CRIME England: UPDATE: 3 dead, 9 injured; stabbed in daycare center, knifeman detained (OP July 2024)


I give up.
More psycho:


Armed police have detained a man after eight people - including children - are being treated for stab injuries following a "critical police incident" near Liverpool.

Emergency services were called to the incident at a property on Hart Street, Southport at about 11.50am on Monday.

Merseyside Police said it has declared a "critical police incident" after it received reports of a stabbing.

One witnesses described it as a "scene in a horror movie" with mothers coming down and "screaming".

The force went on: "There are a number of reported casualties and more details will be confirmed when possible.

"Armed police have detained a male and seized a knife. He has been taken to a police station.

"Please avoid the area while we deal with this incident. There is no wider threat to the public."


North West Ambulance Service (NWAS) said its paramedics were responding to reports of "multiple stabbings" in Southport.

An NWAS statement on social media said: "North West Ambulance Service (NWAS) is responding to a major incident following a call at 11:48am to Hart Street in Southport following reports of multiple stabbings.

"We have dispatched 13 ambulances along with specialised resources of our Hazardous Area Response Team (HART), Air Ambulance and Merit Doctors to the scene.

"So far, NWAS has treated eight patients with stab injuries who have been taken to Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, Aintree University Hospital and Southport and Formby hospital."

'Scene in a horror movie'​

A local business owner, who was one of the people who called the police, said the incident in Southport was like a "scene in a horror movie."

Colin Parry, owner of Masters Vehicle Body Repairs on Hart Street, said he believed six or seven "young girls" had been stabbed.

He told the PA news agency: "The mothers are coming here now and screaming.

"It is like a scene from a horror movie."

"Police have got him," he added.

"It's like something from America, not like sunny Southport."

A worker at Bridge Cafe on Hart Street said she had been informed that there were children injured but was unable to offer any further details

Jack Mitchell, who works on Hart Street in Southport, told LBC he believed the building where the attack took place was a daycare centre.

"It's just a few houses up the road, I think it is a daycare but it's just on a residential street," he said.

The local told LBC his colleague had seen "kids being carried out of one of the houses."

Locals have been urged to stay away from the town centre.

Police are asking people not to speculate and that they will release more details as soon as they can.


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jed turtle

a brother in the Lord
Anybody willing to GTR?

is this yet ANOTHER failure of the great “harmonization“ of the races and intractable foreign “religions and cultures” FORCED upon the subjects of a once “ great “ nation? Sure looks like it.


Veteran Member
If it turns out that the attacker is Muslim all hell could break loose in England. They have been on the brink and this might push them over the edge.

The turnout at Tommy Robinson’s rally in London yesterday was huge & diverse. That should be a warning sign to TBTB.

There was an incident at Manchester airport recently involving the police and a group of Muslims. Several police officers ended up needing medical attention, one with a broken nose. One officer was suspended for kicking one of the perps in the head. The CCTV footage was released after the suspension and many are now calling for him to be reinstated.

RT 0:29
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I give up.
Seeing multiple tweets that it was a deranged white dude, although he could be a muzzie convert.... Hmmm..............



1 girl killed, 7 others injured in mass stabbing at Taylor Swift-themed kids’ dance event in Southport, UK: ‘Scene from a horror movie’​

Published July 29, 2024, 10:30 a.m. ET


At least 25 children were taking part in the event when the attack unfolded, the Daily Mail said.

Witnesses said the suspect wore a “black hood” when he entered the Hart Space, where the yoga and dance event took place, the Mail reported.



F-4 Phantoms Phorever
How awful!!

But his comment about America says volumes, too. :(
It speaks volume about how their media portrays the US. If your view of America is seeing all the crime shows as entertainment, then the news only talks about violence in US cities and US military action, the idea that America is a place of continual violence is going to take hold.

The UK gets a lot of their view of the US from US AFRTS (Armed Forces Radio Television Service) broadcasting at the many US bases in-country. The same for Germany and Italy. The locals watch and get the idea that the trash being broadcast as "a taste of home" for US troops and their families reflects real life in America.

When I was in the Philippines the popular TV show on AFRTS was "Married With Children" and I cringed at the idea that the locals took it as a real-life view of America. It's even worse today.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
When I lived in England, going to school, my classmates thought that all of the US was dangerous because of the detective shows which were very popular at the time. My Dad worked on a base where the Wives Club was very active in the community, to improve relations between the Americans and the locals. The Wives Club sent two or three ladies to give a presentation on life in America. They did a great job showing that we are more alike than different, and the difference between Hollywood and reality.

This all started because in an all student assembly, one of the things mentioned by a student presentation was that we spent more on fertilizer in our cemeteries then they used in all of England. Scale of country never came up. I don't think the student was doing it from malice, but more from ignorance. To them, a 40 mile trip is a long way. I had had enough of the US bashing, told my parents, and things got rolling. The Wives Club presentation was well received. Personally, I was well accepted in the school, and still write to friends I made decades ago.

I did have problems with some of the younger local kids, who started to throw rocks two days in a row while I traversed a steep trail on the way to school. When I arrived at school with a bit of mud on my uniform after falling when a small stone hit me, the Bobbies got involved. They staked out my path, and were able to identify the kids who were throwing rocks. A few days later a couple Bobbies came to our house in the evening, and assured me and my parents that the kids were interviewed, and would no longer be bothering me and were to apologize. After that talk, things were good again.

