CORONA Coof Wars Epilogue (Denniger)


Has No Life - Lives on TB

Coof Wars Epilogue

As many of you have read in these pages Ishmael has contributed several articles on the clown world challenges of the last few years. No, that's not me writing under another name, and yes, it is one contributor.

Let me offer, at this point, a different perspective: We won, they lost.

The outcome was in doubt for quite some time. But now, its not.

Rasmussen ran a poll not long ago and found a very large percentage of people who are convinced that someone they knew was seriously injured or killed by the vexxines. Remember the old mantra -- safe and effective? Its no longer an opinion that holds sway among the American people.

But its not just opinion anymore: Now its fact, as we keep seeing. Report after report, even showing up in the mainstream media, of people taking the Fauci Flop. Allegedly healthy people, even elite level athletes, suddenly collapsing and in many cases dying.

Reality is that everyone dies and death is not uncommon. But unexpected, sudden death among people younger than 60 or so is quite unusual. Especially among athletes and other people of prominence, except from drugs, which of course have always been a scourge and have claimed people all the time. Elvis infamously died on the crapper and upon autopsy they found ten prescription drugs in size and a seriously damaged liver. Not all that long ago my sister died under similar circumstances, and from similar root causes. I've had friends who also succumbed from the same sort of abuse of substances and that sucks.

But many of these are not slow suicides by drug abuse -- or, for that matter, by potato chip and sugared beverages. They're "side effects" of something peddled to the masses and everyone knows it. Those who were conned are scared of meeting God and having to explain their personal insanity to him, thus that fearful look in their eye. Their attacks on you both over the last two years and today are from that exact reason: They're scared they got it wrong and you had it right -- and they may be literally walking while already dead. Those who conned others or worse, who were enforcers either through soft coercion or even literal force, such as politicians, police officers, CEOs and supervisory people are not just scared they might be next but that their particular fiefdom and ambitions are screwed, never mind their personal life and wealth, perhaps terminally so.


The suck that the so-called "mitigations" caused from destruction of two+ years of children's education and productivity in our economy is nowhere near finished. In fact the worst of it is just starting. A virus that for many including healthy young people was actually less dangerous than the flu has done what essentially every highly mutable respiratory virus does: Entropy is not a suggestion any more than the laws of thermodynamics (which is what gives rise to entropy, by the way) and nothing escapes it. Covid followed the same pattern that OC43 did back in the 1890s when nobody knew a damn thing about the structure of viruses nor were there any shots. Even with our tampering the laws of physics were not to be denied or evaded; man may create God in an image that suits him, but he can't make hydrogen and oxygen turn into gold instead of water.

There is a maxim I didn't much discuss when I was running a business (because I certainly preferred not to educate my competition!) which is that you don't make money selling things -- you make money when you buy them. Its has and always will be true. When you take advantage of someone else's stupidity (which you're not responsible for since you didn't contribute to the stupid act) you acquire an advantage your competitor cannot outrun or outmaneuver whether its in business or your personal life. MCSNet managed several of these, with one of the larger being a deal we found for office space (which of course every business needs) that was at about 20% of the going rate as a result of another firm's stupidity. I was able to capitalize on that because I had stashed back cash, acquire a five-year lease on said office space and the cost of operations advantage over others was immense -- and dropped immediately and durably to the firm's bottom line.

The "suck" is going to tempt you in the next few years to whine and cry. Don't. That's self-destructive, especially if it prompts you to do something stupid like drown yourself in a bottle of gin. Instead, if you're one of the people who said "no" and meant it build reserves, live frugally, shed unnecessary debt and expenses and be patient. The stupidity that has run through not just the United States but worldwide over the last three years has not been local or minor: It has been immense, it has crossed nearly all professions and it has sucked into its maw the majority of Americans, say much less those in other nations. The opportunities this will generate are also going to be immense, particularly when coupled with all the other stupidity of the last 20 years, including so-called "diversity hiring." Just look at one minor piece of this -- the recent NOTAM meltdown in civil aviation. NOTAMs even got "diversity renamed" to Notice to Air Missions when in fact it is Notice to Airmen. It really is a trivial problem from a computing point of view; just a list of notices that deal with a specific route or place to warn pilots of local and abnormal conditions, such as a restriction on flying into a given set of coordinates during a certain time. I could probably code up a system to do this in a weekend and run it in a single rack of equipment for the entire nation, then triplicate that in three strategic locations so there are two always-on spares -- literally. Well, the FAA apparently did not care about making sure this "non-safety critical" (after all, if it fails it doesn't directly crash a plane) system actually worked and was redundant, and it failed. The problem is that without it you can't fly because if you take off without having the NOTAMs for the area you're operating in and go somewhere you can't as a pilot your ticket gets punched, so said failure basically grounded the entire US non-military aviation system, commercial and civilian, for several hours.

This occurred because the stupid has run rampant throughout or civil and government systems where competence is no longer the gating factor to employment and supervisory positions but rather has been replaced with blind obedience to whatever the flavor of the day happens to be whether its hiring someone due to their skin color or their pronouns and then, in the last couple of years, whether they damaged their bodies stupidly because of a bunch of money-grubbing jackasses along with their enablers in the media and government.

