INSANITY George Floyd’s Family Petitions United Nations to Help Disarm Police in the United States

Orion Commander

Veteran Member
If the media is to be believed it was a knee that killed Mr. Floyd not a weapon. Therefore his family should be asking the UN to dis-knee the police. Leave the tools necessary for the job and take a knee. Sounds like a win win.


Membership Revoked

June 9, 2020

Defunding Police is Anti-Black and Anti-Woman

Defunding Police is Anti-Black and Anti-Woman
by Jodi Giddings in politics 4 Comments

"Poke a progressive and what you’ll get is a lot of feel-good mumbo-jumbo. It’s what we saw congressional Democrats do yesterday morning as they kneeled in Emancipation Hall for nearly nine minutes, draped in the cultural appropriation they so often decry, bowing to the anti-police mob:

See mzee26 's other Tweets

Pander scarves. How cute.

Obianuju Ekeocha


I had to say something about the American politicians shameless and ignorantly using the Kente fabric as a prop in their virtue signaling.

*I’m usually more mild mannered than this so please forgive me, I’m upset.

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1:00 PM - Jun 8, 2020
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The chosen venue couldn’t have been more ironic given the party’s long and documented history of racism and slavery, and standing in opposition to every civil rights movement in our nation’s history, including the women’s vote.

They’re just hoping that none of us know it.

So, given their racist and sexist history, it’s no surprise that they’ve embraced the movement spawned by the America-hating fringe that has successfully hijacked their party: defunding the police. And, of course, while at the same time being pro-gun control.

And it couldn’t be more emblematic of the racist and sexist roots of the Democratic Party, because it is women and people of color who will primarily experience the disastrous ramifications of the party’s latest catastrophic idea.
Exhibit A is the answer a CNN guest offered when asked about the response to an active shooter, a situation the left says it’s concerned with (gun control will remedy that, doncha know). Their answer is…we have no answer.
And it’s the same answer they’ll give when asked if people of color—whose lives are routinely snuffed out during an average weekend in Chicago—will be further victimized by those who will run rampant when there’s no one left to stop them.

And it’s the same answer women will hear when they ask who they’ll call if their lives are threatened, or when the inevitable rise in rapes and other violent crime happens…we have no answer; your “white privilege” deems you unworthy of protection. No, really:

Eddie Zipperer


CAMEROTA: "What if in the middle of the night my home is broken into. Who do I call?"

BENDER: "Yes, I hear that loud and clear from a lot of my neighbors. And I know — and myself, too, and I know that that comes from a place of privilege."

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6:15 AM - Jun 8, 2020
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Gotcha. Equal victimization for all. Did I mention this is part of what the left means by “social justice”?

The Democratic party would like us all to believe that the biggest threat to our lives is the police. They’d like us all to forget that it is they who’ve dominated, for decades, the political landscape of most large cities across America. And they’d like us to forget it is they who’ve put into place policies—coupled with abortion clinics and failing public schools—that have decimated the lives of people of color in an effort to keep them voting blue. And should they successfully eradicate police departments so desperately needed in areas where their polices have wrought misery, and unchecked crime, to so many—particularly in areas where Democrats have also erased their citizens’ right to self-defense by making it virtually impossible to legally own a firearm—what residents of cities like Minneapolis, New York City, and Los Angeles will face is nightmarish to imagine by comparison.

Can you say Sharia Law, coupled with Antifa, and Black Lives Matter-types “community policing” your streets? Because that’s who women and people of color will find “policing” them in liberal-run cities across America at the behest of the multi-tentacled DNC. Do what we say, or face our wrath. That message has never been more clear than in the past months where people simply demanding their jobs be returned are hauled off to jail, while violent insurrection is rewarded with celebrity bail money.

The left doesn’t care about women. We’ve seen that in the way Joe Biden’s been shielded from credible rape allegations, and the dismissal of his on-camera molestation of little girls. They covered for Clinton; they covered for Weinstein; they covered for Epstein. And, in the cities Democrats dominate, it is women who’ll be left further defenseless in the face of threats that are sure to increase thanks to yet another destructive Democratic Party policy.

