RACE Coming to Reality (A first-hand account of becoming a race realist)


The Executor
Coming to Reality
Francis Di Paola, American Renaissance, December 4, 2021
This is part of our continuing series of accounts by readers of how they shed the illusions of liberalism and became race realists.

I’m 35, white, and a reader of American Renaissance since around 2014. I live in an East Coast city and work in finance.

A lifelong defender of Darwin, Western science, free speech, and free thinking, I started to think critically about race around age 30, led by life events during my residence in four U.S cities and a few countries, and by books and articles.

When I was growing up, my Dad, a lawyer, made sure that my three siblings and I knew how good we had it in our small, white, East Coast town. When driving to or from family vacations, he made detours into black urban neighborhoods, driving slowly with locked doors, four blond kids with their noses pressed up against the windows staring out, my Mom in the front seat, scared, telling him to drive faster. I can remember a few such tours in New Jersey and in Baltimore; these were the most vividly terrifying moments of my childhood. The black faces we saw staring us down in those ugly, dirty, burned-out, urban ghettos weren’t smiling; and I remember actual waves of fear and dread, the same fear one feels when there is only a thin sheet of protective material between oneself and a wild animal. My Dad showed us this world not only to instill gratitude for the wealth, beauty and safety in our lives, but also to foster a sense of compassion for black people. It had the opposite effect on me, as I remember thinking to myself, “These people are not like us at all! Why would anyone choose to live in these conditions? How can they stand the squalor?” If I had had to live there for an hour as a child, I would have come away emotionally scarred.

Even so, I grew up well-meaning, naïve, gullible, open, and trusting. In middle school, my friends and I listened to hip-hop and generally thought NYC and black people were the coolest thing ever. In early adulthood, I viewed Republicans with contempt: They were obviously bigoted Christian racists who didn’t believe in science or have respect for homosexuality or the environment. I studied anthropology in college, which helped educate me about the history of humanity and how we got to where we are. I’ve lived for a number of years in Asian countries — one intelligent, stable, and peaceful, the other not. I’ve also lived in Central America and in Europe, and I speak a few languages. I mention this only to say that I’m not xenophobic or nationalistic.

I became a race realist slowly. It took me two full years (starting in 2014) before I could even admit to myself that I was “racist.” One event that stood out was reading a National Geographic magazine issue about “100 Scientific Discoveries that Changed the World.” I tallied the discoveries by race. Ninety-four were from white men, one or two were from Middle Easterners and Asians, and a few were group efforts at white-founded universities. Around this time, I drew up a series of questions with simple yes or no answers to ask friends and family about race. Most people declined after hearing a few questions, realizing they couldn’t answer them without breaking social taboos.

BLM also helped start the mental process, after I started reading about black crime in the US (3 percent of the US population – black men ages 15 to35 – have committed about half of all murders every year for more than three decades). I started asking questions and sharing my thoughts, which I learned were not socially palatable. I lost friends, got into heated arguments with family members (some of whom have slowly come to be race realists themselves) and generally learned the hard way that talking about black IQ has negative social consequences. When I speak with friends about race today, I have to remind myself that it took me a long time to admit these things, and that I shouldn’t expect miracles in others’ thinking after five minutes. What I have noticed, though, is that during arguments with non-race realists, they too will let slip that they know black people are relatively stupid, but they are still adamant that there’s “a racist structure holding them back.”

If I’m out on a date and a girl mentions “white supremacy” or that the U.S. has a “white supremacist structure,” I ask for the check and don’t look back. I don’t know anyone, except for liberals, who has ever talked about white people being supreme. Liberals are the only ones with an obsession with white cultural success, and the capacity we allegedly have to suppress without even wanting to. They are the real white supremacists. If a person asks me if I’m a white supremacist, I answer either, “No, I’m an Asian one” or, “By what metric?”

