WAR French soldiers warn of civil war in new letter


passin' thru
French soldiers warn of civil war in new letter
BBC News

2-3 minutes

Soldiers march at a military base in Paris
image copyrightAFP

Around 75,000 people have signed an open letter warning about the threat of civil war in France.
The message, published in a right-wing magazine, accuses the French government of granting "concessions" to Islamism.
"It is about the survival of our country," said the text, which was issued anonymously by soldiers before being backed by members of the public.

The French government condemned a similar letter published by semi-retired generals late last month.
The minister in charge of the armed forces, Florence Parly, said at the time that they would be punished for defying a law that forbids reservists or serving members of the military from expressing opinions in public on religion and politics.
However, far-right leader Marine Le Pen, a candidate in next year's presidential election, spoke out in support of the estimated 1,000 servicemen and women who backed the letter.

The most recent text was published late on Sunday by Valeurs Actuelles, although the numbers and ranks of its original signatories - said to be active members of the military - remain unclear.
However, the authors of the letter describe themselves as part of a younger generation of soldiers who have served in Afghanistan, Mali and the Central African Republic, or joined domestic anti-terrorism operations.

"They gave their skin to destroy the Islamism to which you are giving concessions on our soil," they wrote.
The message criticised the French government's response to the "elders" who signed last month's letter: "Did they fight for you to allow France to become a failed state?"
"If a civil war breaks out, the army will maintain order on its own soil," the letter went on to say.
"No one can want such a terrible situation - our elders no more than us - but yes, civil war is brewing in France and you know it perfectly well."

The magazine's website says that more than 75,000 people have signed the letter since it was published and opened to the public.
However, some critics in both France and abroad have accused the government of unfairly targeting Islam.

Posted For Fair Use


passin' thru
Here's the letter, n a rough translation of it into English; Despite it's roughness, I find myself envious that their folks are putting their names, perhaps their livlihood or ultimately their lives, to these kinds of documents, while our fighting forces are being turned into a hotbed of activism and ineffectual "woked-ism" There is an option on the original source doc that permits one to add their name. I imagine technically that means it's harder to authenticate which are actually armed forces, and which are regular folk who agree. . .

For a few days, the rumor had been running that a new military platform was going to be unveiled. Coming from active soldiers, it supports the one previously published on the site of Current values. This text, which is already circulating a lot and which the media echo, we have decided to publish it this evening. And to open it, at the bottom of this platform, for the signature of French citizens who would find it up to the challenges that are ours. While continuing, with a demanding methodology, to make ourselves available to military professionals who wish to take part. Like the previous one, the purpose of this forum is not to undermine our institutions but to alert people to the gravity of the situation.
Mr. President of the Republic,
Ladies and Gentlemen, Ministers, Members of Parliament, General Officers, in your ranks and capacities,

We no longer sing the seventh verse of the Marseillaise, known as the “children's verse”. Yet it is rich in lessons. Let us leave it to him to lavish them on us:

"We will enter the quarry when our elders are gone. We will find their dust there, and the traces of their virtues. Much less jealous of surviving them than of sharing their coffin, we will have the sublime pride of avenging them or of following them ”

Our elders are fighters who deserve to be respected. These are for example the old soldiers whose honor you have trampled on in recent weeks. It is these thousands of servants of France, signatories of a platform of common sense, soldiers who gave their best years to defend our freedom, obeying your orders, to wage your wars or to implement your budget restrictions. , which you soiled while the people of France supported them.

These people who fought against all the enemies of France, you have treated them as factious when their only fault is to love their country and to mourn its visible downfall.

So it’s up to us, who have recently entered the career, to step into the arena just to have the honor of telling the truth.

We are from what the newspapers have called “the fire generation”. Men and women, active soldiers, of all armies and of all ranks, of all sensibilities, we love our country. These are our only claims to fame. And if we cannot, by law, express ourselves with our face uncovered, it is just as impossible for us to be silent.

Afghanistan, Mali, the Central African Republic or elsewhere, a number of us have experienced enemy fire. Some have left comrades there. They offered their skins to destroy the Islamism you are making concessions to on our soil.