And, other than election season, they certainly don’t believe black lives matter. All one needs do is take a look at the intentional shuttering of businesses and other employment that—pre-Scamdemic—had successfully pulled so many peoples of color and other once-neglected communities out of poverty and into the dignity of work. Couple that with the Democrats’ silence on recent riot-related deaths
Those killed amid the rioting over the black man’s death have been disproportionately black. Businesses owned and frequented by blacks have been wiped out in the looting and destruction, and a memorial to black Civil War soldiers has been defaced.”
…and destruction—wrought by the DNC’s terrorist offshoots—of black and other minority-owned businesses and communities in the past days, and it’s clear that what they care about is votes.

There’s a reason that blue states have dragged their feet on re-opening their economies. There’s a reason the liberal-dominated media has, for months, fear-mongered about coronavirus. There’s a reason that—just at the most-opportune moment—coordinated “protests” simultaneously sprang up in cities all across America. And there’s a reason why the Democratic Party’s terrorist arm has been allowed by their blue-state comrades to launch a full-scale civil war on America, the death toll—including innocent women and people of color—acceptable collateral damage in their quest to regain power. How? To scare women and people of color into voting Democrat as violent crime increases, their white knight being a senile old man who has a record of, at best, creepy behavior toward women, and a long history of shaming free-thinking blacks and commiserating with senate segregationists, a man who’d be nothing but a puppet for the radical fringe of his party. Remember: he’s the same guy who says things like this, and gets a free pass from the usual suspects.

Anyone who cares to can see what all of this is about: the November election and the votes of women, as well as people of color who’ve been drifting away from the Democratic Party for some time now.

So to my fellow ladies, my fellow Americans of all hues, and those who care about us: the Democratic Party believes we’re all stupid; let’s not let them exploit us any longer. And let’s not allow them to implement yet another anti-black and anti-woman police policy that promises to wreak further havoc on already-vulnerable communities, and raze the very future of our country."



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Conservative Thoughts

Tuesday, June 9, 2020
We Need Real Solutions, Not Ridiculous Pipe Dreams

This new mania for dismantling (or effectively dismantling) municipal police departments is quite possibly one of the dumbest things I've seen the left embrace in a long, long time.

I have an acquaintance on Facebook who was stationed in Panama City after Operation Just Cause, when police presence in the city was virtually nonexistent due to the collapse of the government. Here's some of what she had to say about the results:
  1. First the few police that remained, banded together and stopped Americans so that they could get extort money.
  2. All the stop signs and stop lights stopped working (government was gone as well) which meant that if you weren't a native of the city, you didn't know to stop at certain streets and wait for thinning traffic. But yea.. no traffic laws ... At least they still went on the same side of the street.
  3. Anyone with any money lived in enclaves with guards. They bought their own security. Most women didn't go out anywhere with out family.
  4. Anyone with a few bits of something were robbed by machete and/or beaten.
  5. There were pockets of lawfulness where certain students who take over a block and guard it. They would pull together residents as militias. They would block the streets with bricks and other things so they could guard their neighborhoods. It was this alone that brought Panama City back to civilization because the students went block by block until they had the large about of the residents safe from riots.
  6. Even after being their for four years when they had police, summer was riot season... including beatings and molotov cocktails. They liked to target the "bridge of the Americas."
  7. All military personnel (US) were under curfew and were not allowed to go anywhere unless they were with two or more people.
When the stop lights began to work, certain individuals would pull people from their cars and beat them. I heard of a few assassinations happen too. Plus no one went anywhere without a big knife, gun, or AK47.
It was terrifying because the first few months I was there some of the Panamanians would slip through the fences into the base and snipe. It pretty much died down after awhile and when the government went back, they went back to hating their government and stayed away from the US military.
Two soldiers were driving a hum-vee on the main road and someone shot into the vehicle, killing the driver. When the US (and the military) asked for the killer (turned out he was a Senator's son), no one could find him. They packed him up and sent him to Cuba ...
So it looks like the rich are fine and everyone else lives in a war zone.
The idea that we can completely replace professional, armed law enforcement with social workers and community members "trained in de-escalation" is pure fantasy. It is based on a utopian, Rousseau-inspired worldview that posits that people, as a rule, are basically good until they are corrupted by societal factors such as poverty and/or oppression. But anyone with a modicum of common sense knows this is emphatically not the case.