The races of man are different biological subspecies with different genetic characteristics, histories, cultures, and skill sets, all evolved in relative isolation from one another over tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of years. There is a tragic dilemma in concluding that black people in the US are a net negative. I love and admire many black individuals, and there will be ones I meet and love in the future. How do I balance these relationships with my knowledge of racial differences? I’m not against black people. I wish them well. But the time has come for the real conversation to start. A doctor can’t heal a patient by ignoring the nature of the problem and telling reassuring lies while the wound goes on festering. Real compassion is truth.

The current atmosphere of racial animosity in the U.S. and across the world towards white people will not let up until the following is understood:
  1. White people are not to blame for the state of black people anywhere in the world. To suggest that black people have no autonomy (as liberals do) is actually demeaning, infantilizing.
  2. White people have a right to stand up for their history and culture and have the right to preserve it.
  3. People are different. The different races — just like every other animal and organism — have evolved and differentiated genetically and culturally in isolation of each other and in different ecosystems.
  4. Racial quotas in the professions and industry will greatly harm product quality, profit, and the general culture.
  5. Black people and others need us: we don’t need them. White people gave the world the vast majority of technological, scientific and medical breakthroughs, as well as such things as democracy, human rights, free speech.
  6. White people owe black people nothing. If anything, black people in the US owe us. Taxpayers have spent over $22 trillion on black people over 60 years. The result is resentment against white people, continued black poverty, high murder statistics, appalling scholastics records, abandoned and dirty cities, broken black families, and government dependency.
  7. Cultural appropriation goes both ways. If cultural appropriation is bad and should stop, then black people need to stop wearing Nikes (a white product), using electricity or modern hospitals, playing basketball, using eBay and Amazon or the internet, driving cars, etc.
  8. Liberals are the modern-day plantation masters. Liberals give blacks monthly stipends, put them in free housing, and don’t seem to think they can do anything for themselves. Liberals have handicapped pets: black American Democrats.
  9. Black Violence Matters.
I’m happy that Americans of Asian descent are joining the nascent dialogue around race in the US they have every right to be angry and resentful of black violence and ineptitude just like everyone else, and they have more backbone than white Americans. I pray for the moment when the US becomes Northern Central America, when Hispanic people become the majority, because “liberals” (who aren’t liberal at all and don’t deserve to use the word) will have to look for someone else to blame for black ineptitude. I hope to be in Norway or some other such place, as far away from black culture as possible.

Jeff B.

Don’t let the Piss Ants get you down…
Except for his conclusion that the answer is to run away to Norway. WE need to undertake the fight (which may go from figurative to literal) to retain our culture and disregard the rantings of the race apologists and Progressive hive builders.

I look at my relatives from Norway and ask myself, what happened to them that they are now such milquetoasts? They were the people of the Viking…. Now they are equated to the image of weakness and equanimity.

Jeff B.

Donghe Surfer

Veteran Member
Norway? Brrrrr. That's a cold place.
Anyway, each race is racist in its own way. So, if a person plays a racist card, they should also be looking into the mirror.


Veteran Member
I find it curious that the majority talking about "white supremacists" are white, affluent, youth. Perhaps their fathers did not drive them through the poor neighborhoods. Perhaps they never served a meal at a soup kitchen or volunteered to deliver meals on wheels. Activism today is comprised by people logging on to social media and complaining. They tear down things and people.

What they don't understand is that is not activism. The way to make life better for everyone is to be a person with skills that contribute to society. Build something. Work hard so you don't have to rely on the charity of others but be charitable to help build others up and get back on their feet.


Veteran Member
Comfort is a breeding ground for weakness.

The geographic location where I live makes my exposure to minorities minimal.

Have PLENTY of poor white pillbillies in the area.

Squirting out babies. Having grandma get paid by the goobermint to raise them because balancing a drug addiction habit and raising kids is "too hard".

Lots of great working poor. Going to work everyday. Rain or shine. Expecting nothing from the goobermint but to be left alone.

Goobermint "well cheese" makes people soft dependent ingrates.
Transcends race...
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Res ipsa loquitur
typically I try and stay OFF of threads like this becasue they can get my BP to stroke zone faster than a top fuel dragster can run the quarter - but here we go . . . ask your self:

have we as a people forgotten about FREEDOM of SPEECH and ASSOCIATION?
or have WE bought completely into the PROPAGANDA BULLSHIT of the MSM?


