
Membership Revoked

By Frosty Wooldridge
November 17, 2008

According to the New York Times, 524,000 Americans lost their jobs in September and October. Unemployment spiked at 6.5 percent. Additionally, 28 million Americans subsist on food stamps. Millions maintain heat and lights with assistance from ‘energy banks’ subsidized by other Americans who still enjoy jobs.

“The economy is slipping deeper into a recessionary sinkhole that is getting broader,” said Stuart G. Hoffman, chief economist at PNC Financial Services Group in Pittsburgh. “The layoffs are getting larger, and coming faster. We’re likely to see at least another six months of more job reports like this.”

For the past eight years, George Bush watched, and assisted as some eight to twelve million illegal migrants crashed U.S. borders to displace American workers while they wreaked chaos in American schools, hospitals and prisons. At press conferences, he said, “They do the jobs that Americans won’t do.” While reports show illegal aliens killed more Americans via drunk driving, murders and rapes than combat soldiers suffered death in Iraq and Afghanistan, Mr. Bush no longer speaks about illegal migrants doing the jobs that Americans won’t do. Gees! Can’t figure that one out now, can we?

At the same time, Bush and Congress gave away jobs by pushing for millions of H1-B and H2-B visas for foreign workers to displace American jobs. Bush worked hardest at offshoring, outsourcing and offshoring American jobs. He and Congress killed U.S. manufacturing. He finished the job that Clinton started!

But Bush’s most ominous act as president remains his lie of “Weapons of Mass Destruction.” He created it to foment the Iraq War that killed 4,300 young men and women while it lacerated 32,000 into lives fraught with pain, anguish and missing limbs. While an estimated 150,000 Vietnam veterans committed suicide after service in Vietnam, twenty years from now will bring chilling statistics of how many lives suffered irreversible emotional damage and suicide from war time service in Iraq. The personal carnage already piles up across this country.

Benjamin Franklin, one of our founding fathers, said, “A highwayman is as much a robber when he plunders in a gang as when single; and a nation that makes an unjust war is only a great gang.”

Bush’s odious ego, unbalanced emotions and lack of rational thinking—brought the planet an immoral-unethical war that degrades the United States in the eyes of the fellow nations. Bush promoted senseless slaughter with depleted uranium bombs and left millions as refugees.

When the door slams behind him as he walks out of the White House, the world rejoices.

“Bush single-handedly destroyed America’s image as a beacon of freedom,” said Simon Schama in Britain’s Guardian. “His administration inflicted mutilations on internationally agreed standards of humane conduct for prisoners—and on the protection of domestic liberties enshrined in the American Constitution. If the Statue of Liberty were alive, she would weep tears of blood.”

“It’s hard to fathom the damage bush has inflicted upon the planet,” said Jean-Claude Kiefer in France’s Dernieres Nouvelles d’Alsace. “He bequeaths the world the Iraq War, stalemate in Afghanistan, oil imperialism, financial crisis, U.S. debt weighing on the entire planet, and withdrawal from the Kyote Protocol—and the list is not exhausted.”

Raghida Dergham of Dar al-Hayat said, “The Bush strategy was based on undermining stability in the Gulf region. The result has been tragedy for hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and the rise of Iran as a regional power.”

What does Bush’s time in power mean to regular American citizens? I, for one, pity the man who killed enormous numbers of humanity and ruined so many lives. Beyond unconscionable depicts his legacy upon American and Iraq families. The global tragedy he created exceeds 9/11 by a factor of 100 and more.

He fought a “War on Terror” by getting our soldiers killed 10,000 miles away but left our borders as wide open as a 24-hour mall. The irony and insanity of Bush’s actions leave me breathless.

Bush usurped our sense of right and wrong as well as our ethics and morality. Instead of leading us toward employment and full exercising of the American Dream, he drowned us with millions illegally crashing into our country without warrant. Instead of solving our $700 billion annual trade deficit, he did nothing to stop our manufacturing base as it slipped off shore. He failed to take the lead on energy conservation or a plan for the Post Oil era.

Instead of paying down the national debt, Bush grew it to $9.4 trillion. We stand nostril-deep in a cesspool of debt, exacerbated by the Iraq War killing our kids and bank account for decades to come.