I'm a teacher. I've worked with small humans. They're adorable, but they're also absolute barbarians long before society has had much of a chance to influence how they behave. If a child sees a toy he wants, he will do anything - including pushing another child over - to get it. If you decline to give him a lollipop, he will sneak around you and steal that coveted sweet from your cupboard. And this is true of all children -- whether they're well-provided for or not.

And adults? Adults are more likely to be civilized due to experience and upbringing -- but even adults are not beyond pursuing what is evil and base for the sake of their own selfish desires. If crime is driven solely by society's failure to provide, how the hell does one explain white collar criminals, who presumably aren't struggling to survive from day to day? How do you explain kings (or dictators) who continually steal from their subjects despite their undeniable position of privilege and relative affluence?

Human nature is not innocent. While we all certainly have the capacity to be good, we are not naturally virtuous. Pro-social behavior comes from moral training; it does not magically appear once the body is housed, clothed and fed. So sure: you can dump money into so-called "community investment" (and we can discuss what will and will not be truly helpful), but all the welfare in the world will do nothing to fix the fundamental malady. Some people will simply scoff at education and employment programs in favor of crime because the latter requires no effort or skill and is often quite remunerative.

Thus, if you take our police away, you will get Panama after the fall of Noriega. That's a certainty. And the people who will suffer most, as my acquaintance relates, will be those who can't afford to pay for their own private security details. Gosh, I wonder how many black folks will find themselves in that unprotected category?"


Membership Revoked

The Media Urge to Explain away ‘Defund the Police’

June 9, 2020 1:13 PM

Protesters rally against the death in Minneapolis police custody of George Floyd, at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, New York City, May 31, 2020.

"The hot protest slogan and hashtag of the moment is “Defund the Police.” At times, it’s also framed as a call to abolish or disband the police. Ordinary speakers of the English language would naturally assume, listening to people chant “defund the police” in the streets, carry “defund the police” signs, and literally paint “defund the police” on the streets of D.C., that such people mean “defund the police.”

But not our media! There’s been an immediate rush to write pieces explaining that, of course, “defund the police” does not actually mean “defund the police.” From a Washington Post op-ed by Georgetown Law professor Christy Lopez, entitled “Defund the police? Here’s what that really means”:
Be not afraid. “Defunding the police” is not as scary (or even as radical) as it sounds . . . Defunding and abolition probably mean something different from what you are thinking. For most proponents, “defunding the police” does not mean zeroing out budgets for public safety, and police abolition does not mean that police will disappear overnight — or perhaps ever.
From an Associated Press explainer by Michael Balsamo, Zeke Miller, and Michael Sisak entitled “When protesters cry ‘defund the police,’ what does it mean?”:
But what does ‘defund the police’ mean? It’s not necessarily about gutting police department budgets. . . . Supporters say it isn’t about eliminating police departments or stripping agencies of all of their money.
From Matt Yglesias at Vox, “Growing calls to “defund the police,” explained”:
The basic idea, though, is less that policing budgets should be literally zeroed out than that there should be a massive restructuring of public spending priorities. . . . Police abolitionists are proposing a scaling-back of the scope of police activities that is far outside the horizon of current political possibility, so they may not articulate the most fine-grained details.
From Emily VanDerWerff at Vox, “The narrative power of ‘abolish the police’: It isn’t just a policy proposal. It’s also an idea of what the country could be”:
Applying these storytelling rules to the political realm shifts the introduction of the main character and the goal — the first act, in other words. Different sides advance different ideas of what goal should be accomplished (in this case, police reform), and which protagonist should be at the forefront (in this case, a broad sociopolitical movement often defined by key individuals). The audience (in this case, the American public) ultimately chooses which story it most wants to hear… So it is with “abolish the police.” Here, the “protagonist” is a combination of over-policed black communities and the protesters who have rallied to those communities’ side in the last few weeks, and the goal is to dismantle the de facto police state those communities live in. Setting goals versus proposing solutions is a big divide in how people on the left talk about politics…
There’s been much more in this vein, but you get the idea. Notably, articles of this nature seek to draw the eye towards legislative and think-tank proposals and away from the voices of the people actually chanting in the streets.