I - and many others - have said this here so many times here that I'm sick of saying it and seeing it. if you would have told me PRIOR to obama's "regin" that I would feel the way I do today I would have told you THAT'S AN IMPOSSIBILITY.

DO NOT DARE to lecture me about HATE and RACISM - I did not know it before it was FORCED on me. I will accept you where you are and for who you are. I do not judge you based on the color of you skin - I judge you on the nature of your actions. I promise to "live and let live ". I also promise that if you try to put me in a box I WILL do my best to kill you for it.

I can easily remember the following - how many of you can too:
  • I can remember a day when there was little to nonexistent "HATE" in America . . .
  • I can remember a day when there was a difference between the terms white supremacist, white separatist and white nationalist
  • I can remember a day when we all got along pretty well
  • I can remember a day when we WENT OUT OF OUR WAY to help others - especially when they were "different" than us
  • I can remember a day when I didn't fear to tread - anywhere
  • I can remember a day when I didn't have to ask: why am I told to hate myself so others can feel better about being themselves
  • I can remember a day when I didn't have to feel guilty for achieving success
  • I can remember a day when white privilege meant I produced - and therefore I have.
  • I can remember a day when threads like Should White Boys Still Be Allowed to Talk? and Adversity Scores to be kept Secret didn't exist
  • I can remember a day when there was no such thing as a HATE crime and there were no special exceptions for privileged actors who faked one and privileged demographics who never seem to be charged with one
  • I can remember a day when we weren't forced to accept situational morality
  • I can remember a day when history wasn't scrubbed and made politically correct
  • I can remember a day when statues weren't destroyed because they were offensive
  • I can remember a day when people who came here did so legally - and when they got here they fought to be included in the then existing culture - not to be separate and "special unto themselves"
  • I can remember a day when I was told my parents were FORBIDDEN to speak Italian ANYWHERE but at home
yes - I can remember a day when there was little to nonexistent "HATE" in America . . . it was back before rational, truthful, thinking human beings were forced to acknowledge it really should be spelled

ameri KK a

to be very frank - it was back before the white house was DESECRATED by the likes of Obama, Erik (my people) Holder and Low-retta Lynch-mob.

as for being Christian and not "walking the walk" - I have had some concern about that apparent dichotomy. I have felt the NEED to apologize for the rage I occasionally feel and express here. I've done that both publicly on this board and privately to several.

I don't - and I WON'T - have a problem with you, assuming that your level of "effort" matches what you receive - or EXPECT to receive. on the other hand if you expect to have what I have - then simply produce it - as I HAVE.


what's happening today is the masses are being told that WHITE people are evil and have what they have by virtue of their "white privilege". that LIE has now become so pervasive throughout society that your own children have become believers. unfortunately in many cases YOU HAVE BEEN COMPLICIT in this by not only TOLERATING IT but by FINANCING IT via the DOGMA that KOLLITCH EDDA KAYSHUN is the ultimate requirement for a child's success and YOU are required to finance it.
you want something to be TRULY concerned about?

Be concerned that 90% of an entire generation now thinks that you and every guiding principle and belief you hold is stupid and must be destroyed. Be concerned that their numbers and power are growing while yours are steadily diminishing.
You WHITE AMERICA are not only G O I N G A W A Y
but YOU are COMPLICIT in your own demise





TB Fanatic
Quotas and marginalization of any race doesn’t solve anything. Take responsibilty for yourself and your future instead of forcing others to support you. Earn your place at the table of life. Many blacks have. Yet the majority are parasites, and there’s a lot of whites that have joined them these days.

Wear your whiteness like a badge.


Contributing Member

The geographic location where I live makes my exposure to minorities minimal.

Have PLENTY of poor white pillbillies in the area.

Here is my experienced opinion. When i was younger, my job took me around the country. What I observed was the fewer the number of minorities, the less racist. The more minorities, the more racist the views were.
also, the more minorities means the more crime.
What has changed since I was young, the 60's on up was the reporting of the crimes. The news stopped reporting the race of the criminals. Dang, night after night all we heard was most crimes was committed by black people.
The media doesn't want to slam it down the throats of us that blacks commit more crime.
Now I live near San Antonio tx. A lot of crime. mostly by hispanics.