Instead of solving the “War on Drugs” costing us $70 billion annually, by placing troops on the border and fencing, he undermined the Border Patrol and ICE with ‘token’ enforcement. Worse, he jailed, with his political assassin Johnny Sutton, Border Patrol officers Campeon and Ramos for stopping a drug dealer by shooting him in the butt. Those two courageous agents languish in jail while their families suffer loss of their husbands and fathers. Yet the drug traffic increases into a miniature war as reported by the LA Times:
Mexico Under Siege: A Times Special...
While 400,000 illegal migrant mothers birth their instant ‘jackpot babies’ annually, our hospitals and medical systems collapse from lack of funding and non-payment by millions in this country illegally. Bush’s incompetence along with Congress exceeds comprehension.

Instead of enforcing our immigration laws to rid us of 20 million illegal aliens, he promoted the McCain-Kennedy Amnesty to not only give criminals a free ride and equal citizenship, he bragged, “I’ll see you at the signing!”

Instead, grassroots Americans collectively beat their sitting president by overturning the amnesty by sheer force of voices and numbers. Had Bush, Kennedy and McCain succeeded in passing their seven proposed amnesties, our situation would have worsened by a factor of 20 to 30 million more people leeching into our financial services paid for and meant for American citizens.

While Bush failed to enforce our laws, 350,000 convicted illegal aliens sit in our federal, state and city jails from horrific acts of violence, rapes, thefts, drunk driving and other killings of American citizens.
With our civilization facing horrific energy shortages, he failed to promote even a single plan for fuel efficiency, conservation or a strategic plan for our future.
Finally, with our schools overrun by 4.3 illegal alien children and our national language staggering via assault of the Spanish language, Bush accelerated our country into a fractured and Balkanized nightmare—yet to see its full destructive power upon our culture.
Bush’s level of incompetence and duplicity leaves our country staggering into the 21st century--cut, bleeding, drained, exhausted, without borders and without a rudder. We face Hobson’s Choice on a scale unprecedented in modern times.
Listen to Frosty Wooldridge on Tuesdays and Thursdays as he interviews top national leaders on his radio show “Connecting the Dots” at at 6:00 PM Mountain Time. Adjust tuning in to your time zone.
© 2008 Frosty Wooldridge - All Rights Reserved


Another Infidel
You will be hearing a lot more about the vindication of President Bush in the near and not-so-near future, Desperado. You can count on it.

And, yes, I do know a few things you don't know. I only said that cause you were probably gonna ask.

Maureen :dstrs:


Membership Revoked


Veteran Member
Well since we have a dictatorship, guess your right-o.

Oh wait a minute, let me think.

Oh now I vaguely remember something about the government larger than one person.

Hhhhmmm let me see Executive branch that's one, errrr Judicial (or where to have the people's votes overturned, as in California) that would be two and seem's there is a third one but that can't be cause we all know there is only President Bush.

If you are such a flake as to believe the financial idiocy hasn't been building for 30 plus years then you are a kool-aid drinking fool.

If you do not know how the dem's turned Freddie and Fannie into a big social welfare program to pay back certain constituencies then you are a blind fool.

If you do not realize that US people traded in a work ethic and an industrial base for cheap debt and video games you are an ignorant blind fool.

We have what we have built and to continue to "blame Bush" for everything from the attacks on the world trade center to bird flu show's how far one is willing to go to escape looking in the mirror at who is to blame for where we are at!!!!

Well if you dare look in the mirror today ask the person looking back if they are willing to make the sacrifices our forefathers (and mothers) made to go forward.

If it is easier to cover the mirror with a sheet while blaming the them or him or even her and enough of us do that then we have truly lost the right to the Freedoms we were given.

This continuous re-writing of selected history into your party view may make you feel better but then again so did blaming the jews make many Germans feel better about their economic pain.
When Bush is gone the deluded masses will have no one left to blame but themselves. But I'm sure they'll fing a way not to...
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You will be hearing a lot more about the vindication of President Bush in the near and not-so-near future, Desperado. You can count on it.

And, yes, I do know a few things you don't know. I only said that cause you were probably gonna ask.

Maureen :dstrs:

History will vindicate George Bush. May take some time, maybe longer than some of us have here, but it will happen.


Oh wait a minute, let me think.

Oh now I vaguely remember something about the government larger than one person.

Hhhhmmm let me see Executive branch that's one, errrr Judicial (or where to have the people's votes overturned, as in California) that would be two and seem's there is a third one but that can't be cause we all know there is only President Bush.