Almost all of us have known Operation Sentinel. We saw with our own eyes the abandoned suburbs, the accommodation with delinquency. We have endured the attempts to instrumentalize several religious communities, for whom France means nothing - nothing but an object of sarcasm, contempt and even hatred.

We marched on July 14th. And this benevolent and diverse crowd, who cheered us because we are the emanation of them, we were asked to be wary of it for months, by forbidding us to circulate in uniform, by making us potential victims, on a soil that we are nevertheless capable of defending.

Yes, our elders are right about the substance of their text, in its entirety. We see violence in our towns and villages. We see communitarianism taking hold in public space, in public debate. We see hatred for France and its history becoming the norm.

It may not be for the military to say that, you will argue. On the contrary: because we are apolitical in our assessments of the situation, it is a professional observation that we deliver. Because this decline, we have seen it in many countries in crisis. It precedes the collapse. It announces chaos and violence, and contrary to what you are asserting here and there, this chaos and this violence will not come from a "military pronunciamento" but from a civil insurrection.

To quibble about the shape of our elders' platform instead of acknowledging the obviousness of their findings, you have to be cowardly. To invoke a duty of reserve badly interpreted in order to silence French citizens, one must be very deceitful. In order to encourage senior military officials to take a stand and expose themselves, before fiercely sanctioning them whenever they write anything other than battle stories, you have to be very perverse.

Cowardice, deceit, perversion: this is not our view of the hierarchy.
On the contrary, the army is, par excellence, the place where we speak truthfully to each other because we commit our lives. It is this confidence in the military institution that we call for.
Yes, if a civil war breaks out, the military will maintain order on its own soil, because it will be asked to. This is even the definition of civil war. No one can want such a terrible situation, our elders no more than us, but yes, again, civil war is brewing in France and you know it perfectly well.

The cry of alarm of our Ancients finally sends back to more distant echoes. Our elders are the resistance fighters of 1940, whom people like you very often treated as factious, and who continued the fight while the legalists, transfixed with fear, were already betting on concessions with evil to limit the damage. ; these are the hairy 14, who died for a few meters of land, while you abandon, without reacting, entire districts of our country to the law of the strongest; they are all the dead, famous or anonymous, fallen at the front or after a lifetime of service.

All our elders, those who made our country what it is, who designed its territory, defended its culture, gave or received orders in its language, did they fight for you to let France become a failed state? , who replaces his increasingly obvious sovereign powerlessness with a brutal tyranny against those of his servants who still want to warn him?

Take action, ladies and gentlemen. This time it is not about custom emotion, ready-made formulas or media coverage. It's not about extending your terms or winning new ones. It is about the survival of our country, of your country.

[Exclusif] Signez la nouvelle tribune des militaires

Depuis quelques jours, la rumeur courait qu'une nouvelle tribune de militaires allait être dévoilée. Émanant de militaires d'active, elle vient en soutien à celle précédemment publiée sur le site de Valeurs actuelles. Ce texte, qui circule déjà beaucoup et dont les médias se font l'écho, nous avons décidé de le publier ce soir. Et de l'ouvrir, en bas de cette tribune, à la signature des citoyens français qui le trouveraient à la hauteur des enjeux qui sont les nôtres. Tout en continuant, avec une méthodologie exigeante, à nous tenir à la disposition des professionnels des armées qui souhaiteraient y prendre part. Comme la précédente, le but de cette tribune n'est pas de mettre à mal nos institutions mais d'alerter sur la gravité de la situation.