All this will unwind and those who did the stupid things will be the ones who pay for it. Yes, you'll have to live through the suck and we're all going to have to deal with that. If you're younger you have never lived through a real suck. That must be nice. I'm almost 60 and I did -- both little sucks (e.g. early 1990s) and one pretty nasty one in the late 70s and early 80s which was caused by stupidity and arrogance, just like this one. That latter one went on for about five years before it turned and started to improve but if you were prepared and took advantage you did damn well. I was both too young and personally stupid at the time but I learned from that and in the 1990s pounced on its little brother. That smaller one came at a great time for me professionally and was a big part of MCSNet being successful. Some people levered up and won but most who did that lost with many literally losing everything. The prepared who didn't lever up did quite well without the risk of a zero; winning less is ok unless you're a pig, in which case go ahead and grab for that Ring of Power -- just don't whine if you fall off the cliff into the lava instead of getting it.

Those of you who said NO -- the most-powerful single word in the English language -- are already winning. You don't wake up every morning wondering if tonight you will go to bed and never wake up from a clot you throw in your sleep. You might have been persecuted, fired and ostracized but you have your health and are not wondering if there's a ticking time bomb in your chest.

You should contemplate putting your unvexxed status everywhere -- including especially on resumes.

Wear it proudly -- you were RIGHT and its a perfectly-valid marketing point to use both personally and professionally.

Those who cheated (e.g. bribing the doc $50 to squirt it in the trash) are arguably in the worst situation of all. You branded your own chart by doing that and in today's world with EMR (electronic medical records) you can never undo it. If you ever used that fake credential you committed an offense against the person who you gave it to and might have committed a crime but even if it wasn't a crime if and when you get caught (and yes, it is possible for it to be proved you never got the actual shots) or try to walk it back you risk being blackballed in your industry or worse, particularly if your profession has ethics clauses -- and many professions do. Even if you can't be blackballed you marked yourself as untrustworthy, and that cannot be reversed.

The consequences from all of this stupidity are going to have to go through the system and this is not going to be "over and done" as if nothing happened next week -- or next year. But those consequences are going to create tremendous opportunities. All-cause mortality is currently running in the high single-digits to around 12% all over the world, it is not coming back down materially and that is not a small figure.

Then there's disability, which is doing its best impression of a skyrocket just after launch:

Note the dip in "disabled" as we went into 2020; that was disabled people dying from the virus. They were medically fragile and succumbed; we know this virus was especially ugly in those who were already seriously medically compromised, and that shouldn't have surprised anyone. But what happened afterward and why, even though Omicron has been the dominant virus form for the last year and it kills almost nobody, has that trend in disability gone vertical? Those newly-minted medically-fragile are the new screwed -- and they did it to themselves. Perhaps this will level off in the next year or two and stop but if it doesn't, and the evidence thus far is that it is not slowing down, asset prices are going to collapse in many areas and those who are healthy and didn't screw themselves will be writing their own ticket, which will go a hell of a lot further when it comes to standard of living than it did five or ten years ago.

Take a million and a half extra people out of the workforce every year just from disability and perhaps 1/5th of that again in deaths on top of the normal everyday rate and guess what: That's almost exactly the 3% rate of "seriously screwed" I predicted and what this data appears to show was a pretty darn good educated guess.

The rage over the last couple of years was surcharging people's health insurance for refusing the jab as a punitive, coercive act. On a forward basis those who took it may find themselves uninsurable at any price, never mind life insurance and those who refused have every right and should demand all of those surcharges back in cash, with interest at today's higher rates. This is where you'll get caught if you try to lie too, because both the damage and residuals from taking the vexxine is almost-certainly going to be detectable and will be looked for. Elevated troponins or even worse LGE on a cardiac MRI are impossible to hide. Yeah, Obamacare will be there but for the healthy this means subsidy levels for decent insurance will go way up and that's good if you don't need it because it means you can have reasonable coverage for little or no cost. In private business when this worm turns the screwed may find themselves unemployable at anything other than part-time, no-health-insurance jobs as the prognosis for those with LGE is both very poor and hideously expensive. Then there are all the younger people still in or before their childbearing/siring years -- you have to be out of your damned mind as a young man or woman to date with the intent to marry and try to create children with a vexxed partner when you have the choice of a someone who didn't take it -- and you do. Three percent doesn't sound all that bad but it is: Do you like adding a one in thirty risk that your husband or wife-to-be is mortally wounded and going to stick you with both the psychic and economic costs of their prior decision two, five or ten years down the road, never mind the possibility of being unknowingly unable to have children? How about the recent study that found evidence of cardiac damage in nearly one in five young people?

How do you like those odds if you're a young man or woman?

Choose wisely -- which means unvexxed. Let the vexxed have each other and whatever misery comes to them. They bought the ticket; don't take their ride for them.

