COMMUNISM Community Health Ambassador Outreach Door Knocking Project to Increase COVID Vaccine Acceptance


Knuckle Dragger
It is pretty surreal, isn't it? I cannot wrap my mind around all of this, daily, I struggle to. Which is normal.

Then I just came across this. "Mr. Cox" was more than likely ordered to say this, as an announcement, because it is coming, I am very certain. I literally think it could be next spring, or summer. Time is short.

Congressional Candidate Suggests Shooting Vaccine DeniersTimebomb 2000
Just shoot ‘em. That’s the conclusion that California U.S. Congress candidate Steve Cox has come to for addressing vaccine refusal and denial.

Cox, who is running as an independent for California’s 39th Congressional District, said on Twitter that “Whenever anyone says ‘we all die from something’ (or a variation thereof) to justify not taking precautions to help protect others in this pandemic, we should be allowed to shoot them.”

Cox’s wild solution was a response to a tweet that Matt Walsh made August 9, 2021, saying “COVID is here to stay. You're going to get it. It almost certainly won't kill you but it could. You'll probably get cancer eventually too unless you die first. Lots of scary things out there. Death is certain. Suffering is unavoidable. Stop cowering. Live your life while you can.”

Western Journal August 9, 2021
Twitter August 9, 2021

“When someone says they want to kill you, believe them.”

Attributes: Elie Wiesel, holocaust survivor, once said, “When someone says they want to kill you, believe them.”

This leads to the shaky ground of pre-emptive self defense.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Holeee Crap! No one in those clips is holding a cooler that can keep the jab at the recommended temps. Wonder what they're injecting, or if that was all just puff.
Saw a report...yesterday (?) that a nurse in the ....UK (?) admitted to a co-worker, that she used a saline solution. Not knowing which ones they were, they are informing about 8,000 people about it.

'Course admitting it to a co-worker, means the nurse in in jail, and NOT cooperating with authorities.

They had an episode on Law and Order where the demand for the flu shot was so high, a guy was using saline. Got 'em for murder. (Remember that's on TV)


Greetings from near tropical NYC!
Where are you seeing congestion? "Shortness of breath" is a very different symptom...

Ah, you got me. It isn't exactly the same as cough. Also fever is a lousy way to find Covid. By the time you've got a fever, you should worry .


All five of us had congestion as a symptom with the Covid we are now recovering from.
Yep... all three little girls plus DS had head and bronchial congestion with the latest bug picked up at a family wedding. The kids symptoms were mostly fever, fatigue, (the 4 year old *never* naps... she's been napping for 4-7 hours a day!) upper respiratory congestion and being *really* grumpy ;-)

DS was mostly fatigue, high fever (5 degrees above his normal!) really bad headache, and was starting to get very congested in his bronchial area. The ivermectin knocked the fever out and the congestion never really developed.



“Where liberty dwells, there is my country.”
Had my visit from the Covid Nazi's about 10 minutes ago. Following the script she knocked on the door and backed off the porch with clip board in hand. Stood out like a sore thumb, no doubt what she wanted. The dogs went nuts. We didn't answer the door and she left.

She didn't go around to the back of the house. With the Bennington and Gadsden flags flying in the breeze, she may have decided it was a waste of time. I'm sure they'll be back.