GOV/MIL FEMA No Longer Posting Situation Reports on the Internet

Just a heads up that the situation reports for FEMA Emergency Managers are no longer being posted on the Internet. >IF< you want to see the sitrep reports you must sign up for an email and the agency now will collect all your information and must be validated by verifying all your information to see if you really need to see the situation report.

They stopped posting mid-March. This is a change from the way they have always done sitrep's. There always were the internal intranet ones that the public did not have access to. I noticed that some ''other places" that I check are also not giving out reports on issues such as biosecurity information and they also have now gone to the application via email to view their reports. This is probably just an interim step to pay-for-view internet but it will make getting birds-eye view information much more difficult in disaster circumstances such as Fukishima.

Towards the end it turned into a glorified weather report but for years and years you could ferret out some very good information. I will check and see if the DHS sit rep is still posting.