If you are such a flake as to believe the financial idiocy hasn't been building for 30 plus years then you are a kool-aid drinking fool.

If you do not know how the dem's turned Freddie and Fannie into a big social welfare program to pay back certain constituencies then you are a blind fool.

If you do not realize that US people traded in a work ethic and an industrial base for cheap debt and video games you are an ignorant blind fool.

We have what we have built and to continue to "blame Bush" for everything from the attacks on the world trade center to bird flu show's how far one is willing to go to escape looking in the mirror at who is to blame for where we are at!!!!

Well if you dare look in the mirror today ask the person looking back if they are willing to make the sacrifices our forefathers (and mothers) made to go forward.

If it is easier to cover the mirror with a sheet while blaming the them or him or even her and enough of us do that then we have truly lost the right to the Freedoms we were given.

This continuous re-writing of selected history into your party view may make you feel better but then again so did blaming the jews make many Germans feel better about their economic pain.

That could leave a mark, you know......;)



You guys are denying that:
a) the borders have been left wide open during the "WoT"?
b) we have border patrol in jail for doing their job?
c) that the Iraqi war is illegal?
d) that much of the economic crisis is due to a trillion dollar war?
e) that PA I & II were waiting in the wings and have stripped Americans of their rights?
f) that the Dems & the Repubs are the same party- with a few differences to delude the masses?



Another Infidel

You guys are denying that:
a) the borders have been left wide open during the "WoT"?
b) we have border patrol in jail for doing their job?
c) that the Iraqi war is illegal?
d) that much of the economic crisis is due to a trillion dollar war?
e) that PA I & II were waiting in the wings and have stripped Americans of their rights?
f) that the Dems & the Repubs are the same party- with a few differences to delude the masses?


Ya know, I REALLY love your sig line. I always have. :-)

Maureen :dstrs:


Membership Revoked
W. Bush is a traitor, he has enforced Open Borders, defacto. I know this first hand.




The only problem with this statement is that its not true. Bush never said that one of the reasons for the war the WMD's. This is a complete fabrication by the dirty liberals. Just like the claim that he went to war for oil.

Grantbo- what you smoking, Dude?

Bush, May 29, 2003: We found the weapons of mass destruction. We found biological laboratories. You remember when Colin Powell stood up in front of the world, and he said, Iraq has got laboratories, mobile labs to build biological weapons. They're illegal. They're against the United Nations resolutions, and we've so far discovered two. And we'll find more weapons as time goes on. But for those who say we haven't found the banned manufacturing devices or banned weapons, they're wrong, we found them. (May 23, 2003--a month afte he declared victory.)

Cheney: No Doubt Saddam Has WMD
Aug. 26, 2002
Dick Cheney, Vice President
"Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction." (more)

Bush: Iraq Currently Expanding WMD Production
Sep. 12, 2002
George W. Bush, Speech to UN General Assembly
"Right now, Iraq is expanding and improving facilities that were used for the production of biological weapons."

Sep. 12, 2002
George W. Bush
Right now, Iraq is expanding and improving facilities that were used for the production of biological weapons.

Bush: Iraq Has WMD Stockpile
Oct. 5, 2002
George W. Bush, Radio Address
"Iraq has stockpiled biological and chemical weapons, and is rebuilding the facilities used to make more of those weapons." (more)

Bush: Iraq Possesses and Produces Chemical Weapons
Oct. 7, 2002
George W. Bush
"The Iraqi regime . . . possesses and produces chemical and biological weapons. It is seeking nuclear weapons. We know that the regime has produced thousands of tons of chemical agents, including mustard gas, sarin nerve gas, VX nerve gas." (more)

Bush: 500 Tons of Sarin, 30,000 Munitions
Jan. 28, 2003
George W. Bush
"Our intelligence officials estimate that Saddam Hussein had the materials to produce as much as 500 tons of sarin, mustard and VX nerve agent" and "upwards of 30,000 munitions capable of delivering chemical agents... " (more)

May 30, 2003
Bush cites 2 trailers found as evidence of " the weapons of mass destruction" that were the United States' primary justification for going to war.
"Right now, Iraq is expanding and improving facilities that were used for the production of biological weapons."
George W. Bush, Speech to UN General Assembly 9/12/2002

