POL Do you think there is not that great a divide among Americans?


TB Fanatic
Do you think there is not that great a divide among Americans?

Just being curious I decided to see what the other side thinks. It is scary that we can all be American's but so far apart on so many issues.

To quote from Glenn Beck, "This will make blood shoot out your eyes"



The Tea Party is largely at this stage a milling, inchoate mass of anger,
resentment and frustration. Its public role, whether sought or unsought, is
mostly as a stalking horse for the Republican Party. The tea partiers pretend
to be populist, but they won't oppose the robber-barons on Wall Street.
Indeed, these supposed "populist" rebels are silent when the Republicans are in
power creating social havoc; they seem to come out of the shadows only when
there's a Democrat in the White House.

But it's not the makeup of this movement (and those who finance and
publicize them) that I want to focus on, but the emotional core of fury that
threatens to explode into organized, and especially non-organized, violence by
angry citizens perched ever so tenuously on the edge of rightist sanity.


The Tea Party movement is a loose confederation across the rightwing
spectrum: from principled conservatives to KKK racists, armed militia members to
Ron Paul libertarians, anti-tax zealots to old John Birchers, et al. Many
seem to share the feeling of being used and abused and ignored by those who,
they believe, should be paying special attention to them.


It's Time to Share the

Seems to me it's time to stop digging the hole of homelessness and inadequate housing deeper. I say we take the billions that Goldman Sachs and friends have amassed by plundering American investors and pay the cell phone bills for Sherry and millions like her whose connection to society is about to be dropped.


Can capitalism survive? That is a legitimate question as far as the present capitalist system is concerned. Before they go, they will suck the last ounce of blood from the American people. Bet on it.


Two tenets to live by:

repubicans will never support a Democratic initiative on *anything*

repubican ideas, across the board, are bad ideas.

I don't know about anyone else, but this seems real simple to me.


Poll with the biggest percent being:

Democrats are reliable champions of social justice and equality.


I would surmise to say that the present outward assault on the Constitution by the fringe states was not by accident and would love to know who financed them. I don't believe there has ever been such blatant bullying of the national government by the state governments since the Civil War.
These radical zealots are FORCING Obama to follow their agenda by enacting these draconian laws (Oklahoma and Arizona for starters)that the US Justice Department will have to ultimately end up untangling.
IMHO these aren't isolated incidents. The battle lines are being drawn. We are headed for a showdown.
Sometimes I really hate living here anymore


Entitlement People

If you have gone 99 weeks without a job, you probably should have started looking for a different kind of job about 50 weeks ago and lowered your expectations on what you are worth.


It's been at work for the past 35 years, and see where it's got us now.

The banks and finance industry, the food we eat, the energy industry, the insurance industry and others have wrecked America at a record pace.

The changes to the tax code, the war on unions and the free trade movement have undermined the middle and lower working classes and sent jobs away to foreign shores.

Of course, the Republicans are using fear of Mexicans as the straw man to deflect attention away from their abject failures.

The unrestrained marketplace never owed its allegiance to America or Americans, because it only worships the almighty dollar.

Greed, definitely, is not good.


Who would do such a thing? You mean besides Pelosi, Reid, Pro-Immigrant forces?

Glenn Beck is outraged by comparisons to Nazi Germany. Who would do such a thing? Besides Glenn Beck, that is.

Glenn Beck got all worked up yesterday defending Arizonans from the outrageous, slanderous comparisons of their fair new police state to Nazi Germany. Heaven forfend:

Beck: Arizona sure is putting the AZ in Nazi. I really hate to rain on the hate parade, but could we slow down for just a second here and ask: You’re out of your mind? Are you comparing the systematic cold-blooded extermination of millions of Jews, to America making sure people are here legally? The parallels are non-existent.


And in case anyone forgot, there have been a lot of comparisons of liberals generally and the Obama administration to Nazis and Germany. Right there on Fox News, a number of times.


Apparently Governor Coyote Killer doesn't want the Arizona law in Texas:

"I fully recognize and support a state's right and obligation to protect its citizens, but I have concerns with portions of the law passed in Arizona and believe it would not be the right direction for Texas,” Perry said in a written statement.

“For example, some aspects of the law turn law enforcement officers into immigration officials by requiring them to determine immigration status during any lawful contact with a suspected alien, taking them away from their existing law enforcement duties, which are critical to keeping citizens safe.”

I REALLY REALLY hope this will rile up the teabaggers and get them to run a third party candidate so that Bill White can take the governor's seat. One can hope, can't they?


Oh, Baggers of Tea, What If You Gave Reality A Shot?

American Rage

they're nuts! I clicked on every link and didn't see a shred of sanity.

As a commentary on their thread concerning immigration, I offer the following forewarning: The left will use Mexicans like the North used the Irish during the Civil War. "Fight for us, and instant citizenship."

I can see the hoards of Latinos rushing north as I type this.

And to fight what? Grey haired old men and ladies?

I fear our education system has outsmarted us, knowing that the REAL AMERICANS are dying off, as they replace our values in our children with the values of socialism.

It does not appear to bode well for the shining city on the hill.


mule skinner

We have grown too far apart for any compromise or common ground. How do you compromise on abortion? The baby is either killed or it is not. What would a compromise consist of? Only maiming it?

Homosexuals are either comitting unnatural sex xcts or they are not. The basic natural purpose of the sex act is procreation. Homosexual acts cannot result in procreation.

Homosexuality, like alcoholism is curable but, like with alcoholism the sufferer must desire a cure. We do the homosexual no favor by teaching them that they are noormal.