CRIME Former CIA Director John Brennan Calls for Mao-Like Public Humiliation Sessions for Trump Supporters Before They Are Accepted Back into Society

Backwoods Chic

Veteran Member
Former CIA Director John Brennan Calls for Mao-Like Public Humiliation Sessions for Trump Supporters Before They Are Accepted Back into Society
By Jim Hoft
Published January 9, 2021 at 8:28pm


Humiliation sessions for 75 million Americans!

This is the former CIA Director!
What a Marxist jackass.


John Brennan must be VERY WORRIED about what President Trump has on him.


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Senior Member
As I said in another thread, "Professional Politicians" will say anything to get their name in the news. Also. with the proliferation of MSM stories with regard as to the DC riots and how the rioters/Republicans should be dealt with, I cannot help but feel this is a smokescreen. The Deep State and it's cronies are doing or have done something they don't want out to the general public. Guns up! Eyes up!


Thread Killer :-)
Dear Mr. Brennan, I have NO desire nor need whatsoever to ask for some BS "national redemption" from anyone, let alone a lying, traitorous, commie asshat like you. Take your Seig Heil somewhere else, Herr Brennan. You "sir", are a joke.

steve graham

Veteran Member
Dear God, can any of us believe this came out the mouth of an "american"! There's where we missed it.......he's so far from being an American.....probably never has been. It's so off the charts, i feel speechless in what I really want to say!


TB Fanatic
You all saw them hiding and crawling under stuff on Wednesday. They are friggin wimps when the shit starts. They feel strong spewing their commie propaganda crap over the airwaves and cable networks. Like they own us.

But when they actually get cornered or put on the spot like the snake Lindsey and Romney ... you saw them ... hoping someone had a weapon to protect there pitiful selfs.