POL Everything gets ruined by libtards dept.: Ann Barnhardt says the SCA is a hotbed of perverts (OP Aug 2019)


Membership Revoked
[NOTE: Since the definition of the acronym was left out (evidently ASSUMING everyone in the world knows what it is), SCA = Society for Creative Anachronism. The people who dress up and roleplay medieval times - Dennis]


More SCA Mailbag: “You are absolutely correct, the SCA is a cult..”

My husband and I have been in the SCA for many years and have been re-thinking our membership lately for a number of reasons. You are absolutely correct, the SCA is a cult, but it is a very subtle one.

First, I must point out (and this isn’t meant as a blanket defense of the SCA) there are plenty of conservative folks in the organization, like my husband and myself. I read your post about the SCA after seeing a near-hysterical rant about it on FB from a lady who, to my knowledge, is not a swinger; there are a lot of people in the SCA who aren’t. It’s entirely possible they are unaware of a lot. There are many women in the SCA who enjoy hand sewing, costuming, and cooking — and that’s all (although it’s hilarious listening to them sit around, hand sewing in their laps, pots aboil on the stove, raging on about feminism and the patriarchy. I’m not kidding.) My husband has enjoyed the “heavy weapons” fighting; it’s good exercise, and just as with the women, there are plenty of fairly conservative men in the SCA. For many years politics was simply not mentioned, although one was expected to be a good sport and be “tolerant.” Also, when my husband and I first joined we weren’t Catholic or even practicing Christians. We live in a small city with a smaller group so we’ve probably missed some of the worst but we’ve heard about it.

The real harm of the SCA is more subtle than simply sexual abuse. It lures people in, as you say, who feel lonely and nerdy, who love books and history. One is encouraged to work and work for “the Dream,” whatever that is (“the dream” means living full-time in SCA character/camp. -AB), to work one’s fingers to the bone in the faint hope that one of the “Peers,” that is, fake nobility, will take notice and invite you to join their household. Most of these households are not led by sexual predators, but some are what are called “polyamorous,” that is, swingers. We were never invited to join the second group because we made it clear we weren’t interested, but one finally notices that the Christian members are never the “inner circle,” and seldom win the top awards. The real leaders and people in the know are very secretive, so we usually only hear about things second and third hand.

You realize that only people with no real family to speak of are in the inner circle; that seems to be a requirement, even more that being a swinger. Nobody who is in the elite group, and believe me, that is how they think of themselves, has any ties to family. Many people in the SCA report (this I have heard personally many times) that they were sexually abused as children, and they are the ones who will tell anyone who will listen that the SCA is their “real family.” That right there ought to be a red flag for a cult, but the SCA avoids that by not barring anyone from leaving. It is a clever cult, which operates by carrot dangling. I suppose most of us who join are high-IQ geeks who never fit in, so this works really well for a very long time for both progressive sorts and more conservative.

Things have been going downhill, though, and fast. This last summer, an orgy was advertised on a public Facebook page for an SCA event. Several conservative people I know expressed shock but nobody publicly complained about it. The orgy-givers got away with it by organizing as a loose confederation of SCA members giving themselves some pagan name and pretending to be outside the SCA, and then having the orgy on an adjacent area not technically within the SCA event. I believe they did this at several events during 2018 and probably 2019 too.

No one should ever allow their teenager to attend an SCA event. Bear in mind that one of the main activities of SCA local groups is having “demos,” or public demonstrations of SCA activities at elementary schools, universities, and festivals, in the hopes of getting new members.

Of course, all members, even the most obtuse, surely have heard by now about child abuse in the SCA , about pedophiles trying to get into children’s activities, that sort of thing, but on the other hand, nobody ever mentions it to new members, so maybe they don’t. (The SCA as a whole had to pay out millions in Pennsylvania over a convicted child abuser who took charge of “children’s activities.” )The sad thing is that it is the conservative members who would be most likely to bring children and family into the SCA, not realizing what they are getting into. Most members, even members for years, know very little about all this. I myself had no idea that Walter Breen (the husband of Marion Zimmer Bradley, who founded the SCA) was a convicted pedophile who spent years in prison until I read their daughter’s harrowing account.

The final straw has been the increased politicizing and policing of even local groups. I’ve seen monitoring of member’s FB pages for conservative political comments, and attempts made to get conservative members ostracized; and kingdoms and the SCA as a whole adopting progressive statements on inclusivity and sexual harassment. The organization is becoming “converged,” as they say. Even the most head-in-the-sand members, like my husband and myself, must now be aware that conservative Christians are not welcome anymore, if we ever were.

I wish we hadn’t gotten so deeply enmeshed with the SCA. All of our social life revolves around the SCA. We seldom go to events anymore, but all our friends are ex-SCA. It is a cult and gets its claws in deep.

Please do not use my real name.


Gettin’ Outta Dodge

More info about the SCA founders, who were pedophiles:


One of the founders of SCA, and the acknowledged orginator of the name, Marion Zimmer Bradley, was recently exposed as a lifelong degenerate and child abuser, by her own daughter. Bradley achieved great success as a fantasy author, is still lauded in feminist circles as an early icon of “woke” fiction.

Bradley’s husband of convenience and partner in crime, Walter Breen, was a serial pedophile who haunted the sci-fi convention scene, and whose victim count probably ranges in the many hundreds. The story is chilling, and textbook DN behavior. They used their own children as objects for their gratification from the earliest ages.