In part, of course, all this explaining is a reflection of what a radical and politically explosive idea “defund the police” is in an election year, and how it divides the Democrats along ideological and generational lines. Leading Democratic politicians are running headlong away from the slogan while trying to embrace the people chanting it. Joe Biden, who for years proudly touted his role in the 1994 “put 100,000 more cops on the street” crime bill, visibly wants no part of the slogan. But unlike the party’s leadership, many of whom were born in the early 1940s, influential younger lawmakers such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are pushing the idea. These are the folks who may run the party when the age-77-and-up crowd moves on.

Defunding police is also wildly impractical. The Minneapolis City Council grabbed headlines by voting to defund and disband the city’s police department, but they don’t actually have the legal authority to do that; defunding would require a revision to the city charter, which the voters would have to approve. Until then, the cops report to the city’s mayor, not the city council. Camden, New Jersey actually went forward with disbanding its police department — in theory. In practice, what Camden did is just old-fashioned union-busting: disband the department to get rid of the union, then hire the same cops back at lower salaries and benefits.

What makes the media’s Voxsplaining of “Defund the Police” all so astonishingly brazen is when you compare it with how they routinely treat popular slogans, protests, and broad-brush assertions by politicians on the right. When Tea Party protesters and Republican politicians called for repealing Obamacare, for example, they were roundly mocked in these same quarters for not having a single, comprehensive, CBO-scored plan on which the entire party agreed, notwithstanding the presence of plenty of think-tank proposals and general agreement on a lot of individual pieces. A whole cottage industry exists to lampoon protestors on the right for not fully grasping the nuances of their own slogans. When Tom Cotton wrote an op-ed that the New York Times titled, “Send in the Troops,” it was widely treated as a call to sic troops on peaceful protestors even though Cotton explicitly said otherwise in the op-ed. Conservative politicians and pundits are assumed to be responsible for the literal content of “abolish the IRS,” or “close the border,” or “build the wall.” Liberal media commentators spent years mocking Salena Zito’s description of Trump supporters who “take him seriously, but not literally” — which is precisely what these same voices are now trying to do with “defund the police.”

As always with these sorts of double standards: They think we can’t see what they are doing."


Dot Collector


UN Flashback:
If Hillary would have won the Marxist could have continued more of their "fundamentally transforming America".

Obama wishes America Was Run Like China?

Obama’s lament.

9:01 AM, Mar 11, 2011 • By WILLIAM KRISTOL

“Mr. Obama has told people that it would be so much easier to be the president of China. As one official put it, ‘No one is scrutinizing Hu Jintao’s words in Tahrir Square.’”


Obama Seeks a Course of Pragmatism in the Middle East,” The New York Times, March 11, 2011.

Mr. Obama is right.

If you’re president of China, people around the world who are fighting for freedom don’t really expect you to help. If you’re president of China, you don’t have to put up with annoying off-year congressional elections, and then negotiate your budget with a bunch of gun-and-religion-clinging congressmen and senators.

If you’re president of China, you can fund your national public radio to your heart’s content. And if you’re president of China, when you host a conference on bullying in schools, people take you seriously.

Unfortunately for him and us, Barack Obama is president of the United States. That job brings with it certain special responsibilities. It’s a tough job—maybe tougher than being president of China. But Barack Obama ran for president of the United States. Maybe he should start behaving as one.

