Climate Extended dry weather?

Plain Jane

Just Plain Jane
It has been very dry here in North Central Pennsylvania and I am in the process of planting. So yesterday I decided to check the extended weather forecast for my area.

Oh dear!

Now, I know that a forecast looking out past two weeks may not be very accurate but I got to July 16 and there were only 3 days where the chance of rain even got to 55%. And those days were spread out. DB was over for dinner last night, he had gotten his oats in several days ago but he agreed that everything that he saw with forecasts was pretty dry.

He also said that there was a chance that the large typhoon that's in the Pacific right now will put a bend in the jet stream and bring in some moisture but it would be short term. Apparently it's the strong El Nino that is drying things out and it will decrease the possibility of hurricanes coming up the east coast to help us out.

My plans are to plant what I already have and no more unless I see a change. I was also planning to put in a couple of fruit trees. This year I will adjust by making sure that the berry bushes I put in last year stay watered and that's that.

Just thought that others might want to check out the extended forecasts for their area.


Veteran Member
N MN. It's dry. All that snow we had last winter soaked in, or ran off, but the top 6 inches of soil now are pretty bad. We were supposed to get T-storms yesterday and last night, but nuthin'. Not looking promising through the weekend.

Plain Jane

Just Plain Jane
DB has also started to cut hay, very unusual this soon in the year.

Also, I have 4 raised bed gardens but the wood sides are really deteriorated. So the ones that I don't plant in will be replaced with boards a little higher and I'll use the summer to fill in with what yard debris, clippings, etc I find.


Veteran Member
We're on the other side of that "feature" and have had the wettest May I can remember, in an area known for <15" annual rainfall. We've had almost 4" this month. Usually twice a day watering from the well because it's so dry; this year I've watered starter pots with caught rainwater and haven't had to add water to the ground plants since over a month ago. Same with the goat trough--enough rain to overcome the goats' thirst as well as evaporation. Staying 1-2 inches from the top without adding.

Yeah, in a normal year this blessing will go away mid June. We'll see.


Hoosier Gardener
Central Indiana. Yeah, we are very dry too. I have been watering the garden every evening and the flowerbeds around the house every morning. No rain in the foreseeable future and temperatures have started going into the mid-80s. I just ordered more soaker hoses on Amazon. Between lack of rain and fighting the deer, rabbits, and raccoons, gardening this year has been an exercise in frustration.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Lawns are looking crispy in the north east Mitten State. Been having a long stretch of dry days. No chance of precip until Saturday and Sunday. Though the chances are only in the low thirty percentages. VERY unusual for us.


On The Level
It's dry, and hot. Apparently, the professionals claim we're near drought territory. Rain forecast 6 out of 10 days, but it only adds up to .68 inches. Northwest New England.


Yep, here in northern NY, it's been bone dry and HOT... gonna see high 80s again today. We've put out 2,000 feet of buried irrigation hoses in all the gardens, and need to set up temporary sprinklers in the orchard until we can find the time to set up drip lines there, too.

At least we're looking at a significant cool off starting Saturday... high 60s instead of 80s. I've got to finish planting today (melons, winter squash, pumpkins and flowers for the bees... mostly sunflowers and zinnias. Then it will be the endless rounds of weeding, although most of the gardens are mulched heavily with wood chips.

The difference in the sandy soil here in just 2 years of using wood chips is amazing... plus, they are starting to rot faster, so the soil microbes must finally be coming back. We've got at least a couple hundred cubic yards in a giant pile the tree trimming service keeps dumping, so we'll keep working on it. But after last year's endless rain, this looks like it's gonna be an entirely different year.


Kathy in FL

It was a very, very dry few months for my area of Florida but the normal afternoon showers every few days looks like it is trying to return. We shall see. Luckily where our BOL is, they've been getting rain regularly even if it is just light rain.

Jackpine Savage

Veteran Member
Yep, here in northern NY, it's been bone dry and HOT... gonna see high 80s again today. We've put out 2,000 feet of buried irrigation hoses in all the gardens, and need to set up temporary sprinklers in the orchard until we can find the time to set up drip lines there, too.

At least we're looking at a significant cool off starting Saturday... high 60s instead of 80s. I've got to finish planting today (melons, winter squash, pumpkins and flowers for the bees... mostly sunflowers and zinnias. Then it will be the endless rounds of weeding, although most of the gardens are mulched heavily with wood chips.

The difference in the sandy soil here in just 2 years of using wood chips is amazing... plus, they are starting to rot faster, so the soil microbes must finally be coming back. We've got at least a couple hundred cubic yards in a giant pile the tree trimming service keeps dumping, so we'll keep working on it. But after last year's endless rain, this looks like it's gonna be an entirely different year.

Good stuff! Watch out for quack grass getting started in the pile. We had a big pile that turned into a giant root ball. I was barely able to turn it over with the loader.

Plain Jane

Just Plain Jane
We had a dry cold front move in yesterday and it will be about 10-15° cooler for the next two weeks. Maybe I won't have to water so much. We are told to expect rain this coming Tuesday into Wednesday, we'll see.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Indiana is dry as a bone. We did have pop up showers last night, kind of bouncing around central Indiana.
It got a little dark at my house then sprinkled for a few minutes, if that.

I “heard through the grapevine” from a friend who buys hay bales for their critters …’s looking real bad.

The farmer selling her the hay, hardly had any due to drought here.
The information given was that meat prices will be even worse this fall.

Plain Jane

Just Plain Jane
It is now Tuesday and there is no rain in sight. The rain that was forecast for today and tomorrow is now expected for Thursday.

We are also experiencing a heavy haze apparently from wild fires in Canada. There is an air quality alert for the northeast and I have had a headache all day. Bummer.


Hoosier Gardener
We had one good pop-up rain storm last week that dropped almost a half inch but only a few sprinkles since then. Not enough to do more than moisten the grass and settle the dust. I am back to watering every day and hoping the forecast for rain this weekend comes true. The farm fields around us don't look stressed yet.


Veteran Member
Southern Ontario no rain here

I am growing on my patio and watering myself

We were suppose to get rain today but nothing..forecast for couple weeks nil to nothing...

I am glad I got planted what I did, potatoes in totes, tomatoes, strawberries and herbs(but the herbs are smitten by this cooler weather we have been having) my indoors are doing better then outdoors