CORONA Final Covid Truth


Veteran Member

Run time - 7:15 minutes.

And they will get away with it. CDC, can't even say what I think of them. :o


The most MOST-SEE rona video so far.

"Can't patent nature, so a patent means it was not natural."

Violation of patent law and biological warfare law.

Gain of function research outsourced to China (Fauci) when things began to get 'edgy.'

China can say the US did it, US can say China did it.


Res ipsa loquitur
there are people on this planet that need to be exterminated in the slowest and most painful fashion possible - YESTERDAY

these are but a few of them​


Res ipsa loquitur
the most tragic thing to all of this is that there are simple currently existing therapies that will stop this shit K O L D - and yet they are not used - actually PREVENTED from being used - and by the very agencies that should be promoting them. insanity - like so much else we see as we look around today.

Heliobas Disciple

TB Fanatic
Thank you, I was trying to embed the video like this, but it didn’t turn out like yours.

No problem. I'm pretty sure the only videos that can be embedded are youtube videos, although I haven't tried to embed from the other relatively newer sources (bitchute, rumble, etc). I know some people are on phones or other devices that makes it more of a pain to switch sites/pages than it is on a laptop or desktop when you only have to open a new window and this video was one that was worth having on the page so they wouldn't miss it if that was an issue for them. Thanks for posting it.