Par valeursactuelles.com
Publié le 9 mai 2021 à 22h18 Mis à jour le 10 mai 2021 à 13h31


Photo d'illustration. Photo © ROMAIN LAFABREGUE / AFP

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Monsieur le Président de la République,
Mesdames et Messieurs les ministres, parlementaires, officiers généraux, en vos grades et qualités,
On ne chante plus le septième couplet de la Marseillaise, dit « couplet des enfants ». Il est pourtant riche d’enseignements. Laissons-lui le soin de nous les prodiguer :

« Nous entrerons dans la carrière quand nos aînés n’y seront plus. Nous y trouverons leur poussière, et la trace de leurs vertus. Bien moins jaloux de leur survivre que de partager leur cercueil, nous aurons le sublime orgueil de les venger ou de les suivre »
Nos aînés, ce sont des combattants qui ont mérité qu’on les respecte. Ce sont par exemple les vieux soldats dont vous avez piétiné l’honneur ces dernières semaines. Ce sont ces milliers de serviteurs de la France, signataires d’une tribune de simple bon sens, des soldats qui ont donné leurs plus belles années pour défendre notre liberté, obéissant à vos ordres, pour faire vos guerres ou mettre en œuvre vos restrictions budgétaires, que vous avez salis alors que le peuple de France les soutenait.

Ces gens qui ont lutté contre tous les ennemis de la France, vous les avez traités de factieux alors que leur seul tort est d’aimer leur pays et de pleurer sa visible déchéance.
Dans ces conditions, c’est à nous, qui sommes récemment entrés dans la carrière, d’entrer dans l’arène pour avoir simplement l’honneur d’y dire la vérité.
Nous sommes de ce que les journaux ont nommé « la génération du feu ». Hommes et femmes, militaires en activité, de toutes les armées et de tous les grades, de toutes les sensibilités, nous aimons notre pays. Ce sont nos seuls titres de gloire. Et si nous ne pouvons pas, réglementairement, nous exprimer à visage découvert, il nous est tout aussi impossible de nous taire.

Afghanistan, Mali, Centrafrique ou ailleurs, un certain nombre d’entre nous ont connu le feu ennemi. Certains y ont laissé des camarades. Ils ont offert leur peau pour détruire l’islamisme auquel vous faites des concessions sur notre sol.
Presque tous, nous avons connu l’opération Sentinelle. Nous y avons vu de nos yeux les banlieues abandonnées, les accommodements avec la délinquance. Nous avons subi les tentatives d’instrumentalisation de plusieurs communautés religieuses, pour qui la France ne signifie rien -rien qu’un objet de sarcasmes, de mépris voire de haine.

Nous avons défilé le 14 juillet. Et cette foule bienveillante et diverse, qui nous acclamait parce que nous en sommes l’émanation, on nous a demandé de nous en méfier pendant des mois, en nous interdisant de circuler en uniforme, en faisant de nous des victimes en puissance, sur un sol que nous sommes pourtant capables de défendre.
Oui, nos aînés ont raison sur le fond de leur texte, dans sa totalité. Nous voyons la violence dans nos villes et villages. Nous voyons le communautarisme s’installer dans l’espace public, dans le débat public. Nous voyons la haine de la France et de son histoire devenir la norme.

Ce n’est peut-être pas à des militaires de dire cela, arguerez-vous. Bien au contraire : parce que nous sommes apolitiques dans nos appréciations de situation, c’est un constat professionnel que nous livrons. Car cette déchéance, nous l’avons vue dans bien des pays en crise. Elle précède l’effondrement. Elle annonce le chaos et la violence, et contrairement à ce que vous affirmez ici où là, ce chaos et cette violence ne viendront pas d’un « pronunciamento militaire » mais d’une insurrection civile.

Pour ergoter sur la forme de la tribune de nos aînés au lieu de reconnaître l’évidence de leurs constats, il faut être bien lâche. Pour invoquer un devoir de réserve mal interprété dans le but de faire taire des citoyens français, il faut être bien fourbe. Pour encourager les cadres dirigeants de l’armée à prendre position et à s’exposer, avant de les sanctionner rageusement dès qu’ils écrivent autre chose que des récits de batailles, il faut être bien pervers.
Lâcheté, fourberie, perversion : telle n’est pas notre vision de la hiérarchie.
L’armée est au contraire, par excellence, le lieu où l’on se parle vrai parce que l’on engage sa vie. C’est cette confiance en l’institution militaire que nous appelons de nos vœux.