The daughter, Moira Greyland, emerged from more than a decade and a half of horrific abuse, and ended up finding Christ, who she credits as helping her endure and saving her from those depths. In 2017 she wrote a harrowing memoir about the period, “The Last Closet: The Dark Side of Avalon”

Ann, thank you for all you have done and continue to due shining light on this crucial topic.

God bless,

~ J"



Membership Revoked
More from Ann B.:


Mailbag: "My advice to anyone who thinks it may be fun to join the SCA? Don’t do it.

Regarding your recent post on the Society for Creative Anachronism.

I have to say you penned a very accurate description, myself having been a member of the SCA for nearly ten years, beginning in the late 80’s.

At the time I worked for a Catholic Church (Novus Ordo), and with a love of medieval history, naively thought this was an awesome organization to join. Our small group (many working at the church with me) recreated a medieval Abbey, and worked hard to keep it authentic to the time period (researched the Latin, documents, rites, iconography, etc.)

One would think this would be a no-brainer, as researching medieval history is to research the Church!


The SCA created a secular revision of history or, as they put it in their own published literature, “Recreate the middle ages as they SHOULD HAVE BEEN.” (emphasis mine)

While we never experienced any direct hostility with other members – in fact, there were some who became genuinely interested in Church history – the environment at EVERY event was most decidedly hedonistic:

• Many were fetishists who liked to dress up and pretend they were a D & D character (think “wizard garb” and chain mail bikinis…yeah, real sticklers for historic authenticity).

• A large number of admitted communists and anarchists.

• Often proudly joked that they were the world’s largest and best singles group.

• Paganism was everywhere, with the whole nature worship being the most visibly prevalent.

To relate incidents that I PERSONALLY witnessed:

1 One man convicted and jailed for life for child rape and possession of child pornography

2 One man in his 50’s caught trying to seduce/rape a 13 year old girl

3 Pagan/Satanic rites – pentagrams, candles, goat statues, nude group sex worship, tarot cards, etc.

4 Flamboyant homosexual behavior and groups.

5 Mental and physical child abuse.

6 All of this in a so-called “family” environment, with young children exposed to it all.

Being in my early twenties, I quickly fell into this trap. Not because I actually believed in the wicca/ satan crap (didn’t even believe in God anymore), but because I had access to heavy drinking and casual sex with attractive girls who “offered it up”.

So, what happened to some of those in our group, who joined with good but misguided intentions?

• One married woman broke down and disappeared after trying to seduce a priest.

• The priest in our group left the priesthood to become an episcopal priest.

• One woman never married, is a former nurse still into reiki and crystals, and is totally miserable.

• One is still a religious education director at a very liberal novus ordo church, and is a fanatic “Papa Jorgee-The-First” worshipper.

Oh, and me: I fell out of the Church for over 35 years, two attempted suicides in my early twenties, a narcissistic and directionless life, only having returned to the Church two years ago after finding an FSSP parish and an incredible pastor willing to spend hours one on one with me and my wife.

My advice to anyone who thinks it may be fun to join the SCA. Don’t do it. If you love history, and would like to pursue and research the arts and crafts of that era, do it on your own. It is a fun and rewarding hobby (I took up blacksmithing in recent years). The historic aspects of the SCA are nothing more than a cover to give them a veneer of legitimacy, and to snag a non-profit designation from the government.

I’m not one to throw around the Satanic influence label on a whim, but I will completely agree with you on the demonic influence within the organization that is known as the SCA.

Yours in Christ,

Faulty Catholic"


Veteran Member
I was a member of the SCA for years, didn't notice any of this. However, I was never really vested in it. I like to make armor, real heavy steel armor of the 15th century and what better place to be to have it appreciated. I did not attend many events, didn't care for the fighting as it is more of a sport and not actual period fighting, so if this sort of underground crap was going on I never noticed it or was never invited..lol. I just enjoyed being around like minded geeks like myself and honestly, I think that is the aspect most enjoyed. As soon as I am corrected on a hinge style on my greaves by a person who cannot make it himself, sort of turns you off from the groups...

Oh, and jagoff, the hinges are dead on accurate! Go screw yourself!


Senior Member
While there certainly are some members of the SCA who are "swingers" or hedonists, and the membership in general has leaned more toward the left/liberal than it had before, I believe that the examples that those two persons in the OP cite are not indicative of the organization as a whole. In fact, the organization is extremely cautious about the criminality of the members, as they are responsible (or their insurance is) for any harm that is done at any event held under the auspices of the SCA.

The first letter sounds like someone who did not get enough recognition of their efforts and is looking for reasons why some others have. Just because someone is a liberal doesn't mean that they can't sew beautiful historical clothing, or make authentic armor. That lady really sounds like she is eating a bunch of very sour grapes. The second example, speaks of members dressing "in D & D" costumes. That is simply NOT tolerated in SCA circles. They are ALL about historical accuracy or at least the valiant attempt at accuracy. While a lot of members are pagans, so were a lot of historical peoples. There are a dedicated group of gays in the SCA, but they don't prance around being swishy. Most of their personnas are straight.

