CORONA Fired Rhode Island Teachers Who Refused COVID Vaccine To Get Full Reinstatement And Back Pay

Boomer Sooner

Contributing Member
Three Rhode Island teachers who were fired for refusing the COVID-19 vaccine have been offered their jobs back with full back pay after reaching a settlement with the school district.

Teachers Stephanie Hines, Brittany DiOrio, and Kerri Thurber were terminated from their positions in Barrington Public Schools after they had requested a religious exemption after the school mandated employees get the vaccine.

Last week, their attorney, Greg Piccirilli, and the school district said they had reached a settlement, allowing the teachers to return to their jobs. They are also each entitled to $33,333 in damages along with their back pay. DiOrio will get $150,000, Thurber will get $128,000, and Hines will receive $65,000 under the agreement.

“The three teachers have the opportunity to return to teaching positions within the Barrington School District should they choose to do so, at the steps they would have been at had they worked continuously,” the Barrington Public Schools district said in a statement on May 11.’

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Non Solum Simul Stare
Now, make it right by every military serviceman.

We personally know 1 career airman who gave it ALL up to stand by his conviction. Rank, pension, everything.
We're trying, with our own attorneys.

But we're against the bottomless pockets of the DOJ, and a DoD who continuously states that they did nothing wrong.


Goodness before greatness.
Good. Now do it everywhere else.

And this is what I explained in-depth to the terminal supervisor to pass on to HR. in our 2020-2021 battle of wills. The double edge (back-side) of [assumed responsibility] vs. the bad crisis management of ‘mandating’ and violating the individuals human rights will be the coup d’état on business recovery after the CV-19 PSYOP to BIOWAR.

I can only IMAGINE the script kittens and the master handlers who wrote-planned-directed this nightmare of compliance to destruction and assimilation.

Needless to say. With the backing of thousands of co-workers, my convincing 30 minute monologue with my union officials, and many similar meetings by others, made it all the way to the pale dwelling. In October 2021 in a CNN interview with JB during logistics talks, a hot-microphone with (JB entertaining those same officials) saying “I understand you have a lot of Maverick’s out there” right before the planned conference on logistics began.

Out there being West Coast, and those ‘officials’ simply staring at him without a peep, the same frozen looks on both of their faces of (((possibly a subject better addressed in private))); -one with insights- might conclude. His comment was not responded to by those officers in front of that hot microphone. Oh Hell Know…

“Maverick’s” are not clones or drones or simplistic knee-jerk rebels. They’re individuals forced by situation to become clear thinkers, viewing any crisis from any potential angle to outcome. Whether from the perspective of the now, or the implications of the future.

Every individual or group who opposed Mandating vs. The preservation of personal rights of decision making of one’s own health directives, over that of ‘the promoted’ to self-anointing 3rd-party (employer) advocate, has every right to compensation. A sad state for the current business model.

If [You think that last sentence was confusing to convoluted?]. Then you had the ability to deal with the confusion, FUBAR, misleading, misrepresentation, and treason upon we the people.

Many in our industry took the $5,000 chump-change (compensation) specially allotted for CV-19 sick time off. To me that is a blood money buy-out! No thanks. I’m of ‘The Never Forget’ Clan.

My guesstimate… Over 40% of my industry did the you know tha+ +hing. I know some very robust young 40 year olds that are not showing degraded symptoms, and some guys in their mid-60’s with extensive time off fighting sudden onset diseases.

I feel really bad for the back side of these bad management decisions. 5th. Generation Warfare was not on their (((RADAR)))
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Germanic Swede French British = AMERICAN
We're trying, with our own attorneys.

But we're against the bottomless pockets of the DOJ, and a DoD who continuously states that they did nothing wrong.
Yeah. We've investigated ourselves and found we did nothing wrong.

I'll ask for Divine Intervention for you and wish you only the best outcome from those dreadful idiot decision makers.


Disaster Cat
Sadly, I suspect that unless a future President turns the situation (or Congress passes a signed bill), the military will be harder to sort.

Civilians working for the military will probably get their jobs and compensation back as they are in Federal Civil Service.

Active military is under different rules from everyone else (many retired military are also). A case could be made that they "defied orders." Making a case that they refused an "unlawful" order is hard to prove. And that last bit is from someone I know with a degree in military science.

Most educated military people (per this person I talked to) that, in reality, refusing an order means you are removed from the service (with no benefits), put in the brig, or executed, depending on the order and the circumstances.

They knew better than to try and enforce the second two options over the COVID vaccines.


Veteran Member
Sadly, I suspect that unless a future President turns the situation (or Congress passes a signed bill), the military will be harder to sort.

Civilians working for the military will probably get their jobs and compensation back as they are in Federal Civil Service.

Active military is under different rules from everyone else (many retired military are also). A case could be made that they "defied orders." Making a case that they refused an "unlawful" order is hard to prove. And that last bit is from someone I know with a degree in military science.

Most educated military people (per this person I talked to) that, in reality, refusing an order means you are removed from the service (with no benefits), put in the brig, or executed, depending on the order and the circumstances.

They knew better than to try and enforce the second two options over the COVID vaccines.

