God, is a Gardener.


Veteran Member
As if we all didn't know. Garden of Eden! LOL! However, it just embraces me with loving feelings when I read things like Deuteronomy 25:19. Just my version of it is: If you forget a sheaf (is this a bale of hay or leaf?) after harvest...just leave it for a stranger..don't go and get it. Leave it for the fatherless, and for the widow: that the Lord thy God may bless thee in all the work of thine hands.

How special that God watches our harvests and knows what we harvest and how we deal with it. He must watch everything we do. Kind of makes the harvest take a little more interest. Harvest is so all consuming when you think about it. Even more consuming than we know perhaps. Maybe even consuming to the point of determining our future. I guess God is big time into FOOD! Okay I just looked up sheaf and it is a bundle of stalks or paper. I did harvest several bundles today. I made the mistake of going to the garden without the harvesting basket! LOL

However the point of this thread is that God knows what we do at harvest and he is apparently a prep minded likeness of us. I mean that we are a prep minded likeness of him. We are created in his image. God bless us. God bless us please! Happy Harvest! Beetree


Veteran Member
Know well the face of your flocks; set your heart on your herds. For riches are not forever; nor the crown from generation to generation. When the hay is removed, and the tender grass is seen, and mountain-plants are gathered, the lambs are for your clothing, and the goats are the price of the field. And you shall have goats' milk enough for your food, for the food of your household, and a living for your young women.
(Pro 27:23-27)

Yes, God is a farmer and the Bible is all about prepping, how we should live, who we should be and how we should die and persevering to the end.

I think the Word of God is my biggest motivator for being a small farmer. I try to use the farming practices given to us in Leviticus, not because of the law but because they are sound practices.


Membership Revoked
Beautiful thoughts, Beetree! :)

Your words to bring to my mind the importance of sharing what God gives us with others. Even if we only have a little, there is always something we can give.

Thanks for sharing, friend.



These are such beautiful thoughts.

Another way God speaks to me in my garden is to remind me that "for every thing there is a season." It has helped me learn to face all aspects of life with a little more patience and certainty that things will work out the way they are supposed to.

And there is nothing like watching a seed sprout, the plant grow, flower and produce fruit and seeds for the next generation to inspire wonder at the ingenuity of His creation..... in the garden and in my life.