The behavior that those people are describing sounds a whole lot more like Renn Faire normalcy to me. Renn Faires are not associated with the SCA, they are commercial enterprises that put on a show for one to 6 weekends per year set in usually Tudor England during the time of Henry VIII. It is not required that you wear a costume or historical garb to attend, and there are very few "cast members" who are historically accurate in their clothing. Lots of low cleavage and bawdy songs is the thing that you see at a Renn Faire. We used to call it "TOAP" for t*ts on a plate, lol.

Look, any time you have a bunch of women wearing corsets, and downing beer out of yard tall glasses, there are going to be a lot of people that aren't in it for the history of the thing. And that's what you have at a Faire.

But at an actual SCA event, you won't see over-the-top behavior. If there are those who are inclined in that sort of lifestyle, they know who each other are and they hook up after the event at someone's house or backyard. If you don't want to be involved in swinging or whatever, just don't hang out with people who indicate subtly that that is what they are into outside of sanctioned SCA events. Most of the members aren't interested in anything other than armor, heraldry or medieval cookery.


Contributing Member
Lol practical!

I had no idea that the polyamorous stuff was actually related to the sca. I knew that the polyamourous group I knew of was also in the sca is all. Hmm. I’m sure we’ll have some members here tell us more about how common, or not, this is.


Veteran Member
I see what you did there. :) Missed it until after the first cup of coffee.

I just despised the 'experts' who are only 'expert' at evaluating other peoples work but cant make shit themselves. How does one get to be a professional critic anyway? Is there a class for it or something?

Here's some steel, here is a hammer, show me how to make it dick. What's that? You can't actually do it? Color me shocked!


Disaster Cat
I won't even try to address all of this - it is too early in the morning - but as a member, for nearly 40 years I can tell you that these things are very regional and the local SCA cultures run from highly conservative Mormons in Utah (who used to bring an RV to events to hold Sunday services just off-site) to areas where the majority of members are Pagan or Scientific Agnostics (especially University groups).

Marion Zimmer Bradly DID NOT START THE SCA! - that was Diana Paxon one of my best friends, it was started in HER back yard - Marion was ONE OF the Founders along with her - but Diana was the one who cooked up the "First Tourney" idea and has babysat it now for over 50 years.

The SCA tends to break into loose "households" of people with common interests - I know one that is led by a former Eastern Orthodox monk who feels the Lord led him to leave and marry his wife - his household is almost entirely Christians (from United Pentecostals to Catholics) and most have Slavic or Norse personas - they concentrate on the history of agriculture, livestock raising, and rural life; I also knew a household years ago that was "Celtic" Christian oriented and while the SCA tried to avoid actual religious practice at events, everyone used to get respectfully quiet at a feast when they had their time to say grace over their food.

I have also been DIRECTLY INVOLVED in helping to RE-WRITE LOCAL CHILD PROTECTION POLICIES which every group now has to have, all large organizations with children eventually attract a pedo but since this happened the entire children's activities has been re-worked with the sad outcome that many groups no longer are able to have real children's activities and rules that parents must be with minor kids (up to the local state or national requirement) at all times.

Some States or Countries allow police vetted individuals to host separated children's activities others do no - our group which is large enough to "go barony" in a few months does not - but we try to do as many things as possible that children can do with an adult.

Yes, I would be lying if I didn't say that SOME groups or households are polyamorous, pagan, liberal or whatever else this couple objects to, SCA culture tends to reflect local culture to a degree; it also sometimes allows people somewhat outside the mainstream to have a place to socialize and have fun.

In Northern Ireland/Belfast/Derry almost all our couples are or were of "mixed" backgrounds - aka heterosexual Catholic-Protestant marriages that often found themselves outcasts in both communities.

Nearly 40 years ago in rural Mississippi (with a University), that was the D and D players plus the local guys in tights from the drama department (back then it was mostly gay men willing to study drama and wear tights in the Deep South). We also had a couple of elementary school teachers, a rancher's son and a couple of vets (one of whom told me of sitting on a plane in 1979 waiting to go try to rescue the hostages before the flight was called off 24 hours later).

The SCA is a large organization, it contains all sort of people, many of whom tend to be survival or prepper oriented - in Sweden, there is a lot of cross over between the SCA and the prepper communities.

I am sorry this couple is finding their local SCA culture doesn't fit them very well anymore - my advice is either take a break (most of us do) and/or form YOUR OWN HOUSEHOLD with people of like-minded values, much like the former monk and his household that I follow on Facebook (hint to members here in the know, he's the guy with the chickens).

And yeah, we have a fake nobility and royalty or as I told a tourist who saw me wearing a crown (princess) I said,

"For six months we get to pretend to be very important people, then someone else gets to pretend to be a very important person it is a historical game."

Here is a photo of me engaged in the "cult-like" behavior of winning a medieval cooking contest, this photo will be the cover of our coming baronial cookbook.

Nightwolf is making me stop now, but I will add that after the first few years Marion Zimmer Bradly and Walter didn't have much to do with the SCA they were too busy doing other stuff - and that is in Moria's book (her daughter) that I have read and painful reading it was too.


Faithful Steed
Here is a photo of me engaged in the "cult-like" behavior of winning a medieval cooking contest, this photo will be the cover of our coming baronial cookbook.

I had no idea aluminum foil pans were so early.

I'll take the contents - um. Looks like brown sugar on those.



