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Thought I was going to make it thru today…


Contributing Member
Cats are such fun to mess with. I used to take our kitty (before she got to old) and in the middle of winter, take her to the back door and toss her into a snowdrift. The result was priceless.
That worked one time. After that, all those claws HURT!


Nope. She never caught on. Must’ve done it five or six years running. Ultra-soft powder, at least 3’ deep. The looks I got after she got back in the house.
Reminds me of Alien, our orange Tom house cat. He *hated* using a litter box, and insisted on being let out just like the dogs. One winter storm, we had super deep drifts, and when he asked to go out, I informed him he wouldn't like it, and to go use the litter box.

He insisted he HAD to go out. After about five minutes of back and forth, I said, "fine! Go out then!", and opened the door. There was about 2 feet of snow blown against the door.... he looked at it, back at me, and gracefully leapt over it. Where he promptly disappeared into the 4 foot drift at the base of the steps. I stood there laughing, as the most pissed off cat I've ever seen crawled out of the drift, glared at me with slitted eyes, and slunk back into the house. He didn't ask to go out for two days.
