GOV/MIL FEMA - No directives. No instructions. No warm fuzzy.

Old Gray Mare

TB Fanatic
Just S & G's I called FEMA to see what their take on Japan and the increasing seismic activity that could possibly threaten nuclear power plants here in the US.

I asked if there had been any directives as far as encouraging people to build fallout shelters or government assistance in doing so, etc.

I also wanted to know if they were encouraging the public to put by more shelf safe food and water.

What I got was nothing. The person I talked to did say that maybe in a few days some directives would be issued. The person I talked to could not refer me to anyone in FEMA whose job it was to deal with nuclear emergencies but they did allow that it was FEMA's responsibility to deal with these problems. I asked them for the phone number to the Secretary of FEMA's office and was informed they did not have access to it.


Boy is it going to be bad when in the next few days/weeks/months we have major distasters in this country, and fema has to take care of us.

It just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy all over from the top of my head to the bottom of my toe's
O,well that's life now, isn't it or so it seems.


Old Gray Mare

TB Fanatic
You know it is not like they have to reinvent the wheel here. Back in the '60's the threat was the same the only difference is the source. Radioactive fallout really doesn't care if it came from a bomb or the meltdown of a power plant. There were plans back then for fallout shelters. There were directives etc. After 50 years of study we should have a better handle on the problem.

These need to be up dated.
Farm fallout protection
Survial Under Atomic Attack 1950
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What an insult, they should have at least told you to duck and cover. ;)

They are too busy prepping their own arses to worry about us.


Veteran Member
You know it is not like they have to reinvent the wheel here. Back in the '60's the threat was the same the only difference is the source. There were plans back then for fallout shelters etc. Radioactive fallout really doesn't care if it came from a bomb or the meltdown of a power plant. After 50 years of study we should have a better handle on the problem.

Oh rest assured Old Gray Mare they have plans and directives to cover their own butts using the ideas developed back in the 60’s. They just don’t have a plan to use that information in helping us.


Not to worry, I'm sure that all of our questions will be answered when Glorious Leader speaks to the nation tonight. :shk:



Membership Revoked
Why would anybody go to a federal agency for directives? I thought we wanted them OUT of our lives.

I almost feel sorry for them. They're damned if they do and damned if they don't.

If you really, truly think the government is too big and has far overstepped its bounds, fend for yourself. I thought that was the whole idea!


Maybe they are rolling their eyes in their heads and saying 'Oh, brother' when people call. They are currently reading just about normal background radiation in Tokyo and people in America are asking about fallout shelters.

Old Gray Mare

TB Fanatic
I almost feel sorry for them. They're damned if they do and damned if they don't.

If you really, truly think the government is too big and has far overstepped its bounds, fend for yourself. I thought that was the whole idea!
Agreed, but it was sad and interesting to see the level of incompetency that our billions of taxes and trillions of Quantitative Easing have provided.

Wow, they got paid to sit there and chew gum? Cool, where do I sign up?
Flipper I don't think you'd have the stomach for it. You would have to be able to answer the phone and answer questions from the public in the latest official Washington double speak. I bet I'd get fired in the first week because I'd want to tell people to get shelf safe food, water and supplies for their families, check out the old Civil Defense plans and learn the dangers of radioactivity and what they can do without the government's "help" to try and keep their families safe. Even a referal to would have been better than the respose I got. Scratch that last part about I just did a search there on " nuclear meltdown" and it came back:
Your search - nuclear meltdown - did not match any documents.
No pages were found containing "nuclear meltdown".
You would think after Three Mile Island they would have something. If my math is right that was over 30 years ago.
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almost ready

This is what you can expect from a fedgov whose staffers are repeatedly caught doing meth, coke and watching porn on the job. It's what we got from the Mining and Minerals guys, who just happen to share a building with British Petroleum, overseeing the gulf of Mexico crisis. Also the SEC, etc.

You used to have to be competent to work for the fedgov. Now you only need to be a minority, and you'll never be fired or even censured. Party is ON and Holder has his guards at all the doors making sure you're not busted.

We just have to fend for ourselves and be gratedul, as Will Rogers liked to say, that we don't get all the government we're paying for.


Veteran Member
Not to worry, I'm sure that all of our questions will be answered when Glorious Leader speaks to the nation tonight. :shk:


Where did I miss that the pres is speaking tonight. On St. Paties at the start of the NCAA tournament. Oh this is going to be good. I might finish my 6 pack of guiness before he speaks to better understand what he's saying or at lease start the drinking game tonight. But at lease Obama can at lease say Nuclear right unlike the last idiot we had there.