LEGAL Doctors Threatened with Loss of License if they “spread COVID misinformation”

Barry Natchitoches

Has No Life - Lives on TB
I am sorry but I cannot provide a link to this article with my ancient phone, but this can be found in the August 16, 2021 LA Times, and several other places on the net:

The Federation of State Medical Boards have issued a stark warning to medical professionals:

”Physicians who generate and spread COVID-19 vaccine misinformation or disinformation are risking disciplinary action by state medical boards, including the suspension or revocation of their medical license....”

”It is incumbent upon physicians to keep up with what‘s approved, what’s authorized, and what’s not.”

And just in case you have any doubt as to what message they are trying to silence with this threat, consider the accompanying article that the LA Times embedded a link to inside this one:

Column: Ivermectin, another bogus COVID treatment, becomes darling of conspiracy-mongers
I am sorry but I cannot provide a link to this article with my ancient phone, but this can be found in the August 16, 2021 LA Times, and several other places on the net:

The Federation of State Medical Boards have issued a stark warning to medical professionals:

”Physicians who generate and spread COVID-19 vaccine misinformation or disinformation are risking disciplinary action by state medical boards, including the suspension or revocation of their medical license....”

”It is incumbent upon physicians to keep up with what‘s approved, what’s authorized, and what’s not.”

And just in case you have any doubt as to what message they are trying to silence with this threat, consider the accompanying article that the LA Times embedded a link to inside this one:

Column: Ivermectin, another bogus COVID treatment, becomes darling of conspiracy-mongers
OMG!! My old Holistic doc just sent me and all his patients a long letter on how good and safe the covid shot is. It was a very long email. He said he studied on it and finds it very safe.

I just sent him. 2 good videos one on a Jewish doc saying how bad the shots are and another doctor I cant spell his name - starts with an M. Not Mercola...sounds like it though. I am pissed at my old MD. He is half holistic.

I only switched docs cuz my old one does not take Medicare. He did help mea lot though.
OMG!! My old Holistic doc just sent me and all his patients a long letter on how good and safe the covid shot is. It was a very long email. He said he studied on it and finds it very safe.

I just sent him. 2 good videos one on a Jewish doc saying how bad the shots are and another doctor I cant spell his name - starts with an M. Not Mercola...sounds like it though. I am pissed at my old MD. He is half holistic.

I only switched docs cuz my old one does not take Medicare. He did help mea lot though.
My old doc is Jewish so maybe he will listen to the Jewish doc.

Heliobas Disciple

TB Fanatic
Article posted here:



Veteran Member
I am sorry but I cannot provide a link to this article with my ancient phone, but this can be found in the August 16, 2021 LA Times, and several other places on the net:

The Federation of State Medical Boards have issued a stark warning to medical professionals:

”Physicians who generate and spread COVID-19 vaccine misinformation or disinformation are risking disciplinary action by state medical boards, including the suspension or revocation of their medical license....”

”It is incumbent upon physicians to keep up with what‘s approved, what’s authorized, and what’s not.”

And just in case you have any doubt as to what message they are trying to silence with this threat, consider the accompanying article that the LA Times embedded a link to inside this one:

Column: Ivermectin, another bogus COVID treatment, becomes darling of conspiracy-mongers
Everyone knows Californication is not a free state. Nothing unexpected here.


Veteran Member
Over the years there has been many documentaries on tv regarding the early years of Nazi Germany and what’s going on today in this country is a repeat performance.

Many years ago, I knew a Jewish doctor who escaped from Nazi Germany. Many parallels to now, as has been noted. I asked him what his colleagues, who participated in evil, actively or passively, were like. He said that they were ordinary people.


Since 2001
I think we're OK.

The misinformation is the official narrative. Doctors are now under orders to not spread nor propagate the official narrative.

We're good now.


Since 2001
Misinformation according to who? The "facts" seem to change every week according to the "experts" and the CDC.
Not so hard to figure out. The CDC, WHO, stated health officials, provincial health officials, local hospitals, most doctors, vaccination clinics, newspapers....are giving the official narrative. Yes, it changes often.

Seek other sources of information for truth. Vast number of articles and postings on this forum will help.


Veteran Member
I am sorry but I cannot provide a link to this article with my ancient phone, but this can be found in the August 16, 2021 LA Times, and several other places on the net:

The Federation of State Medical Boards have issued a stark warning to medical professionals:

”Physicians who generate and spread COVID-19 vaccine misinformation or disinformation are risking disciplinary action by state medical boards, including the suspension or revocation of their medical license....”

”It is incumbent upon physicians to keep up with what‘s approved, what’s authorized, and what’s not.”

And just in case you have any doubt as to what message they are trying to silence with this threat, consider the accompanying article that the LA Times embedded a link to inside this one:

Column: Ivermectin, another bogus COVID treatment, becomes darling of conspiracy-mongers
Who are the Federal of State Medical Boards, think who they are.
Only, Almighty GOD has that right.


Senior Member
WOW, This is just the latest in a LONG series of threats against any physician who does not adhere to the demanded narrative. I was threatened first when I started doing presentations on COVID in churches and community groups in early February 2020. My information came directly from USAMRIID, the WHO daily briefs, and more than a decade of personal experience with gubermint Disaster Management concerning pandemic disease outbreaks. It got worse when I started writing scripts for HCQ and Ivermectin. I was told by my gubermint contractor boss I had been put on a list of "bad doctors". Yes, the next logical move is to revoke my license, and/or my DEA certificate.

It all makes complete sense to me. Stop a physician from practicing medicine based on REAL studies, with REAL, verifiable numbers, showing REAL positive results because it does not support Big Pharma's narrative. Then, when the vaxxed healthcare workers show even more progressive problems causing debility and death, no one will be left to handle the sick. Thus population reduction is achieved.


TB Fanatic
WOW, This is just the latest in a LONG series of threats against any physician who does not adhere to the demanded narrative. I was threatened first when I started doing presentations on COVID in churches and community groups in early February 2020. My information came directly from USAMRIID, the WHO daily briefs, and more than a decade of personal experience with gubermint Disaster Management concerning pandemic disease outbreaks. It got worse when I started writing scripts for HCQ and Ivermectin. I was told by my gubermint contractor boss I had been put on a list of "bad doctors". Yes, the next logical move is to revoke my license, and/or my DEA certificate.

It all makes complete sense to me. Stop a physician from practicing medicine based on REAL studies, with REAL, verifiable numbers, showing REAL positive results because it does not support Big Pharma's narrative. Then, when the vaxxed healthcare workers show even more progressive problems causing debility and death, no one will be left to handle the sick. Thus population reduction is achieved.

How they got to this point took a lot of planing a few years in advance. Like I have been saying the only way this is going to be stopped is a large number of people are charged with crimes against humanity and going after them for the vaccines that we all know do nothing but make you sick or disable or kill you and they are very well aware of this.