Has No Life - Lives on TB
I won't even try to address all of this - it is too early in the morning - but as a member, for nearly 40 years I can tell you that these things are very regional and the local SCA cultures run from highly conservative Mormons in Utah (who used to bring an RV to events to hold Sunday services just off-site) to areas where the majority of members are Pagan or Scientific Agnostics (especially University groups).

Marion Zimmer Bradly DID NOT START THE SCA! - that was Diana Paxon one of my best friends, it was started in HER back yard - Marion was ONE OF the Founders along with her - but Diana was the one who cooked up the "First Tourney" idea and has babysat it now for over 50 years.

The SCA tends to break into loose "households" of people with common interests - I know one that is led by a former Eastern Orthodox monk who feels the Lord led him to leave and marry his wife - his household is almost entirely Christians (from United Pentecostals to Catholics) and most have Slavic or Norse personas - they concentrate on the history of agriculture, livestock raising, and rural life; I also knew a household years ago that was "Celtic" Christian oriented and while the SCA tried to avoid actual religious practice at events, everyone used to get respectfully quiet at a feast when they had their time to say grace over their food.

I have also been DIRECTLY INVOLVED in helping to RE-WRITE LOCAL CHILD PROTECTION POLICIES which every group now has to have, all large organizations with children eventually attract a pedo but since this happened the entire children's activities has been re-worked with the sad outcome that many groups no longer are able to have real children's activities and rules that parents must be with minor kids (up to the local state or national requirement) at all times.

Some States or Countries allow police vetted individuals to host separated children's activities others do no - our group which is large enough to "go barony" in a few months does not - but we try to do as many things as possible that children can do with an adult.

Yes, I would be lying if I didn't say that SOME groups or households are polyamorous, pagan, liberal or whatever else this couple objects to, SCA culture tends to reflect local culture to a degree; it also sometimes allows people somewhat outside the mainstream to have a place to socialize and have fun.

In Northern Ireland/Belfast/Derry almost all our couples are or were of "mixed" backgrounds - aka heterosexual Catholic-Protestant marriages that often found themselves outcasts in both communities.

Nearly 40 years ago in rural Mississippi (with a University), that was the D and D players plus the local guys in tights from the drama department (back then it was mostly gay men willing to study drama and wear tights in the Deep South). We also had a couple of elementary school teachers, a rancher's son and a couple of vets (one of whom told me of sitting on a plane in 1979 waiting to go try to rescue the hostages before the flight was called off 24 hours later).

The SCA is a large organization, it contains all sort of people, many of whom tend to be survival or prepper oriented - in Sweden, there is a lot of cross over between the SCA and the prepper communities.

I am sorry this couple is finding their local SCA culture doesn't fit them very well anymore - my advice is either take a break (most of us do) and/or form YOUR OWN HOUSEHOLD with people of like-minded values, much like the former monk and his household that I follow on Facebook (hint to members here in the know, he's the guy with the chickens).

And yeah, we have a fake nobility and royalty or as I told a tourist who saw me wearing a crown (princess) I said,

"For six months we get to pretend to be very important people, then someone else gets to pretend to be a very important person it is a historical game."

Here is a photo of me engaged in the "cult-like" behavior of winning a medieval cooking contest, this photo will be the cover of our coming baronial cookbook.

Nightwolf is making me stop now, but I will add that after the first few years Marion Zimmer Bradly and Walter didn't have much to do with the SCA they were too busy doing other stuff - and that is in Moria's book (her daughter) that I have read and painful reading it was too.

DH and I attended an artifacts show once and there was a guy there trying to sell a "Roman shortsword" which he claimed was just taken out of the ground- nothing else was done to it. My DH patiently pointed to the very modern steel screw that was holding the pommel to the rusty blade and mused that he learned something that day, Romans had Phillips head screws- who knew?

That said, I want your cookbook to succeed and that is a great picture- until I spied the modern aluminum pan the food is sitting in. If I noticed, surely others will.


Disaster Cat
I had no idea aluminum foil pans were so early.

I'll take the contents - um. Looks like brown sugar on those.


We wanted to photo-shop out the pan but it was decided that since it was a practical SCA cookbook and the contest had been designed for "recipes that are easy to scale up and use at large events" so would be cooked in such a pan, to use that picture - we did consult with cooking laurels (similar to a knighthood in cooking) and they actually suggested we use it rather than restaging it.

The recipe does use brown sugar, which was the period standard for the time and place; the actual recipe is from a 10th-century Arab cookbook, and one reason we picked it is that we have a number of members on vegetarian and vegan diets and this one covered both options.

If you read Nostradamus's cookbook (yep he wrote one) a good number of recipes are about how to filter and store the brown sugar available at the time; now he was about 400 years later than this recipe, but sugar came into Europe (on any known and widespread basis) during the Crusades that would take place a few years after the major Arabic cookbooks were written down.

So Dobbin, your Arabian Cousins in the Middle East probably got lumps of sugar while their European counterparts had to make do with apples for a time.

But yeah, I kind of wanted to redo the picture but got talked out of it (at least for the first edition) I may pass this on if it hasn't gone to press yet - but this is not MY cookbook so it isn't totally MY decision.

The SCA is NOT a reenactment organization, I describe it to Europeans as a Middle Ages club.

