MSM FNC's Wallace: Biden Speech ‘Enormously Effective' -- He ‘Blew a Big Hole’ in Trump Attacks


Veteran Member
You're truly an idiot.
He's not an idiot. He's worse than that. He's a bottom feeding troll trying to get people on this site to vote for a paedophile. He's a Marxist. He's dishonest and insincere.

He's probably delusional enough to believe he'll have some power over the little people after the revolution.

He's probably sociopathic. Sociopaths aren't planners, they're compulsive. They comprise most criminals. He's most likely either a paid government troll, or in an immasculating job. He probably believes he should be in a higher position, but management has correctly identified him as incompetent and rather Napoleonic.


TB Fanatic
OK I'll admit it. I stopped voting for Democratic presidential candidates 20 years ago. I've never voted for a Republican presidential candidate; I normally vote Libertarian. This time I'm going to vote for Biden because Trump is incompetent.

And to you I say “Bye, bye, bye”. Don’t let the Doberman’s eat you on the way out of the door.
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steve graham

Veteran Member
The Globalists have:
  1. Surveiled him and his campaign.
  2. Cooked up some fairy tale from Russia/Ukraine, and attempted to pin it on him.
  3. Attempted to sink his ship with some Hollywood audio tape.
  4. Attempted to cheat with their Diebold voting machines and Soros sorftware company.
  5. Attempted to twist the arms of the electoral college/Dr. Jill nonsense.
  6. Surveiled his transition team.
  7. Attempted to sink his ship with Stormy.
  8. Surveiled him as a sitting president.
  9. Raided the files of his personal attorney.
  10. Maligned him with certain international leaders.
  11. Investigated him with a Soviet styled Special Counsel team.
  12. Conducted Schiff's Star Chamber, in preparation for his impeachment.
  13. Impeached him for asking about Biden, Pelosi and Kerry's shakedown of Ukraine.
  14. Unleashed a Chinese bioweapon to bring down his economy, stop his rallies, etc.
  15. Cooked the occurrence rates of the virus to strike fear into the people.
  16. Aided and abetted anarchists to destroy cities and create a national chaos.
  17. Enlisted over 600 biased lawyers to delay and impair and accurate vote tally.
  18. Nominated a clearly demented candidate, setting up the 25th amendment with a incompetent, malleable, Communist lying in waiting.
  19. Employing a wanton voting by mail scheme to create further chaos.
  20. Will attempt to invoke the 20th (??) amendment to get Pelosi in as Acting POTUS, (pardoning all indicted Black Hats),
  21. and have the House elect POTUS, while the Senate elects VPOTUS.
and you think that they will allow Demented Biden to face Trump in a debate?


TB Fanatic
No Biden didn’t ... Trump will show how the rioters, Antifa, BLM, cop haters, are all product of the Democrat base. They’re the ones burning cities and beating people.

Not Trump ... or his base.

jed turtle

a brother in the Lord
I’m just popping in here so may be a little out of place. If Fauchi and friends (CNN et al) hadn’t spent so much effort dissing HCQ and treated like a real treatment instead of bringing down Trump with it, tens of thousands of people would still be alive.
You know this would be the headline if trump had said that statement.

virtually ALL of the ones that actually had Covid-19 would be alive if they had HCQ with zinc and D3 and VItamin C, early in their infection.

Can we vote BJ off the island?
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