CORONA Explanation of blood clotting mechanism in COvid shot


Still A Geology Fanatic
I saw this on Ann Barnhardt’s blog. This doctor explains what he is discovering in 62% of his patients that took the shot through a D-Dimer test.....

“Summary of the nine minute video clip below:

-40 trillion mRNA spike protein particles per injection, which spread throughout the entire body

-Each particle bonds to interior wall of capillaries causing the interior surface of the entire vascular system to become rough like sandpaper instead of the natural smooth blood vessel lining, on the capillary level

-Body reacts by forming clots and blocking the injured vessels and capillaries. This process is permanent and irreversible

-Micro-clotting of capillaries is invisible to scans, only the D-Dimer test shows that clotting is happening in the body on a micro level, but not where it is happening

-Micro-clotting in the lungs causes increased pressure on the right side of the heart which must pump against the blocked capillaries in the lungs. Right side heart failure generally occurs within three years when this pulmonary micro-clotting occurs

-65% of injected people are returning positive D-Dimer tests

And this is why Ivomec, Ivermectin is being attacked so hard. Ivermectin as an anti-parasitic is made to smooth capillaries to flush out parasites--hmmm it must be doing the same to blood clots--flushing them out.

von Koehler

Has No Life - Lives on TB
If anyone has gotten the spike protein shot, prep for your funeral. (save a miracle)

My guess is that tptb have a 'cure', and all you have to do is take a mark, and they will give it to you.

How much is your soul worth?

I disagree. There is no way to undue this genetic modification on the cellular level. That's the whole purpose of a bioweapon.

The only possible recourse is to treat the symptoms.


Veteran Member
Perhaps a mis-speak on my part. The spike protein attaches itself to the body on a cellular level and cannot be removed.

They are broken down by protease and as part of the immune response that leads to immunity. Spike protein isn't detectable in the blood after 72 hours. Spike protein is only found on the muscle cells in the deltoid that generated them via the vaccine.


Uh>>>>>>Do they realize they are killing the wrong group of people??

Killing off all the willing victims will leave them with us obnoxious, gun clinging, Bible thumping resistors who they already hate!!
This is why I have a hard time believing it to be a premeditated issue, a knee-jerk, science is politicized to hell and most are followers anymore issue, is more believable imo