Another update - if you want to do vegetables before the Elizabethan period, the Arab sources are often best simply because most vegetables were not considered a high-status food in the European Middle Ages and most of the cookbooks before the printing press was designed for the chef's in noble or royal kitchens who were presumed to know how to cook them.


Disaster Cat
The Recipe [I did use some non-orange carrots in my mix but the only ones I could get were baby carrots and they blended in, this also tastes good enough that Nightwolf and I now make it as part our regular food rotation, you could also make it with honey- Melodi]


Sauteing Carrots in Olive Oil
Photo by: Lord-Williams


1 lb carrots[2]
salt to taste
¼ c vinegar
1 garlic clove mashed
½ tsp caraway
2 tbsp olive oil for frying

1 tbsp cane (brown) sugar
1 tbsp oregano[3]

Simply Hummy
Photo by: Lord-Williams

Cut the roots without peeling[4] and wash them. Cut them in half.

Boil in salted water. When soft remove from the water and dry them.

Fry in olive oil. When browned remove oil and then pour boiling vinegar over them with mashed garlic and caraway.

Let cool a little, garnish with brown sugar and serve.

[1] This recipe was purposely chosen to point out that vegetables were a part of the medieval diet.
[2] White, red, yellow or purple carrots should be used as it is claimed that they did not become orange until 16th Century with the founding of the Orange Dynasty in the Netherlands. In the times of William I, the orange carrot is said to have been developed in his honor. Unfortunately, orange carrots dominate the market and were used, therefore, when preparing the recipe.
[3] The Medieval Spanish Chef’s addition.
[4] This is inconceivable today. Common practice is to peel carrots.



Veteran Member
I thought this was a bunch of weak geeks with skinny arms beating each other up with wooden swords while yelling monty python quotes. The girls were on the sidelines dressed up like peasants and princesses. Soemtimes you saw some home made ale that smelled awful.

Who knew.


Veteran Member
The Recipe [I did use some non-orange carrots in my mix but the only ones I could get were baby carrots and they blended in, this also tastes good enough that Nightwolf and I now make it as part our regular food rotation, you could also make it with honey- Melodi]


Sauteing Carrots in Olive Oil
Photo by: Lord-Williams


1 lb carrots[2]
salt to taste
¼ c vinegar
1 garlic clove mashed
½ tsp caraway
2 tbsp olive oil for frying

1 tbsp cane (brown) sugar
1 tbsp oregano[3]

Simply Hummy
Photo by: Lord-Williams

Cut the roots without peeling[4] and wash them. Cut them in half.

Boil in salted water. When soft remove from the water and dry them.

Fry in olive oil. When browned remove oil and then pour boiling vinegar over them with mashed garlic and caraway.

Let cool a little, garnish with brown sugar and serve.

[1] This recipe was purposely chosen to point out that vegetables were a part of the medieval diet.
[2] White, red, yellow or purple carrots should be used as it is claimed that they did not become orange until 16th Century with the founding of the Orange Dynasty in the Netherlands. In the times of William I, the orange carrot is said to have been developed in his honor. Unfortunately, orange carrots dominate the market and were used, therefore, when preparing the recipe.
[3] The Medieval Spanish Chef’s addition.
[4] This is inconceivable today. Common practice is to peel carrots.


Nice recipe and website. Looks good thanks, interesting site bookmarked it.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
The Recipe [I did use some non-orange carrots in my mix but the only ones I could get were baby carrots and they blended in, this also tastes good enough that Nightwolf and I now make it as part our regular food rotation, you could also make it with honey- Melodi]


Sauteing Carrots in Olive Oil
Photo by: Lord-Williams


1 lb carrots[2]
salt to taste
¼ c vinegar
1 garlic clove mashed
½ tsp caraway
2 tbsp olive oil for frying

1 tbsp cane (brown) sugar
1 tbsp oregano[3]

Simply Hummy
Photo by: Lord-Williams

Cut the roots without peeling[4] and wash them. Cut them in half.

Boil in salted water. When soft remove from the water and dry them.

Fry in olive oil. When browned remove oil and then pour boiling vinegar over them with mashed garlic and caraway.

Let cool a little, garnish with brown sugar and serve.

[1] This recipe was purposely chosen to point out that vegetables were a part of the medieval diet.
[2] White, red, yellow or purple carrots should be used as it is claimed that they did not become orange until 16th Century with the founding of the Orange Dynasty in the Netherlands. In the times of William I, the orange carrot is said to have been developed in his honor. Unfortunately, orange carrots dominate the market and were used, therefore, when preparing the recipe.
[3] The Medieval Spanish Chef’s addition.
[4] This is inconceivable today. Common practice is to peel carrots.


That dish is gorgeous! And I am trying this recipe very soon. It should go nicely with an Axis roast.


Disaster Cat
I thought this was a bunch of weak geeks with skinny arms beating each other up with wooden swords while yelling monty python quotes. The girls were on the sidelines dressed up like peasants and princesses. Soemtimes you saw some home made ale that smelled awful.

Who knew.

That was the SCA in about 1979, it was still somewhat true in 1981 when I joined but getting better - today heavy fighting and fencing are both major sports and while men and women can do it into much older ages if they keep in training, it really is an athletic skill.

As for clothing - the only "rules" in the SCA are to act in a Chivalric (aka polite, respectful and honest manner) towards others and wear an "attempt" at pre 1600's clothing (used to be 1650 and you will still see a few people playing Cavliler or Round Heads even now but it is rare).