Here's my take: Those who thought for themselves, read the available information and then stuck up the middle finger at the people attempting to convince them to take the vexxines not only will win they have already and will keep winning. Be smart now and into the future, build reserves, live frugally so you're prepared and be patient; you're not just winning now, today and here you're going to continue winning and those who made the other decision are going to continue losing both now and well into the future. Not everyone who did a dumb thing will lose but in terms of economic impact that does not matter; all that matters is that many, far more than usual in our society, did a stupid thing and you will be able to take advantage when they are awarded their stupid prize. If you do that and keep your powder dry five years from now you're odds-on to have a big fat grin on your face.

When all is said and done I expect mRNA to be consigned to the dustbin of history, the worst of a bad set of medical experiments run on entire populations without cause -- and those firms involved in it are going to be severely damaged if not (as in the case of one-trick-ponies) utterly destroyed. Biotech firms blowing up is nothing new; they do it all the time and most of them fail. The only difference here is the size of the detonations as a result of the stupidity of attempting to use unproved medical technology on a mass basis.

Do not expect the economic and sociological impact will be over or "back to normal" in a year. If we're lucky in five years we'll be coming out of it; if not it might be a decade or even longer. But those who made smart decisions will be the winners on a statistical basis and already are winning.

Hold your head high if "screw you!" was your answer to this garbage.

You were right and it is rapidly becoming consensus whether the media and so-called "bigwigs" like it or not.


Res ipsa loquitur
The comments are interesting. Here's one:

View attachment 391265
actually I find that comment FAR BEYOND being considered only "interesting". this and other examples of "their" collective bullshit will continue until the satanic cabal that runs this planet is either defeated, or accomplishes its ultimate goal - to destroy humankind - which it completely and utterly despises. As has been said here many times previously we stand at the head waters of the great battle of GOOD v EVIL. we are all here for "a time such as this". depending on your world view - we as individuals either CHOSE to come here for this or were SENT here for this. each of us has a purpose and a role to play in what lies directly ahead.

an idea who’s time has arrived​


Let's Go Brandon!

Coof Wars Epilogue

The rage over the last couple of years was surcharging people's health insurance for refusing the jab as a punitive, coercive act. On a forward basis those who took it may find themselves uninsurable at any price, never mind life insurance and those who refused have every right and should demand all of those surcharges back in cash, with interest at today's higher rates. This is where you'll get caught if you try to lie too, because both the damage and residuals from taking the vexxine is almost-certainly going to be detectable and will be looked for. Elevated troponins or even worse LGE on a cardiac MRI are impossible to hide. Yeah, Obamacare will be there but for the healthy this means subsidy levels for decent insurance will go way up and that's good if you don't need it because it means you can have reasonable coverage for little or no cost. In private business when this worm turns the screwed may find themselves unemployable at anything other than part-time, no-health-insurance jobs as the prognosis for those with LGE is both very poor and hideously expensive. Then there are all the younger people still in or before their childbearing/siring years -- you have to be out of your damned mind as a young man or woman to date with the intent to marry and try to create children with a vexxed partner when you have the choice of a someone who didn't take it -- and you do. Three percent doesn't sound all that bad but it is: Do you like adding a one in thirty risk that your husband or wife-to-be is mortally wounded and going to stick you with both the psychic and economic costs of their prior decision two, five or ten years down the road, never mind the possibility of being unknowingly unable to have children? How about the recent study that found evidence of cardiac damage in nearly one in five young people?

One, you will continue to pay elevated prices for insurance regardless of your vaxx status because that money will then become profit.

Two, for those dating, vaxx status really doesn't matter. The dating market has already been destroyed because of feminism and its various tendrils, including #metoo, woke theory, and weaponized courts.


I give up.
One, you will continue to pay elevated prices for insurance regardless of your vaxx status because that money will then become profit.

Two, for those dating, vaxx status really doesn't matter. The dating market has already been destroyed because of feminism and its various tendrils, including #metoo, woke theory, and weaponized courts.

Look, just stop the female bashing. Men are just as, if not more, evil. And millions upon millions subscribe to the idiot ism's making their way around our humanity. It doesn't serve to be so negative about women. Most of us are a decent sort, and you should remember that.

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Live Free & Die Free.... God Freedom Country....
All-cause mortality is currently running in the high single-digits to around 12% all over the world, it is not coming back down materially and that is not a small figure.

If the death rate is 12% this year, the following will be the results:
----------Population (2022)-------Number Dead
World:----8 billion------------------960,000,000
5 Most Populous Nations

How does the world adjust to having nearly One Billion deaths in a year or per year?

How long will this continue?

Where do you bury this many dead? New job opportunity - Cremation workers?

How many jobs will go unfilled?

Impact to the economy?

This is not a pretty situation.

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I give up.
All-cause mortality is currently running in the high single-digits to around 12% all over the world, it is not coming back down materially and that is not a small figure.

If the death rate is 12% this year, the following will be the results:
----------Population (2022)-------Number Dead
World:----8 billion------------------960,000,000
5 Most Populous Nations

How does the world adjust to having nearly One Billion deaths in a year or per year?

How long will this continue?

Where do you bury this many dead? New job opportunity - Cremation workers?

How many jobs will go unfilled?

Impact to the economy?

This is not a pretty situation.


So THEY get what they want. A dead planet.
