for those interested in the missle silo complex


Veteran Member
I just added a post stating I would be willing to go to the site to do an inspection.

Here is the post

I would be willing to visit the place


I am a former Fire fighter, EMT and have an extensive background in safety and physical security. I also have experience dealing with Haz Mat, asbestos and disaster planning.

In addition I was an aircraft mechanic in the Marine Corps and have experience being involved in scouting and developing properties for use as long term retreats.

I live about two hours south of the place and since I am out of work due to permanent disability I can go pretty much whenever.

I have a digital camera as well.

If you folks are serious about this I would be willing to go and do it. All I ask is gas money to get up there and back (I have a paypal account). Whatever time is involved I am willing to do without compensation.

If this sounds agreeable either someone PM me or drop me a line at

So if there are those who are serious let me know and let's talk.