Standards of "garb" vary greatly from place to place and LOCAL SCA culture - in Europe, especially Sweden the standards are VERY high, and even in much of the UK are almost up to re-enactment levels for many people.

You are still going to see folks at their first event dressed in peasant blouses or plastic-lined shower curtains (velure bedspreads were popular in the 1980s as were 1970s Gunny Sax Dresses) and some folks that just don't care (or who only do fighting) in blue jeans and tunics; but people are encouraged to try a bit harder and if they don't want fancy to pick a "period" or "periods" where clothing is pretty simple (though you can bling it up I do).

Some people pay such high attention to their clothing that they weave some if themselves (I have) and others may pay or trade with a friend to make a simple dress, tunic or even high Elizabethan man's outfit.

Me and Nightwolf just after he became the "accidental Prince" he didn't expect to win the heavy fighting tourney and didn't bring garb (only a fighting gambeson) so his tunic is borrowed late 14th/early 15th century.

I am in my "cult leader" (I am the only kidding, the "cult" being those of us crazy enough to go this far) underdress of 100-year-old Irish linen with about 100 hours of hand-stitched pleats with handwoven front cloth, trim and hand-sewn dress (made from commercial fabric).



Veteran Member
That was the SCA in about 1979, it was still somewhat true in 1981 when I joined but getting better - today heavy fighting and fencing are both major sports and while men and women can do it into much older ages if they keep in training, it really is an athletic skill.

As for clothing - the only "rules" in the SCA are to act in a Chivalric (aka polite, respectful and honest manner) towards others and wear an "attempt" at pre 1600's clothing (used to be 1650 and you will still see a few people playing Cavliler or Round Heads even now but it is rare).

Standards of "garb" vary greatly from place to place and LOCAL SCA culture - in Europe, especially Sweden the standards are VERY high, and even in much of the UK are almost up to re-enactment levels for many people.

You are still going to see folks at their first event dressed in peasant blouses or plastic-lined shower curtains (velure bedspreads were popular in the 1980s as were 1970s Gunny Sax Dresses) and some folks that just don't care (or who only do fighting) in blue jeans and tunics; but people are encouraged to try a bit harder and if they don't want fancy to pick a "period" or "periods" where clothing is pretty simple (though you can bling it up I do).

Some people pay such high attention to their clothing that they weave some if themselves (I have) and others may pay or trade with a friend to make a simple dress, tunic or even high Elizabethan man's outfit.

Me and Nightwolf just after he became the "accidental Prince" he didn't expect to win the heavy fighting tourney and didn't bring garb (only a fighting gambeson) so his tunic is borrowed late 14th/early 15th century.

I am in my "cult leader" (I am the only kidding, the "cult" being those of us crazy enough to go this far) underdress of 100-year-old Irish linen with about 100 hours of hand-stitched pleats with handwoven front cloth, trim and hand-sewn dress (made from commercial fabric).


I love going to the fairs. Been to many in the states, the clothing, the sword fights, the jousting is exciting. Love your clothing, takes a lot of talent to make and keep within the parameters of the time frame.


Ann should stick to putting bacon slices in copies of the Koran.
She doesn't always know what she is talking about. To maliciously slam a group of people immersed in the historical details of European Culture is just working for the other side, whether she knows it or not.

All groups have some creeps for members. I've never had anything to do with the SCA (not the least bit social, at all, and I don't join things...can't stand to be around people.) But, historical textiles are something I like to study,copy, and adapt for daily wear. The SCA group has spurred a lot of research into the material culture of the Western past, and they keep it living by making the pieces and actually using them. Their videos, blog posts, books, and on-line shops then disseminate what they learn. We are in a political climate where Sweden hired a Pakistani for Minister of Culture. JUST HOW F****D UP IS THAT?

Either make a serious study of your ethnic history, or loose it. Ann would do better to back off on this one. Not even sure why she put it in her cross-hairs.
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Disaster Cat
I love going to the fairs. Been to many in the states, the clothing, the sword fights, the jousting is exciting. Love your clothing, takes a lot of talent to make and keep within the parameters of the time frame.

Just to be clear because it is confusing - the SCA is NOT the Ren Fair circuit - again they helped set a lot of them up in the late 1960s and early 1970s (just as we are now doing in Ireland with a sudden rash of local "Medievil Fairs" being put on for tourists and the public.

But while the SCA is sometimes hired or does volunteer demonstrations at Ren Fairs, they are not "Rennies" as an organization (I've been both) modern Ren Fares are commercial enterprises that exist to make money and their clothing and other "standards" reflect that.

One example, back in 1989 I did "Scot's Camp" at Northern Fair in California after doing the same thing for about 5 years in Colorado.

Even though there are no, count them NO evidence that Scottish women wore under dresses (shifts really) of green, purple, or any colors except the cream to red spectrum; the fair "ordered" us to use these colors because "tourists liked them."

Here is my same outfit was worn 20 years later (it still fits) at a local fair the SCA HELPED within my nearest town (they have a real castle, the birds are from an Avian rescue group, not the SCA but they have photoshoots to raise money for their charity).

Yeah I know, I'm not wearing my plaid over cloth because it was too hot. Husband is in a
lightweight sort of Norse.


