CORONA Doc who helped beat smallpox says what's coming


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The doctor who helped defeat smallpox explains what’s coming
We can beat the novel coronavirus—but first, we need lots more testing.

Producer Larry Brilliant speaks onstage at the HBO Documentary Open Your Eyes Special Screening At The Rubin Museum at Rubin Museum of Art on July 13, 2016 in New York City.

Enlarge / Producer Larry Brilliant speaks onstage at the HBO Documentary "Open Your Eyes" Special Screening At The Rubin Museum at Rubin Museum of Art on July 13, 2016 in New York City.

"Larry Brilliant says he doesn’t have a crystal ball. But 14 years ago, Brilliant, the epidemiologist who helped eradicate smallpox, spoke to a TED audience and described what the next pandemic would look like. At the time, it sounded almost too horrible to take seriously. “A billion people would get sick," he said. “As many as 165 million people would die. There would be a global recession and depression, and the cost to our economy of $1 to $3 trillion would be far worse for everyone than merely 100 million people dying, because so many more people would lose their jobs and their health care benefits, that the consequences are almost unthinkable.”

Now the unthinkable is here, and Brilliant, the Chairman of the board of Ending Pandemics, is sharing expertise with those on the front lines. We are a long way from 100 million deaths due to the novel coronavirus, but it has turned our world upside down. Brilliant is trying not to say “I told you so” too often. But he did tell us so, not only in talks and writings, but as the senior technical advisor for the pandemic horror film Contagion, now a top streaming selection for the homebound. Besides working with the World Health Organization in the effort to end smallpox, Brilliant, who is now 75, has fought flu, polio, and blindness; once led Google’s nonprofit wing,; co-founded the conferencing system the Well; and has traveled with the Grateful Dead.

We talked by phone on Tuesday. At the time, President Donald Trump’s response to the crisis had started to change from “no worries at all” to finally taking more significant steps to stem the pandemic. Brilliant lives in one of the six Bay Area counties where residents were ordered to shelter in place. When we began the conversation, he’d just gotten off the phone with someone he described as high government official, who asked Brilliant “How the **** did we get here?” I wanted to hear how we’ll get out of here. The conversation has been edited and condensed.

Steven Levy: I was in the room in 2006 when you gave that TED talk. Your wish was “Help Me Stop Pandemics.” You didn't get your wish, did you?

Larry Brilliant
: No, I didn't get that wish at all, although the systems that I asked for have certainly been created and are being used. It's very funny because we did a movie, Contagion—

We're all watching that movie now.

People say Contagion is prescient. We just saw the science. The whole epidemiological community has been warning everybody for the past 10 or 15 years that it wasn't a question of whether we were going to have a pandemic like this. It was simply when. It's really hard to get people to listen. I mean, Trump pushed out the admiral on the National Security Council, who was the only person at that level who's responsible for pandemic defense. With him went his entire downline of employees and staff and relationships. And then Trump removed the [early warning] funding for countries around the world.

I've heard you talk about the significance that this is a “novel” virus.

It doesn't mean a fictitious virus. It’s not like a novel or a novella.

Too bad.

It means it's new. That there is no human being in the world that has immunity as a result of having had it before. That means it’s capable of infecting 7.8 billion of our brothers and sisters.

Since it's novel, we’re still learning about it. Do you believe that if someone gets it and recovers, that person thereafter has immunity?

So I don't see anything in this virus, even though it's novel, [that contradicts that]. There are cases where people think that they've gotten it again, [but] that's more likely to be a test failure than it is an actual reinfection. But there's going to be tens of millions of us or hundreds of millions of us or more who will get this virus before it's all over, and with large numbers like that, almost anything where you ask “Does this happen?” can happen. That doesn't mean that it is of public health or epidemiological importance.

Is this the worst outbreak you’ve ever seen?

It's the most dangerous pandemic in our lifetime.

We are being asked to do things, certainly, that never happened in my lifetime—stay in the house, stay six feet away from other people, don’t go to group gatherings. Are we getting the right advice?

Well, as you reach me, I'm pretending that I'm in a meditation retreat, but I'm actually being semi-quarantined in Marin County. Yes, this is very good advice. But did we get good advice from the president of the United States for the first 12 weeks? No. All we got were lies. Saying it’s fake, by saying this is a Democratic hoax. There are still people today who believe that, to their detriment. Speaking as a public health person, this is the most irresponsible act of an elected official that I've ever witnessed in my lifetime. But what you're hearing now [to self-isolate, close schools, cancel events] is right. Is it going to protect us completely? Is it going to make the world safe forever? No. It's a great thing because we want to spread out the disease over time.

