Ecologist wants to use Ebola virus to kill billions and save world


FBI Interested in Texas “Doomsday” Ecologist who said Ebola the Solution to Human Overpopulation
Students being influenced and agree with him and some might eventually act on his suggestions

AUSTIN, April 6, 2006 ( – Ebola, a form of hemorrhagic fever in which the internal organs of the victim liquefy, has one of the highest rates of fatality of any known contagious disease at approximately 80-90% and is one of the most contagious diseases known to medical science. It is also high on the list of possible bio-terror weapons of concern to international law enforcement and military security agencies. Tom Clancy’s thriller novel, Rainbow Six describes a group of radical environmentalists that wants to rid the world of people using a modified version of Ebola.

All of which is why the FBI is interested in talking to Texas ecologist and herpetologist, Dr. Eric R. Pianka, who suggested at a meeting of the Texas Academy of Sciences that an airborne version of Ebola that would wipe out 90% of the human population was the solution to the human “overpopulation problem.”

This week, Pianka has been in the Texas media saying that he was not advocating bio-terrorism, but also told the Austin Statesman that he is meeting with local FBI officials in response to complaints that he is advocating biological terrorism.

“Someone has reported me as a terrorist,” he said. “They think I'm forming a cadre of people to release the airborne Ebola virus into the air. That I'm the leader and my students are the followers.”

On the day he was named by the Academy as 2006 Distinguished Texas Scientist, Pianka declared that AIDS was not killing off the surplus human population fast enough. What is needed, he said, is Ebola to kill 5.8 billion of the world’s 6 billion plus humans. The speech received a prolonged standing ovation at the Academy’s annual meeting at Lamar University in Beaumont.

The Seguin Gazette quotes Pianka saying, “Every one of you who gets to survive has to bury nine.”

“[Disease] will control the scourge of humanity,” Pianka said in his March 3 speech. “We're looking forward to a huge collapse.” He said, “We've grown fat, apathetic and miserable,” and described the world as a “fat, human biomass.”

The syllabus for one of Pianka’s courses reads, “Although [Ebola Zaire] Kills 9 out of 10 people, outbreaks have so far been unable to become epidemics because they are currently spread only by direct physical contact with infected blood…Ebola Reston, is airborne, and it is only a matter of time until Ebola Zaire evolves the capacity to be airborne.”

The speech was first reported by popular science and computer writer, Forrest Mims III on the website of the Citizen Scientist. Mims said he was concerned that in this age of international security tensions, “fertile young minds,” might take Pianka’s assertions as suggestions.

One class evaluation for one of Pianka’s courses shows the enthusiasm with which his ideas are received by ‘fertile young minds. Two quoted by the Seguin Gazette read, “the most incredible class I ever had” and “Pianka is a GOD!”

After the talk, student blogger, Brenna McConnell, who attended the Academy talk wrote, “He’s basically advocating for the death for all but 10 percent of the current population. And at the risk of sounding just as radical, I think he’s right.”

To the possibility that someone would actually go with the idea, Pianka said, “Good terrorists would be taking [Ebola Reston and Ebola Zaire] so that they had microbes they could let loose on the Earth that would kill 90 percent of people.”

Read previous coverage:
Texas “Doomsday Ecologist” Calls for 90% of Humans to be Wiped out with Ebola Virus

Read a transcript of Pianka’s March 3 talk:


Membership Revoked
leftist rationale

Ebola. Such a nice way to go too.

I'm sure we'd all like to see our family die that way, bleeding out from every orifice of their bodies.

These wacky Left-wingers have such quaint notions. :kk2:


Veteran Member
Perhaps this "scientist" would like to volunteer himself and his family to be the first to die in this way. And, his graduate students might also like to do so.

Unfortunately, people with these sorts of ideas always mean that somebody else should be the ones to die, usually you and me.


If he is a very brave soul then ask him to take the first dose.

Two Weeks later we will revise the plan.

It it not nice to fool (around) with Mother Nature.

She will solve the Human population problem one way or the other without our pitiful help.

It is only a measure of our true intelligence if we come out the better for it or the worse.

There is no reason for a mass Human die off.

We have the means to stabilize our population and provide for ourselves over the next 50 years, we don't have the political will and the social conscience to do so.

And there is plenty of room for us in the immediate Solar System in the second half of this century.

Unfortunately more than likely whoever gets the upper hand in the next 20 years will make the decision and eliminate most of the others.


Senior Member

Total whack jobs, the whole lot of them.

Maybe we should come up with a "constrained" version of the virus, that only kills off far left whacko College Profs.

Now THERE's an idea!

The thing that should scare all of us silly is that one of his impressionable, young students might just get the very, VERY bad idea to try letting something like this out of the bottle.

May God help us all. The world is spinning faster and faster toward oblivion.

It won't be long now, IMHO, until we all go "splat" one way or the other. (Too may ways to go "splat" to choose from today - Iran, Illegal Immigrants, Whack Job College Profs advocating killing off 90% of the population..Al Qaeda..Russia..China..N. Korea..take your pick!)
"...This week, Pianka has been ... saying that he was not advocating bio-terrorism, ... in response to complaints that he is advocating biological terrorism..."

Naaah, advocating the horrific death of 90% of humanity couldn't possibly be interpreted as any form of terrorism. Surely the 'Good' Doc has simply been 'misunderstood'.

The sad thing is that one of his disciple-students might actually take up the Doc's cause and try this...

Barry Natchitoches

Has No Life - Lives on TB
An ebola epidemic is not necessary to kill off large segments of the population.

Government policies, for example, the insanely inefficient Medicare Part D program, the goverment's lack of supervision of HMOs and private medical insurance companies, .gov's recent law that allows the development and testing of new vaccines without any legal recourse for persons given the vaccine who suffer great harm because of them, the way that people who never work and illegal immigrants are given free health care (Medicaid) while people who work hard and long hours are denied medical coverage; and I could go on....

These policies themselves will end up killing off large segments of our population, at least in this country.


Pianka's not instigating anything. He's a brilliant lecturer who recognizes the world is out of balance. The world is finite. Humanity is developing past the ability of the world's eco-systems to carry us. We are far beyond anything Malthus anticipated. Half the world's species are threatened with short term extinction because of human excesses. All organisms that exceed the capacity of their ecological niche eventually face a need for population adjustment. We haven't been intelligent enough to mitigate our population pressure on the world and, as a result, we are facing a major population collapse. We've nearly depleted our energy resources and are now racing toward disaster. Disease is the most likely way the excess human population will be eliminated. Pianka is one of the pre-eminent biologists in the country. He should be praised for being willing to expose himself to the criticism of the ignorant. He's discussing reality.


TB Fanatic
feckful said:
Pianka's not instigating anything. He's a brilliant lecturer who recognizes the world is out of balance. The world is finite. Humanity is developing past the ability of the world's eco-systems to carry us. We are far beyond anything Malthus anticipated. Half the world's species are threatened with short term extinction because of human excesses. All organisms that exceed the capacity of their ecological niche eventually face a need for population adjustment. We haven't been intelligent enough to mitigate our population pressure on the world and, as a result, we are facing a major population collapse. We've nearly depleted our energy resources and are now racing toward disaster. Disease is the most likely way the excess human population will be eliminated. Pianka is one of the pre-eminent biologists in the country. He should be praised for being willing to expose himself to the criticism of the ignorant. He's discussing reality.

Are you supporting him in also recommending that ebola be used to reduce the "load" on the planet's ecosystems? or are you just in agreement with his accessment of the situation?

If you support his using ebola I suggest you show some leadership & commitment by starting off with you and your family.