BLOG Every Metric: Building The Battlefield THEY Want To Fight On


On TB every waking moment
Every Metric (

Sunday, September 26, 2021

The problem I see with this existential 21st Century (world) War is that there are a lot of guns being brought to a cyber/pharmaceutical fight. No doubt there will be need of the weaponry, but we’re in the battlefield preparation stage and whole swaths of fighters are being swept away before the first shot is fired.

They know they can’t win a shooting war, so, like Sun Tzu, they’re building the battlefield they want to fight on, which isn’t digging trenches, it’s neutering huge sections of the population, literally, and using the “be reasonable” argument to keep the enemy sitting on their porches waiting for the societal approval to go ahead. The fact that they already see the typical American as the enemy is a warning sign in itself.

It’s difficult to know, in the fog of war, when to act, in which direction to march. That’s why, generally, some principles and red lines are drawn, to mark the moment, the time, the situation at which action is required and, more importantly, understood. For many, those red lines have already been crossed, new red lines drawn and crossed, new red lines drawn and crossed, you get the idea.

In some sense, that’s important, because the greatest weapon of the warrior is between the ears. Battlefield preparation of the mind is as important as any other action. What we have sought to do here is build the troops, prepare those troops to fight, give them the ammunition they need, the understanding of their place in history to clearly define, at least within their own hearts, the righteousness of their cause.

The latest House vote for the NDAA, where red flag laws were inserted, is just one more red line of many. The idea is to take weapons away from Americans and keep them in the hands of the communists within the military ranks. Look at how many Republican House members voted for it. Most of those in Texas did. Ronnie Jackson, for one and that RINO Crenshaw.

What does it mean? That’s been the point of this blog and others for a long time, to highlight what these things mean.

In the past year, they have vetted our armed forces to make sure that there were as few in the ranks as possible who revered the Constitution, the rights recognized therein and the freedom to have disparate opinions and ideas. This was done under the guise that certain “ideologies” embraced freedom, independence, constitutional rights, freedom of religion and speech et al, and must be driven from the active ranks. What is that “ideology?” Constitutional republicanism, best demonstrated by Americanism. Why do they want to get Americanism out of the military? Pretty obvious. The politicians, who have so often favored treason, they no longer see themselves as Americans, but openly as communists.

One big sign that America has been delivered into the hands of the communists through a fraudulent election is the existence and pertinence of Hunter’s Laptop, a roadmap of the players and prices of buying Joe Biden for the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Yet, it is one of the many things that cannot be investigated, revealed or even mentioned.

After the excuse to vet these troops, gathering information on who is “woke” and who is a patriot, they propose the vaxx to be mandatory, even forcing those who refuse to take it out of the military all together. I have a friend, whose son is currently undergoing this heinous policy. This universal vaxx isn’t what it appears, either. Just like all of those public officials who “took” the jab in front of cameras, there’s no proof that those weren’t saline injections, if they were injected with anything at all. Why couldn’t they do the same to the troops? Give the “woke” the saline and the real jab to the Trumpers? Easy enough, once the vetting is done and the ideological will is there. It is.

They no longer favor free and fair elections. They don’t even know how to conduct a free and fair election and it’s clear that Americans know it. The powers that be don’t care, because they plan to sweep the battlefield of guns with laws and social pressure, just as Australia did. Before you mutter, “not here, bud” keep in mind the laws are being laid out already. Every Trumper or American, is considered a domestic terrorist to give the laws standing and the police the power. Who will break the law?

When they get rid of all of the “Americans” who will take their place? They have been replacing Americans with foreigners for a long time. Look at Minnesota and Michigan, both largely Muslim. The southern border has been opened by the guy who’s been bought off by the CCP. Long before Tucker Carlson got into hot water with the ADL for suggesting that replacement of the American population was the goal of the illegitimate Biden Administration, Matt Bracken laid out Obama’s strategy in Lies of Omission in 2017. (the 2021 update is still pending an edit)

All that America has already suffered has been designed to secure communism. One means was to drive a wedge between the races, starting with Obama’s encouragement in Ferguson, Missouri with the “hands-up, don’t shoot” protests. The idea being that if the communists could get Americans to kill each other it would lessen the burden in the future.

The Antifa and BLM forces showed the public that government sanctioned forces could be unleashed on citizens and their property without consequence, not to the attackers and not to the politicians who enabled them. This forced the police, irrationally, on the side of their own attackers. That proved that the rank-and-file police would do whatever the authorities told them, opening the door for lockdowns, mask mandates and ultimately the injection.

Then, the stolen election. Fearing the people for first time, perhaps, the FBI co-opted the January 6th protest and turned it back on them as a means of discouraging patriots from massing in protest. All of them seem to have worked pretty effectively. All of it highly unconstitutional, but who cares?

As I explain in Nine Principles of Freedom, there is a vast difference between exerting rights and enforcing rights. Exerting rights is done through the courts. Enforcing rights is done in the field. But who will go? Patriots know that the government forces, three-letter agencies, cops, rogue elements of Antifa and BLM and, after January 6th, even those supposedly on the American side will come out against any physical presence. The military is especially being turned against the patriotic American people, a thing that must be done if the vaxx doesn't kill them, the military will have to mop up. This has been done in every planned genocide before and works well.

Oddly, right now is a great time to exert some pressure on the politicians. Look at it from their point of view, they had their Pyrrhic victory in the election, but it hasn’t translated into political power. This article demonstrates that. The Trump rallies really shake them up, thinking that all he has to do is send these fanatics against the government and it’ll all be over. They will be pushed against the wall like Ceausescu in Romania. So, with this miniscule political capital, they are trying to pass a continuing resolution and an increase in the debt ceiling that is equivalent to the Green New Deal, just as damaging and terminal for the fiscal status of America as anything that has yet been proposed. Within it are tax increases on cattle ($2,700 per head) and swine ($500 per head). That’s more than double what either would bring at auction, so what is the real purpose? To destroy the cattle and swine industry, one for AOC and the other for Ilhan Omar.

Right now, they don’t have the votes. This is why I wrote the previous post, The Big No. Sending an email to representatives and senators is something to actually do, it may have no greater effect than rattling their cages, but what’s wrong with that? The purpose is to make the Democrats own it, keeping all of the Republicans out of it. A weak president with barely a majority in the House and Senate is not the time to be pushing “big idea” legislation and anything that can forestall the implementation of the Green New Deal is worth a phone call or an email.

Right now, this is a war of information. Most of the country doesn’t see that the vaxx is killing people, harming men between the ages of 18 and 28 (military age) more than any other group. The patriotic military is being decimated just as China is ramping up hostility toward Taiwan. Australia is in full-blown Nazi territory. Average American citizens are being labeled domestic terrorists at the same time they pass the NDAA bill that inserts red flag laws to take their personal weapons. All of it is being initiated by an illegal and treasonous government all the way up to the highest military leadership. This is a balloon being filled to its capacity, threatening to burst. Only history will tell if the American people are being wise and calculatingly efficient, removing any doubt as to their justifications or if they are being betrayed by their own fear.

What is known, is that every metric one might look for as justification for the restoration of the legal and proper republic is present.


Veteran Member
Let us see what things look like next May after the truth is out in the open and we have 50 million vaccinated dead.