HEALTH Flu season illness check and questions


Veteran Member
Ok family. How are you holding up during the flu season of 2024? My family was hit hard last week my 6 year old was out all week from school due to vomit and temp. Then over the weekend and diagnosed on Monday my wife came down with upper respiratory infection and I came down with flu A. Yesterday our 18-year-old had an inner ear infection. And now today back to square 1 with my 6-year-old with streph and upper respiratory infection. Needless to say, it's been fun almost two weeks at our household, and just curious how everyone else is holding up. And if there is such a widespread out break let's start a tracking thread. I have a feeling we are at the start of plandemic 2.0


Haven't had a sick day in years, not even the sniffles. Not tooting my own horn but its the truth. First of all I give God all the credit for keeping me healthy but he has also educated me as to the supplements I should be taking and how the proper nutrition works.

And, I have the advantage (or disadvantage depending on your point of view) of being single so I am somewhat isolated from the experiences many of you have of a family member bringing home the crud and sharing it with everyone else.

You have to build up the immune system in an environment full of toxins and bad food. In a nutshell in winter take vitamin D3 supplementation, zinc with quercetin for a kicker and don't be afraid of taking ivermectin. We've talked about that to the point of exhaustion throughout the covid saga but ivermectin is a potent anti-viral and can help you nip a lot of things in the bud and it is almost impossible to overdose yourself with it.

And then of course basic sanitation which is hard with a six year old that goes to a germ factory they call school everyday. Plenty of hand washing, etc.

Good luck!!


Veteran Member
I've been fortunate to avoid any crud since having Covid a couple years ago. However, there are a lot of people having Covid and various varieties of flu. It seems to take at least two weeks to get over whatever crud it is.

My sister who lives in Des Moines had Covid and the senior complex where she lives was on lockdown for a week before she got sick. My b-i-l and s-i-l live near Des Moines and both had Covid and were quite sick for a couple of weeks. All three have had every vaccination for Covid.

Friends locally have reported both Covid and flu. One couple flew home from Florida while sick -- they were just starting symptoms and did not realize they had Covid until a few days later (no vaccinations). Another friend was very ill for three or four weeks without a diagnosis although we both think it was Covid (first vacs but not sure if she had more).

BTW I was at the doctor for something else this week and doctor did not inquire about my vaccination status. She also never asks me about owning a gun after the first time (required on Medicare physical). My reply was "why are you asking" and which lead to an interesting discussion.


Designated Grumpy Old Fart
Was down for a couple of days with some upper respiratory virus, not Covid or RSV, however have had the lingering cough for going on a month and a half. Talked to a Respiratory Therapist buddy and he has had to deal with the same thing himself. Nothing works, just tincture of time. It is getting better, slowly. Fortunately, living as we do on the mountain, we're pretty isolated from the unwashed masses from down below and pretty much home bodies, so I guess it's just gonna run it's course.


Contributing Member
Hubby has had something since Dec 28th. Started with a fever, intense sore throat, pink eye, and the strangest cough I've ever heard. Went to both UC and Minute Clinic, no sign of pneumonia or strep, and they did not test for flu for some reason. They would not prescribe an antibiotic, and told him to wait it out. Multiple home Covid tests were negative. He's still coughing and just can't shake it. Daughter's family has had a cold or the stomach flu since Christmas, negative for Covid there too. They just get well and back it comes. My mom in Memory Care got COVID, and seemed to recover quickly. Then evidently aggressive pneumonia set in, and she died 12 hours later on Jan 23rd. Now son and his family picked up a bug at the funeral. Fever, cough, runny nose, and again no Covid. It's been a rough start to 2024.

John Green

Veteran Member
I’ve been sick for 2 weeks. Doc said I had fluid in my ears and gave me a steroid pack to take for a few days. I only got worse. Went to clinic Sunday afternoon and was told sinusitis and given augmentin. Still only slightly better. I can’t get rid of the phlegm.
I have had sinusitis many times in my adult years and this is not it.


Veteran Member
Don't know what the mild bug/cold was from which I've been fighting the cough for about the last month - pretty mild dry cough - otherwise fine.

'Course just this morning, more cough, and a little head congestion. Tested, and sure as shite, this time, it's Covid. First time I've ever been hit with it, far as I know. Attended a big family funeral on Saturday, Covid was lurking in the "background noise" and obviously, that's where I caught it. Feeling fine otherwise. Good excuse to stay home for 10 days. :lol:


Veteran Member
DH caught covid in Florida. Doc said he was probably exposed to it on plane and after he got dehydrated at park his body couldn't fight it off. Entire family had sinus issues within a day of arriving back in KC. I am on 2nd round of antibiotics for nasty sinus infection. (Neg for covid) one of young grands was diagnosed via telehealth with flu this am. Considering her symptoms and behavior I am more inclined to think sinus and or allergies.