China: U.S. gun ownership is human-rights violation - WND

China Calls for 'No Delay' on Gun Controls in U.S.

Communist China Calls for Obama to Engage in “Protracted War” for Gun Control

China, US pledge cooperation in law enforcement

Obama and mayors planning not only to reform but to totally replace America’s police forces

In fact Obama and Kerry signed the UN Small Arms Treaty ready to superseded the 2A before he left office.

Thank God for Trump...



Veteran Member
The UN has no military or LE arm, it's simply an administrative entity that relies on member nations to supply force strength to it's "peacekeeping" initiatives.

As it stands, the UN currently has around 78,000 contributed troops, primarily preforming regional peacekeeping. These are the countries contributing more than 1,000+ troops to the UN; Ethiopia, China, Egypt, Chad, Burkina Faso, Bangladesh, Ghana, India, Ind, Italy, Morocco, Nepal, Pakistan, Rwanda, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania.

A handful are contributing over 500+ troops; Benin, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Fiji, France, Germany, Guinea, Malawi, Malaysia, Mauritania, Mongolia, Niger, South Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, Togo, Uganda, United Kingdom, and Zambia.

The overwhelming majority of UN contributor nation's are MENA or Asian-Pacific that are providing support for regional peacekeeping in their own country or region.

Even if the UN could manage to draw it's entire 78,000 in contributed force strength to delicate to disarming police, it has no way of transporting that manpower here and it would be a woefully inadequate force to disarm the some 1.5M US Law Enforcement personnel and would be operating outside it legal bounds.

The idea that the UN has the means, let alone the authority to take action against the US is a Progressive pipe dream.


Senior Member
George Floyd’s Family Petitions United Nations to Help Disarm Police in the United States
Steve Meece holds a United Nations flag as he joins a Black Lives Matter protest Saturday, June 6, 2020 outside Los Angeles City Hall in Los Angeles. The death of George Floyd, who was restrained by Minneapolis police last month, has sparked nationwide protests for police reform. (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes)
AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes
PENNY STARR8 Jun 202016,261
The family of George Floyd, the black man killed while in police custody in Minneapolis on Memorial Day, has sent a letter to the globalist United Nations to ask for its help in disarming police officers in the United States of America.
The family’s legal team facilitated the letter, which was sent on Wednesday, according to NBC News:

The U.N. issued a statement on May 28, three days after Floyd’s death, and included the names of other black people in the U.S. who died in police custody. Michelle Bachelet, U.N. Commissioner on Human Rights, is quoted in the statement, which says, in part:

NBC did not report on whether or not the Floyd family or its legal counsel have heard back from the U.N.

Those raspberry blue helmets make nice targets...Any UN foreign forces entering into USA should be treated as invaders and shot on sight...NO MERCY, NO PRISONERS!!!!!


Senior Member
Ok if they want to defund police...we defund stamps...subsidized housing...anything that benefits the parasites in America. Tell them this is their new normal...if they don't like it then leave...any protests or rioting will be met with lethal force...make it open season and offer a bounty.


Membership Revoked

By Tom Woods

"Some people on the Left are saying "defund the police."

Why am I not jumping up and down with excitement?

Because it matters to me what they replace it with.

Because I'm dealing with people who believe in bullying and intimidation of individuals and businesses. If you think the world is 12% more complicated than their Manichaean worldview allows, why, you're a "white supremacist" who should be silenced.

If you're not discussing what they think you should discuss on social media, your "silence" is "violence" (but when some of them burned down your business, this was understandable exuberance).

Note that you and I are not allowed to hector people about what they should be discussing on their social media timelines. No cause we may have believed in at any point in our lives is as important as theirs.

When the SJW left decides a cause is important, everyone rushes to validate them: every corporate CEO, every university president, every Hollywood celebrity.

A little strange to describe people as "marginalized" who can summon that level of groupthink at the drop of a hat.

