CORONA Covid 19 recovery of the sense of smell and taste.


On TB every waking moment

- People under age 40 who lose their sense of smell and taste due to COVID-19 are more likely to recover them than older adults, a study published Tuesday by the American Journal of Otolaryngology found.

In all, four out of five survivors of the disease recover these senses within six months, the data showed.

"We did see about an 80% recovery rate in a six-month period or longer," study co-author Dr. Evan Reiter said in a press release.

"However, 20% is still a lot of people, given the millions that have been afflicted with COVID-19," said Reiter, professor and vice chair of otolaryngology at the Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine in Richmond.

Loss of sense of smell and taste is considered a hallmark symptom of the virus, according to researchers.

People who experience these sensory declines for longer periods also may be at increased risk for severe illness, studies have found.

For this study, which is part of the ongoing COVID-19 smell and taste loss survey project at VCU, Reiter and his colleagues questioned 798 adults age 18 years and older who tested positive for the virus and reported sensory declines as a result.

Sense of taste may predict COVID-19 severity, study finds

Based on their findings regarding lingering loss of sense of smell and taste, given that there have been more than 230 million cases of COVID-19 worldwide, more than 20 million people could be without these senses for longer than six months, according to the researchers.

In previous survey results, published in April, 43% of participants reported feeling depressed and 56% reported decreased enjoyment of life while experiencing loss of smell or taste, the researchers said.

The most common quality-of-life concern was reduced enjoyment of food, with 87% of respondents indicating it was an issue, according to the researchers.

I have maybe 10% of my sense of smell/taste courtesy of Johns Hopkins. I was never food oriented but it still removes some of the enjoyment of life particularly when I can't taste a favorite dish..

For a person food oriented, it has to be a living Hell.


TB Fanatic
A good friend of ours was vaxxed early last spring, I think?
He still has no taste or smell. That’s bad enough but yes a restaurant mgr and a wine guy for them. Kinda hard to do your job when you can’t taste or smell.


Knuckle Dragger
Tom's hot pork skins.

Grits with plenty of Slap Ya' Mamma seasoning.

Tabasco green on other things.

#1 oldskool

"You finally really did it. You maniacs!
Wife saw a technique on FB........take a whole orange, char til black on the grill. Cut orange in half and sprinkle a teaspoon of brown sugar on each half. Dig the pulp out with a spoon and eat. Smell and taste back within 2 hours !!!!


Firearms Manufacturer
It took almost a month for full recovery for me, a buddy still has about a 50% loss after a year. I think he is as good as he will get.

Esto Perpetua

Veteran Member
I have heard tart things-like lemonade will wake up tastebuds. I've also heard zinc will help. I have oral cancer and my tastebuds died when I was in radiation treatment. I doubled down on my zinc supps for a while and most of my taste is back. My last treatment day was mid-July.


Senior Member
So if you lose your sense of smell that means you can't smell your own farts. So to me that means no one else can, right ?


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I‘m in my late 60’s. I think it was close to a month before my sense of taste and smell started to come back.

Covid sure has some weird symptoms. :shr:


Veteran Member
I like good coffee, but unfortunately for me I have lost the ability to taste much of the flavor. I think it's the tannins that I can't taste. Also whiskey seems to have lost a dimension of flavor I think for the same reason. Other than that my sense of taste still seems normalish. I'm still getting over Covid after getting infected around Sept 19.

Old Gray Mare

TB Fanatic
My last bout with Covid? Could not smell one particular spice for a few days. That was all. Afterward the sense of smell came back, no problems, no worries. This was the only symptom and the only reason I knew I had it. Weird.

Wonder how many with similar symptoms are clueless they even have it at all?


Senior Member
Early 40s here. Going on 10 months and still can not sense the heat of hot peppers or seasoning. Lost all taste for about a month when I got the China virus. Everything else is normal.


Veteran Member
60's here and have lost all smell and most taste. I can taste sweet and sour and hot. When i do get a whiff of something the only thing I smell is first start of a heater, that after sitting all summer burnt lint smell. It has been a year so not much hope it will come back.


Heart of Dixie
I used Boneset and Cinchona Bark tincture to reset both taste and smell. It worked in about 3 days and lasted about 4 months in which I got new odd smells. I started back a couple days ago and and it is working again as it should that quickly. I’m still playing around with doses and such.


Talk is cheap
EMF and radiation fields also do cause loss of taste and smell. I read this a long time ago, more than once, and they are trying to censor this!


Veteran Member
I used something called Olba's Oil. It's very strong, and I would sniff it several times a day. I believe it helped.


Senior Member
Early 40s. And I think it took a week/week and a half to come back? My sniffer has been off for over a year, though. I have to ask my husband to test sniff things for me. It’s not always fun for him. :D


Heart of Dixie
I have an abundance of boneset grown here at my house. The tincture I made is a 1:2 fresh boneset to everclear 180 proof. Cinchona Bark I got from Amazon. Same tincture ratio and I started after two weeks of making. I used one dropper of each first day to check reaction, and notice some minor changes after first day. Two droppers 2nd and 3rd day.
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Saved, to glorify God.
I'm 78, lost my sense of taste and smell last September got some few things back but mostly gone.
When you can't smell fresh strawberries or oranges you ain't got much left.
I am relying on my MEMORY OF TASTES, TO EAT.

I think I smell hot cooked rice or mashed potatoes. A little. Go figger.