OP-ED Furious Naomi Wolf Rages At The Pain Of Listening To Twitter Censorship Testimony


Disaster Cat
I have followed Naomi for at least 30 years, enjoying her writing before I married Nightwolf, reading her humor-filled articles about life as a middle-aged student in Oxford (I had lived with Nightwolf in Cambridge his last Summer and a lot of was similar for the "Yank" suddenly finding herself lost in the Old Country) and I respected her a great deal. I now respect her even more. This is one of the bravest things I have ever read and TRUE Speaking Truth To Power. She also shows, like Kunstler, who I have also followed since his books on collapse first came out and Nightwolf; a good education can, as Nightwolf said, "a truly educated person is trained to look at the facts of a situation and revise their opinion if the facts warrant it." He said this several times, in several ways, but that was the gist of it. This was republished in Zero Hedge, but I may subscribe to her newsletter since she has now been "de-platformed." I hope some brave university hire's her - Melodi

part 1
Furious Naomi Wolf Rages At The Pain Of Listening To Twitter Censorship Testimony

MONDAY, FEB 13, 2023 - 04:00 AM
Via 'Outspoken with Dr Naomi Wolf' Substack,

As I type, I am undergoing the excruciating experience of listening to C-SPAN, which is airing “Twitter’s Response to Hunter Biden Laptop Story.” The larger issue is: who censored Twitter, and why, and whether there was illegal collusion (there was) between Twitter and the US government.

So I finally am seeing them — up close, in real life, in person. I am finally able to look at the faces of the heretofore faceless technocrats who took it upon themselves to try to destroy my life and ruin my name.

I am witnessing, as I see them seated primly in rows in a Congressional hearing room, the very faces — the somber, ill-cut but costly blue suits, the bad wire-rimmed glasses, the judgmental expressions — of those who were personally responsible for the misery, trauma, reputational damage, shattered dreams, and loss of income, in my one life, over the course of last two and a half years.

Here at last are the very people who took it upon themselves, or who oversaw their colleagues, to single me out, to collude with the White House, and with Carol Crawford of CDC, and with DHS perhaps, to suspend me — following an accurate tweet of mine that warned women of menstrual harms following mRNA injection.

The positions of these people, the views of them — their self-regarding, self-satisfied, smug certainty that their rightness is the only rightness that could ever be — do not remind me of the testimony or views of actual Americans. They remind me rather of the affect of functionaries in a Stalinist show trial, or of the nameless bureaucrats in Kafka’s The Trial.

There, onscreen, present at last, is Yoel Roth, “Former Twitter Head of Trust & Safety” - with that oddly prim, pursed mouth that these technocrats all seem to have; with those fingertips touching each other, presenting himself as if he is the moderator of reality itself, and as if he finds himself in the presence of something that smells bad. There are his glazed defiant blue eyes, his slightly balding pate; the costly haircut; there is the sneering downward cast of his mouth. I try not ever to make critical personal remarks, but the ugliness, sorrow, loss, isolation and pain I sustained, and still sustain every day, at the hands of these until-now-faceless, self-righteous people, tend to make me see them aversively; or perhaps I see the moral ugliness of their decisions, as if manifested in their faces and body language.

Sorry — not sorry.

There he is: Mr Roth, wrongly claiming that, “paradoxically,” more speech equals more danger and not more safety for society.

There he is, this person so sure that he is so right, having tweeted that Republicans are “NAZIS”.

And here he is, sorry about that tweet now - that is, now that he is being asked about it - by those same Republicans.

There is Anika Collier Navaroli, “Former US Safety Policy Team Senior Expert,” talking about “dangerous speech”. There is her pale-gray jacket, her earnest if not bullying posture, as she leans forward, passionately describing the terrifying nature of freedom of speech. She describes a Twitter policy to address “coded incitement to violence” and to “address dogwhistles”. Overt threats of violence are of course already illegal, and they are the province of law enforcement, not of social media functionaries. Yet based on these “coded” tweets, rather than on actual threats of violence, Ms. Navaroli calls for more censorship. Thus she is already staking out and defending the Orwellian province of “thought crimes” or “pre-crime.” It was never Ms Navaroli’s role to decide if “dogwhistles” would lead to violence; that is the role of police and of the FBI. Why is she claiming that a social media platform is supposed to take on the role of maintaining physical public safety, that belongs to law enforcement?

Ms. Navaroli ends her hectoring introductory peroration with a pious, condescending conclusion that her mission is to make communication online “safe.” Her evidence of the crimes committed by speaking on Twitter, include this 1984-level sentence: “The President said he liked to send out his tweets like “little missiles”; and to me that sounded like weaponization of a platform.”’ Has the woman never taken an English class or learned about metaphors? Still later in the hearing, she accuses “fan fiction” of leading directly to the murder of people on Jan 6 — putting herself right in line with the many despots and tyrants who, since the birth of the novel, have accused the act of reading of causing social mayhem.

Here is Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ), asking Yoel Roth about Twitter’s marking of certain speech as “unsafe”.

