Dots on my parsley plants

Lady in Ash

Contributing Member
I eat tons of parsley, just love the stuff. Anyway, I noticed in the last couple of days that all the leaves are covered with tiny white dots. I don't see any bugs and nothing flies around when I jiggle the plants. What's going on? I ate a bunch in my salad last night and I'm still here . . . any ideas?


Veteran Member

i've got the dots too, on my flat leaf parsley. i haven't been eating it though. i hope someone knows something about this and posts a response.

do you know that you can freeze parsly? wash it off, cut off the woody stems and chop it up or leave it whole. drain and put in freezer baggies. take out what you need when cooking.

it works great for both kinds of parsley, curly leaf and flat leaf.



Veteran Member

Wish I could help. Went through alot of material on the web and found nothing useful.

I have had this happen in the past. There were green flies on other plants nearby but I am not sure this is what got my parsley. However, green fly doesn't fly up when distrubed like whiteflies do.

I used the parsley anyways and found the flavor to be a bit weak but still usefull.

Lady in Ash

Contributing Member
Thanks for the replies. The dots can't be coming from any other plant because my parsley is in a window box on the back deck and the window box is all by itself outside my kitchen door. I just noticed this morning that now my plants look "not as green" as they were. We've been getting way more rain that usual, could it be they're starting to get water-logged?

Yes, I've read that you can freeze herbs, I've never done it though. I always dry what I don't eat fresh.