INSANITY Facebook Labels Canning And Gardening Groups As Too Prepared


Veteran Member
Unfortunately, not all that uncommon any more. I've known LOTS of "college educated" individuals who don't have a clue when it comes to differences like that, as well as sentence structure, grammar, or punctuation. God help you if you should bring up the subject of the Oxford comma.

ETA: not that everyone should necessarily know what that is, but if you're majoring in any type of English/writing/teaching degree, you should.
I had a long conversation the other day with a friend who writes and has written for a local generational-family-owned independent newspaper for 40 years. We sat comparing notes on the state of writing/journalism today. It's a lost art/craft.

The younger generations did not receive or independently pursue any education/discipline in writing and composition. The free exchange of information and ideas in a coherent form as we and our Forefathers knew it, is in grave danger of extinction.


Veteran Member
It's pretty bizarre that Facebook is also throwing suspicion on farm-raised beef/meat sales. A lot of those small businesses rely on a Facebook page for advertising/communication with customers. I'm thinking other independent home based businesses will be next in their sights.

We'll be back to word-of-mouth and a 3x5 card up on the bulletin board at the feed store. Maybe not a bad thing.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
The only thing that makes you an American today is to consume for the sake of consuming..........especially if you do it with borrowed money.

Everyone else is the enemy to that way of life..........


The Executor
People its very very simple. Cancel you facebook account and encourage all your friends and family to do the same. The fewer and fewer people on facebook makes it less relevant and increasingly powerless. Let it wither on the vine for once and for all.
Most folks are addicted to it....



Rimtas žmogus
This makes my eye twitch. I cannot stand writing that does not use Oxford commas

And, I, weaned as I was on the AP Stylebook, had precisely the opposite view. Between the two of us, we kept the Earth from wobbling off its axis. Then this came along:


Peace . . .


Veteran Member
And, I, weaned as I was on the AP Stylebook, had precisely the opposite view. Between the two of us, we kept the Earth from wobbling off its axis. Then this came along:

View attachment 291198

Peace . . .

I grew up using Chicago, and later MLA. That's what academic writing uses, after all. Then I got my first editing gig and fortunately a patient (at first) senior editor who allowed that it's tough to switch over... :)
Now I use all of them, sometimes a mixture or whatever the client wants, and sometimes APA... and yeah, the comma as *prescribed*... in fact most of the time they ask for AP but still want that comma. Or Chicago style with no comma. :D

Amazing what controversy exists about a little comma. Don't even get 'em started on semicolons or periods after bullet point items.

#threadhijack #whatanerd
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Rimtas žmogus
I grew up using Chicago, and later MLA. That's what academic writing uses, after all. Then I got my first editing gig and fortunately a patient (at first) senior editor who allowed that it's tough to switch over... :)
Now I use all of them, sometimes a mixture or whatever the client wants, and sometimes APA... and yeah, the comma as *prescribed*... in fact most of the time they ask for AP but still want that comma. Or Chicago style with no comma. :D

Amazing what controversy exists about a little comma. Don't even get 'em started on semicolons or periods after bullet point items.

#threadhijack #whatanerd

And then, of course, there's this:

If you take hyphens seriously, you will surely go mad."

--Oxford University Press Manual of Style


Contributing Member
Wow, Facebook has all these canning groups on it. I guess they have my name!
Mine too... canning, gardening.. wild edible ID groups...I'm sure they will get to the essential oil groups as well. Come on Parler... hurry up and make your platform better so I won't be the only one I know with an account. lol Or are there any others out there that are liberal free?


Veteran Member
Mine too... canning, gardening.. wild edible ID groups...I'm sure they will get to the essential oil groups as well. Come on Parler... hurry up and make your platform better so I won't be the only one I know with an account. lol Or are there any others out there that are liberal free?
I'm on Parler as Peakooky. Still don't really know how it works; I should check in more often. I think there are a couple of other FB-like sites...


Veteran Member
Facebook is government, its been verified and documented they take marching orders from our current administration and act upon their wishes.

This exempts them from internet publishers laws, 1A, and gives Trump and others standing in suing them.

They need sued into oblivion, and we need anti-propaganda laws re-established.


Veteran Member
I know it's Huff Post... Huff Post bad... LOL! But this is dated 2011. I wonder how their outlook has changed since then!
(also... I've never posted an article before, please tell me how to fix it if it's not OK)

HuffPost: Party Like it's 1929

Could You Get By, Like Your Grandparents Did Back In 1929 When Their Jobs and Savings Evaporated?
When the stock market crashed in 1929, most Americans saw the value of their investments evaporate overnight, and then watched helplessly as their cash disappeared in a seemingly endless stream of bank closings. During the Great Depression, few people had jobs, few people had access to any cash, but life still went on. Much business was done on the barter system. Friends and neighbors helped each other when they could, and people with skills traded their labor and crafts for food, wood to heat their homes, items of clothing, etc. Shanty towns sprung up all over the country when people lost their homes and farms to foreclosure in what has been described as, “The greatest land-grab in history.”

On Christmas day in 1991, the Soviet Union officially ended its own existence, and the only remaining value of the Soviet ruble was as a fire starter! Most Russians survived the collapse of the Soviet Union through the use of barter, and kept themselves fed using produce grown in their own “kitchen gardens”. These gardens had been widely used for years to supplement the meager food supplies that had been available via official communist food stores, and they helped fend off starvation during this period of great tribulation and uncertainty.

In the days of our grandparent’s, someone in each town knew how to grow, fabricate, or manufacture everything that was necessary to lead a reasonably comfortable life. In those days, if the ships stopped sailing due to war or weather, one might miss a few luxuries and comforts, but life went on quite well with what could be found, fabricated, or grown locally. Not so anymore! In 1998, the average item of American food traveled 1,518 miles before reaching our homes! Most of our shoes, clothing, household goods and small appliances are fabricated in far-off lands and the factories and skills to make many of these items have long since disappeared from American soil.

