FOOD EVERYTHING MAYONNAISE - a dedicated mayo thread


Veteran Member
I can't find Heinz vinegar in the gallon bottle anywhere. I know there is a vinegar shortage but the stores haven't had gallon bottles for weeks.

Also, something I noticed. Hellman's mayonnaise is a darker color. What's up with that? It is definitely not the same color as before. (Sorry Dennis. I know you detest all brands of the white stuff. ) It looks like it was put on the shelf 3 years ago instead of last week.

school marm

Veteran Member
Also, something I noticed. Hellman's mayonnaise is a darker color. What's up with that? It is definitely not the same color as before. (Sorry Dennis. I know you detest all brands of the white stuff. ) It looks like it was put on the shelf 3 years ago instead of last week.
Have you considered making your own mayonnaise? It's easy to do and cheaper. It does lack the excitement of those mystery ingredients, though.

The following recipe is just one of the 150-ish recipes in the latest volume from my blog. Good Eats at the TEOTWAWKI Cafe, Vol 2, Condiments, Sauces, Seasonings, and More Using Food Storage. And speaking of vinegar, I really didn't realize how critical it is. Over 1/3 of the recipes in that book call for vinegar.

Making Mayonnaise in Challenging Circumstances

1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon dry mustard
2 tablespoons distilled white vinegar
1 egg, the freshest possible
1 cup oil

In a blender, combine the first four ingredients well. With the blender running, add in the oil in a very thin stream. We're talking very thin, like this should take at least a minute or two. After all the oil is added, continue to blend another 30-40 seconds. Keeps for two weeks in the refrigerator.

ETA: All the recipes are free on the blog, so you don't have to buy the book. The book just happens to be a well-organized hard copy.


Veteran Member
I have made my own mayonnaise. It is wonderful. But I have never been able to find how long I can keep it in the refrigerator. I may not use any for weeks or only a tiny bit to spread on a sandwich. I don't know what to do about that issue.

I just finished reading your post that says it keeps 2 weeks. Thanks a million for that information. Maybe I should get a banty hen so I would have small eggs to make only half recipe.


I give up.

I dunno, guys. I recently bought 2 jars of Hellman's and they were perfect, But now I'll watch....

I'm wondering, are either of you of the age for cataracts? I had mine done and colors changed back to their original brilliance, whereas before surgery they were all like a yellow film on everything. Just askin'


Veteran Member
Mid South
The Aldi mayo that I saw in another ladies cart very definitely had a greyish tinge to it, so it's not just Hellmann's...
I checked prices online last night to see which store I should buy the few items I purchase that Aldi and WM both carry ---- well Aldi's in store prices were .30 or more cheaper than their online prices, so I ended up spending too much at WM on a couple of things.
Brach's peppermint candy went up .62 since last week. Grits went up .30.
And for some reason, WM has moved the popcorn from the chip aisle to the pudding cup/fruit snack aisle, which is the one grocery aisle I never go down. It took me forever to find any.

school marm

Veteran Member
Is that, like... a free range sort of thing? Pasturized? Asking for a shy friend.

Not sure if you're serious. Anyway, the info is in Pasteurizing Your Own Eggs.

I wouldn't eat any raw eggs (homemade mayo} either. There is a recall on some of the fancy brands right now.
I should have mentioned above that you can make eggless mayo with aquafaba (the liquid from canned garbanzo beans). It's actually really good.


I give up.
My eye dr said that he saw no sign of of even the beginning of cataracts. My husband has had cataract surgery just before covid and he asked what was wrong with the Hellman's. So it isn't my eyes. :shr:

If you haven't thrown it out, take it back for a refund. That's so weird.


Veteran Member
Ok. I figured out the Hellman's mayonnaise issue. The mayo is the normal color. The jar is a has a smoky tint to it. It definitely does not look appetizing in the jar, but is white when you get a spoonful out. I wonder if this jar issue will hurt their sales? I know I only bought one instead of getting a couple more because of the way it looked.

Reasonable Rascal

Veteran Member
Maybe they will claim it is for light protection of the product. Like, what? Somebody just figured out after 100 years that mayonnaise is sensitive to light? Is it made by vampires?

According to Hellman's themselves it is because of a switch to recycled plastics. I can't copy the relevant parts from their site so you'll have to scroll down to the What We Are Doing About It section halfway down the page.

Darn it, there goes a really neat conspiracy theory. I was going to cast my ballot for vampire-blended.