So yeah, I also cringe at what the world thinks of us because of what they see of TV, and because of those who either because of ignorance or malice, spread information which makes us look bad.


I give up.
When I lived in England, going to school, my classmates thought that all of the US was dangerous because of the detective shows which were very popular at the time. My Dad worked on a base where the Wives Club was very active in the community, to improve relations between the Americans and the locals. The Wives Club sent two or three ladies to give a presentation on life in America. They did a great job showing that we are more alike than different, and the difference between Hollywood and reality.

This all started because in an all student assembly, one of the things mentioned by a student presentation was that we spent more on fertilizer in our cemeteries then they used in all of England. Scale of country never came up. I don't think the student was doing it from malice, but more from ignorance. To them, a 40 mile trip is a long way. I had had enough of the US bashing, told my parents, and things got rolling. The Wives Club presentation was well received. Personally, I was well accepted in the school, and still write to friends I made decades ago.

I did have problems with some of the younger local kids, who started to throw rocks two days in a row while I traversed a steep trail on the way to school. When I arrived at school with a bit of mud on my uniform after falling when a small stone hit me, the Bobbies got involved. They staked out my path, and were able to identify the kids who were throwing rocks. A few days later a couple Bobbies came to our house in the evening, and assured me and my parents that the kids were interviewed, and would no longer be bothering me and were to apologize. After that talk, things were good again.

So yeah, I also cringe at what the world thinks of us because of what they see of TV, and because of those who either because of ignorance or malice, spread information which makes us look bad.

While we do export a lot of *entertainment" trash, and I can see where they get their wrong ideas about all of us from, I still think most of them are really blind about the muzzies. And I know there's a shit ton of them here too. It's all horrifying. Even Melodi, our ex-pat in Ireland, thinks muzzie women and kids are OK.



Veteran Member
How long is it going to take before the Brit's wake up and DEPORT ALL MUSLIMS and BAN ISLAM!! Islam is not a religion.....IT'S A CULT!! And EVIL CULT!!
When will the WOKE in both Britain and the US finally get it?
I read a story once about someone on a horse with a robe dipped in blood and a sword in his mouth, maybe I watched too much Black Sails or read too much Mencken. Any how, I think that is what it will take for WOKE to finally wake up……. :kaid:


Saved, to glorify God.
Put him to death within the year. Crazy or not send him to his maker to deal with. There is no doubt of his guilt
Try him and execute him. ASAP.

There is no sense in coddling murderers and
merely confining them for the rest of their life.
in a life of ease, no worries, no bills , free health care, free food, warmth, clothes and shelter, entertainment and sports and no punishment. Nobody even says "SHAME ON YOU!."

Prisons should be for short stays, & career criminals and career theives of every stripe and kind, as well as fentanol dealers should be put to death.
We cannot defend civilization with these people
repeatedly released into our communities or
house them for the rest of their life. For thousands of years, that is NOT how civilization worked.

There are too many vicious criminals now since the consequences now
of evil doing are better than the life they make for themself when free.
We can't build prisons on every empty lot for the
all the crazy or criminal savages we now see among us.
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The Mountain

Here since the beginning
While we do export a lot of *entertainment" trash, and I can see where they get their wrong ideas about all of us from, I still think most of them are really blind about the muzzies. And I know there's a shit ton of them here too. It's all horrifying. Even Melodi, our ex-pat in Ireland, thinks muzzie women and kids are OK.


The "women and children" thing is a tough hurdle to get over, as is the "nice muslim guy" one e.g. the kindly professor or neighborhood grocer. This one requires some willingness to be proactive. You have to engage one of those people who seem "so nice" in conversation, turn that conversation to the subject of Islam, and then ask them "if/when the 12th Imam appears, and orders all Muslims to rise up and kill the infidels, what will you do?". IIRC, someone did just this a few years ago with an otherwise-friendly academic at a university, and the answer was an unequivocal "I will obey, of course". That is often the eye-opener it takes to get someone over the "they're so nice, they would never do something like that" hurdle.


Retired, practising Curmudgeon
Anybody willing to GTR?

is this yet ANOTHER failure of the great “harmonization“ of the races and intractable foreign “religions and cultures” FORCED upon the subjects of a once “ great “ nation? Sure looks like it.
More likely recent emigre of Muslim heritage which can cover a lot of ethnicities. I've seen many Muslims involved in many attacks on females refer to women/girls as evil and "needing to be watched/punished for their evil"
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Has No Life - Lives on TB
Same things happen in the prison here. Child molesters and the like don’t last long in general population. They usually have to be put in solitary for their own safety which tends to drive them even more nuts.

Used to anonymously write prisoners. Interesting that the three I was assigned were all sexual predators and were in a separate wing of the prison.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
English arrogance never ceases to amaze me, they're one step above the french but in their feeble minds they've conquered the world, all while importing their non-English replacements.

I can respond accordingly because I have "quite a bit of English blood" in me. Mom liked to remind me of that "fact" when I would diss them.

I would respond that I had more Irish and Scot-Irish in me. :p