Oui, si une guerre civile éclate, l’armée maintiendra l’ordre sur son propre sol, parce qu’on le lui demandera. C’est même la définition de la guerre civile. Personne ne peut vouloir une situation aussi terrible, nos aînés pas plus que nous, mais oui, de nouveau, la guerre civile couve en France et vous le savez parfaitement.
Le cri d’alarme de nos Anciens renvoie enfin à de plus lointains échos. Nos aînés, ce sont les résistants de 1940, que, bien souvent, des gens comme vous traitaient de factieux, et qui ont continué le combat pendant que les légalistes, transis de peur, misaient déjà sur les concessions avec le mal pour limiter les dégâts ; ce sont les poilus de 14, qui mouraient pour quelques mètres de terre, alors que vous abandonnez, sans réagir, des quartiers entiers de notre pays à la loi du plus fort; ce sont tous les morts, célèbres ou anonymes, tombés au front ou après une vie de service.

Tous nos aînés, ceux qui ont fait de notre pays ce qu’il est, qui ont dessiné son territoire, défendu sa culture, donné ou reçu des ordres dans sa langue, ont-ils combattu pour que vous laissiez la France devenir un Etat failli, qui remplace son impuissance régalienne de plus en plus patente par une tyrannie brutale contre ceux de ses serviteurs qui veulent encore l’avertir ?
Agissez, Mesdames et Messieurs. Il ne s’agit pas, cette fois, d’émotion sur commande, de formules toutes faites ou de médiatisation. Il ne s’agit pas de prolonger vos mandats ou d’en conquérir d’autres. Il s’agit de la survie de notre pays, de votre pays.

Posted for fair use

night driver

ESFP adrift in INTJ sea
THIS is highly interesting. What this is doing os telling Macron and his High Command that the 85 or 102 or whatever Flag and Field Grade Officers are SOLIDLY supported, not "radical", and not going to be hung out to dry.
Puts the kid in a VERY tough position. Either he geeks and genuflects and kisses the Academy Rings, or arrests the whole lot of them and loses his WHOLE Military as these Senior NCO's and Light Colonels "take care o' bidness".

Good luck, kid. You married her and now you get to either stand up and DECIDE or go hide in her skirts. Only ONE of those perpetuates your Regime. Choose wisely. Unfortunately, the single shot pistol and single malt in the bedroom option is NOT open to you.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Here's the letter, n a rough translation of it into English; Despite it's roughness, I find myself envious that their folks are putting their names, perhaps their livlihood or ultimately their lives, to these kinds of documents, while our fighting forces are being turned into a hotbed of activism and ineffectual "woked-ism" There is an option on the original source doc that permits one to add their name. I imagine technically that means it's harder to authenticate which are actually armed forces, and which are regular folk who agree. . .

For a few days, the rumor had been running that a new military platform was going to be unveiled. Coming from active soldiers, it supports the one previously published on the site of Current values. This text, which is already circulating a lot and which the media echo, we have decided to publish it this evening. And to open it, at the bottom of this platform, for the signature of French citizens who would find it up to the challenges that are ours. While continuing, with a demanding methodology, to make ourselves available to military professionals who wish to take part. Like the previous one, the purpose of this forum is not to undermine our institutions but to alert people to the gravity of the situation.
Mr. President of the Republic,
Ladies and Gentlemen, Ministers, Members of Parliament, General Officers, in your ranks and capacities,

We no longer sing the seventh verse of the Marseillaise, known as the “children's verse”. Yet it is rich in lessons. Let us leave it to him to lavish them on us:

"We will enter the quarry when our elders are gone. We will find their dust there, and the traces of their virtues. Much less jealous of surviving them than of sharing their coffin, we will have the sublime pride of avenging them or of following them ”

Our elders are fighters who deserve to be respected. These are for example the old soldiers whose honor you have trampled on in recent weeks. It is these thousands of servants of France, signatories of a platform of common sense, soldiers who gave their best years to defend our freedom, obeying your orders, to wage your wars or to implement your budget restrictions. , which you soiled while the people of France supported them.

These people who fought against all the enemies of France, you have treated them as factious when their only fault is to love their country and to mourn its visible downfall.

So it’s up to us, who have recently entered the career, to step into the arena just to have the honor of telling the truth.