Refusing an order in itself in the US military is not grounds for execution.

Any veteran can describe this as we are taught it in basic.

There are several layers that are provided for handling personnel issues: article 15 before a court martial, and also action that can be taken without even an article 15 depending how minor the offense and/or the desire of the command to sweep it under the rug from higher ups.

You can be released from the service (getting your DD214: honorable and general ) with various levels of VA benefits reduced to no benefits at all.. One from my unit got thrown out with less than honorable after going AWOL and being caught. And he did not spend time in the brig beyond when he was caught and then went thru his trail.

Unless you "really screwed the pooch", you will not be going to Leavenworth but instead getting kicked out of the service.
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Veteran Member
I met a guy that we hung out together and drank beer and other goofy stuff 19 year olds do. He was from Arizona, but his Mom lived here in Texas. He was Awol from the Navy. He said when he enlisted, they promised him in writing he would get all kinds of technical training and schooling. They made him a cook.

After a while, he got tired of the bum life and living with Mom, so he decided to turn him self in. He went down to the local Naval Reserve office in Beaumont and did just that. They said come back next Tuesday and a van would be there to take him to Corpus Christi Naval Station.

He was gone for 4 or 5 months, then he showed back up. He said they put him in the brig for a couple of weeks, then let him out, put him in uniform with pay, and made him the Base Commander's gardener. He had a Captain's Mast hearing, were he told them about the enlistment promises he received.They investigated, and agreed his contract had been breached.

Don't remember if continuing to serve was offered, but he separated with a General Discharge. He came home with beer money, yea!


Disaster Cat
Refusing an order in itself in the US military is not grounds for execution.

Any veteran can describe this as we are taught it in basic.

There are several layers that are provided for handling personnel issues: article 15 before a court martial, and also action that can be taken without even an article 15 depending how minor the offense and/or the desire of the command to sweep it under the rug from higher ups.

You can be released from the service (getting your DD214: honorable and general ) with various levels of VA benefits reduced to no benefits at all.. One from my unit got thrown out with less than honorable after going AWOL and being caught. And he did not spend time in the brig beyond when he was caught and then went thru his trail.

Unless you "really screwed the pooch", you will not be going to Leavenworth but instead getting kicked out of the service.
He was talking about more than one military (sorry), and he meant during wartime. We were discussing the rules that came out of Nuremberg. So my mistake, not his; thank you for this information as I didn't know this.


Non Solum Simul Stare
A case could be made that they "defied orders." Making a case that they refused an "unlawful" order is hard to prove.

This is how they got us all. The DoD has stated that unless and until otherwise proven in a federal court of law, it is their official position that their order was lawful, and those of us who refused the vax therefore refused to obey a lawful order and were subject to Article 92 UCMJ Failure to Obey a Lawful Order, and Article 90 UCMJ Willfully Disobeying a Superior Officer.

Unless and until a court rules that the DoD mandate was illegal and the DoD is forced to deal with the fallout from that (now extraordinarily unlikely since Congress rescinded the mandate, which many believe was the point of Congress rescinding the mandate as opposed to letting the courts rule on it), they will continue to maintain their stance that their order was lawful. I kid you not, I have heard the following statement on record from a .gov lawyer:

"The lawful order, which was lawful at the time it was lawfully given, was lawful".


Veteran Member
I met a guy that we hung out together and drank beer and other goofy stuff 19 year olds do. He was from Arizona, but his Mom lived here in Texas. He was Awol from the Navy. He said when he enlisted, they promised him in writing he would get all kinds of technical training and schooling. They made him a cook.

After a while, he got tired of the bum life and living with Mom, so he decided to turn him self in. He went down to the local Naval Reserve office in Beaumont and did just that. They said come back next Tuesday and a van would be there to take him to Corpus Christi Naval Station.

He was gone for 4 or 5 months, then he showed back up. He said they put him in the brig for a couple of weeks, then let him out, put him in uniform with pay, and made him the Base Commander's gardener. He had a Captain's Mast hearing, were he told them about the enlistment promises he received.They investigated, and agreed his contract had been breached.

Don't remember if continuing to serve was offered, but he separated with a General Discharge. He came home with beer money, yea!
It is a well known fact that recruiters lie and promise the moon to no avail. My dad did a recruitment gig while in service, and told me that himself. He tried to tell my hubby, who was told he was going crypto,(he made like a 96 on his ASVAB) that due to a history of migraines, broken bones and being unconscious for multiple hours that he would not qualify (this was in 92, Daddy's experience was in the 1960s). The recruiter said, oh, they'll never find out about all that since some of it was 5 yrs ago, it's all good. Hubby goes to basic, is all hyped up about it, and always has worked thru his migraines unless it is bad enough to send him to the hospital. He gets a migraine and gets sick in formation. Needless to say, the USN found out all the stuff in the medical records and sent him home with a separation notice like he had never been enlisted. The final kicker was that they listed my blonde, blue eyed husband as a Hispanic, based on his Italian last name. Daddy just said "I told you so" and said at least hubby was willing and eager to serve. Hubby is still not happy that he didn't get to stay in.