"Iraq has stockpiled biological and chemical weapons, and is rebuilding the facilities used to make more of those weapons. We have sources that tell us that Saddam Hussein recently authorized Iraqi field commanders to use chemical weapons -- the very weapons the dictator tells us he does not have."
George W. Bush, Radio Address 10/5/2002

"The Iraqi regime . . . possesses and produces chemical and biological weapons. It is seeking nuclear weapons. We know that the regime has produced thousands of tons of chemical agents, including mustard gas, sarin nerve gas, VX nerve gas."
George W. Bush, Cincinnati, Ohio Speech 10/7/2002

"We've also discovered through intelligence that Iraq has a growing fleet of manned and unmanned aerial vehicles that could be used to disperse chemical or biological weapons across broad areas."
George W. Bush, Cincinnati, Ohio Speech 10/7/2002

"Our intelligence officials estimate that Saddam Hussein had the materials to produce as much as 500 tons of sarin, mustard and VX nerve agent."
George W. Bush, State of the Union Address 1/28/2003


Veteran Member
This article said what I would say only better. Yes Bush is only one man - but so was Hitler and Bin Ladin. The one man excuse has always been incorrect - people attract like-minded people around them whether to do good or evil. They feed on each other, indoctrinate new members, and expand their philosophy and dominance.

Notice I said for good or evil - Lincoln, Roosevelt, and Ghandi were only one man but the world they influenced was left a better place.

Selective memory or amnesia can be a wonderful thing for those who put Bush and his cronies in office twice. Where is our leader now as the SHTF - offering his hope and concern in fireside chats, no he's hiding out until he can go to his ranch or some other country. He's rushing through laws without discussion that affect our environment, personal rights, etc.

One last point, yes we haven't had another attack - thank our FBI, CIA, and military, plus our own awakening to the possibilities of attacks for that. But there has been an ongoing sneak attack - on our rights and hope for a little of the american dream for the last 8 years, we're only starting to see the smoke now.

Vindication for Bush - my a..


Goin' where the lonely go
I could almost agree with the article except for the fact that as an AMERICAN, I KNOW that GW Bush could not have done one damned thing mentioned in the article without the approval of MOST of the idiots that sit up there with him.

So before I go blaming Bush for the bust up in the Garden of Eden, I wanna see the REST of the idiots taking their share of the blame for providing the effing apple.

It ain't just ONE, its ALL of them!!!

When are you libtards gonna get that?:sht:


Membership Revoked

When did things start to go down hill..........

Oh yea!.....2 years ago......Pelosi I am sure had NOTHING to do with that....LMAO!

Jumpy Frog

Browncoat sympathizer
I could almost agree with the article except for the fact that as an AMERICAN, I KNOW that GW Bush could not have done one damned thing mentioned in the article without the approval of MOST of the idiots that sit up there with him.

So before I go blaming Bush for the bust up in the Garden of Eden, I wanna see the REST of the idiots taking their share of the blame for providing the effing apple.

It ain't just ONE, its ALL of them!!!

When are you libtards gonna get that?:sht:

Just about verbatim to what I was going to post.



By Frosty Wooldridge
November 17, 2008

According to the New York Times, 524,000 Americans lost their jobs in September and October. Unemployment spiked at 6.5 percent.

Freaking idiots... Here is why:
The 2008 Democratic National Convention was a quadrennial presidential nominating convention of the Democratic Party where it adopted its national platform and officially nominated its candidates for President and Vice President of the United States. The convention was held in Denver, Colorado, from August 25 to August 28, 2008, at Pepsi Center. U.S. Senator Barack Obama of Illinois, the nominee for President, gave his acceptance speech on August 28 at INVESCO Field in what the party called an "Open Convention".[1][2] Denver last hosted the Democratic National Convention in 1908.

Obama officially received the nomination for President on August 27, when his former opponent Hillary Rodham Clinton interrupted the official roll call to move that Obama be selected by acclamation.[3] U.S. Senator Joe Biden of Delaware accepted the nomination for Vice President on the same night. Obama accepted his nomination the following night in a speech at INVESCO Field before a record-setting crowd of 84,000 people in attendance.[4]

The Stock Markets reflected his nomination as well: Yahoo Finance 3 month Dow Chart Pay attention to the week leading up to the election... remember McCain's "rally" just before election day?????????

The world already KNOWS that fascist socialism is BAD for the economy (among many other things). Just ask any Russian! Only Americans are too blind to see reality.