We are from what the newspapers have called “the fire generation”. Men and women, active soldiers, of all armies and of all ranks, of all sensibilities, we love our country. These are our only claims to fame. And if we cannot, by law, express ourselves with our face uncovered, it is just as impossible for us to be silent.

Afghanistan, Mali, the Central African Republic or elsewhere, a number of us have experienced enemy fire. Some have left comrades there. They offered their skins to destroy the Islamism you are making concessions to on our soil.

Almost all of us have known Operation Sentinel. We saw with our own eyes the abandoned suburbs, the accommodation with delinquency. We have endured the attempts to instrumentalize several religious communities, for whom France means nothing - nothing but an object of sarcasm, contempt and even hatred.

We marched on July 14th. And this benevolent and diverse crowd, who cheered us because we are the emanation of them, we were asked to be wary of it for months, by forbidding us to circulate in uniform, by making us potential victims, on a soil that we are nevertheless capable of defending.

Yes, our elders are right about the substance of their text, in its entirety. We see violence in our towns and villages. We see communitarianism taking hold in public space, in public debate. We see hatred for France and its history becoming the norm.

It may not be for the military to say that, you will argue. On the contrary: because we are apolitical in our assessments of the situation, it is a professional observation that we deliver. Because this decline, we have seen it in many countries in crisis. It precedes the collapse. It announces chaos and violence, and contrary to what you are asserting here and there, this chaos and this violence will not come from a "military pronunciamento" but from a civil insurrection.

To quibble about the shape of our elders' platform instead of acknowledging the obviousness of their findings, you have to be cowardly. To invoke a duty of reserve badly interpreted in order to silence French citizens, one must be very deceitful. In order to encourage senior military officials to take a stand and expose themselves, before fiercely sanctioning them whenever they write anything other than battle stories, you have to be very perverse.

Cowardice, deceit, perversion: this is not our view of the hierarchy.
On the contrary, the army is, par excellence, the place where we speak truthfully to each other because we commit our lives. It is this confidence in the military institution that we call for.
Yes, if a civil war breaks out, the military will maintain order on its own soil, because it will be asked to. This is even the definition of civil war. No one can want such a terrible situation, our elders no more than us, but yes, again, civil war is brewing in France and you know it perfectly well.

The cry of alarm of our Ancients finally sends back to more distant echoes. Our elders are the resistance fighters of 1940, whom people like you very often treated as factious, and who continued the fight while the legalists, transfixed with fear, were already betting on concessions with evil to limit the damage. ; these are the hairy 14, who died for a few meters of land, while you abandon, without reacting, entire districts of our country to the law of the strongest; they are all the dead, famous or anonymous, fallen at the front or after a lifetime of service.

All our elders, those who made our country what it is, who designed its territory, defended its culture, gave or received orders in its language, did they fight for you to let France become a failed state? , who replaces his increasingly obvious sovereign powerlessness with a brutal tyranny against those of his servants who still want to warn him?

Take action, ladies and gentlemen. This time it is not about custom emotion, ready-made formulas or media coverage. It's not about extending your terms or winning new ones. It is about the survival of our country, of your country.

Ther lives, their fortunes, and their sacred Honor- now where did I hear that before?
The French are a sensual people, but they always were tough. Now, it is starting to show again.

night driver

ESFP adrift in INTJ sea

Clearly I wrote my post 7 while Jules was posting the translation of the second letter!

If that letter did nothing to you, you are dead. it was VERY well written, called everyone to arms, and made me horripilate down past my knees!

Macron and his henchies best choose the correct path.
And the 7th verse is enough to get the lame to march!

Similar to our 5th verse of the "Battle Hymn of the Republic"

( I DO so love my propaganda in actionable forms!!!!)


passin' thru

French soldiers accuse government of trying to ‘silence’ warnings of civil war
Kim Willsher

3-4 minutes

Serving members of the French military have fired a second salvo at Emmanuel Macron’s government in an open letter accusing it of “cowardice, deceit, perversion”, just weeks after a first letter warned the country was heading for “civil war”.
Like the first letter, it appears in the rightwing magazine Valeurs Actuelles. It was reportedly signed anonymously “by active military personnel” and is appended with a petition on the magazine’s website for others to sign.
The letter’s signatories refer to the seventh verse of La Marseillaise, the French national anthem, that refers to the “avenging” slain elders or following them to “their coffins”.

