FOOD GMO Initiative in California


Right from the start
Maybe our only chance to squelch the evil GMO freight train is right now taking off in California.

Perhaps our California members can help out?

"An organization called LabelGMOs has begun an initiative that would put the issue of mandatory GMO labeling where it belongs, in the hands of American voters.

If the polls are correct, this could mean that 2012 is the year when the State of California requires all GMO food products to be clearly labeled. Since California provides a huge percentage of the food eaten by Americans, this will mean a safer and more transparent food system for everyone.

You can be sure Monsanto and the other GMO companies will fight this with millions of dollars in twisted advertising and misleading PR, so all those who believe in GMO-free food need to throw their weight behind this campaign.

Once the language of the initiative is accepted by the State, the organization will have 150 days to gather 504,760 qualifying signatures in order to get the issue on the ballot.

Visit the LabelGMOs action page - - to learn more about how you can support this ballot initiative, how you can avoid GMOs in your food and how you can organize your community to start a similar initiative in your state."