OP-ED From A Friend


Komplainy Kat
From a Friend

We are a nation who, in the face of an attack upon our people on our own soil, do not stumble to our knees in tears begging for mercy and asking why, why, why, in disbelief,

That’s not who we are.

Instead, we are a nation who rises up and demands how DARE this happen. How dare such an outrage be allowed to happen?

We are a country, who, when threatened with the promise of more violence to follow, do not cower in fear. We do not run for our lives, flinging away the burden of our freedoms left and right so that we may lay flatter in a ditch.

That’s not who we are.

Instead, we are a country who rises up, wrapping our God given rights “to protect and defend” around us as armor. We are a country who, in the face of such vile declarations, will throw themselves forward, sword drawn; ready to cut and break such promises and those who uttered them.

We are a people who, when our own lay broken and bleeding, do not inquire of them “what did you say or do to those who hurt you? You must have done something to offend them; look what you’ve done!”

That’s not who we are.

Instead, we are a people who come together as one to avenge the shattered bodies and now silenced souls. We do not take their loss to us lightly nor do we accept flimsy excuses for murder.

We are not going to waste breath asking, “What part of the problem are we?”

That’s not who we are.

Instead, we are going to tell you, our enemies both foreign and domestic, that we have a problem and that problem begins and ends with YOU. And that we have a right to not only read out every one of your crimes against “we the people,” but to follow up by doing something about you vs. our nation, our culture, our people in such a way that you and yours will think twice before doing such a thing again.
We are not about to beg your pardon for hurting us.

That’s not who we are.

Or are we?

In the last fourteen and a half years, this good nation has undergone a transformation and not for the better. It’s rather like a young person who goes away to college. They leave home with at least some semblance of a moral compass. They return as a total stranger.

Somewhere along the line, that compass got tossed in their rush to espouse exciting new ideals that were the utter opposite of all they’d previously held dear. They return full of bluster and nerve, preaching and expounding to everyone in earshot. Attempts at discourse and polite arguments are met with glazed over looks and chanted slogans, most of them involving some sort of change. Resistance to said changes will not be tolerated.

Seven years ago, this nation, like an easily led young person, was bewitched by the prospect of hope and change. What exactly we should have been hoping for and changing to, they never let on. But if we would just give this one person even just five years, we wouldn’t recognize ourselves when he was thru.

They were right.

We have gone from a strong nation that vowed to fight agents of terror where ever they might be to a chinless wonder who happily welcomes the agents of destruction with open arms. Instead of accepting the fact that all terrorist are muslims and acting accordingly, we quiver at the thought of suspecting their intentions. We race to accommodate their every whim and fall over ourselves in removing anything that may offend them.

If one were to lay a strip of bacon at the threshold of their house of worship, it’s a “hate crime”. But let a few of them slaughter unarmed civilians, we as a people must not call it an act of terrorism. After every atrocity, we are scolded, like children, to not push back against the followers of the cult that has penetrated and infected our nation.

“That’s not who we are,” preaches our elected leader.

His minions in the form of the press and his followers in the form of the liberal and tolerant; so open of mind and heart, are quick to agree and obey. They pour poison into the ears of the uninformed both young and old.

“After all,” they purr, “You don’t want to be called ‘racist’ do you?”

We, the people, were preached to last night that “that freedom is more powerful than fear”. It would seem that in today’s America, the fear of being called a “racist” prevails stronger than wanting to protect life and liberty. Indeed, fourteen people will not be home for the holidays this year because the neighbors of their murderers, though deeply suspicious of their strange activities, didn’t phone it in.

They didn’t want to be seen as “profiling” people from the Middle East.

The lecture ended with the pithy platitude of how this country has “…always met challenges” by “coming together around our common ideals as one nation, as one people.” But which “common ideals” are these? Are they the ones that aroused this nation from its slumber on a dark day in December over seventy years ago? Could these form the natural inclination to willingly identify a clear and present danger and act accordingly?

Or are these the new ideals; found under some false rainbow, in which America is seen as a wicked woman who beat and bullied those around her but now, going forward, she’ll finally get hers at last!

Lady Liberty, once so strong and mighty, now must cower on the floor at the feet of those she once subjected to her power. Her hair is loose and matted with blood. Her bare shoulders torn and bruised from blows and lashes. So terrified and contrite is she now that she’s afraid to even raise her eyes less she give offense and trigger another round of violence.


But it’s how we’re becoming.

Like it or not, believe it or not, war has been declared. The battle lines have been drawn. The fight for our country’s continued existence as a true republic is about to commence. We battle not merely against flesh but against the spirit.

This is a war that we must fight and must win.

Or forever wish we had.

Otherwise, who we are not supposed to be, will become, to our everlasting shame, who we are.

Aunt Pittypat

Contributing Member
The problem is pathological and delusional altruism. Whether it be the belief that the only thing Mexican illegals want is to "have a better life" or Merkel's delusion that Germany has a moral obligation to house the Syrian refugees, it boils down to a basic error in thinking. And that error rests on the naive assumption that evil intentions can be mitigated if only ... If only there would be more money for schools in American ghettos, or more compassion for the poor Mexicans, or more resources to manage the European, migration crisis, or, as Obama said last night, a better understanding of Islam, then all would be well in all the world.

It's insane and reveals a profound misunderstanding of human nature as well as childish, mythical thinking. Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. (Well, not really.)


Komplainy Kat
The problem is pathological and delusional altruism. Whether it be the belief that the only thing Mexican illegals want is to "have a better life" or Merkel's delusion that Germany has a moral obligation to house the Syrian refugees, it boils down to a basic error in thinking. And that error rests on the naive assumption that evil intentions can be mitigated if only ... If only there would be more money for schools in American ghettos, or more compassion for the poor Mexicans, or more resources to manage the European, migration crisis, or, as Obama said last night, a better understanding of Islam, then all would be well in all the world.

It's insane and reveals a profound misunderstanding of human nature as well as childish, mythical thinking. Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. (Well, not really.)

In a nutshell!
Why, why on earth are these so called leaders like this?
And what on earth makes them think that their people will always believe them?


Membership Revoked
In a nutshell!
Why, why on earth are these so called leaders like this?
And what on earth makes them think that their people will always believe them?

Money, always follow the money, its as true a law of nature as gravity, throw in a little "power" and you have your answer.

Look at how rich the Clinton's have become, ask Harry Reid how he has a net worth of $30 million dollars after being a senator and congressman for 35 years, do the math on that bitch :) he must have on hell of an invest guy :)

IT'S ALWAYS ABOUT THE JACK !!! Always always always, the road may bend a little and the path might not be clear but when you dig a little you find out that in the end its always always always about the MONEY !!!!!


Komplainy Kat
Money, always follow the money, its as true a law of nature as gravity, throw in a little "power" and you have your answer.

Look at how rich the Clinton's have become, ask Harry Reid how he has a net worth of $30 million dollars after being a senator and congressman for 35 years, do the math on that bitch :) he must have on hell of an invest guy :)

IT'S ALWAYS ABOUT THE JACK !!! Always always always, the road may bend a little and the path might not be clear but when you dig a little you find out that in the end its always always always about the MONEY !!!!!

It's just like the late George Putnam used to say, "Follow the money trail!"