CORONA Dr. Gottlieb (Pfizer) - Cloth Masks Do Not Work Against Corona Virus


Contributing Member
This isn't the first time I've heard him say cloth masks don't work. This is from today (20220102).

"Cloth masks are not going to provide a lot of protection. That's the bottom line. This is an airborne illness we now understand that and a cloth mask is not going to protect you from a virus that spreads through airborne transmission. It could protect better through droplet transmission, something like the flu, but not something like this corona virus."

and people have been using cloth masks worldwide
and paying for them.
For many it is now "habit".
They like the colors and styles and fabrics - to be fashionable and
They really don't like the blue paper crap.
Lately people do not wear any AT ALL.

again where are the stacks of bodies and people dropping over?

NOW about the consequences of the vaccines and people dropping from that. .. .


In the crazy robot man reservation
This is leading up to them requiring medical grade (and approved) masking. No medical mask, stay home.


Veteran Member
Note the pivot - from "Cloth Masks" to the N95 Mask.
But as he points out Masks are not effective - yet the move to the N95 is somehow justified?


Contributing Member
I've heard him allude to it before, but this is the first I've heard him say out right "is not going to protect you".


Let's Go Brandon!
and people have been using cloth masks worldwide
and paying for them.
For many it is now "habit".
They like the colors and styles and fabrics - to be fashionable and
They really don't like the blue paper crap.
Lately people do not wear any AT ALL.

again where are the stacks of bodies and people dropping over?

NOW about the consequences of the vaccines and people dropping from that. .. .

I've been seeing more people wearing them, myself. I think they're getting spooked by the omicron nonevent.

db cooper

Resident Secret Squirrel
This is leading up to them requiring medical grade (and approved) masking.
You have a very interesting thought there. Someone on the politically favored list could get a contract worth billions to start manufacturing such masks for the entire population, paid for by the fed gov. Possibilities for graft with covid are just endless.

One of the jokes regarding current masking is the pathways at the corners of the nose or people simply wearing them over their mouths. What I mean is the current masks do not conform to a person's face shape and leak. A properly fitted gas mask will require professional adjusting and instruction on how to use it. This is yet another contract.


Saved, to glorify God.
You have a very interesting thought there. Someone on the politically favored list could get a contract worth billions to start manufacturing such masks for the entire population, paid for by the fed gov. Possibilities for graft with covid are just endless.

One of the jokes regarding current masking is the pathways at the corners of the nose or people simply wearing them over their mouths. What I mean is the current masks do not conform to a person's face shape and leak. A properly fitted gas mask will require professional adjusting and instruction on how to use it. This is yet another contract.
The only problem is the Pandemic is almost OVER AND YOU SHOULD WANT TO GET
OMICRON! It is a very mild disease varient that immunizes you against Covid19 and Delta as well as other variants.

Barry Natchitoches

Has No Life - Lives on TB
Note the pivot - from "Cloth Masks" to the N95 Mask.
But as he points out Masks are not effective - yet the move to the N95 is somehow justified?
A PROPERLY SIZED AND FITTED N-95 mask is pretty effective. Not 100% but a damn sight better than going maskless.

I appreciate those of you who feel you would rather not wear a mask. If you know the risk and accept it, it is nobody’s business but your own.

But some of us choose to reduce our risk as low as we can get it.

And for us, a N-95 or KN-95 mask is appropriate.

But not a cloth mask. Those things might reduce the spread a little bit, but not enough to make wearing them worthwhile.


Senior Member
A PROPERLY SIZED AND FITTED N-95 mask is pretty effective. Not 100% but a damn sight better than going maskless.

I appreciate those of you who feel you would rather not wear a mask. If you know the risk and accept it, it is nobody’s business but your own.

But some of us choose to reduce our risk as low as we can get it.

And for us, a N-95 or KN-95 mask is appropriate.

But not a cloth mask. Those things might reduce the spread a little bit, but not enough to make wearing them worthwhile.
Unless your wearing a full self contained respirator , masks do nothing for a airborne virus. It's like throwing marbles at a chain link fence the virus goes right though.. If it stops a virus it stops air...


Unless your wearing a full self contained respirator , masks do nothing for a airborne virus. It's like throwing marbles at a chain link fence the virus goes right though.. If it stops a virus it stops air...

Cloth masks yes…not a N95 or N100 if properly worn.

Yes, the virus particulates are smaller than the filter mesh but it doesn’t end there. A N95 uses multiple layers of the mesh and the filter material is electrostatically treated to attract and hold contaminates. Of course some virus is still going to get through. The purpose of such masking is to reduce the potential innoculum being breathed in, not to eliminate them.

This level of masking is appropriate in a higher threat environment such as a health care facility with a lot of potentially sick people closely congregated. You can’t wear the same mask day in and out as when it gets wet it loses the electrostatic treatment and if not properly fitted and doffed it’s acting more as a placebo to make you feel better than actually working. But if you use a fresh mask and fit it, wear it and take it off in the right way it does provide a measure of protection by reducing potential virus loading.

db cooper

Resident Secret Squirrel
The only problem is the Pandemic is almost OVER AND YOU SHOULD WANT TO GET
OMICRON! It is a very mild disease varient that immunizes you against Covid19 and Delta as well as other variants.
Interestingly I could have had omicron. I had a med person ask me symptom questions and then checked them on the net and I could have had it as I had the symptoms, including the lesser known one of diarrhea . Never went to the doc, never reported it. Fine now, never felt better except for the usual old age achy breaky crap.

The point to be made is I fear the political/medical establishment and their needles more than I fear the disease.


Saved, to glorify God.
The "tests" for COVID19 cannot distinguish between COVID19 and DELTA and OMICRON! So when you test positive they tell you you have COVID, to scare you, but lately, its almost certain you have Omicron, especially if you have no symptoms or mild cold-like symptoms. As I understand it, You will be immune to Covid and Delta after you recover from Omicron.


TB Fanatic
Two years ago we had so many people here interested in sewing cloth masks putting in a lot of time money and energy… so they kept people busy, but were otherwise a useless task?

A lot of people here said this was not effective, yet they were ignored.

what else have we been doing that’s a waste of time & money with regard to Covid?


TB Fanatic
Oh let’s see how many times we can turn the bloody narrative. The only reason I see to wear a mask now is to possibly keep the flu away. And that would only be for certain places.


Saved, to glorify God.
N95 masks DONT stop ALL the Covid virus
they reduce the VIRAL LOAD to the point a healthy immune system (without VACCINATION) can knock it out!

A vaccinated person has an impaired immune system. To the point that, after a third vaccination shot ( the "booster") only 15% remains. If they stop at 2 vaccine shots 40% remains.