CORONA For medicos - masks in medical environments

The Mountain

Here since the beginning
For any of you in the medical field: with the pandemic declaration lifting, and now word is that the vaxx requirement to enter the US will go away on the 11th, has there been any word on when the requirement to wear a mask in any kind of "medical" environment will be lifted? It seems silly to have to wear masks in ophthalmologist offices or when giving a urine sample.

Reasonable Rascal

Veteran Member
For any of you in the medical field: with the pandemic declaration lifting, and now word is that the vaxx requirement to enter the US will go away on the 11th, has there been any word on when the requirement to wear a mask in any kind of "medical" environment will be lifted? It seems silly to have to wear masks in ophthalmologist offices or when giving a urine sample.
Pretty sure that is institutional policy only. Local hospital has had signs on the doors for 6 months saying masks are not required now. Likewise the local clinic. The larger facilities seem reluctant to abandon the requirement. Some, not all. I was in an Omaha hospital as a visitor to the ICU in March and masks weren't required until you actually hit the ICU. Common areas outside of there they were totally hit or miss.

Likewise I was in a Des Moines ER in October and masks weren't required.


Kathy in FL

My parents' doctors told us that they've always had mask requirements off and on, especially during flu season or if they had an active infection of something like TB, etc come through the community even if not their office. Last 20 years I haven't gone to the doc enough to know whether this is true or not but it will probably stay around for quite some time. That said, when I took my dad to the ER a while back, no one was wearing a mask.


Veteran Member
Had a first visit with a dermatologist a month ago. They dropped the mask requirement a couple of days before. The NP still wore one, the assistant didn't - and neither did I.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Went to my GP the other day. Was told when making the appt to bring a mask. Very few there wearing a mask. I did not, and most of staff did not. I had not been there in a couple years. Was concerned that would get a hassle to take the vax. Was only asked if I had been vaxed ( not ). Was glad, was prepared to walk out if pushed to take it.


Isaiah 27:1
The local university medical hospital system dropped the requirement for patients in recent weeks.
There is still a patient requirement for respiratory illness.
For patient facing staff, it is still required while treating, but optional while in the facility.


Veteran Member
my doctor dropped it quite a while ago. dentist the same. Eye doctor called me a while back about an eye exam. I asked" are masks still required" she said "yes they are" I told them "cancel the appointment then" when she asked "do you want to reschedule, I told her as long as you have a mask requirement, the answer is a resounding NO and I'll find another eye doctor"

20 minutes later I get a phone call "don't worry about the mask". funny how that happens.

Long term care facilities are still requiring them here as well as the Yale New haven hospital system.


Veteran Member
In Pgh area Allegheny Health Network dropped their mask mandate about 10+ days ago. UPMC and Excela are still holding on to CDC guidelines.

I had my annual check up back late March and was asked to mask up <eyeroll>

Have not wore a mask in dentist office in at least one year even though they have signs up.


Neither here nor there.
I'd say 90% of the medical facilities in my area have dropped the mask mandate. My lung doctor continues to wear one, but he's in his upper 70's, he does not require patients to wear one though. Weeks like this with the wind being so strong, and so much dust and pollen in the air, I wear one when I'm outside because I have severe asthma and stage one COPD.


Contributing Member
East and Middle Tennessee have dropped mask requirements in the hospitals. Up to the individual of they want to wear one. A few people still do, but most don't.

The Mountain

Here since the beginning
Thanks all. Apparently even up where I am, the mask mandates are going away next week officially. I suspect there will still be plenty of paranoids wearing them, and at least some places will impose their own internal requirements, but it should all (finally) be going away.


Senior Member
Physical today. SOS...called me 3 days ago asking about cough, fever, etc., and reminded me of the ground rules: Call when you get there, come to door with your mask on.

Still taking temp once inside. Ridiculous.

On the good side, my NP is not a ball buster, no pressure about anything, she "gets" me (I used to work in the same hospital).

Last Tetanus? IDK. Interested? "No"
Flu vac? "No"
Pneumonia? "No"
Shingles vac? "No".

Me: "You know me"

She says "I know, but I have to ask"
I'd say 90% of the medical facilities in my area have dropped the mask mandate. My lung doctor continues to wear one, but he's in his upper 70's, he does not require patients to wear one though. Weeks like this with the wind being so strong, and so much dust and pollen in the air, I wear one when I'm outside because I have severe asthma and stage one COPD.
Probably the only time it is effective and makes sense.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
State of NJ dropped it last year I think, PA as well. I think the last 2 times at the dentist signs were gone. Definitely no more at Penn med in the fall the last time the wife had to go there.


Veteran Member
All of my docs have dropped the mask requirement in the last month. Some of the staff wearing them so not.


Veteran Member
"Little shop" called Cleveland Clinic has dropped mask use in all locations, regardless of state or nation in which the facility resides.
I’m glad they have, although University Hospitals have not. Took relative yesterday for a colonoscopy, and when I went to pick them up, signs everywhere saying masks required. When I got to the place to pick them up, the box outside the door was empty. I stuck my head in and said box is empty?? She said to come on in and have a seat…..people with masks, waiting, just stared at me like I had two heads or something. Lol This was at the N Ridgeville medical center.


Contributing Member
Johns Hopkins which released the definitive study debunking the use of masks to prevent infection has just this week declared the use of masks as not necessary in the hospital environment. My wife who is a pain specialist is greatly relieved. The masks are annoying, make communication difficult, and harbor all kids of organisms which thrive in the moist CO2 rich environment. Follow the real science.
Johns Hopkins which released the definitive study debunking the use of masks to prevent infection has just this week declared the use of masks as not necessary in the hospital environment. My wife who is a pain specialist is greatly relieved. The masks are annoying, make communication difficult, and harbor all kids of organisms which thrive in the moist CO2 rich environment. Follow the real science.
Link for my socialist niece?