There is Rep Eleanor Holmes Norton, a leader whom I used greatly to respect, fulminating about “conspiracies.” There she is using the dangerous language of “incitement”, a meaningless word that serves only to criminalize First Amendment- protected speech. There is Rep. Summer Lee (D-PA), on her first week on the job, alarmingly wrongly stating that it is her task to “protect the American people from misinformation” — a role for a member of Congress that is identified literally nowhere in the Constitution or in the Bill of Rights.

There is former Twitter counsel, former “head of legal, policy and trust” at Twitter, Ms Vijaya Gadde, with her slightly more polished look and her sapphire-colored jacket; a package that proves however only that pure evil can be as well dressed and coiffed as not. There Ms. Gadde is, prevaricating when Rep Nancy Mace (R-SC) asks her directly if Twitter ever censored Americans pursuant to demands from the Government. After Ms. Gadde’s mumbled gibberish in response, haplessly phrased in the passive voice, Rep Mace thanked Ms Gadde for admitting that Twitter had become a “subsidiary” of the FBI in illegally violating the First Amendment rights of Americans.

It is so painful for me to see these faces. I have a very intimate relationship to these people.

They tried to destroy me, and did a fair job of it, by some measures.

These are the people — “my”people, paradoxically; people educated like me, people who shared my political views until 2020; these are people who vacationed where I used to vacation, who hang out with people I know — who were the agents behind full- on Stalinist-type persecution of innocent Americans; of me; these are the people who ruined my life, or sought to do so, and destroyed my career, or sought to do so. These emotionally ugly, these nasty, self-satisfied folks, so sure that they are right, so very, very wrong; are here at last; right here on C-Span.

They persecuted not just me but Dr Martin Kulldorff; Dr Jay Bhattacharya; Dr Paul Alexander; Dr Peter McCullough. So many others. They scrubbed and manipulated the discourse of a platform that has no right to be any more censorious than a telecom company, because they were willing to collude illegally with the government to decide what can be said in America. The messaging from the FBI via “the super-secret James Bond tele-portal”, as Rep Jim Jordan so brilliantly and rightly put it, reached into the voices of Americans and strangled Americans’ rights; but Twitter and the company’s political friends went further than mere silencing. These smarmy people ultimately hurt, and may have helped to injure and kill, many thousands.

These are the people who decided to remove the accurate tweet of mine about menstrual symptoms subsequent to MRNA vaccines, that could have saved millions of women from the current agony and infertility that they now endure. These are the people who obeyed the instructions of their colleagues in government to censor me.

I looked at the bios of the people cc’d on Twitter’s communications with the White House about attacking my accurate tweet; they were a lot of young functionaries at the US Bureau of the Census, at least two of them, oddly, educated at the University of Delaware. These low-level Gen Z apparatchiks, and their incompletely articulate bosses, thought it was fine to destroy the career and try to shred the reputation of someone who had written eight international bestsellers, who had been a Rhodes scholar, and an advisor to a Presidential campaign and to a Vice President; who had gone back to school at midlife and had worked for seven years successfully to complete a D Phil at Oxford University; who had been invited onto every major platform and written for every major newspaper and was a commentator on every major news network for 35 years, and who, for those decades, by those same platforms and news sites, had been identified as a global leader in the feminist movement.

These nothing people in front of me, these hacks, these people of zero cognitive distinction, these essentially trivial-minded humans, used their unearned, thuglike, intellectually meaningless power — the intellectually two-dimensional power of a social media platform — to announce to the world that I was crazy, unhinged; to present what appears to have been a file, to the BBC, to NPR, to The New York Times - to my own former colleagues — seeking to re-present me, a lifelong writer of heavily annotated bestselling nonfiction, as not credible.

For the two years subsequent to my deplatforming, news outlets — including those where I used to be a columnist, such as The Guardian and the Sunday Times of London — did not need to claim, let alone prove, that I was actually wrong in any concrete way; all they had to do now — and they did this repeatedly, clearly, as we see now, at the behest of the government involved - was to repeat the phrase replicated around the world, and embedded into posterity via my Wikipedia bio:

“Naomi Wolf was banned from Twitter for misinformation.”

“Misinformation” is never in quotes; the accurate caveat — “what Twitter called “misinformation”’ — is never added, in spite of this being the journalistically ethical and correct phrasing. This damning but really meaningless summary, then, is to what 35 years of labor, a status as a feminist leader, two degrees, eight bestsellers, thousands of footnotes, and the publication of essays in every major news site in North America, as well as most of Western Europe — got reduced.

It is incredible to me, as someone who was raised in an American meritocracy, and who has until very recently believed in American meritocracy, that a group of nonentities in Twitter, in collusion with nonentities at CDC (hi there, Carol Crawford), the White House and the US Dept. of the Census — were able thus so simply, and at such immediate, nuclear scale, to destroy the reputation of someone identified since 1990 as a major American voice.

So: this can happen to any American voice.

These ill-dressed, ill-spoken, banal careerist ciphers, cost me so much.

I re-trained for almost a decade, in the middle of my life, to teach. It is all I had ever really wanted to do with my life. Now I will never be able to be the only thing I ever wanted to be — a Professor of English Literature at a university.

I am now sixty. It’s too late for me. Twitter, in collusion with the Biden administration, cost me my hard-won lifelong dream. I’ve been maligned and censored by Twitter since 2021.

Even if the company eventually settles my lawsuit against it, and even though Mr Musk has “let” me back on the platform, that would be, this is, no victory.

Twitter has not sent an advisory to all of the news outlets around the world that depicted me, at Twitter’s own direction, as crazy, that they were wrong to have done so; there has been no press release stating that they erred, and that I was right, and that they are sorry for wrongly abusing my reputation — and for destroying women and babies. No, forever I will remain “deplatformed from Twitter for misinformation” in the cybersphere, even though it is finally being established that sadly I was deplatformed for telling God’s truth.

It is unlikely that any university at this point would see past the grotesque imprint on my bio that Twitter, via the White House, CDC and perhaps the FBI, has taken care to embed in my bio, and in articles about me, around the world. It is unlikely, too, that I will ever recoup the six figure investments that investors withdrew from my company when Twitter, colluding with the government, was orchestrating the shredding of my reputation. It is unlikely that a 35 years career and legacy online of what had been seen until very recently as a life of significant accomplishment, can ever be re-established.

I try never to complain in public. I try never to show self-pity or weakness, at least not to my enemies. But Twitter’s attacks on me are not over, and I am simply sick of the damage these mediocrities have done to me, and continue to try to do.

Just yesterday LinkedIn sent me a notification that a Twitter “Political Staffer” was viewing my bio. A notice of scrutiny by a Twitter staffer with friends in the administration reached my inbox the day before Congressional hearings about the censorship both entities imposed on people such as me.

Intimidate much, @Twitter?

I am a brave person — I guess — and I won’t be daunted by this obvious effort at harassment. But I am also human, and I happen to have a broken shoulder at the moment, and I am simply tired; tired of fighting these monsters.

And yes, it is wearying and threatening and coercive to see that this massive behemoth, with their friends at the highest levels of government, are not done messing with my own, personal, only life.

Yoel Roth is to this very minute, defending the de-platforming of people due to their having “spread COVID misinformation”; that, dear Reader, would be me. To this day, this trimly-styled nonentity defends debunked magical thinking.

To which Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene rightly responded: “Mr Roth: who put you in charge of what is true and what is not?”

Rep. Taylor Greene also said to Mr Roth:

“You abused the power of Big Tech to censor Americans. I am so glad you are censored now, and that you have lost your jobs.”


Disaster Cat
Part 2
I cannot believe that “my own”people, my former tribe on the elite left, are joining forces with the government to violate the First Amendment rights of all Americans and then, worse still, to justify having done so. I can’t believe that Democrat after Democrat, liberal after liberal, is on C-Span singing the praises of censorship and inventing imaginary roles for government officials and social media platforms to keep Americans “safe” from the “threats“ of discourse and ideas. We used to be the side of Howl and Lady Chatterley’s Lover; of The Well of Loneliness. Heck, of the Free Speech Movement! What happened to us?

I can’t believe that people I thought were hostile to America’s interests — in this case, the Republicans demanding answers from the hacks and flunkies of Big Tech — are the allies in this hearing’s case at least, of truth and the Constitution and freedom of speech.

And I can’t believe that the forces who tore my life apart, temporarily half-destroyed my business, ended any hopes of my realizing my one life’s best dream, and set a match to my reputation, turn out, now that the curtain has been pulled back, as at the end of The Wizard of Oz - to be such small, small, sad, petty, miserable, mediocre people.

The larger issue is not the damage these smirking, small-minded people did to me. The larger issue is what the experience I underwent at their hands, represents for our culture.

There is a specific kind of damage that Twitter and the Biden administration did, in censoring and smearing the medical doctors — in silencing the signatories of the Great Barrington Declaration. Medical harms, medical damage, limits to medical options and open debate, follow.

But consider my example as an example of something else, that is equally serious.

I am not a medical doctor or a public health official — I am, or I was, an American writer, identified as a cultural figure. So what happened to me means that any American cultural figure can be taken down. Any American cultural movement can be mis-framed, defamed, broken. Any American writer, musician, artist, sculptor, actor, director, can be annihilated and memory-holed. Any American artistic movement can be burned alive. And remember — Twitter is an international company, and wars can be waged, culturally, against us by our adversaries.

Why should any young writer, watching what happened to me, believe in meritocracy in American culture any more — why should she work hard, aspire largely, and master her craft? Clearly keeping her head down and parroting the party line will keep her safer.

So this issue brings us squarely into the cultural climate of 1933, when books were dragged from university libraries to be burned in a pile, in Berlin: [Annual 2 Chapter 5] or of 1937, when the Nazi party curated and hosted a “Degenerate Art” exhibit in Munich. [Degenerate art | Tate] What happened to me brings us squarely into a climate in which specific American writers, artists, sculptors, musicians, social activists, can be identified as enemies of the state, or identified as culturally or socially untouchable.

“Degeneracy” in 1937 was defined essentially as that of which the Nazi party did not approve.

Today on C-Span, we heard a lot about the decision to violate Americans’ rights, based simply on sentiments of which the Biden administration, or Twitter’s employees, did not approve.

The larger issue is that once a society crosses this Rubicon, with one cultural figure, this can happen to any cultural figure or any cultural movement. And if we do not reject (and indeed prosecute and legislate against) this unlawful suppression of views at the behest of the government, then we no longer live in an American culture, in which ideas rise and gain currency on the basis of merit and on the basis of ideas’ appeals to others.

We will, rather, be in a Nazi reality in which petty officials distort and dictate culture itself and reputationally behead those cultural leaders who pose challenges to the power structure.

Berlin, Munich, in this respect, are here again, in their darkest sense; those who decided, based on a party line, on proper and improper art, books, views — are not dead and gone; lost in history; no; here they are.

But this time they appear in our America, in their bad blue suits, with their pompous nasal voices; saying “I have no knowledge of this matter”; or “I can’t hear the question”; as they occupy, with their damaged consciences, their nauseating excuses, seats in a hearing room on Capitol Hill in the United States of America.

Will we let these cultural functionaries — who operate just like those petty tyrants of the cultures of Berlin and Munich not so long ago — take up space, with impunity, in the heart of our America?

Or will we drag America back into daylight and sunlight again, and force these equivocating wretches to face their own degenerate crimes — crimes against freedom of speech and the Constitution?

* * *


Faithful Steed
Many eyes were opened. The question is whether they stay open.
And open eyes do not equate to open discussion.

Search Naomi Wolf and Google will show you EVERY hit piece ever written about Ms. Wolf. And turn on the news and you'll hear every bad word about Ms. Wolf.

And bring up the excess deaths among your friends at the equestrian outing, and you'll find yourself "omitted" at the next fete.

America is DIVIDED - and this by design.

I wish I could say it was the result of a biased MEEDIA - but I suspect the bias begins long before that, possibly in the 1960s when today's "leadership" had their formation in "progressive education."

Owner grew up in a college town where the local public schools were closely associated with the nearby State Teacher's college. This latter a double whammy on socialism. The state there had every opportunity to promote the state interest alone.

Owner speaks of having heard Helen Keller speak in the early 1960s. As he reports "Her quavering voice - very unusual - but this a woman who had no idea of tonality." He also reports that she was held up as a "survivor" and also "advocate" not only for blind and deaf, but also any "downtrodden by circumstance."

Keller was also a prolific author, writing 14 books and hundreds of speeches and essays on topics ranging from animals to Mahatma Gandhi.[1] Keller campaigned for those with disabilities, for women's suffrage, labor rights, and world peace. In 1909, she joined the Socialist Party of America. She was a founding member of the American Civil Liberties Union.[citation needed]

Keller was exceptional, no doubt, but also as pink as they come. Owner today understands that Keller was a progressive "totem" to be touched when necessary to send along the values of progressivism to the next generation.

AND - this the state of many for origins. And certainly a large part in our present social split.


Buick Electra

TB2K Girls with Guns
A Costly, Bitter red pill for Naomi to swallow but swallow it she must after it was forced down her throat.

A well-educated woman, yet a leader in the feminists movement, she helped put Biden, and many other America haters, in the office of the Presidency. (Why is it a large percentage of the "highly educated" are the stupidest when it comes to 'street smarts?') Why wasn't this Rhodes Scholar's investigative skills employed while casting her votes all these years?

She wrote the article well....very well, but I have little sympathy for someone who assisted in their own suicide all theses years.

I have hopes she's learning and will possibly make a life's U turn towards investigation, discernment and common sense. Yet this hope would not have come about had she not been attacked by her own. Hard lesson to learn, yet this is how many of us learn.

Yea Naomi, stupid is supposed to hurt.




Veteran Member
"I re-trained for almost a decade, in the middle of my life, to teach. It is all I had ever really wanted to do with my life. Now I will never be able to be the only thing I ever wanted to be — a Professor of English Literature at a university."

I do think she could easily find a position in a university....just not an acceptable university to her standards.

Buick Electra

TB2K Girls with Guns
"I re-trained for almost a decade, in the middle of my life, to teach. It is all I had ever really wanted to do with my life. Now I will never be able to be the only thing I ever wanted to be — a Professor of English Literature at a university."

I do think she could easily find a position in a university....just not an acceptable university to her standards.
I think this labeling from Twitter was a gift from God! If she'd gone into teaching BEFORE this attack, Lord knows how she would have aided the libs in more indoctrination!


Disaster Cat
"I re-trained for almost a decade, in the middle of my life, to teach. It is all I had ever really wanted to do with my life. Now I will never be able to be the only thing I ever wanted to be — a Professor of English Literature at a university."

I do think she could easily find a position in a university....just not an acceptable university to her standards.
She graduated from Oxford, which, until a couple of years ago when they got woke, was considered the premier institution to study English Literature in the world. She SHOULD have standards; she earned them. And she would be that rare university instructor who, unlike most of them, has published books that people wanted to read as opposed to publishing something on the position of commas in 19th-century novels published in Brighton. I just made that title up, but it is similar to quite a few I can think of, and it keeps them "published" and helps them get tenure, but only four people outside the publisher ever read them, and three and all of them are student's of the writer to get extra credit for the class.

Americans (and I'm not the only one saying this goes way back to the 18th century from people who HAD to make do with what they had and the "frontier spirit") have always had a distance for real education. In fact, for a couple of hundred years, the hero isn't the highly educated "professor type" or the "scientist." It is the folk hero, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. A Ph.D. is "piled higher and deeper." That's a joke, but it expresses the cultural attitude perfectly.

Which is my opinion, is a primary reason it was so easy for a planned dumbing down of education to create "happy worker bees that did what they were told" and turn public schools into babysitting factories for them. Even in my generation, nearly all the highest achieving kids in my high school were from immigrant families, some of whom lived in shacks made partly from plywood (I know some were my next-door neighbors) who pretty much beat it into their kids they would do well in school, studies were more important than anything as was going to college. You don't want to work the fields as we do, and if you do we will be massively disappointed. One was our class valedictorian, a tiny girl we nicknamed "Mouse."

Today, when public schools close down in the USA, England, or Ireland, some of the loudest screamings came from businesses (often service industries) whose employees suddenly have no child care. Until COVID, but that's another story.


I cannot believe that “my own”people, my former tribe on the elite left, are joining forces with the government to violate the First Amendment rights of all Americans and then, worse still, to justify having done so. I can’t believe that Democrat after Democrat, liberal after liberal, is on C-Span singing the praises of censorship and inventing imaginary roles for government officials and social media platforms to keep Americans “safe” from the “threats“ of discourse and ideas. We used to be the side of Howl and Lady Chatterley’s Lover; of The Well of Loneliness. Heck, of the Free Speech Movement! What happened to us?

What took you so long to see it, Mz Wolf? This has been ongoing since the Clinton's, at least. Your "hero", the traitor Obama, was one of the prime instigators and motivators behind the public acceptance of these policies! But you "loved" him... with his well tailored suits and lying snake's tongue.

You are supposedly a very intelligent woman... but you were as brainwashed as the dumbest blue haired feminist marching for her rights to kill her babies.

Might be time for a reevaluation of your entire worldview?



And on a different point.... those slimy Twitter functionaries are THE REASON people are suffering so badly in this country. They are the ones that allowed the cover up of the horrific damage the vaccines continue to inflict, the reason China is emboldened to trespass in our airspace, the reason we are the laughing stock of the world with Brainless and Cackles as our "leaders".

Pardon me if I don't feel so badly for her lost career.... too many people have lost much, much more. The granite headstones are silent testimonies of those losses, and tragically, before the effects of their Treason are over, it may only be mass graves and a bronze plaque left of so many ruined lives.



Girls with Guns Member
A Costly, Bitter red pill for Naomi to swallow but swallow it she must after it was forced down her throat.

A well-educated woman, yet a leader in the feminists movement, she helped put Biden, and many other America haters, in the office of the Presidency. (Why is it a large percentage of the "highly educated" are the stupidest when it comes to 'street smarts?') Why wasn't this Rhodes Scholar's investigative skills employed while casting her votes all these years?

She wrote the article well....very well, but I have little sympathy for someone who assisted in their own suicide all theses years.

I have hopes she's learning and will possibly make a life's U turn towards investigation, discernment and common sense. Yet this hope would not have come about had she not been attacked by her own. Hard lesson to learn, yet this is how many of us learn.

Yea Naomi, stupid is supposed to hurt.

View attachment 397361

Some people are just slow learners.


Disaster Cat
What took you so long to see it, Mz Wolf? This has been ongoing since the Clinton's, at least. Your "hero", the traitor Obama, was one of the prime instigators and motivators behind the public acceptance of these policies! But you "loved" him... with his well tailored suits and lying snake's tongue.

You are supposedly a very intelligent woman... but you were as brainwashed as the dumbest blue haired feminist marching for her rights to kill her babies.

Might be time for a reevaluation of your entire worldview?

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step...


Veteran Member
And open eyes do not equate to open discussion.

Search Naomi Wolf and Google will show you EVERY hit piece ever written about Ms. Wolf. And turn on the news and you'll hear every bad word about Ms. Wolf.

And bring up the excess deaths among your friends at the equestrian outing, and you'll find yourself "omitted" at the next fete.

America is DIVIDED - and this by design.

I wish I could say it was the result of a biased MEEDIA - but I suspect the bias begins long before that, possibly in the 1960s when today's "leadership" had their formation in "progressive education."

Owner grew up in a college town where the local public schools were closely associated with the nearby State Teacher's college. This latter a double whammy on socialism. The state there had every opportunity to promote the state interest alone.

Owner speaks of having heard Helen Keller speak in the early 1960s. As he reports "Her quavering voice - very unusual - but this a woman who had no idea of tonality." He also reports that she was held up as a "survivor" and also "advocate" not only for blind and deaf, but also any "downtrodden by circumstance."

Keller was exceptional, no doubt, but also as pink as they come. Owner today understands that Keller was a progressive "totem" to be touched when necessary to send along the values of progressivism to the next generation.

AND - this the state of many for origins. And certainly a large part in our present social split.

Perhaps that's all she was exposed to.

If all that she had was mostly leftist braille shown in a positive way, and maybe some conservative braille shown in a negative way, it would certainly influence her. She did not have the ability to discern the "hear what they say, but watch what they do", like most of us. Basically all she had for input was braille. Without sight or hearing, how is one supposed to know what the truth is?

Jeff B.

Don’t let the Piss Ants get you down…
Interesting reading. I'm digesting this. Wolf was, and maybe still essentially is, one of the elitists that I've come to detest over the last 30 years. The rise of the "social media" platforms also allowed for the misuse of them and the happy marriage of progressively controlled law enforcement and the ability to silence and degrade individuals who don't adhere to the thoughts of their "betters".

In a just society, these people would be jailed and making license plates or other such items for society. Instead, they're knocked off their thrones, but cushioned by piles of money, showered upon them for their nefarious activities. These ill gotten gains should be forfeit also, along with their freedom.

But, as many of us know and acknowledge, we don't live in a fair or just society and are struggling against a behemoth of repression and surveillance that dwarfs that of the old Soviet Union, previously thought to be the utmost practitioners of repression and social control.


Disaster Cat
Not only the above, but "binary thinking" can be dangerous. People don't usually agree with every single point of every group they find themselves part of. I saw a hilarious but profound cartoon that showed two guys that looked like gang leaders with hoodies, scarves, and everything. The caption: CHOOSE YOUR SIDE. And the decision as Pasta: Bowl or Plate!

I thought that was an almost perfect metaphor for the current period, especially in the US and parts of Europe. Reasoned debate is no longer possible; everyone chooses a side and "ticks" the right boxes or is rejected by everyone. So and So doesn't have the "true vision," or at least not yet, because if they did, they would accept this other thing.

If I didn't have reasons that I had to be on Facebook, some of them family and some of their commitments, I would have left the twentieth time someone posted: "If you liked, voted, bought the book by so and so - UNFRIEND ME NOW!" If I did that to everyone that declared that, and maybe I have voted, read, or bought a book by so and so, I would have almost no one remaining on my list from any political or cultural background. What does who I voted for or what I read have to do with my love of stranded knitting patterns or kitty cats? I get this from the "left" and the "right," too. The statements are nearly identical but reversed.

There are some things that reasonable people can disagree on, and sometimes people have steps to take along the way when they learn that some of what they believed doesn't or never existed. That doesn't always mean they will reach precisely the same conclusions on every topic imaginable as other people who have realized some of the issues long ago.

I said in the thread I posted about the fake carbon credits scam that the environment did have an issue, and humans do have to find ways to fix up what they have destroyed if we don't all want to live in a sewer. I also think carbon credits are a total scam designed by the corporate-banking-government-industrial complex. I can dislike oil spills, having grown up scraping oil off my skin after swimming in the ocean as a kid and but I can also understand that we have to find alternatives that work, not Green Washed Fantasies, to change things. In the meantime, we have to do what we can with what we have, not use energy as a fortune of war and politics.


But, will she simply buy another ox, and go back to her old ways?
That remains to be seen. I've seen damned few liberals with enough intellectual honesty to completely admit the errors of their ways. But it sounds like she's going to have plenty of time on her hands to reconsider.

And since her former allies are excellent at completely canceling anyone who doesn't toe the party line exactly, she's going to feel very alone.



Retired, practising Curmudgeon
Too much to absorb just now so I bookmarked this to come back to; mayv=be tonight or tomorrow AM..


He was seeing the enormity of the smallness of the enemy who was destroying the world. He felt as if, after a journey of years through a landscape of devastation, past the ruins of great factories, the wrecks of powerful engines, the bodies of invincible men, he had come upon the despoiler, expecting to find a giant—and had found a rat eager to scurry for cover at the first sound of a human step. If this is what has beaten us, he thought, the guilt is ours.

"You propose to establish a social order based on the following tenets: that you're incompetent to run your own life, but competent to run the lives of others -- that you're unfit to exist in freedom, but fit to become an omnipotent ruler -- that you're unable to earn your living by use of your own intelligence, but able to judge politicians and vote them into jobs of total power over arts you have never seen, over sciences you have never studied, over achievements of which you have no knowledge, over the gigantic industries where you, by your own definition of capacity, would be unable successfully to fill the job of assistant greaser."

"...People don't want to think. And the deeper they get into trouble, the less they want to think. But by some sort of instinct, they feel that they ought to and it makes them feel guilty. So they'll bless and follow anyone who gives them a justification for not thinking. Anyone who makes a virtue — a highly intellectual virtue — out of what they know to be their sin, their weakness and their guilt."

"There was a time when men were afraid that somebody would reveal some secret of theirs that was unknown to their fellows. Nowadays, they're afraid that somebody will name what everybody knows. Have you practical people ever thought that that's all it would take to blast your whole, big, complex structure, with all your laws and guns—just somebody naming the exact nature of what it is you're doing?"

Atlas Shrugged


Disaster Cat
That remains to be seen. I've seen damned few liberals with enough intellectual honesty to completely admit the errors of their ways. But it sounds like she's going to have plenty of time on her hands to reconsider.

And since her former allies are excellent at completely canceling anyone who doesn't toe the party line exactly, she's going to feel very alone.

She is not alone, sadly, Nightwolf is gone, but he said very similar things right before he died. That didn't mean he was severely canceled like she was, but old friends didn't talk to him anymore or ask his opinions. I had a "warning" (inner voice) not to react to my last trip to the USA, and I will never forget some thirty-somethings trying to "educate me" on my language, and this was before COVID.

I self-censor what I say to all but a very few people I know whose eyes have also cleared up a bit. Understand, as Naomi said, progressive people USED to question the government, be suspicious of corporations, and do muckraking reporting (Upton Sinclair is an example I grew up with). They were the ones that cared about freedom of expression and a lot of other things that, in the last two years, the final shoe of manipulation was finally dropped with the COVID dictatorship.

Nightwolf, like nearly every other medical person, thought this was the new 1918 flu or the Black Death. He prepared in case things broke down so badly that he had to practice medicine without a license to save people's lives (and likely lose his own).

I had been saying for 20 years on this forum that when there was finally a real pandemic that Americans were going to be shocked at the draconian laws that would allow local, state, and federal governments to impose complete lockdowns as they saw fit. Of course, I thought it would be an actual infectious disease of the sort that you HAVE to quarantine EACH AREA as the disease migrants in hopes of limiting the death toll.

What did not occur to me (and it should have) was that Big Pharma had compromised governments and nearly every other institute in the West to do their bidding. This, combined with the human desire for power (and power's corrupting effect on many people) to create the 1984-type double-speak situation we have now.

The medical effects could ultimately be worse than the social-political ones. Human beings and populations can push back against dictatorship and tyranny. Most of human history is about that push-pull back and forth.

But can we come back from the potential destruction of human fertility on a massive scale? One that may have been self-inflicted? If it isn't AS bad as some fear, will humans learn their lesson and reverse course? It took several hundred years for the population of Eur-Asia to recover from the 14th-century visitation of the Black Death.

One voice from beyond the grave once again is from Nightwolf, the day he realized how COVID was used: "My greatest fear is what will happen the next time if the pandemic is real, because no one is going to believe them."
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jed turtle

a brother in the Lord
"I re-trained for almost a decade, in the middle of my life, to teach. It is all I had ever really wanted to do with my life. Now I will never be able to be the only thing I ever wanted to be — a Professor of English Literature at a university."

I do think she could easily find a position in a university....just not an acceptable university to her standards.
Yeah, it certainly won’t be at Harvard.

eta: FREEDOM of Speech, such a radical concept, that those radical founding Fathers decided that it was among the most important freedoms one SHOULD fight for, and that is because they already knew how dangerous it is when anyone is silenced from sharing their sane thoughts. But who is the final judge of “sane”?

Betcha there were plenty of naysayers eyeballing the Wright brothers (“if God meant man to fly he’d be born with wings”),
Henry Ford‘s Foul-smelling contraption that threatened mankind’s millennial state of grace and good sense from having so long mastered the Art and Science of the Horse Kingdom.

freedom of speech gives each of us a chance to influence our society -for better or worse- but it is often the person on the edge of the crowd that has been through some unique experience that if Their thoughts were shared with the crowd, (especially under the sway of the charming demigod up on the stage), whose hard-learned lesson might save an entire nation ultimately from doing something so dumb that everyone dies if not informed promptly.
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Veteran Member
I’m glad she seems to have had an awakening…but as she wrote more than once in the above article, these are “her people”.

She was one of them and and so, is culpable right along with these worst human enemies of freedom and decency for the evils we’re facing right now.


Contributing Member
Same or similar feelings here, Melodi. I was never a Democrat, and yet when the deep state alphabet agencies came for me, Republicans and Democrats alike were remarkably content, often happy, about it. The scales certainly fell from my eyes then.

I've gone from feeling like Cassandra of Troy, to feeling like Noah. Do you ever feel like that? I can't seem to get through to anyone who hasn't had similar experiences. (Which always struck me as bizarre, since I'm generally talking to fellow speakers of my own native language. Went down a massive rabbit hole studying communication and sociology to better understand why and how, but never mind that now.)

Is this the same Naomi Wolf who originated the quote about America being at that awkward stage?


Faithful Steed
And writing of Naomi Wolf complaining of being "ghosted" - another one in similar boat you don't hear about is Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who as long as he was battling Republicans, the Environment, and Pharmaceutical Malpractice, was a "darling" of the Left.

Now that he has discovered a larger and more widespread windmill to tilt at, the Left is walking away from him whistling...

Maybe running is a better description...

Let’s hope Trump drops any idea of a vaccine panel headed by Kennedy. For more than a decade, Kennedy has promoted anti-vaccine propaganda completely unconnected to reality. If Kennedy’s panel leads to even a small decline in vaccine rates across the country, it will result in the waste of untold amounts of money and, in all likelihood, the preventable deaths of infants too young to be vaccinated.



She is not alone, sadly, Nightwolf is gone, but he said very similar things right before he died. That didn't mean he was severely canceled like she was, but old friends didn't talk to him anymore or ask his opinions. I had a "warning" (inner voice) not to react to my last trip to the USA, and I will never forget some thirty-somethings trying to "educate me" on my language, and this was before COVID.

I self-censor what I say to all but a very few people I know whose eyes have also cleared up a bit. Understand, as Naomi said, progressive people USED to question the government, be suspicious of corporations, and do muckraking reporting (Upton Sinclair is an example I grew up with). They were the ones that cared about freedom of expression and a lot of other things that, in the last two years, the final shoe of manipulation was finally dropped with the COVID dictatorship.

Nightwolf, like nearly every other medical person, thought this was the new 1918 flu or the Black Death. He prepared in case things broke down so badly that he had to practice medicine without a license to save people's lives (and likely lose his own).

I had been saying for 20 years on this forum that when there was finally a real pandemic that Americans were going to be shocked at the draconian laws that would allow local, state, and federal governments to impose complete lockdowns as they saw fit. Of course, I thought it would be an actual infectious disease of the sort that you HAVE to quarantine EACH AREA as the disease migrants in hopes of limiting the death toll.

What did not occur to me (and it should have) was that Big Pharma had compromised governments and nearly every other institute in the West to do their bidding. This, combined with the human desire for power (and power's corrupting effect on many people) to create the 1984-type double-speak situation we have now.

The medical effects could ultimately be worse than the social-political ones. Human beings and populations can push back against dictatorship and tyranny. Most of human history is about that push-pull back and forth.

But can we come back from the potential destruction of human fertility on a massive scale? One that may have been self-inflicted? If it isn't AS bad as some fear, will humans learn their lesson and reverse course? It took several hundred years for the population of Eur-Asia to recover from the 14th-century visitation of the Black Death.

One voice from beyond the grave once again is from Nightwolf, the day he realized how COVID was used: "My greatest fear is what will happen the next time if the pandemic is real, because no one is going to believe them."
Amen! Yep... I'm very grateful I've learned to listen to my own judgment (and even more, to that still, small voice), because I will NEVER trust the "authorities" again. Not that I ever did... it didn't take long for me to start questioning the entire COVID response, after they started perverting every previous public health response to an epidemic disease.

But until then, I did believe (still do, but now see it won't be used correctly for... like our Constitution, it only works if the government consists of an ethical and moral people) that public health measures were important and should be followed, if we are to prevent mass deaths from a truly dangerous disease.

But now? If a government functionary tells me the sky is blue, I'll go outside and see for myself!


Old Gray Mare

TB Fanatic
Life's journey isn't a straight and even line. Dr Naomi, a writer, ran head long into the rotten, stinking wall of censorship erected and enforced by a myopic leftist culture allowed way too much assumed power. The good Doctor isn't kowtowing to the left with apologies, trying to skirt them by finding other avenues for her creativity. No, she's acknowledged the wall and is taking a pick ax to it with her words exposing it's weaknesses and hypocrisies. Good for her.

It may be interesting to see her actions going forward?


Disaster Cat
And writing of Naomi Wolf complaining of being "ghosted" - another one in similar boat you don't hear about is Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who as long as he was battling Republicans, the Environment, and Pharmaceutical Malpractice, was a "darling" of the Left.

Now that he has discovered a larger and more widespread windmill to tilt at, the Left is walking away from him whistling...

Maybe running is a better description...

I subscribed to Naomi's site this morning, and I'm already a member at Solari (Catherine Austin Fitz); both carry a lot of stuff about him, and Catherine has interviewed him several times and promoted his book. He's another very interesting person, he is a bit hard to listen to because he has a speech impediment. But I have a feeling (based on nothing) that maybe that kept him from going into politics, and that is why he is such a powerful spokesperson for reality today.


Certa Bonum Certamen
Anika Collier Navaroli


It's always been hard for me to take seriously those who seem compelled to draw attention to themselves by making bizarre fashion choices.