Nasty stomach bug going around town.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I’ve been sick for 2 weeks. Doc said I had fluid in my ears and gave me a steroid pack to take for a few days. I only got worse. Went to clinic Sunday afternoon and was told sinusitis and given augmentin. Still only slightly better. I can’t get rid of the phlegm.
I have had sinusitis many times in my adult years and this is not it.
This was what I had for almost 6 weeks back in the fall.
Exactly, ears, sinus, low fever, buckets of congestion.
Was on Augmentin then a course of doxycycline


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I’ve been sick for 2 weeks. Doc said I had fluid in my ears and gave me a steroid pack to take for a few days. I only got worse. Went to clinic Sunday afternoon and was told sinusitis and given augmentin. Still only slightly better. I can’t get rid of the phlegm.
I have had sinusitis many times in my adult years and this is not it.
I’ve been fighting a sinus something-or-other for about 3 months now. Like you, I’ve had sinus infections many times; took an antibiotic and they cleared up. Saw the doctor about 3 weeks ago because of bloody snot; augmentin pretty much cleared up the blood, but my head/face still hurts, still have lots of mucus and post nasal drip with cough. I do have seasonal allergies, so I’m taking Benadryl now - helps me sleep. Can’t believe the quantity of junk coming out of my nose!

I hope you’ll get over “it“ soon and start feeling better.


Veteran Member
No problems here. Everyone healthy as an ox. Daily vitamin D, K and zinc. Ivermectin on the shelf if anyone begins to feel puny but so far, it is unopened.

We also eat mostly garden harvest, local meat and get a fair amount of and exercise in the sunshine.


Hubs almost died from Covid pneumonia in 2022, and he said at times this pneumonia was even worse.

Aside from an abundance of prayers, what has worked for us is dosing liposomal vitamin C every hour, drinking pineapple juice, and using a spirometer to do deep breathing. He's consumed several grams of vitamin C daily, and oxygen wasn't improving until we started it. FWIW, YMMV.

We tried colloidal silver, Mucinex, antibiotics, steroids, DuoNeb updraft, sleeping upright in recliner, oregano oil capsules, whole garlic cloves, and oxygen supplementation with an oxygen concentrator with our RNP's blessing. Probably a few other things too, but I'm sleep deprived.

This is the brand of liposomal C we use:



Has No Life - Lives on TB
Haven't been sick since 1991 (flu), except for allergies every fall, and some kind of weird skin reaction to sagebrush about 7 years ago. DW had a flu sometime in 90s. We each had that "one shot" (Moderna? or Johnson & Johnson?) Covid shot a few years ago (when it was first offered) and we've had the flu shot every fall. (I'm a first class hypochondriac and always think I am on the verge of death--does that count?)


Veteran Member
Nasty stuff going around here - flu A, flu B, not really COVID since the holidays, strep, and the none of the above viral crap. The last one is really rough and lasts about 2 weeks. I've not had it yet. I take vitamins b,c,d every day along with turmeric. During flu season, I take elderberry syrup every day.

The temps and barometer having been swinging a lot, and I have a lot of congestion due to that, but it's not an infection.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Got whatever bug from Sheol DH brought home.

Not enough that I ended 2023 with a bad virus and missed the holidays. No...I have to start 2024 with a viral bang and it's bleeding into a whole new month.

It's been a bit over a week and I am weak as a newborn kitten.

First time out of the house since getting it and I'm all rung out. Seriously REALLY wanted to go back to bed, but I'm trying to wait until later.

NOW DH understands what I went through with the first one. He kept saying I needed to power through it. However there was no cough with that one. This one has a cardio coughing program attached to it. A VERY productive cough. It takes the breath away. Didn't know the body could produce so much mucus. Still having issues with coughing in the night, which interferes with obtaining good sleep.

I've not seen DH get sick so bad. He has a hyper immune system due to his severe psoriasis. It's kinda scary watching him. I'm really used to being sick, sadly, but not used to seeing him like this.

DS has been concerned about me. I'm not quite as concerned at this point. Doing a bit better, but WHEW! This satanic sickness has taken the starch outta my knickers. I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired. It really reminds me of the Swine Flu of 2009.


Veteran Member
Mucus is your friend. It takes the nasties out with it. That being said, you do want to try to keep it thinned out, so it's easier to get rid of. Chunky thick mucus makes you have to work too hard to get rid of it..... so lots of fluids. Drink until your back teeth are floating, then drink one more. Stick with hydrating fluids - water, herbal teas, soup, stock,, jello, popsicles, etc. Coffee and regular tea are diuretics, so they can make the problem worse. Pineapple juice or kiwi juice is great for breaking up mucus and thinning it out.

Oh - and run a humidifier at all times if possible, especially if you live in dry areas.