Veteran Member
The whole of the black race is negative, 84% of the violent crimes in this nation are blacks plain and simple. That 14% of our population. And when said crimes are committed what does one hear from.other blacks? Crickets,.nada when the chips are down they will side together in the common fight against whites. Swallow that pill now. No matter how educated and seemingly normal they will side with other blacks against you. This is a coming war of survival, survival of our race.


Neither here nor there.
The whole of the black race is negative, 84% of the violent crimes in this nation are blacks plain and simple. That 14% of our population. And when said crimes are committed what does one hear from.other blacks? Crickets,.nada when the chips are down they will side together in the common fight against whites. Swallow that pill now. No matter how educated and seemingly normal they will side with other blacks against you. This is a coming war of survival, survival of our race.

And when blacks do say something they are brow beaten, called uncle toms, and are told to shut up. Again, plantation syndrome.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Cultural diversity has brought down many nations!


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Nearly all of my education was in parochial grade school and high school. Come Senior year, and my parents could no longer afford the tuition for the catholic high school, so I finished Senior Year at the local public school. Had never before been exposed to those of dark skin color, but, Boy! Howdy! I found out real quick why my parochial education was excellent compared to what passed for education in classes full of klowns and idiots.

Oh, and I needed only two classes to qualify for graduation!


Contributing Member
I'd like to add 1 more thing.
As a white person, I'm tired of being the only one blamed for slavery and reparations are really being talked about now by many on the left.
there wouldn't be one african sent to america if it wasn't for the black africans that captured them and sold them.


Veteran Member
Interesting fact not acknowledged by most BLM advocates (White or Black)...I had a number of great great Grandfathers killed in the Civil War to "free Blacks from Slavery by Democrates". They also never owned slaves. To the best of my knowledge we never received even a Thank You from the Black Community. So why are the Blacks now demanding my family pay " reparations" for being White?


Veteran Member
typically I try and stay OFF of threads like this becasue they can get my BP to stroke zone faster than a top fuel dragster can run the quarter - but here we go . . . ask your self:

have we as a people forgotten about FREEDOM of SPEECH and ASSOCIATION?
or have WE bought completely into the PROPAGANDA BULLSHIT of the MSM?


I - and many others - have said this here so many times here that I'm sick of saying it and seeing it. if you would have told me PRIOR to obama's "regin" that I would feel the way I do today I would have told you THAT'S AN IMPOSSIBILITY.

DO NOT DARE to lecture me about HATE and RACISM - I did not know it before it was FORCED on me. I will accept you where you are and for who you are. I do not judge you based on the color of you skin - I judge you on the nature of your actions. I promise to "live and let live ". I also promise that if you try to put me in a box I WILL do my best to kill you for it.

I can easily remember the following - how many of you can too:

  • I can remember a day when there was little to nonexistent "HATE" in America . . .
  • I can remember a day when there was a difference between the terms white supremacist, white separatist and white nationalist
  • I can remember a day when we all got along pretty well
  • I can remember a day when we WENT OUT OF OUR WAY to help others - especially when they were "different" than us
  • I can remember a day when I didn't fear to tread - anywhere
  • I can remember a day when I didn't have to ask: why am I told to hate myself so others can feel better about being themselves
  • I can remember a day when I didn't have to feel guilty for achieving success
  • I can remember a day when white privilege meant I produced - and therefore I have.
  • I can remember a day when threads like Should White Boys Still Be Allowed to Talk? and Adversity Scores to be kept Secret didn't exist
  • I can remember a day when there was no such thing as a HATE crime and there were no special exceptions for privileged actors who faked one and privileged demographics who never seem to be charged with one
  • I can remember a day when we weren't forced to accept situational morality
  • I can remember a day when history wasn't scrubbed and made politically correct
  • I can remember a day when statues weren't destroyed because they were offensive
  • I can remember a day when people who came here did so legally - and when they got here they fought to be included in the then existing culture - not to be separate and "special unto themselves"
  • I can remember a day when I was told my parents were FORBIDDEN to speak Italian ANYWHERE but at home
yes - I can remember a day when there was little to nonexistent "HATE" in America . . . it was back before rational, truthful, thinking human beings were forced to acknowledge it really should be spelled

ameri KK a

to be very frank - it was back before the white house was DESECRATED by the likes of Obama, Erik (my people) Holder and Low-retta Lynch-mob.

