PLAY Fat Pets Are Cuter (lots of photos.....must see!)


Sorry, I did not find any of them cute. To me, is was a horror.

Some of those poor animals (especially the dachshunds) are destined to have severe back issues, ie. ruptured discs, if they don`t lose some serious weight.


Justine Case
Sorry, I did not find any of them cute. To me, is was a horror.

Some of those poor animals (especially the dachshunds) are destined to have severe back issues, ie. ruptured discs, if they don`t lose some serious weight.

And do feel the same about fat humans?

By the way...these little chubsters are not fat. They're just fluffy.:spns:


Faithful Steed
By the way...these little chubsters are not fat. They're just fluffy.

"Big boned."

Um, 1423 lbs at last weigh-in. Now a few years back. And I'm now "filled out" and possibly more than that.

Owner thinks I'm "skinny." Too much time in front of the computer and not enough outside grazing.

Still not like those "big boys" over at the Deerfield (NH) Fair. Or those REALLY BIG BOYS (Actual Belgians) I saw up in the Canadian Maritime when we went to the horse pull up there.



Mrs Smith

Membership Revoked
And people think its "ok" because "I love them and give them whatever they want to eat". Or "they eat what I eat".
They're loving their pets to death.

There are so many dogs that look just like that black lab towards the end. Horrific. Equivalent to a human weighing 600#.

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
Disgusting. But the horse has GOT to be a photoshop. I've never seen one that fat, ever, and it wouldn't be able to stand up. And a "down" horse is a dead horse.

Kathy in WV

Down on the Farm...
Yeah, not really disgusted by it, but feel sorry for the animals because of course they will eat it all up if you give it to them! OTOH... that horse in the black and white photo posted by Joe.... he is MASSIVE & BEAUTIFUL! Hey Joe... is there a story to that pic?


Yeah, the horse is definitely a photoshop. They don't get fat in that way!

As for the rest... fat isn't any healthier on animals than humans. And it DOES slow them down, hurts their joints and causes cardiac stress.

Heck, our little Border Collie just had her pups on Sunday... she was working cows Saturday afternoon, and went back to work (insisted on it... we thought she'd probably take a couple weeks off!) on Monday. The difference in how she's moving, and how obviously happy she is to NOT be carrying all that extra weight (albeit "puppy weight", not "fat") is amazing, and really funny. She's SO happy... those cows aren't being allowed to dawdle or balk.

While there are animals with adrenal or thyroid issues, most of them get obese the same way humans do... way too many calories, way too little exercise.



Has No Life - Lives on TB
Pets don't prosper in quality of life by being over fed and pampered to the point where inactivity is contrary to their nature.........the same goes for humans.


Disaster Cat
I had a "Big Guy" that I loved very much along with his best friend "The Thin one" while I did try to control his eating enough that he could leap on his favorite window - food also seemed his greatest pleasure in life so we did our best but as the vet said "it is very hard when one is too thin and the other too fat." He looked just like the orange kitty on the bed in the photos, I wouldn't say he was "cute" because he was fat only that I enjoyed his furriness when he became thin (after six months in quarantine) but also after despite our best efforts, he put the weight back on.

The day the vet said he had only months to live from kidney failure anyway, were probably some of the happiest in his life between the kitty morphine and the ever filled food bowl. I did not let him eat enough to get sick and he was still able to climb into his favorite window the last day of his life.

He liked to sit there, partly I think to stare at the grave mound of his younger and thinner friend who suddenly had a stroke and died about three months before him.

We buried them under the same mound of rocks like little Viking Princes (they were Norwegian Forest Cats) a mound I can still see every morning from the same bedroom window.

So love them, accept them and try to modify what you can (aka don't let a young pet be extremely obese by over-feeding you can control) because a plump pet can be a happy pet; but a huge one is going to be uncomfortable (and likely to become ill).


Veteran Member
The long-haired fluffy orangish cat laying spreadeagled on the floral bedspread in no way belonged in that collection of grotesquely obese animals. I had a long-haired calico who looked a lot like that, big. We had a vet drop by because she was loosing her belly hair. He took one look at her and quipped, "I can see what's wrong with her right now; she doesn't get enough to eat!" Later as he was examining her he stated his original idea was totally wrong. There was no fat, just solid healthy muscle, and a low thyroid problem. I feel for the animals in that collection, and agree that the horse photo was faked. Loved Joe's Big Horse picture. Bet that one could do a good day's work!


Faithful Steed
Yeah, not really disgusted by it, but feel sorry for the animals because of course they will eat it all up if you give it to them! OTOH... that horse in the black and white photo posted by Joe.... he is MASSIVE & BEAUTIFUL! Hey Joe... is there a story to that pic?


The World's Largest Draft Horse: Purebred Belgian stallion by the name of Brooklyn Supreme. He stood 19.2 hands (6'6") at his withers. He weighed over 3,200 pounds. He was foaled in 1928 and died in 1948. This photo was taken when he was fully mature. He lived in Iowa.

More on extreme horses at Samson seems to be the largest at greater than 3300 lbs, but there doesn't seem to be any pix of the historical Samson on the 'net.

Owner points at pix of Brooklyn Supreme and says he is the horse he hoped he was buying. Smirk on his face. Owner couldn't afford the feed or tack bill. Besides, I'm a more "all around" horse, albeit large, which is what he really needs. And the smirk tells me he knows that.

Around here, respect, even when earned, is NEVER talked about. That New England taciturnity.