Senior Member
Four kids at home, 3 in school, 18 year old came home last Thursday coughing. He was under a trailer grinding rust off of it. He's in Vo-tech for welding. He thought he breathed in too much rust dust. That night it got really bad. I gave him something to try to help his cough and he puked it up. I felt his head and he was really warm. Still worrying it was the dust he went to the hospital and found out it was flu type B.
This whole year has been insane with, colds, flus, hand foot and mouth, stomach bugs, coughs that never end. Fevers that last days, if not weeks. I'm over it, but I guess we have a new plague to deal with. I couldn't even tell you if the other kids or I have already had it, it's been hitting us back to back. yes, we do take vitamins.


Day by day
We're still getting over whatever variety of bug we picked up in the ER while there with a family member for over 14 hrs. All 3 of us came down with something at the same time (a few days later), but it's been a bit different for all 3 of us.

DH had the scratchy throat, and that's about all he got; he's thinking more allergies, I'm not so sure. I had a few days of intermittent fever of 101-102ish, with some chills, then got incredibly stuffy, cough from sinus drainage, fatigue, some diarrhea (I thought it was from taking a lot of Cold-Eeze (zinc/vit c), but not sure now. Other family member had much the same as me, but tested positive on two Covid at-home tests; back at work, though, isolating and wearing a mask as required at work. DH and I didn't bother to do the Covid test. None of us had the vax.

We're going on 3 weeks now...the stuffiness is passing, but the fatigue is lingering. We are functioning, all are eating carefully so we don't tick off the gut, taking our vitamins, hydrating like crazy. DH and I make a point of getting out in the fresh air and sunshine for a modest walk for about 20mts a day (in addition to our usual ranch work).

We're still not sure what it was...we've heard many different opinions from our various PCPs...all the guidance we received was to treat the symptoms with OTC products, stay hydrated, etc. In our area of Texas there is a lot of everything going around.

Not the worst we've ever had, but still a royal pain.


Veteran Member
The flu got our whole crew starting with Dh who has a stellar immune system but he works with younger guys with small kids and they aren't good about trying to minimize exposing the whole crew. DH brought it home to me and our home schooled grands. Our son came down with it and he's still pretty sick along with me and granddaughter.

It's been almost as bad as covid....granddaughter and I are not over it yet so I'm praying it doesn't end up worse than covid. It all started about two weeks ago. Meds seem to be practically worthless. If granddaughter isn't better by morning, they are heading to the city with her for another doc visit.


F-4 Phantoms Phorever
Madame Wildweasel and I both picked up something while home in NC for Christmas. I ended up at the doctor and tested positive for Covid and we assume she had it too. Lots of coughing, some chills and a mid-grade fever, but I've had colds pre-COVID that were worse.

The big issue was the cough that still hasn't gone away. Getting better, but still having rounds of deep coughing several times a day. Maybe a few more weeks.:confused:


Contributing Member
Hubby has had something since Dec 28th. Started with a fever, intense sore throat, pink eye, and the strangest cough I've ever heard. Went to both UC and Minute Clinic, no sign of pneumonia or strep, and they did not test for flu for some reason. They would not prescribe an antibiotic, and told him to wait it out. Multiple home Covid tests were negative. He's still coughing and just can't shake it. Daughter's family has had a cold or the stomach flu since Christmas, negative for Covid there too. They just get well and back it comes. My mom in Memory Care got COVID, and seemed to recover quickly. Then evidently aggressive pneumonia set in, and she died 12 hours later on Jan 23rd. Now son and his family picked up a bug at the funeral. Fever, cough, runny nose, and again no Covid. It's been a rough start to 2024.
Update - the funeral was evidently a super spreader event for Influenza A..... So much for those flu shots.

John Green

Veteran Member
I’ve been sick for 2 weeks. Doc said I had fluid in my ears and gave me a steroid pack to take for a few days. I only got worse. Went to clinic Sunday afternoon and was told sinusitis and given augmentin. Still only slightly better. I can’t get rid of the phlegm.
I have had sinusitis many times in my adult years and this is not it.
So who is still sick ? I am. Mostly better but can’t shake the whooshing in my right ear. Doc said Sunday morning still fluid and infection in that ear. This is my 5th week of this and rarely get sick.
steroids, augmentin and now Z-pack.


TB Fanatic
Folks around here had something in the fall. Of course most ran to get tested, some positive and some negative.

As for DH & I we had something for about 3 days back in the fall. We will never get tested again. We both have sinus and allergy, but that's normal for us.


Veteran Member
Right now there is c19 and flu around us. But we are taking our ivermectin daily! we did have the flu early December. Lasted 4/5 weeks with good days in between. It was the first time we were sick in 4 or 5 years!
so for now? We are good! Taking our vitamins and drinking lots of water, and ivermectin daily! 2A27A2C9-0234-4316-B8C6-EB72E6571FBF.jpeg