as for being Christian and not "walking the walk" - I have had some concern about that apparent dichotomy. I have felt the NEED to apologize for the rage I occasionally feel and express here. I've done that both publicly on this board and privately to several.

I don't - and I WON'T - have a problem with you, assuming that your level of "effort" matches what you receive - or EXPECT to receive. on the other hand if you expect to have what I have - then simply produce it - as I HAVE.


what's happening today is the masses are being told that WHITE people are evil and have what they have by virtue of their "white privilege". that LIE has now become so pervasive throughout society that your own children have become believers. unfortunately in many cases YOU HAVE BEEN COMPLICIT in this by not only TOLERATING IT but by FINANCING IT via the DOGMA that KOLLITCH EDDA KAYSHUN is the ultimate requirement for a child's success and YOU are required to finance it.
you want something to be TRULY concerned about?

Be concerned that 90% of an entire generation now thinks that you and every guiding principle and belief you hold is stupid and must be destroyed. Be concerned that their numbers and power are growing while yours are steadily diminishing.
You WHITE AMERICA are not only G O I N G A W A Y
but YOU are COMPLICIT in your own demise

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The middle quotation is pure BS. Righteous indignation is NOT a luxury, it is a necessity. I have had one instance in my life where righteous indignation bloomed suddenly and violently. I slapped a neighborhood boy in the face, hard, for attempting to molest me in the swimming pool. He never did it again -- to me at least. At the time I was astonished at myself, and looked for guilt over my violence. I could find none. The Spirit literally told me I had acted at His will, and that the boy needed a sharp lesson. The Spirit named my violence: Righteous indignation. It was not a luxury. But it was sure a watershed moment for me.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I'd like to add 1 more thing.
As a white person, I'm tired of being the only one blamed for slavery and reparations are really being talked about now by many on the left.
there wouldn't be one african sent to america if it wasn't for the black africans that captured them and sold them.
That is the basic narrative accepted by all,....mostly. And never a mention is ever made, of all the black slave owners. Never ever, here in America.

For your own research check out all the black slave owners in the Sugar Cane Plantations in LA.

Also this is America where anyone can become President, a long time saying from the old days. Just look at who is in office now.

But the point is: There is also never a point made of black slaves, who won or earned their freedom, and got into the plantation business themselves and owned slaves.

From my memory a black slave woman, who was freed and started her own plantation, working slave labor became one of the richest in Florida.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Here is my experienced opinion. When i was younger, my job took me around the country. What I observed was the fewer the number of minorities, the less racist. The more minorities, the more racist the views were.
also, the more minorities means the more crime.
What has changed since I was young, the 60's on up was the reporting of the crimes. The news stopped reporting the race of the criminals. Dang, night after night all we heard was most crimes was committed by black people.
The media doesn't want to slam it down the throats of us that blacks commit more crime.
Now I live near San Antonio tx. A lot of crime. mostly by hispanics.

I remember listening to the San Antonio news stations in 1968 and forward and most of what took up the "news" part of the cycle, before sports and weather, was who got stabbed and shot and beat the night before. Believe me, it ain't got no better in the intervening 50 years. I am so glad I am out of that nightmare and live in the quiet countryside. I don't miss anything from the city.

Kids in grade school (little ones 1st and 2nd grade and up) would fight. Mexican and Black were always fighting and some of it was truly frightening. That the older siblings of both sexes and the parents carried the tales and created that hate was its own special brand of child abuse. And the teachers did...

nothing as usual. Backed by the Principal.
This was an upper middle class predominantly White school in a retirement town.
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