You say that now...... Soon, you'll sing the same tune, about another man.

I would agree a million times over but... This next one WILL NOT ALLOW DISSENT TO BE VOICED, PRINTED, or in any other way SENT OVER THE AIRWAYS or INTERNET.

Shades of Germany or Russia? Nope. It's already here.


Middle of the road
Does anyone else find it humorous that there is a group of people who think every ill that befell the world over the last eight years is the fault of Clinton...until now. Now the ills are Obama's fault, and he's not even in office yet.


On TB every waking moment folks absolutely refuse to admit the power of Political Correctness.

Example: Billy Jeff draggooned bankers into giving loans to people who could not pay them back.

Dubya comes in and shuts it down like people here claim he should have.

Guess what? It would have turned out that Dubya had just denied home ownership to more Blacks than any other color. And folks, that is pure evidence of discrimination, no doubt about it. That method of proving criminal discrimination based on color is used everywhere.

And we know the gov cannot discriminate, don't we?

Yup, we do.

The Cultural Left smiles quietly. Everything is going their way.

fruit loop

Bush will go down in history as one of the worst presidents in history. Or maybe not....I think he just might have topped U.S. Grant.

He didn't make the country safer, and 9-11 would still have happened no matter who was president. What he did was ENDANGER us by not finishing the job and finding Bin Laden....instead he decided to prove he has a bigger dick than Daddy by attacking Iraq.

Oh....and there are, and never were, any WMDs.


Membership Revoked
Bush will go down in history as one of the worst presidents in history. Or maybe not....I think he just might have topped U.S. Grant.

He didn't make the country safer, and 9-11 would still have happened no matter who was president. What he did was ENDANGER us by not finishing the job and finding Bin Laden....instead he decided to prove he has a bigger dick than Daddy by attacking Iraq.

Oh....and there are, and never were, any WMDs.

I'll bet your hate for Bush is so great, that you would be thrilled if the United States were to suffer a terrible terrorist hit before Bush exits.

That would complete your hate-based template on Bush, which seems to be paramount to every-one on the Left.

Anger-Hate-Resentment defines the Left. It's a sickness.



I am getting a big kick out of all this. Just wait until January. Gotta love it, the Bush bashers are now shrugging their shoulders and whining "I just can't understand how this is happening, blah blah blah, we're just so much better than this, blah blah blah"

4 years of Barack bashing ahead of me. Life is good.


Senior Member
I have a family member who, till this day, is blaming all of our country's problems on Clinton. She hasn't yet gotten the word that Obama is now to blame. I haven't clued her in that she's supposed to be blaming Obama now. Maybe I will.

I don't know how "History" will treat Bush, but as far as I'm concerned, he has been the worst president of my lifetime.


I have a family member who, till this day, is blaming all of our country's problems on Clinton. She hasn't yet gotten the word that Obama is now to blame. I haven't clued her in that she's supposed to be blaming Obama now. Maybe I will.

I don't know how "History" will treat Bush, but as far as I'm concerned, he has been the worst president of my lifetime.

There have been worse, trust me. I've lived a little. Try Carter.


Land Owner
Your article said (Bush), "He finished the job that Clinton started".
That's pretty much what I've seen-a snowball rolling downhill. And now we have Mr. Obama with a Clinton/Carter cabinet. It actually looks like we shouldn't be blaming the presidents, they have all had the same anti-freedom people running things the whole time...New boss...same as the old boss...:shr:


Land Owner
There have been worse, trust me. I've lived a little. Try Carter.

:lol:-Carter. And now Obama's got Carter's Volcker and Brzezinski - back to 15% interest rates and what will we give away this time? Last time with Brezinski it was the Panama Canal. He is also the guy who created AQ. Yikes.

NC Susan

Its PELOSI..........Hello.........PELOSI........and the crap the Democrats pulled that destroyed this country.

You can not legislate and advocate, abortion, death, theft, homosexuality, pedophilia and bribes, in the halls of Congress and expect God himself to Bless and Heal the land.

Bush is the Soldiers President.
and its the soldier that makes sure we get to squander these freedoms.

Pelosi is the head boss of the Congress that is full of laws and liars.
Obama is a socialist and will make sure that the TVs, the radios and the internet are censored, and then locked down. We are going to be living in the dark ages of information sooner than later. :sheep: