DISASTER FUNG RED ALERT: This Is A Full Societal Breakdown


TB Fanatic
This Is A Full Societal Breakdown

Authored by MN Gordon via EconomicPrism.com,
This week’s standard refrain was one of pessimism. The quick return to economic health mantra that was popular not long ago has disappeared faster than you can say lickety-split. But there was one notable outlier this week. In fact, one leading economist stepped forward with assurances that renewed prosperity lays just ahead.
On Wednesday, Nobel prize economist Paul Krugman looked up from his liquidity trap graphs long enough to tell Noah Smith at Bloomberg that the 1979-82 economic slump “would suggest fast recovery once the virus is contained. I don’t see the case for a multiyear depression.”
This sounds great and all. A fast recovery would end a lot of financial pain and suffering. Still, we seem to think the damage that’s been done by the government lockdown will have long-term consequences.

The glorious ascent of the concave parabola of government spending and debt won’t go away. The budget deficit has grown by leaps and bounds – nearly $3 trillion – over the last four months. The national debt – currently over $25.6 trillion – has overtaken the economy.
What’s more, the deficit spending’s being financed by Fed credit that’s created out of thin air. Again, there will be lasting consequences for this type of depravity.
Presently, the economy and financial system is in grave trouble. This is not a cyclical depression, despite what Krugman says. This is a full societal breakdown. And the authorities can’t stop it.
Not since Nero clipped coins in 64 A.D. and fiddled as Rome burned has there been such an intolerable collection of lowlifes in imperial office. No plans are off limit: Mass surveillance. Permanent wars. Market intervention. Trade wars. Greater government control. You name it.
Yet these tired solutions are the source of the problems…
Solutions and Fixes

The authorities may not be able to stop the depression. But they can try; it’s in their interest to do so. Their efforts, however, will serve to make a greater mess of things.
You see, the economy can and will recover from the mounting depression. Though it may take a decade or more to do so. Moreover, the intensity and duration of the depression is dependent on the level of government mismanagement. Thus far, the mismanagement has been remarkable.
The lockdown may have helped flatten the curve. But what did it really solve? The virus is still on the loose. People are still getting infected. Yet, thanks to the lockdown, the economy has also been destroyed.
From one solution precipitated a new problem. And the fix to that problem caused another problem. And on and on…
Economists at the University of Chicago estimate that more than two-thirds of the workers on unemployment insurance are making more in jobless benefits than they did at work. Some are even hauling in two to three times as much.

Weekly unemployment payments of $600 granted by CARES Act have been a great boon for many unemployed workers. These weekly payments also provide a government incentive not to work. This, in effect, delays economic recovery.
The government’s solution to the consequences of the government’s lockdown has become part of the problem. But not to worry. The government stands ready with a new solution to fix the problem of its making.
Take Senator Rob Portman, for instance. He’s proposing a $450 weekly ‘return-to-work bonus.’ The purpose of the proposal is to incentivize people to return to work by giving them free money. Larry Kudlow thinks Portman has a good idea. According to Kudlow, this is something the White House is “looking at very carefully.”
What else are the White House and the central planners looking at? What other messes will their solutions make? Several come to mind…

This is a Full Societal Breakdown
Unlike the Great Depression, where there were mass bank failures and a collapse in the money supply, the Fed is engaging in mass money printing. The Fed’s balance sheet was at $4 trillion when Fed Chair Jay Powell rung in the New Year. Now it’s over $7 trillion…and is headed to $10 trillion by the end of the year.
These dollar debasement policies produce an endless assortment of economic distortions. As money loses value, there can be a wide range of outcomes. Prices change and fluctuate in strange and unpredictable ways depending on people’s mass psychology.
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Will financial assets inflate like they did following the 2008-09 bailouts? Or, because free money is being delivered to the people, will consumer prices inflate? Will all the free money produce an economic boom? Or will the economy stall as inflation rises in a stagflationary quagmire?
The fact that this is all happening in an election year ups the ante. As the campaign trail heats up, followed by debates, advertisements, and party conventions, proposed solutions to the economic problem will range from the extreme to the absurd. You won’t hear mention of freedom, liberty, honest money, and small government…unless you go here.
But it will be quite a delight to observe, if only the outcomes weren’t so destructive. Here’s a preview of what’s to come…
Two hominids, panting at the watering hole, calling each other names, tweeting insults, squawking and shrieking over who gets to divvy up and dole out the peanuts. One wants to transfer wealth from the rich via payments to the poor. The other wants to rebuild the nation’s crumbly airports and bridges using money from somewhere.
Yet the people, following several months of lockdown, don’t want to hear it. As the weather heats up, and the economy cools down, tensions will combust. Riots in Minnesota have flared up riots in Los Angeles. But you ain’t seen nothing yet…
This is a full societal breakdown. Racial injustice may be today’s rage. But there’s plenty of other injustices for people to go mad over. By the dogdays of August, no doubt, when the weekly $600 unemployment checks program has expired, riots will come to a Target near you.

After that, things will really get


TB Fanatic
This Is A Full Societal Breakdown

Authored by MN Gordon via EconomicPrism.com,
This week’s standard refrain was one of pessimism. The quick return to economic health mantra that was popular not long ago has disappeared faster than you can say lickety-split. But there was one notable outlier this week. In fact, one leading economist stepped forward with assurances that renewed prosperity lays just ahead.
On Wednesday, Nobel prize economist Paul Krugman looked up from his liquidity trap graphs long enough to tell Noah Smith at Bloomberg that the 1979-82 economic slump “would suggest fast recovery once the virus is contained. I don’t see the case for a multiyear depression.”
This sounds great and all. A fast recovery would end a lot of financial pain and suffering. Still, we seem to think the damage that’s been done by the government lockdown will have long-term consequences.

The glorious ascent of the concave parabola of government spending and debt won’t go away. The budget deficit has grown by leaps and bounds – nearly $3 trillion – over the last four months. The national debt – currently over $25.6 trillion – has overtaken the economy.
What’s more, the deficit spending’s being financed by Fed credit that’s created out of thin air. Again, there will be lasting consequences for this type of depravity.
Presently, the economy and financial system is in grave trouble. This is not a cyclical depression, despite what Krugman says. This is a full societal breakdown. And the authorities can’t stop it.
Not since Nero clipped coins in 64 A.D. and fiddled as Rome burned has there been such an intolerable collection of lowlifes in imperial office. No plans are off limit: Mass surveillance. Permanent wars. Market intervention. Trade wars. Greater government control. You name it.
Yet these tired solutions are the source of the problems…
Solutions and Fixes

The authorities may not be able to stop the depression. But they can try; it’s in their interest to do so. Their efforts, however, will serve to make a greater mess of things.
You see, the economy can and will recover from the mounting depression. Though it may take a decade or more to do so. Moreover, the intensity and duration of the depression is dependent on the level of government mismanagement. Thus far, the mismanagement has been remarkable.
The lockdown may have helped flatten the curve. But what did it really solve? The virus is still on the loose. People are still getting infected. Yet, thanks to the lockdown, the economy has also been destroyed.
From one solution precipitated a new problem. And the fix to that problem caused another problem. And on and on…
Economists at the University of Chicago estimate that more than two-thirds of the workers on unemployment insurance are making more in jobless benefits than they did at work. Some are even hauling in two to three times as much.

Weekly unemployment payments of $600 granted by CARES Act have been a great boon for many unemployed workers. These weekly payments also provide a government incentive not to work. This, in effect, delays economic recovery.
The government’s solution to the consequences of the government’s lockdown has become part of the problem. But not to worry. The government stands ready with a new solution to fix the problem of its making.
Take Senator Rob Portman, for instance. He’s proposing a $450 weekly ‘return-to-work bonus.’ The purpose of the proposal is to incentivize people to return to work by giving them free money. Larry Kudlow thinks Portman has a good idea. According to Kudlow, this is something the White House is “looking at very carefully.”
What else are the White House and the central planners looking at? What other messes will their solutions make? Several come to mind…

This is a Full Societal Breakdown
Unlike the Great Depression, where there were mass bank failures and a collapse in the money supply, the Fed is engaging in mass money printing. The Fed’s balance sheet was at $4 trillion when Fed Chair Jay Powell rung in the New Year. Now it’s over $7 trillion…and is headed to $10 trillion by the end of the year.
These dollar debasement policies produce an endless assortment of economic distortions. As money loses value, there can be a wide range of outcomes. Prices change and fluctuate in strange and unpredictable ways depending on people’s mass psychology.
Receive a daily recap featuring a curated list of must-read stories.

Will financial assets inflate like they did following the 2008-09 bailouts? Or, because free money is being delivered to the people, will consumer prices inflate? Will all the free money produce an economic boom? Or will the economy stall as inflation rises in a stagflationary quagmire?
The fact that this is all happening in an election year ups the ante. As the campaign trail heats up, followed by debates, advertisements, and party conventions, proposed solutions to the economic problem will range from the extreme to the absurd. You won’t hear mention of freedom, liberty, honest money, and small government…unless you go here.
But it will be quite a delight to observe, if only the outcomes weren’t so destructive. Here’s a preview of what’s to come…
Two hominids, panting at the watering hole, calling each other names, tweeting insults, squawking and shrieking over who gets to divvy up and dole out the peanuts. One wants to transfer wealth from the rich via payments to the poor. The other wants to rebuild the nation’s crumbly airports and bridges using money from somewhere.
Yet the people, following several months of lockdown, don’t want to hear it. As the weather heats up, and the economy cools down, tensions will combust. Riots in Minnesota have flared up riots in Los Angeles. But you ain’t seen nothing yet…
This is a full societal breakdown. Racial injustice may be today’s rage. But there’s plenty of other injustices for people to go mad over. By the dogdays of August, no doubt, when the weekly $600 unemployment checks program has expired, riots will come to a Target near you.

After that, things will really get

This is it folks....wake UP.....coming to a town near you.


TB Fanatic
Actually you haven't read my works over the last 23 years fella...some members here are with me on this...others like you are behind the curve.


THE FUTURE IS DYSTOPIAN....adapt and survive.
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This is it folks....wake UP.....coming to a town near you.

And this is why you want to live where everybody else doesn't. For those who have been sitting on the fence about relocating time is about up to be able to do something meaningful. As much as we aren't going to recognize the U.S. in the near future because of the economic bubble that the Covid pricked once civil disturbance takes hold [which we have also been warning about around here for quite awhile] society breaks down and not even the all mighty government with the feared 'martial law' can do jack squat about it. We will recognize just how impotent government is and really how much you are on your own in all of this.


My little sister is "already spending"(mentally) the second stimulus check that that the Senate hasn't passed nor the President signed off on yet.
She sent me an article about it last night, telling me to "watch for a debit card in the mail."
I said, wait, what??
the damn thing hasn't passed the Senate, it is just a proposal by the House.

Multiply her by a few hundred thousand.....
Yeah, collapse time indeed.

No doubt some form of that second round of money is forthcoming.
They have no choice.
Get yer buckets out and start bailing, the Titanic is going down.

jed turtle

a brother in the Lord
And this is why you want to live where everybody else doesn't. For those who have been sitting on the fence about relocating time is about up to be able to do something meaningful. As much as we aren't going to recognize the U.S. in the near future because of the economic bubble that the Covid pricked once civil disturbance takes hold [which we have also been warning about around here for quite awhile] society breaks down and not even the all mighty government with the feared 'martial law' can do jack squat about it. We will recognize just how impotent government is and really how much you are on your own in all of this.
Impotent? Wait till the National Guard is ordered to shut down civilian access to the Interstate system ( the National Defense Highway System )posting armed guards at every on-ramp across the nation...

jed turtle

a brother in the Lord
My little sister is "already spending"(mentally) the second stimulus check that that the Senate hasn't passed nor the President signed off on yet.
She sent me an article about it last night, telling me to "watch for a debit card in the mail."
I said, wait, what??
the damn thing hasn't passed the Senate, it is just a proposal by the House.

Multiply her by a few hundred thousand.....
Yeah, collapse time indeed.

No doubt some form of that second round of money is forthcoming.
They have no choice.
Get yer buckets out and start bailing, the Titanic is going down.
The only survivors of the Titanic were those who got “lucky“ enough to be on the too-few lifeboats that got far enough away from the ship before it went down and were not dragged down with all who were too close to it...


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Impotent? Wait till the National Guard is ordered to shut down civilian access to the Interstate system ( the National Defense Highway System )posting armed guards at every on-ramp across the nation...

That's laughable. The NG was out in MN last night all 50 of them. One small problem though, seems they weren't armed. Retreat was soon and shameful. Without ammo and the will to use it, they aren't doing anything productive.


TB Fanatic
My little sister is "already spending"(mentally) the second stimulus check that that the Senate hasn't passed nor the President signed off on yet.
She sent me an article about it last night, telling me to "watch for a debit card in the mail."
I said, wait, what??
the damn thing hasn't passed the Senate, it is just a proposal by the House.

Multiply her by a few hundred thousand.....
Yeah, collapse time indeed.

No doubt some form of that second round of money is forthcoming.
They have no choice.
Get yer buckets out and start bailing, the Titanic is going down.
A little co worker mentioned this to me yesterday, about another check coming. I just stared at her until she stopped talking.


Veteran Member
This is early. Blue states do not want to unload on voters. Red states are worried what happens if they do unload. If things get worse, they will both stop worrying about it.
Nyc got 45000 guys out in three hours. With humvees and crew severed weapons. During their last big power outage.
The man is using one hand with a glove. And he is not even slapping back.

Stay out of the way.
Avoid the protesters.
If you have interaction with the police, be polite.

Yes sir, no sir. Thank you sir.

Most of all. Watch out for those who want this grow out of control. They are everywhere.

And they are not your friends.


That's laughable. The NG was out in MN last night all 50 of them. One small problem though, seems they weren't armed. Retreat was soon and shameful. Without ammo and the will to use it, they aren't doing anything productive.

Until Federalized the Guard is under State control and with a leftist governor in Mn even if they took their rifles he would of issued them daisy's to put in the barrels of the weapons. The SOP back in the day was with every squad of 10 men in the riot gear one troop would have a rifle and his job was to protect the squad of 10 who had the batons and shields, etc.

Every platoon of 30 of course has an officer [2 Lt] and generally speaking the weapons could not be used unless the officer gave the order. Other than that the weapon could only be used at the order of the senior NCOIC in exigent circumstances. All rifles issued for civil disturbances have to have restrictor plates installed to prevent selective fire due to the excesses in the 1968 riots and heavy machine guns usually are not taken along but if they are they are kept in cantonment and could only be employed under the most dire circumstances.

In addition the job of the guard is not policing as there are constitutional restrictions against that but every squad would have one or two uniformed police officers with them and the guard is there to augment the police and to assist in detaining violators but they don't make the actual arrest themselves. The arming orders are pretty strict as to the weapons and whether or not magazines are in the weapons on deployment or if there is a round in the chamber if the magazine is in the weapon, etc.

If they have to take the gloves off then Trump would Federalize them and control would pass from the Governor to Trump and then you basically have a localized martial law situation when civilian control has broken down. If civilian control does break down it will be because of the namby pamby reaction of the governor's and local authorities to acts of wanton lawlessness.


Veteran Member
This is early. Blue states do not want to unload on voters. Red states are worried what happens if they do unload. If things get worse, they will both stop worrying about it.
Nyc got 45000 guys out in three hours. With humvees and crew severed weapons. During their last big power outage.
The man is using one hand with a glove. And he is not even slapping back.

Stay out of the way.
Avoid the protesters.
If you have interaction with the police, be polite.

Yes sir, no sir. Thank you sir.

Most of all. Watch out for those who want this grow out of control. They are everywhere.

And they are not your friends.

I agree that there is still a way to go. I think the “centrifugal force” of the economy will keep it going for a while yet, and the riots will die down. Still, I wonder what is next. I would guess a “second wave” of WuFlu or war (economic or kinetic), but if I could predict the future, I would be day-trading.

The prospect of CWII really concerns me, but I would not expect it until one of the above occurs.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Until Federalized the Guard is under State control and with a leftist governor in Mn even if they took their rifles he would of issued them daisy's to put in the barrels of the weapons. The SOP back in the day was with every squad of 10 men in the riot gear one troop would have a rifle and his job was to protect the squad of 10 who had the batons and shields, etc.

Every platoon of 30 of course has an officer [2 Lt] and generally speaking the weapons could not be used unless the officer gave the order. Other than that the weapon could only be used at the order of the senior NCOIC in exigent circumstances. All rifles issued for civil disturbances have to have restrictor plates installed to prevent selective fire due to the excesses in the 1968 riots and heavy machine guns usually are not taken along but if they are they are kept in cantonment and could only be employed under the most dire circumstances.

In addition the job of the guard is not policing as there are constitutional restrictions against that but every squad would have one or two uniformed police officers with them and the guard is there to augment the police and to assist in detaining violators but they don't make the actual arrest themselves. The arming orders are pretty strict as to the weapons and whether or not magazines are in the weapons on deployment or if there is a round in the chamber if the magazine is in the weapon, etc.

If they have to take the gloves off then Trump would Federalize them and control would pass from the Governor to Trump and then you basically have a localized martial law situation when civilian control has broken down. If civilian control does break down it will be because of the namby pamby reaction of the governor's and local authorities to acts of wanton lawlessness.

I am aware of that, but my point was if those are the restrictions in place, why send them at all? You are just endangering the troops you might need later and sending a message of abject weakness to many enemies.
And 500 were sent; not 50 as my slip of the finger typed.


Out to lunch

Most of all. Watch out for those who want this grow out of control. They are everywhere.

And they are not your friends.

We will see. When I see the Antifa types and inner city goblins start spreading violence outside of localized shitholes I will be more inclined to agree.

In the meantime, life will go on.


I am aware of that, but my point was if those are the restrictions in place, why send them at all? You are just endangering the troops you might need later and sending a message of abject weakness to many enemies.
And 500 were sent; not 50 as my slip of the finger typed.

Heh....you would have to ask the governor. He is threatening the rioters with basically unarmed NG to stand around and watch things burn. NG deployment and rules of engagement are usually dependent on how bad the situation is. I'm guessing that he is afraid of escalating the situation but the thugs read that as weakness.

If authored and managed by outside groups which is basically a communist insurgency when you look at the antifa types, then weakness is something you cannot show because they aren't playing a game.


Veteran Member
I am afraid of what might be coming on many levels. Our Local Nextdoor just had the saddest and most scary thread there ever. Over 300 posts in a couple of days that became very very heated. Well over 75% of the posts were from clueless and disturbed liberals who are extremely angry because some of their neighbors were not blindly following the rules of wearing masks. Got to name calling and wishing death on anyone who watched FoxNews halfway through.

We used to be a great little farming community until the interstate cut through and over a hundred new subdivisions built up all around us and all the Damn Yankees and city folks moved in! Actually I like some of the Yankees better than some of the southern liberal city people.

I won't even get into new residents who panic and call 911 if they hear anyone target practicing when they first get here.

jed turtle

a brother in the Lord
That's laughable. The NG was out in MN last night all 50 of them. One small problem though, seems they weren't armed. Retreat was soon and shameful. Without ammo and the will to use it, they aren't doing anything productive.
Guess I should have gone to the trouble of indicating “federalized” NG...
thought it would be obvious since I was indicating such troops taking over access points of the Federal Defense Highway System.


TB Fanatic
Racial....and above all SPIRITUAL.

IMHO martial law is on the table.
I would argue we have been at the martial law stage for some time. Orders were given for an "emergency" and they had all of the effect of martial law. If fact, it was martial law in all but name. Restricting gatherings, suspending courts, all of that.

Beyond that? We will see.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Texas Activates National Guard, Deploys State Troopers to Large Cities as Protests Continue
More than 1,500 Department of Public Safety Troopers were sent to Houston, Dallas, San Antonio and Austin

By Brian Roth and The Associated Press • Published 5 hours ago • Updated 1 hour ago

Videos won't embed. Watch at the link at the end.

Gov. Greg Abbott (R) is activating the Texas National Guard and deploying state troopers to the state's largest cities as protests escalate over the death of Houston native George Floyd in Minneapolis police custody.

More than 1,500 Department of Public Safety Troopers were sent to Houston, Dallas, San Antonio and Austin "to maintain public safety," Abbott's office said in a news release, which noted more resources would be added if needed.
.⁦@GovAbbott⁩ has activated the Texas National Guard. pic.twitter.com/lhmKwcX5BX

Gov. Greg Abbott (R) is activating the Texas National Guard and deploying state troopers to the state's largest cities as protests escalate over the death of Houston native George Floyd in Minneapolis police custody.

More than 1,500 Department of Public Safety Troopers were sent to Houston, Dallas, San Antonio and Austin "to maintain public safety," Abbott's office said in a news release, which noted more resources would be added if needed.
.⁦@GovAbbott⁩ has activated the Texas National Guard. pic.twitter.com/lhmKwcX5BX
— John Wittman (@john_jwitt) May 31, 2020

“Texas and America mourn the senseless loss of George Floyd and the actions that led to his death are reprehensible and should be condemned in the strongest terms possible,” Abbott said in a written statement. “As Texans exercise their 1st Amendment rights, it is imperative that order is maintained and private property is protected.”

Abbott's office says the governor has spoken with Dallas Mayor Eric Johnson, Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner, San Antonio Mayor Ron Nirenberg, and Austin Mayor Steve Adler and city law enforcement leaders.

“Texas and America mourn the senseless loss of George Floyd and the actions that led to his death are reprehensible and should be condemned in the strongest terms possible,” Abbott said in a written statement. “As Texans exercise their 1st Amendment rights, it is imperative that order is maintained and private property is protected.”

Abbott's office says the governor has spoken with Dallas Mayor Eric Johnson, Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner, San Antonio Mayor Ron Nirenberg, and Austin Mayor Steve Adler and city law enforcement leaders.

Citing operational security, the Dallas Police Department did not provide a count of the number of state troopers deployed to the city.

As of Saturday afternoon, protests underway in downtown Dallas remained peaceful. Dallas police asked drivers to avoid the area due to streets being blocked by the demonstrations.

About 400 troopers were sent to Houston, the city said in a tweet Saturday afternoon.

Authorities in both Houston and Dallas on Friday used pepper spray and tear gas to disperse crowds that numbered in the hundreds. Dallas Police Chief Renee Hall said officers were making sure the protest was peaceful when the violence began.

"Then all of a sudden bricks start hailing, hitting our squad cars, hitting the officers ... I almost got hit with a brick," Hall said.

It was not clear how many were arrested in Dallas. One police officer received a non-life-threatening injury during the melee and police vehicles had windows and windshields shattered and tires slashed, Hall said.

Hundreds of chanting, placard-brandishing protesters marched through the streets of downtown Fort Worth on Friday afternoon, escorted by police.

In Houston, Police Chief Art Acevedo said nearly 200 people were arrested Friday during a protest in which many blocked an Interstate 45 ramp and a highway.

Those arrested "participated in unlawful assemblies," Acevedo said Saturday on Twitter. "Most will be charged with obstructing a roadway,"

Protests have spread across the U.S., fueled by outrage over Floyd's death. On Friday, the white Minneapolis police officer who knelt on Floyd's neck was arrested and charged with murder.

Citing operational security, the Dallas Police Department did not provide a count of the number of state troopers deployed to the city.

As of Saturday afternoon, protests underway in downtown Dallas remained peaceful. Dallas police asked drivers to avoid the area due to streets being blocked by the demonstrations.
About 400 troopers were sent to Houston, the city said in a tweet Saturday afternoon.

Authorities in both Houston and Dallas on Friday used pepper spray and tear gas to disperse crowds that numbered in the hundreds. Dallas Police Chief Renee Hall said officers were making sure the protest was peaceful when the violence began.

"Then all of a sudden bricks start hailing, hitting our squad cars, hitting the officers ... I almost got hit with a brick," Hall said.

It was not clear how many were arrested in Dallas. One police officer received a non-life-threatening injury during the melee and police vehicles had windows and windshields shattered and tires slashed, Hall said.

Hundreds of chanting, placard-brandishing protesters marched through the streets of downtown Fort Worth on Friday afternoon, escorted by police.

In Houston, Police Chief Art Acevedo said nearly 200 people were arrested Friday during a protest in which many blocked an Interstate 45 ramp and a highway.

Those arrested "participated in unlawful assemblies," Acevedo said Saturday on Twitter. "Most will be charged with obstructing a roadway,"

Protests have spread across the U.S., fueled by outrage over Floyd's death. On Friday, the white Minneapolis police officer who knelt on Floyd's neck was arrested and charged with murder.

Houston Police Chief Art Acevedo had said he welcomed the peaceful afternoon rally, before the protests escalated into disorder.

“We stand with them protesting what happened in Minnesota,” he said. “I’m happy that they’re here today because people need to be heard, voices need to be heard.”

Houston Police Chief Art Acevedo had said he welcomed the peaceful afternoon rally, before the protests escalated into disorder.

“We stand with them protesting what happened in Minnesota,” he said. “I’m happy that they’re here today because people need to be heard, voices need to be heard.”
Copyright NBC 5 News and The Associated Press

Texas Activates National Guard, Deploys State Troopers to Large Cities as Protests Continue
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Has No Life - Lives on TB
This is how we do it here in Texas.

Group of armed men seen standing guard in front of the Alamo Cenotaph overnight, police say
The Texas Freedom Force claims the monument needs protection after it was recently vandalized
Group of armed men seen standing guard in front of Alamo Cenotaph overnight

Group of armed men seen standing guard in front of Alamo Cenotaph overnight (KSAT)
SAN ANTONIO – After the Alamo Cenotaph was vandalized with red graffiti Friday morning, a group of armed men, who call themselves the Texas Freedom Force, was seen standing guard at the Alamo.

San Antonio police were notified around 1:30 a.m. Saturday about the armed men at the monument, with flags and lawn chairs, standing watch.

The group claims the monument needs protection and that police were not providing it after it was recently vandalized. The Texas Freedom Force stayed on site for several hours during the night, authorities said.

Spray-painted messages on Alamo’s Cenotaph have people seeing red

The Texas Freedom Force plans to regroup Saturday at the monument with more members and said they will be at the site all week to stand guard.

The north base of the Cenotaph was marked in red spray paint Friday with the words “white supremacy,” “profit over people” and “the ALAMO.” Each line of wording is preceded by a downward facing arrow.

Police have arrested Noah Escamilla, 25, in connection to the monument’s vandalism. It’s unclear if there are others involved in the incident as of yet.

The Cenotaph memorializes the 200 Defenders of the Alamo killed by the Mexican Army in an 1836 assault during the war for Texas independence. The 58-foot-tall marble slab has been a centerpiece of Alamo Plaza in the city’s downtown area since 1939.

Councilman Robert Trevino discusses graffiti on Alamo Cenotaph

Copyright 2020 by KSAT - All rights reserved.

Group of armed men seen standing guard in front of the Alamo Cenotaph overnight, police say


TB Fanatic
Just a reminder

Minneapolis Riots Are Reminder That Police Don't Protect You Or Your Property

Authored by Ryan McMaken via The Mises Institute,
Looting and arson have followed what began as peaceful protests in response to the apparent killing of George Floyd by Derek Chauvin, a now-former member of the Minneapolis Police Department.
But whatever was the spark that set off the current round of rioting in the Twin Cities area, it is clear that most property owners and residents will have to fend for themselves where riots have taken place. In other words, any unfortunate shopkeeper or resident who finds himself in the path of the rioters ought to just assume that police won't be around to protect you or your property.
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