RACE Dolly Parton Weighs in on Black Lives Matter: 'Do We Think Our Little White Asses Are the Only Ones That Matter? No!'

fish hook

By trying to offend no one,you may wind up offending everyone.We have to add one more to that long and growing list of those who feel compelled to say something about every thing.What ever happened to "no comment".

Pat Hogen

Contributing Member
The country star backed Hillary Clinton in 2016, telling the New York Times “Hillary might make as good a president as anybody ever has. I personally think a woman would do a great job. I think Hillary’s very qualified. So if she gets it, I’ll certainly be behind her.”

How very conditional of you!


Veteran Member
I used to Love Dolly years ago. Then I found out some truths about her.
I lost all respect for her then. This doesn't surprise me.


Veteran Member
I respect Dolly as a strong, intelligent, talented person, and savvy business-woman.
She should default to her own advice and shut her trap about politics. I don't need to know who she votes for.


In the old days at work, a common expression was "Stay in your lane."

One of the things being taught was CQB, close quarters battle, room and building clearing. At first it was done with paint pellets called Simunitions, later they moved on to live ammo. The chorography involved was literally life and death for all involved, going through a door (aka 'fatal funnel') was a dangerous point and the team dispersed quickly according to a set plan to envelop the entire room.

It was NOT a good idea to lose track of where you were supposed to be. You could get shot by your own people. Thus "stay in your lane."

If your "lane" is singing, pontificating about politics is not in your lane.


Thread Killer :-)
Dolly voted for Hillary. Wow. Not sure what to think about that.
Was that a vote of ignorance, or was that an informed choice?
Maybe that says something about the real Dolly.
What a shame - I'm not an expert on everything "Dolly", but what I knew about her, I thought I could respect. Now, well...