It was published in support of the first letter, published on 21 April, the 60th anniversary of a failed coup d’état against General Charles de Gaulle over his support for Algerian independence.
Signed by a number of retired generals as well as at least 18 serving soldiers including four officers, it warned of the “disintegration” of France evoking what it called the “perils” of Islamic extremist and “the hordes from the banlieue”.
It also accused anti-racism groups of creating “hatred between communities” and cautioned that “lax” government policies could spark chaos requiring military action to “protect our civilisational values”.

Afterwards, furious ministers accused the signatories, who were supported by the far-right Rassemblement National party leader, Marine Le Pen, of breaking military rules and threatened legal action against them. The armed forces minister, Florence Parly, said: “The armies are not there to campaign but to defend France”, while the interior minister, Gérard Darmanin, accused Le Pen of having her father Jean-Marie Le Pen’s “taste” for the sound of marching boots.
The second letter, published late on Sunday evening, batted off threats of punishment and launched an all-out attack on the government, accusing it of “trampling” on veterans’ honour and “sullying” their reputation “when their only fault is to love their country and mourn its visible decline”.

“To quibble about the form of our elders’ tribune instead of recognising the evidence of their findings, you have to be cowardly. To invoke a misinterpreted duty of reserve in order to silence French citizens, one must be very deceitful. To encourage the army’s senior officers to take a stand and expose themselves, before angrily sanctioning them as soon as they write anything other than battle reports, one must be quite perverse.

“Cowardice, deceit, perversion: this is not our vision of the hierarchy. On the contrary, the army is, par excellence, the place where we speak the truth because we commit our lives.”
It concluded: “Once again, civil war is brewing in France and you know it perfectly well.” By 10am Monday morning, Valeurs Actuelles claimed 76,461 people had signed the petition.

Posted for fair Use


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Here's the letter, n a rough translation of it into English; Despite it's roughness, I find myself envious that their folks are putting their names, perhaps their livlihood or ultimately their lives, to these kinds of documents, while our fighting forces are being turned into a hotbed of activism and ineffectual "woked-ism" There is an option on the original source doc that permits one to add their name. I imagine technically that means it's harder to authenticate which are actually armed forces, and which are regular folk who agree. . .

For a few days, the rumor had been running that a new military platform was going to be unveiled. Coming from active soldiers, it supports the one previously published on the site of Current values. This text, which is already circulating a lot and which the media echo, we have decided to publish it this evening. And to open it, at the bottom of this platform, for the signature of French citizens who would find it up to the challenges that are ours. While continuing, with a demanding methodology, to make ourselves available to military professionals who wish to take part. Like the previous one, the purpose of this forum is not to undermine our institutions but to alert people to the gravity of the situation.
Mr. President of the Republic,
Ladies and Gentlemen, Ministers, Members of Parliament, General Officers, in your ranks and capacities,

We no longer sing the seventh verse of the Marseillaise, known as the “children's verse”. Yet it is rich in lessons. Let us leave it to him to lavish them on us:

"We will enter the quarry when our elders are gone. We will find their dust there, and the traces of their virtues. Much less jealous of surviving them than of sharing their coffin, we will have the sublime pride of avenging them or of following them ”

Our elders are fighters who deserve to be respected. These are for example the old soldiers whose honor you have trampled on in recent weeks. It is these thousands of servants of France, signatories of a platform of common sense, soldiers who gave their best years to defend our freedom, obeying your orders, to wage your wars or to implement your budget restrictions. , which you soiled while the people of France supported them.

These people who fought against all the enemies of France, you have treated them as factious when their only fault is to love their country and to mourn its visible downfall.

So it’s up to us, who have recently entered the career, to step into the arena just to have the honor of telling the truth.