How will you fare if the local utility shuts down? Can you grow your own food or fabricate the basic clothing and shelter you need for your family? What skills and essential goods do you possess that you can trade or barter for food and other essential items? If you don’t have the money to pay for medical services, do you possess a knowledge of alternative low-tech healing methods to cure most diseases with minimal expense? It certainly couldn’t hurt to do a little digging in your backyard garden, or to bone up on some of your self reliant skills. The old Yankee adage of, “preparing for the worst while hoping for the best” is sound advice in these uncertain times.

Until recently, most of us thought that economic crisis was something that happened to other people in other countries (Zimbabwe, Argentina, even Japan in the 1990’s). When our economy has been down before, I have heard people say, “We need a good war to get the economy moving again.” The war in Iraq certainly put that old saying in its place! When you combine America’s debt laden post-9/11 spending spree with the fact that we are shipping two billion dollars a day out of the US to purchase foreign oil, it is easy to comprehend the poor state of our balance sheet and the rapidly declining value of the dollar.

To me, the writing is on the wall. We need a Roosevelt-like New Deal, and we need it fast. It is high time we put America back to work making real things of real value, not just a lot of smoke-and-mirrors paper games that we now see can disappear in the twinkling of an eye. It is time we put America back to work rebuilding our cities, our railroads and our industries to make us truly energy independent, not by extracting our last remaining oil reserves at record speed, but by developing the technologies and infrastructure to get us off the oil habit and start reducing our carbon emissions. It is time we took the moral high ground where it really counts — by regaining our position as the world’s ecological and technological leader in the race to ward off devastating climate changes and ecological collapse.

There is an old Chinese saying, “Is it not already too late if one waits until one is thirsty to begin digging a well?” America, what are we waiting for?
My Motto:
Do your best to change the world!
Do your best to be ready for the changes in the world!

Night Breeze

Veteran Member
Here at Timebomb you get a bomb at 1000 posts or replies. How many facebook posts do you have to have to get a peanut butter sandwich or bag of chips?


Rimtas žmogus
This is what I used in High School Senior Honors English in 1973-74: View attachment 291223

I am so envious! Alas, progressive education had made its way to the Washoe County School District by the time I was a senior (1972-73). In senior honors English, we made--and I am not joking--collages. Collages! Apparently, we were some sort of test market--when I was in eighth grade, they foisted transformational grammar on us (see below).

I missed class about half the time because I was traveling around competing in speech and debate, which may explain how I wound up as a writer and editor in spite of my educational disadvantages.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Yes. Of course. Too prepared.

That is because in the dystopian leftist, socialist, communist world, it's far more noble to ensure that if one starves (often because of laziness or lack of preparedness), everyone should starve, rather than have anyone survive - much less (GASP) thrive - through their own foresight and industry.

Do I really have to explain that if hunger strikes, the leftists will be the first ones demanding your preps because of touchy-feely, abstract concepts of "fairness"? If that doesn't work they will warp your Christian ideology to guilt trip you into sharing because "Isn't that what Jesus would've done"?

God forbid they get the guns and gain the reins of power because that's when the velvet gloves are removed and the hard, iron fists of confiscation and mass murder are revealed. Suddenly, you deserve nothing less than death because you had the evil and reactionary impulse to actually "hoard" resources that should've gone to the "more deserving."

Generations of indoctrination have produced millions of mush-headed Americans - and especially women - who fall for this crap hook, line and sinker. After that sentence I can imagine scores of indignant ladies on this board getting their feathers ruffled by my words, rather than realizing that women's natural nurturing and compassionate instincts have been (intentionally) corrupted by the same communist influences which have corrupted the western world.



Veteran Member
In senior honors English, we made--and I am not joking--collages. Collages! Apparently, we were some sort of test market--when I was in eighth grade, they foisted transformational grammar on us (see below).

Perhaps someone sent them a memo saying "collage is important."

My SIL *always* says, whenever she mentions it on her many FB posts (with the selfie of the day), that she "went to collage," which actually makes sense because she went to art school.

She also says she has a "collage degree," which she doesn't, because she didn't finish. I don't think you can earn a B.A. in collage. Or at least you couldn't in the '80s. Maybe now!:lkick:


Veteran Member
They don't want people to be "too prepared" or self reliant because the end game is to use the ability to buy and sell as leverage against people. If you already have what you need and/or know how to get what you need on your own, then the threat of not being able to buy & sell isn't as much of a threat and is not as easily used to force you to do things, such as getting a vaccine passport, or later on, taking the Mark.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I grew up using Chicago, and later MLA. That's what academic writing uses, after all. Then I got my first editing gig and fortunately a patient (at first) senior editor who allowed that it's tough to switch over... :)
Now I use all of them, sometimes a mixture or whatever the client wants, and sometimes APA... and yeah, the comma as *prescribed*... in fact most of the time they ask for AP but still want that comma. Or Chicago style with no comma. :D

Amazing what controversy exists about a little comma. Don't even get 'em started on semicolons or periods after bullet point items.

#threadhijack #whatanerd
aaaaah the dreaded semicolon.:hof:

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
That is because in the dystopian leftist, socialist, communist world, it's far more noble to ensure that if one starves (often because of laziness or lack of preparedness), everyone should starve, rather than have anyone survive - much less (GASP) thrive - through their own foresight and industry.
Correct. Must. Have. Equity. Even if all but the elites perish.


Senior Member
They don't want us to be prepared or self sufficient...we must suck at uncle sugars hind tiit