Flatten the curve.

By slowing it down or flattening it, we're not going to decrease the total number of cases, we're going to postpone many cases, until we get a vaccine—which we will, because there's nothing in the virology that makes me frightened that we won’t get a vaccine in 12 to 18 months. Eventually, we will get to the epidemiologist gold ring.

What’s that?

That means, A, a large enough quantity of us have caught the disease and become immune. And B, we have a vaccine. The combination of A plus B is enough to create herd immunity, which is around 70 or 80 percent.
I hold out hope that we get an antiviral for Covid-19 that is curative, but in addition is prophylactic. It's certainly unproven and it's certainly controversial, and certainly a lot of people are not going to agree with me. But I offer as evidence two papers in 2005, one in Nature and one in Science. They both did mathematical modeling with influenza, to see whether saturation with just Tamiflu of an area around a case of influenza could stop the outbreak. And in both cases, it worked. I also offer as evidence the fact that at one point we thought HIV/AIDS was incurable and a death sentence. Then, some wonderful scientists discovered antiviral drugs, and we've learned that some of those drugs can be given prior to exposure and prevent the disease. Because of the intense interest in getting [Covid-19] conquered, we will put the scientific clout and money and resources behind finding antivirals that have prophylactic or preventive characteristics that can be used in addition to [vaccines].

When will we be able to leave the house and go back to work?

I have a very good retrospect-oscope, but what's needed right now as a prospecto-scope. If this were a tennis match, I would say advantage virus right now. But there's really good news from South Korea—they had less than 100 cases today. China had more cases imported than it had from continuous transmission from Wuhan today. The Chinese model will be very hard for us to follow. We're not going to be locking people up in their apartments, boarding them up. But the South Korea model is one that we could follow. Unfortunately, it requires doing the proportionate number of tests that they did—they did well over a quarter of a million tests. In fact, by the time South Korea had done 200,000 tests, we had probably done less than 1,000.

Now that we've missed the opportunity for early testing, is it too late for testing to make a difference?

Absolutely not. Tests would make a measurable difference. We should be doing a stochastic process random probability sample of the country to find out where the hell the virus really is. Because we don't know. Maybe Mississippi is reporting no cases because it's not looking. How would they know? Zimbabwe reports zero cases because they don't have testing capability, not because they don't have the virus. We need something that looks like a home pregnancy test, that you can do at home.

If you were the president for one day, what would you say in the daily briefing?

I would begin the press conference by saying "Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you to Ron Klain—he was the Ebola czar [under President Barack Obama], and now I’ve called him back and made him COVID czar. Everything will be centralized under one person who has the respect of both the public health community and the political community." We're a divided country right now. Right now, Tony Fauci [head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases] is the closest that we come to that.

Are you scared?

I'm in the age group that has a one in seven mortality rate if I get it. If you're not worried, you're not paying attention. But I'm not scared. I firmly believe that the steps that we're taking will extend the time that it takes for the virus to make the rounds. I think that, in turn, will increase the likelihood that we will have a vaccine or we will have a prophylactic antiviral in time to cut off, reduce, or truncate the spread. Everybody needs to remember: This is not a zombie apocalypse. It's not a mass extinction event.

Should we be wearing masks?

The N95 mask itself is extremely wonderful. The pores in the mask are three microns wide. The virus is one micron wide. So you get people who say, well, it's not going to work. But you try having three big, huge football players who are rushing for lunch through a door at lunchtime—they're not going to get through. In the latest data I saw, the mask provided 5x protection. That's really good. But we have to keep the hospitals going and we have to keep the health professionals able to come to work and be safe. So masks should go where they’re needed the most: in taking care of patients.

How will we know when we’re through this?

The world is not going to begin to look normal until three things have happened. One, we figure out whether the distribution of this virus looks like an iceberg, which is one-seventh above the water, or a pyramid, where we see everything. If we're only seeing right now one-seventh of the actual disease because we're not testing enough, and we're just blind to it, then we're in a world of hurt. Two, we have a treatment that works, a vaccine or antiviral. And three, maybe most important, we begin to see large numbers of people—in particular nurses, home health care providers, doctors, policemen, firemen, and teachers who have had the disease—are immune, and we have tested them to know that they are not infectious any longer. And we have a system that identifies them, either a concert wristband or a card with their photograph and some kind of a stamp on it. Then we can be comfortable sending our children back to school, because we know the teacher is not infectious.

