them away like garbage, dont take care of them and put no effort into them.

That is the difference between Russia and us. We've lost Patriotism and national pride. It is still there in pockets and in groups of people who still cling to it in desperation, but they are seeing it slip away in the younger generation because that middle generation did not pass it on.

We NEED tough times in this country, if only to save it. It needs to experience lack, war, and tribulation. It will be the only thing to snap the younger generation into reality.

I live very close to NYC, enough to have gone into the city frequently. It is filthy. Piss stinks up the streets, garbage everywhere, tents and homeless junk everywhere. It is a ghost town of former residents that used to live there and fled to the suburbs now - and they saved money doing it


"just a human bein'"
I thought the pics we've seen of them grilling them on their streets were for real?
actually, the city is filthy, that would probably do it good to import a species to eat it's invasive vermin

The rats are food for the illegals

the "contraceptives" are for the illegals too
Isn't this part of the Plan in progress?
Rat on a Stick and Ratburgers... Demolition Man flashback!


Veteran Member
We are battling rats here at our house. Some derelict buildings were torn down about a half mile from us and they all fled into the woods. All the neighbors are dealing with them. Best thing I have found is a trap called the Chipmunkinator. I set it on a 16” square patio stone, handful of sunflower seeds and then put a cinder block on it. Caught 5 next to my shop last night. Catches mice as well. Drop it in The pond and ten minutes later dump the bodies in the woods. Nasty buggers.


Veteran Member
Dominion smiles when you think that way.
I have no delusions about the corruption in our voting system. But the shat you vote for President of the Neighborhood Watch today will run for governor in 2 years. Don't let them get their start in any public office. NYC and the whole seaside of CA have been too blue and too corrupt for a while.