Veteran Member
Ann should stick to putting bacon slices in copies of the Koran.
She doesn't always know what she is talking about. To maliciously slam a group of people immersed in the historical details of European Culture is just working for the other side, whether she knows it or not.

All groups have some creeps for members. I've never had anything to do with the SCA (not the least bit social, at all, and I don't join things...can't stand to be around people.) But, historical textiles are something I like to study,copy, and adapt for daily wear. The SCA group has spurred a lot of research into the material culture of the Western past, and they keep it living by making the pieces and actually using them. We are in a culture where Sweden hired a Pakistani for Minister of Culture. JUST HOW F****D UP IS THAT?

Either make a serious study of your ethnic history, or loose it. Ann would do better to back off on this one. Not even sure why she put it in her cross-hairs.

Well I had to look up who Barnhardt was, thought I heard the name attached to a blogger telling people to cheat on their taxes or not pay them. Probably mistaken but this article sounded like another rumor mill thing.


Veteran Member
Just to be clear because it is confusing - the SCA is NOT the Ren Fair circuit - again they helped set a lot of them up in the late 1960s and early 1970s (just as we are now doing in Ireland with a sudden rash of local "Medievil Fairs" being put on for tourists and the public.

But while the SCA is sometimes hired or does volunteer demonstrations at Ren Fairs, they are not "Rennies" as an organization (I've been both) modern Ren Fares are commercial enterprises that exist to make money and their clothing and other "standards" reflect that.

One example, back in 1989 I did "Scot's Camp" at Northern Fair in California after doing the same thing for about 5 years in Colorado.

Even though there are no, count them NO evidence that Scottish women wore under dresses (shifts really) of green, purple, or any colors except the cream to red spectrum; the fair "ordered" us to use these colors because "tourists liked them."

Here is my same outfit was worn 20 years later (it still fits) at a local fair the SCA HELPED within my nearest town (they have a real castle, the birds are from an Avian rescue group, not the SCA but they have photoshoots to raise money for their charity).

Yeah I know, I'm not wearing my plaid over cloth because it was too hot. Husband is in a
lightweight sort of Norse.

Yeah, that I understand after talking to folks at the fairs. My Father is Norwegian, Mom is Scottish, Irish and German, have become very interested in the history. Really enjoying researching when time allows.

That picture of you two is like a look at history.


Dang, Melodi.
Not perusing falconry when I had a chance is one of my biggest regrets in life. ....and there you are in awesome clothing no less, holding a bird. Kestrel?

I am jealous!


Disaster Cat
Dang, Melodi.
Not perusing falconry when I had a chance is one of my biggest regrets in life. ....and there you are in awesome clothing no less, holding a bird. Kestrel?

I am jealous!

The bird is whichever one the owners of the charity picked - I have one of Wolf with a raven too, but he's larger than I am and can pull it off, besides ladies tended to hunt with smaller birds.



Knuckle Dragger
I think there is some truth to the OP.

I don't think it applies to the organization as a whole.

The problem areas would be in large Renaissance festival organizations. Keep in mind, they are a huge cash operation with gobs of temporary employees....it's show business.

Living within 30 miles of one...you hear things.

I've known several people who worked there.


I think there is some truth to the OP.

I don't think it applies to the organization as a whole.

The problem areas would be in large Renaissance festival organizations. Keep in mind, they are a huge cash operation with gobs of temporary employees....it's show business.

Living within 30 miles of one...you hear things.

I've known several people who worked there.

Once again, the two have nothing to do with eachother. Ren Faires are trash. They might be fun, but still...trash, and have more in common with the fantasy costume conventions you find in Las Vegas type venues. Sluts in shifts has nothing to do with SCA. You might as well equate Steampunk with a Gettysburg battle re-enactment.


Knuckle Dragger
This is old news (2012), but cases like this live on in people's minds for a long, long time.

SCA Will Pay $1.3M To Settle Abuse Case

The Society For Creative Anachronism reached settlement last October with victims abused by a local leader in Pennsylvania a decade ago. The settlement calls for a $1.3 million payment to the plaintiffs, and the Society plans to cover a large portion itself while fighting to get its insurers to pay the full amount.

Ben Schragger, then 43, was convicted in 2005 of charges including rape of a child, involuntary deviate sexual intercourse, indecent assault and corruption of minors, all crimes committed against 11 children participating in SCA programs to make medieval-style armor and weapons for mock combat.

Known in the Society as “Lord Ben the Steward,” he led a chapter for more than 10 years and directed the youth program for the society’s East Kingdom, which stretches from Canada to Delaware. Schragger was accused of sexually assaulting nine boys and two girls between the ages of 6 and 16 from June 1999 to August 2003.

After an initial civil lawsuit was filed in 2007 against the SCA on behalf of six victims and dismissed, a second civil lawsuit was filed in 2009 claiming $7 million in damages on grounds that the SCA should be held liable for Schragger’s actions, and for allegedly not having effective policies in place at that time to protect the children. Three individuals serving as local officers of the SCA during this time were also named as defendants in the lawsuit.

When the SCA’s insurers resisted paying the settlement the organization sued them. As a result, one insurance company agreed to pay $450,000 of the indemnity. The SCA is still pursuing a suit against another insurer for the remaining $850,000; the case was due to go to trial in May 2012.