And instead of saying "No, you can't visit anybody in nursing home," we have a group of people who are certified that they work with elderly and vulnerable people, and nurses who can go back into the hospitals and dentists who can open your mouth and look in your mouth and not be giving you the virus. When those three things happen, that's when normalcy will return.

Is there in any way a brighter side to this?

Well, I'm a scientist, but I'm also a person of faith. And I can't ever look at something without asking the question of isn't there a higher power that in some way will help us to be the best version of ourselves that we could be? I thought we would see the equivalent of empty streets in the civic arena, but the amount of civic engagement is greater than I've ever seen. But I'm seeing young kids, millennials, who are volunteering to go take groceries to people who are homebound, elderly. I'm seeing an incredible influx of nurses, heroic nurses, who are coming and working many more hours than they worked before, doctors who fearlessly go into the hospital to work. I've never seen the kind of volunteerism I'm seeing.

I don't want to pretend that this is an exercise worth going through in order to get to that state. This is a really unprecedented and difficult time that will test us. When we do get through it, maybe like the Second World War, it will cause us to reexamine what has caused the fractional division we have in this country. The virus is an equal opportunity infector. And it’s probably the way we would be better if we saw ourselves that way, which is much more alike than different."

This story originally appeared on


Saved, to glorify God.
There is ANOTHER WAY.. If we TREAT THE SYMPTOMS BETTER, we can prevent patients from deteriorating to needing the VENTILATORS.
I have read that autopsies on dead patients reveal that all the patients who were autopsied had lungs ENTIRELY FILLED WITH THICK STICKY MUCOUS! Now I don't care how many ventilators or miracle medicines you happen to find that seem to treat the virus, IF YOU ARE NOT TREATING THE MUCOUS PROBLEM, you are not going to reduce the deaths.

When the SOLUTION for fixing the thick sticky mucous is as PLENTIFUL AND CHEAP AND EASY as giving the patients the ENZYME BROMELAIN ( Do not take Bromelain if you are allergic to pineapple.) which can be cheaply purchased in capsule form OR administered in the form of FRESH PINEAPPLE JUICE. Bromelain DISSOLVES the PROTEIN MUCIN which a person's body MAKES to thicken mucous enough for mucous to carry whatever needs to be coughed out of the lungs. BUT, either too much mucin, or general dehydration or something else can make the mucous SO THICK AND SO STICKY that it cannot BE coughed out of the lungs at all.
ASK ME. I had it happen to ME. Had my family not had a head nurse in it, who told me to immediately get pineapple juice, I think I would have DIED my lungs would have gone on to be completely be filled with mucous STUCK to them.

I WOULD just like to be reassured that either Mucinex and OR Bromelain capsules, or fresh pineapple juice is being given to these CORVID19 PATIENTS. If not, they may be NEEDLESSLY DYING!
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Contributing Member
I just ordered the ENZYME BROMELAIN as an "act of faith" b/c I've never heard of it before. It joins Elderberry Extract, Guiffenesen, and some other items in my "if I get Corona" box.

night driver

ESFP adrift in INTJ sea
His science is pretty damned accurate.

I question his expectation of a vax for this for the same reason we have yet to come up with a vax for the ALWAYS mutating common cold.

"We'll see what happens."

Though, Klain was not QUITE the rockstar he claims.


Faithful Steed
I would begin the press conference by saying "Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you to Ron Klain—he was the Ebola czar [under President Barack Obama], and now I’ve called him back and made him COVID czar.
The person who most likely "cancelled" re-stock of N95 facemasks and testing modus development, in favor of "medicine" for po humans.

Shows Mr. Brilliant's political lean right there.

As we have both Fauci and Birtz who are "hold-overs" from the Obama Administration, I think that's enough.

Neither has endeared themselves to the President -but that is their job - to be the tough call and the expertise.



Has No Life - Lives on TB
A word of caution you can't take bromelain if you are on blood thinners, but if the flu is going to kill you anyway stop the blood thinners.


Saved, to glorify God.
Ainit, would canned pineapple juice do the trick, or does it have to be squeezed from an actual pineapple?
ALTHOUGH all the internet references say that Bromelain is destroyed by the heat of canning, it must not have taken much of it to SAVE MY LIFE. All I could get was canned pineapple juice and there was enough Bromelain in it to SAVE MY LIFE and immediately start breaking up the mucous, so either it doesnt take much or there is more bromelain surviving the canning process than they realize. I was so happy when it started working I was ready to CRY. I had made my peace with God to accept anything that was going to happen and I was pretty sure he was going to call me home because breathing became more difficult till I got the canned pineapple juice.
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Saved, to glorify God.
A word of caution you can't take bromelain if you are on blood thinners, but if the flu is going to kill you anyway stop the blood thinners.
Well, I was on blood thinners (actually PLAVIX(CLOPEDOGREL) and I got it in the canned pineapple juice, maybe not as much as in a CAPSULE, or in fresh pineapple or fresh pineapple juice, but enough to save me.


Saved, to glorify God.
I just ordered the ENZYME BROMELAIN as an "act of faith" b/c I've never heard of it before. It joins Elderberry Extract, Guiffenesen, and some other items in my "if I get Corona" box.

Do not take Bromelain if you are allergic to pineapple.
Guiafenesin which is MUCINEX, DOES THE SAME THING AS Bromelain, IT thins the mucous, So it can be coughed up.. but I bought both ALSO. Just do not take them both at the same time! One may work better for you than the other.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Well, I was on blood thinners (actually PLAVIX(CLOPEDOGREL) and I got it in the canned pineapple juice, maybe not as much as in a CAPSULE, or in fresh pineapple or fresh pineapple juice, but enough to save me.
Good to know.


Let's Go Brandon!
Well, I was on blood thinners (actually PLAVIX(CLOPEDOGREL) and I got it in the canned pineapple juice, maybe not as much as in a CAPSULE, or in fresh pineapple or fresh pineapple juice, but enough to save me.

The canned stuff keeps and keeps, guys. I found a pack of six cans from last summer when I was making Dole Whips. They're good until November of THIS YEAR.


On TB every waking moment
We are a long way from 100 million deaths due to the novel coronavirus, but it has turned our world upside down.

No, actually, the pollytickians and the ME!dia are using it to turn our world upside down. BIG DIFFERENCE, genius.


ALTHOUGH all the internet references say that Bromelain is destroyed by the heat of canning, it must not have taken much of it to SAVE MY LIFE. All I could get was canned pineapple juice and there was enough Bromelain in it to SAVE MY LIFE and immediately start breaking up the mucous, so either it doesnt take much or there is more bromelain surviving the canning process than they realize. I was so happy when it started working I was ready to CRY. I had made my peace with God to accet anything that was going to happen and I was pretty sure he was going to call me home because breathing became more difficult till I got the canned pineapple juice.
Thanks for the clarification. I keep the canned on hand for my summertime Pina Coladas, but bought some caps all the same.


Let's Go Brandon!
Do not take Bromelain if you are allergic to pineapple.
Guiafenesin which is MUCINEX, DOES THE SAME THING AS Bromelain, IT thins the mucous, So it can be coughed up.. but I bought both ALSO. Just do not take them both at the same time! One may work better for you than the other.

Something that also works for me pretty well is hot beverages. Tea, coffee, even soup. Heat expands things. That extra little bit of clearance tends to help loosen me up a bit.


Certa Bonum Certamen
Something that also works for me pretty well is hot beverages. Tea, coffee, even soup. Heat expands things. That extra little bit of clearance tends to help loosen me up a bit.
If you can tolerate it, adding quite a bit of minced fresh garlic and as much cayenne pepper as you can stand really helps, too.


Saved, to glorify God.
Something that also works for me pretty well is hot beverages. Tea, coffee, even soup. Heat expands things. That extra little bit of clearance tends to help loosen me up a bit.
Tea and hot beverages did not help me. It took the pineapple juice to make a sudden, striking improvement!

One of the WORST aspects of having a new sickness arrive whole in a nursing home is that you have no control, you cannot respond to it like you would if you were at home!
You don’t really control what or when you eat or drink, you are forbidden to have any vitamins or supplements that have not been specifically approved by the nursing home.
Even for patients only in there for in-patient REHAB exercises!
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