GOV/MIL Five Rules to Un-F^^k Congress


Veteran Member
That much commonsense creates a clear&present danger to the status quo.

Those in DC would smugly declare complex issues can't be solved by trite outbursts of foul language.

This guy's not wrong. Only problem is you're gonna need to declare war to accomplish anything near what he described. War against special interests. War against family&neighbors suckling on an engorged federal teat. War against a dumbed down citizenry.

Nice to talk about but never gonna happen...


When In Doubt, Throttle Out!
I understand it's only 2 minutes and 25 seconds, but due to it being video content and the language warning, and chance you could post a synopsis (basically, the five rules suggested)?



Veteran Member

1) term limits for congress

2) congressional pay is the median pay from the state from whence you were elected

3) Zoom meetings. No more trips to DeeCee

4)single issue bills only. (No uke aid tied in with grandma's welfare cheese. Luddite's quote)

5)Any time an elected official speaks to the media they will be considered under oath. Lying to the press or people gets you removed through impeachment or recall.

Eta: Luddite's #6 would be regarding these "dug-in-like-ticks" high level bureaucrats. The ones that just rope-a-dope a current administration and refuse to do what is directed by the congress,courts, or Constitution.

There should be a "fire-yo-@ss" commission.
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ed tank

7 Congress may enact no law affecting the American people which does not equally affect members of Congress. Congress may enact no law affecting members of Congress which does not equally affect the American people.

8 Any session in which Congress fails to pass a balanced budget or during which inflation exceeds 5%, no incumbent member is eligible for reelection


Designated Grumpy Old Fart
In addition to the above five points I think we need to also add the following:

6. Tie their pay directly to the REAL GDP and National Debt of the country. Which means that right now...>THEY WOULD OWE us........until they pay off the national DEBT!!

7. All laws MUST pass a Constitutional TEST FIRST, before they become effective. In addition all laws much be in COMMON AMERICAN ENGLISH. We are not Romans and don't speak Latin. Also there needs to be a limit on the number of pages in a law. Thousand plus page laws are ridiculous. SIMPLIFY - SIMPLIFY - SIMPLIFY!!! And one more thing, IF a congress critter hasn't actually read the ENTIRE presented law they are not allowed to vote on it. Voting on a law TO FIND OUT WHAT'S IN UTTER NEGLIGENCE!!

8. All politicians MUST PASS a US. History/Constitution/BOR certification test BEFORE being allowed to run for any office. We just can no longer afford to have ignorant and stupid people running the government anymore.

9. Congress is NOT EXEMPT from any law they pass. All laws apply to EVERYONE equally!!

10. NO INSIDER TRADING ALLOWED by ANYONE in the Federal Government......PERIOD!!

11. We need to have a "NONE OF THE ABOVE" choice on all ballots.....and if "NOTA" gets the most votes all the candidates are barred from the next election cycle that immediately follows until there is an actual winner.

12. For every new law that is passed TWO old antiquated laws must be scrubbed from the books. We need to simplify the system.


Are you sure about that?

1) term limits for congress

2) congressional pay is the median pay from the state from whence you were elected

3) Zoom meetings. No more trips to DeeCee

4)single issue bills only. (No uke aid tied in with grandma's welfare cheese. Luddite's quote)

5)Any time an elected official speaks to the media they will be considered under oath. Lying to the press or people gets you removed through impeachment or recall.

Eta: Luddite's #6 would be regarding these "dug-in-like-ticks" high level bureaucrats. The ones that just rope-a-dope a current administration and refuse to do what is directed by the congress,courts, or Constitution.

There should be a "fire-yo-@ss" commission.
#5 would be huge. Imagine if they had real consequences for gaslighting or saying anything just to pander.


Veteran Member
We must decide - either they work for us or we become slaves to them. At some point (I have no idea when) the American people must wake up and step up. I suspect by the time we live thru WWIII, hyperinflation, and a bit more tyranny more people will be ready to step up. This video is a great start.