In the meantime, the SCA’s parent organization asked all its local and regional units in the U.S. to help fund the rest of the settlement payment by contributing 18% of their cash balance, which it said represented an equitable distribution of the burden.

Kingdoms and affiliates outside of North America were not required to contribute as they were not named in the suit and are separately incorporated in non-U.S. jurisdictions. Affiliates include SCA-Finland, SCA-Sweden, SCA-Australia and SCA-New Zealand.

SCA leadership told members it has changed how youth workers are vetted and expects to make more changes after seeking legal advice:

The SCA has worked to improve its policies and institute new policies where needed. Some of the new policies include the two-deep rule and criminal background checks on anyone wishing to administer youth activities. The Board will be addressing long-range plans for improving its governance structure and risk assessment protocols during 2012, after consultation with internal and outside counsel, as well as the SCA’s financial advisors.

More details about the original charges are available here and here.

[Thanks to Andrew Trembley for the story.]



Disaster Cat
And yes, as I said, I would be lying if I said the SCA never had any problems, there WAS [edited to correct this sorry!] a big trial about a monster pedo who preyed on children which have resulted in a complete overhaul of how children's activities are vetted or allowed.

This case also resulted in the SCA officially "breaking" into "local" organizations State by State and Country by Country who all agree to "play by the same rules" when it comes to most things but who can sort local laws and customs on the "mundane" (regular world) side.

But most large organizations that include children: schools, churches, sport's teams, Scouting, etc have all been infiltrated by pedos at one time or another - heck our local SCA group helped put one in jail a few years ago - the jerk was mainly a reenactor and only came to ONE event, where he tried to molest a 12-year-old in my house (I testified in court as did the rest of us).

That guy made "period" children's toys for reenactors and his wife ran a daycare center out of their home, real pedos are attracted to that sort of thing.

I would also be lying if I said there were no "households" or even sub-groups that are everything from happily Polyamorous in multi-spousal relationships all the way to full out swingers whose non-SCA hobbies may include swinging couples parties or heavy S and M sessions.

That isn't the SCA though, and those activities are not encouraged; I mean what people do in their own tents as CONSENTING ADULTS at large events like Pennsic (about 10,000 plus people)is their own business, but "sponsored orgies" do have to be held "off-site" just like religious services.

Nightwolf and I performed a real Pagan wedding at our home during an event during Mayday, we used a part of our properly normally off-limits to event-goers and told everyone this was REAL and provided an alternative activity for anyone not comfortable going.

As it was, even our Christians (and we have both Roman Catholics and Church of Ireland in our group) were happy to attend the joyful event and mildly curious about how Vikings re-create a wedding based on the Saga sources.

We all returned to "the event" (the rest of the property) when it was over for a party and wedding reception. That one was admittedly "close to the line" but no one objected and we did have one person volunteer to watch the rest of the site in case anyone showed up late or wanted to leave the ceremony.

So it isn't that there are no problems or that everything is perfect, and like nearly every other organization that has been around the last 50 plus years, times and what it tolerated changed.

In 1982 I could take my friend's 8-year-old daughter to events with a letter from her Mom, today you don't get in most places unless you are 18 without a guardian, the exceptions being places like Scotland where 16 is a full legal adult.
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Disaster Cat
The SCA even has a LGBTQXFU corner.


Yep the Blue Feather Society, I have many friends there and have proudly worn a light blue ribbon that is an emblem of support.

And yes, that lawsuit did happen, I've mentioned it several times now and in Europe, it has mostly resulted for the moment in NO Separate children's activities, on the other hand, it has meant making many activities a bit more child-friendly when possible.

For example, we try now to have children's shoots with their parent's present when the adults do archery; we also have several garda vetted (police approved) adults who CAN watch a child or take charge of them in an emergency (say the parent has an accident or another sudden issue).

Eventually, we hope to be able to let them lead children's activities but the Irish laws are still in flux on this, also our primary school teachers usually don't want to spend the weekend working with kids, when their day jobs are doing that all week.


Veteran Member
Yep the Blue Feather Society, I have many friends there and have proudly worn a light blue ribbon that is an emblem of support.

And yes, that lawsuit did happen, I've mentioned it several times now and in Europe, it has mostly resulted for the moment in NO Separate children's activities, on the other hand, it has meant making many activities a bit more child-friendly when possible.

For example, we try now to have children's shoots with their parent's present when the adults do archery; we also have several garda vetted (police approved) adults who CAN watch a child or take charge of them in an emergency (say the parent has an accident or another sudden issue).

Eventually, we hope to be able to let them lead children's activities but the Irish laws are still in flux on this, also our primary school teachers usually don't want to spend the weekend working with kids, when their day jobs are doing that all week.

It's commendable that the organization is working to correct problems and attempt to foresee new ones.


Disaster Cat
It's commendable that the organization is working to correct problems and attempt to foresee new ones.

Exactly, there was an admission there was a problem, the lawsuit was settled; everyone feels horrible about what happened but the best thing we can do is try to prevent such problems in the future.

You can't stop any criminal in or out of the SCA, but you can take steps.

This book is fiction but is a well written "who-done-it" written in the 1980s about a murder that happens at the Pennsic War, while somewhat dated it is a great introduction to SCA culture and how it interacts with the mundane world. The hero is a law enforcement officer in real/mundane life when someone commits a real murder on the SCA fighting field.

It is also quite entertaining and a fun read.