Over in the UK Brendan O'Neill, the ex-Marxist, makes note of the contrast between the supposedly "marginalized" and everyone else:

Britain feels so alien to me right now. Woke spoilt brats have the free run of the streets while working people are prevented by law from going to their jobs or the pub. Young people with the correct PC views can gather in public, express themselves and even tear down statues with no consequences whatsoever, while everyone else is still being sternly warned to stay at home. Correct-thinkers can gather in massive crowds, while others can’t even visit a church, or attend a football match, or have a family gathering. This is the hierarchy of political correctness in action: if you have the right views, you can do what you like; if you don’t, then you are a second-class citizen who deserves to rot in lockdown and occasionally be shamed for thoughtcrime. It’s deeply sinister. There will be a pushback soon, surely, just as there was in the Brexit referendum. That mission to “take back control” is far from over.

Imagine "community patrols" operated by people like this, people who lecture the whole world for their lack of empathy, but who caricature everyone who disagrees with them. They themselves can gather in demonstrations numbering in the thousands, but it would be a health hazard if your mother's funeral had more than 10 people -- and if you complain about this, they'll say it's just because you want a haircut.

Where's their empathy?

And am I supposed to be excited about having my "security" looked after by people like this?

Here's what you can expect from that security, by the way, according to the president of the Minnesota City Council:



On CNN she said, when asked what would happen under her system if your house were being broken into, that maybe it's about time for privileged people to get a taste of what the "marginalized" feel like.

(Don't believe me? I'll play you the recording in episode 1669 of the Tom Woods Show, coming out later today.)

Oh, and one more thing: when they say "defund the police," they don't even mean it. Here's something circulating all over Facebook:


Well, that's super.

In a few days I'm releasing a free eBook on the problems with the police and the libertarian solution, so I'm not just being critical.

But yes, I need to see what is going to replace the police, given that the Minnesota city council president looks forward to a "police-free future."

The same would hold true if the left decided to "defund the schools." You'd be out of your mind to celebrate that. They haven't suddenly embraced freedom, so what could this mean? It sure could mean that, since they still believe in a monopoly system, your kids will now be herded into "community centers" that will make you long for the government schools."


Dot Collector
So which "community organizer"/group got to them first with this idea?


Obama and mayors planning not only to reform but to totally replace America’s police forces
By Judi McLeod —— Bio and Archives--May 2, 2015


Mayors and city councils—in office largely courtesy of public apathy—are President Barack Obama’s boots on the ground in the ongoing, carefully orchestrated racial riots coming soon to a city near you.

In their bid to rescue America from total Marxist eclipse, patriots, as it turns out, have been knocking on the wrong door.

Republicans, who surrendered to the Democrats even after taking over House and Senate in last Midterm elections, have no dog in the racial riots in Ferguson, Baltimore and other cities, but Mayor Stephanie Rowlings-Blake, who ordered a police stand down in Baltimore, and a bevy of other Democrat mayors, do.
With the undercover help of activist municipal mayors and councils, Obama seeks not to reform the nation’s police—but to totally replace them.

While diverting public attention by snubbing senators, and overriding both Constitution and Congress, Obama is now hammering the final nail in the Fundamental Transformation of America coffin.

It’s a mission aided and abetted by mercenary ‘civil rights‘ activists Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, and one largely conducted out of sight with White House help.

Local civic elections consistently have the lowest voter turnout, yet represent the level of government that poses the biggest threat to liberty and freedom. It is through complicit mayors and councils that the United Nations has been able to forge the road to Agenda 21 for all of Western society. here

As incredible as it may seem, It is with the cooperation of municipal politicians that Obama will get to replace every police force in the United States with a more military styled one that is answerable only to him.

We the People should have seen Baltimore and Ferguson coming on July 2, 2008, when Obama boasted in Colorado Springs, CO: “We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.”

Most assumed he was talking about the military, which he soon began to hollow out.

Few realized the most anti-American president ever elected had his sight fixed on replacing thousands of police forces across the country, whose job it has always been to keep the public peace, with his own military-style police.

It’s the return of Fidel Castro, only this time in America.