We are from what the newspapers have called “the fire generation”. Men and women, active soldiers, of all armies and of all ranks, of all sensibilities, we love our country. These are our only claims to fame. And if we cannot, by law, express ourselves with our face uncovered, it is just as impossible for us to be silent.

Afghanistan, Mali, the Central African Republic or elsewhere, a number of us have experienced enemy fire. Some have left comrades there. They offered their skins to destroy the Islamism you are making concessions to on our soil.

Almost all of us have known Operation Sentinel. We saw with our own eyes the abandoned suburbs, the accommodation with delinquency. We have endured the attempts to instrumentalize several religious communities, for whom France means nothing - nothing but an object of sarcasm, contempt and even hatred.

We marched on July 14th. And this benevolent and diverse crowd, who cheered us because we are the emanation of them, we were asked to be wary of it for months, by forbidding us to circulate in uniform, by making us potential victims, on a soil that we are nevertheless capable of defending.

Yes, our elders are right about the substance of their text, in its entirety. We see violence in our towns and villages. We see communitarianism taking hold in public space, in public debate. We see hatred for France and its history becoming the norm.

It may not be for the military to say that, you will argue. On the contrary: because we are apolitical in our assessments of the situation, it is a professional observation that we deliver. Because this decline, we have seen it in many countries in crisis. It precedes the collapse. It announces chaos and violence, and contrary to what you are asserting here and there, this chaos and this violence will not come from a "military pronunciamento" but from a civil insurrection.

To quibble about the shape of our elders' platform instead of acknowledging the obviousness of their findings, you have to be cowardly. To invoke a duty of reserve badly interpreted in order to silence French citizens, one must be very deceitful. In order to encourage senior military officials to take a stand and expose themselves, before fiercely sanctioning them whenever they write anything other than battle stories, you have to be very perverse.

Cowardice, deceit, perversion: this is not our view of the hierarchy.
On the contrary, the army is, par excellence, the place where we speak truthfully to each other because we commit our lives. It is this confidence in the military institution that we call for.
Yes, if a civil war breaks out, the military will maintain order on its own soil, because it will be asked to. This is even the definition of civil war. No one can want such a terrible situation, our elders no more than us, but yes, again, civil war is brewing in France and you know it perfectly well.

The cry of alarm of our Ancients finally sends back to more distant echoes. Our elders are the resistance fighters of 1940, whom people like you very often treated as factious, and who continued the fight while the legalists, transfixed with fear, were already betting on concessions with evil to limit the damage. ; these are the hairy 14, who died for a few meters of land, while you abandon, without reacting, entire districts of our country to the law of the strongest; they are all the dead, famous or anonymous, fallen at the front or after a lifetime of service.

All our elders, those who made our country what it is, who designed its territory, defended its culture, gave or received orders in its language, did they fight for you to let France become a failed state? , who replaces his increasingly obvious sovereign powerlessness with a brutal tyranny against those of his servants who still want to warn him?

Take action, ladies and gentlemen. This time it is not about custom emotion, ready-made formulas or media coverage. It's not about extending your terms or winning new ones. It is about the survival of our country, of your country.


The same situation exists in the U.S.

The commies recognized that people like those who signed this letter exist in our armed forces.

THAT is precisely why Austin was made Secretary of Defense and is actively purging patriots in the military.

THAT is precisely why Obama booted a boatload of flag officers during his reign of terror.


Res ipsa loquitur
At least they're sending letters and signing their names.
What is comparable or greater here?

yes indeed . . . What is comparable or greater here?

:applaud: :applaud: :applaud: :applaud:

WE are charged with "INSURRECTION" while BLM ANTIFAG SCUM are simply "peacefully demonstrating"
WE are charged as "domestic terrorists" when defending ourselves in BLM traffic stops while they are the innocent victims


Oscar Wilde

Membership Revoked
The irony, Heheh.
For decades I have heard little other than ridicule of the French
due to their perceived response to the German invasion.

They were OCCUPIED, their very homes, occupied ... and still they
resisted, causing considerable disruption to the German's operations.
The successful, allied recovery of France was due in large part to their
very own efforts.

Now it's our turn ....