By ridding the nation of its traditional police forces, Obama and his army of activist municipal politicians will be tossing into the trash can first responders who happen to wear the Serve & Protect badge.

Getting there has been Marxist Community organizing all the way.

First came the smear job spreading the fallacy that police deliberately profile only young blacks, and are addicted to the habit of randomly shooting them. Marxist propaganda leaves the disingenuous impression that racist rogue cops dominate most police forces.

Within days of the Baltimore riots, Obama made it clear he wouldn’t be surveying the damage; wouldn’t be lifting a finger to call for calm.

He didn’t have to with the mayor doing his dirty work.

One hundred police officers were injured in the Baltimore riots. Businesses up and running only the day before were left in burnt-out rubble, facts carelessly written off by Obama.

Obama’s reaction to what’s going on in Baltimore has been expressed in words as casual as they are well crafted:

“The communities in Baltimore that are having these problems now are no different from the communities in Chicago when I first started working” as a community organizer, Obama said. “I’ve seen this movie too many times before.” (National Journal, April 29, 2015)

The difference now is that it’s Obama directing the racial riot movie.

With the Republicans snoozing at the switch, and most unsuspecting folk not knowing that Obama’s boots on the ground are the municipalities, what’s going to stop him from accomplishing his latest mission?

Obama counts on the same kind of apathy that dogs municipal elections about racial riots that are being staged, right down to including outside protesters being rushed in to the scene of the riots.

Like in televised episodes of Hill Street Blues, when the Black Arrows, Shamrocks and Los Diablos came together when there was something in it for them, the Bloods, the Crips and the Nation of Islam came together in Baltimore.

That coming together of the three parties was unprecedented.

Yet, instead of asking why the Bloods, the Crips and the Nation of Islam would come together during the Baltimore riots, Rowlings-Blake thanked the Nation of Islam.

Talk show radio giant and patriot Mark Levin points out that Rowlings-Blake was in constant touch with chief Obama advisor Valerie Jarrett throughout the riots.

By throwing gasoline on the racial discord gathering steam in American cities, is Obama sending a message to America’s foreign enemies that the U.S. is now at its most vulnerable for a strike?

Are internet commenters like Richard Jackson who posits: “I think the riots are simply programming people to get used to a military presence (instead of police) and curfews, etc. for something bigger later on”, on the right track?

Should edgy folk be watching the Jade Helm 15 large-scale military exercise to be played out from July 15 to November 15, across seven states, with thousands of locals “participating or role playing in the exercise” wearing I.D. markings be watching the military instead of passively letting the military watch them?

Meanwhile, speaking to a group of schoolchildren at the Anacostia Library in Washington, D.C., on Thursday, Obama said he might return to community organizing.

In truth, his plans to nationalize America’s police forces, prove he’s never left it.




Swift, Silent,...Sleepy
Trump should defund the UN as soon as he gets wind of them acting with any kind of authority on our soil.



Has No Life - Lives on TB

Where have we heard all this injustice of a systematic racist society by White supremacy on minorities before?

Oh yeah...............South Africa anyone?

Here's a photo from some early protests they had............look familiar these days?


and who helped that move along so nicely to social justice?

..............this movement maybe?


America.............your future is South Africa if you don't wise up ............and don't forget to turn off the nuclear reactors like they did in SA because the ANC has not a clue with what to do with them.
Last edited:


Dot Collector
Where have we heard all this injustice of a systematic racist society by White supremacy on minorities before?

Oh yeah...............South Africa anyone?

Here's a photo from some early protests they had............look familiar these days?


and who helped that move along so nicely to social justice?

..............this movement maybe?


America.............your future is South Africa if you don't wise up ............and don't forget to turn off the nuclear reactors like they did in SA because the ANC has not a clue with what to do with them.


Sounds familiar....

White farm murders in South Africa - Race hate, politics or greed? (28min)

Behind the farm attacks is racial hatred stirred up by Leftist politicians, this is political hate.
Not only do they kill, but its the way they kill. They torture you.


Return to South Africa (America) after Apartheid (White privilege is removed) - 4:30min