Story Clora's House of Gathered Up Children


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Well Done, Mrs. Pac! Dad-blasted allergies... Still having a hard time seeing...

GBY&Y's, Ma'am




Veteran Member
Thank you, if one is worried about who says what first you will not get very far with one's plan.


Senior Member
Thank you for letting us share in your story!

As far as ideas, keep a small notebook or mini recorder with you as you work. Not that I don't appreciate reading several post when I get off work, but that will let you get more of your other work done and fewer interruption of the story ideas as you rush in to type them on your computer.


Veteran Member

Ben nodded, as usual Dad was probably right; and as usual Ben was probably wrong. Ben moved over to the gurney and moved the chair so he was facing the door on the opposite side he had been sitting. He was facing Tess's face, and he brushed her hair away from her eyes.

"You are so beautiful," he whispered quietly. "I first knew I loved you six years ago, and it has grown in side me until you are all I think about night and day. Please Tess wake up, I need you."

Tess stirred slightly.

"When I tell you I love you, I want to look into your beautiful eyes standing in front of me, straight and tall. You have to want that too, please Tess want it enough to wake up."

Tess stirred again, ever so slightly.

Ben reached over and brushed her cheek softly with his good hand. "So beautiful, I want so badly to hear you say you love me and then tell you what that does to me and how it makes me feel."

Tess might have moved her hand. Ben wanted to see her move so much that he might have imagined it. The second time he breathed softly, "you can hear me, you moved. Oh Tess, please, I need so badly to tell you I love you. I have messed up so many things, I can't let you go. Please, please stay."

Tess stirred again.

Ben took her hand and let her feel the tears on his cheeks. He closed his eyes and kissed her hand. Then he prayed aloud, his halting, stumbling words asking God to make her strong and healthy, with her laugh that he needed to hear. He talked to her, telling her what had happened.

"You have a terrible hole in your back from a knife, brave and beautiful Tess you saved your friends.. They lived because you did as Dad taught us, going on the offensive when you were attacked. Tess, I'm so proud of you, you are one magnificent woman." Ben rubbed his face in the palm of her hand.

"I've changed Tess, I have a useless arm from a bullet. Bruce is going to look at it, but it will probably be mine for life. Bruce brought you here, he put as much of you together as possible. All of us Tess, are maimed, one way or the other. Milo may loose his left eye; he wears a eye patch now and his eye is loose in the socket. He's really discouraged, he wanted to transfer over and learn to fly. He always had such good vision and accurate shooting skills."

Slowly Ben caught Tess up on what had happened on the farm. Tess moved again when Ben told her about Liz and Luke. "Luke has regressed to the limits of a two year old, Ma and Dad look a hundred years old; but Dad's still pinching and Ma's still jumping." Ben kissed her hand, "Come bring me your love Tess, I can't do this life without you." Ben laid his head on the mattress and cried out his hurt and frustration.

When Bruce looked in on Tess, Ben was slumped over sleeping and Tess's hand was on his head.


Brown Coat
Thank you Mrs. PAC

Definitely some sort of dust or allergen in the air tonight, Can't keep my eyes from watering.




Has No Life - Lives on TB
Thank you Mrs. PAC

Definitely some sort of dust or allergen in the air tonight, Can't keep my eyes from watering.



Concur, 100%, Mrs. Pac. Darned allergies...




With what Ben told Tess, this comes to mind:

"All lost some, some lost all..." It's true, Mrs. Pac...



Veteran Member
As I said in the other thread, I am hopelessly addicted to the endorphins that make this possible. It's rather unbelievable; now I go out and work a bit in the garden and dream up something else to put on the clan, and have to rush right in and get it included before I forget the catch phrase I want to use.

It wouldn't be so bad, but I have all these secondary spin off's running around in my head, the 'back story' if you will, that keeps me moving forward. I already have messed up in the chapters close to the end of 'Woods', I thought I had posted a chapter with more situation as a lead in, and oops...I didn't.

That's why I got so frustrated with Woods. It was time to bring it to a close. Perhaps if the characters are three years older and by hopeful association...smarter; 'Children will flow smoother.

It's amazing that all of this story, in bits and pieces, has been given to me in the journals and diaries of my elders, I have a Oregon Trail ancestor that took an arrow in the back that he could not reach to pull out. He backed up to a tree and pushed the arrow out front wards. I don't believe I'm tough enough to do that. But then, the will to live can be pretty strong. That's where Tess's wound came from. The rest of it, my neighbor just bought a new Kukri, and he was showing me what it can do to a small watermelon. That is one scary piece of equipment. Pac.

I carry one of those micro tape recorders with me where every I go...walk, working outside, in car...When an idea comes I just say it into the recorder.


Veteran Member

Toby and Rennie looked at Abbi sitting on the patio over at the big house. "I wish we could do something about this. Do you have any connection of a mental health professional we might hire for all of them. Frankly everyone of them had problems before and now being physically damaged has increased the situation."

"Yes Ma'am," Toby smarted off, coming up behind Rennie and putting his arms around her. "Do you want me to use his or her services?" he asked softly. "There are a lot of times I don't know if I'm coming or going; and it wasn't too long ago that I was completely off the deep end."

Rennie said very seriously, "I don't think you need to, how do you feel about it?"

"Like my wife is trying to give me a snow job," Toby said calmly. And then laughed. "I do feel Abbi needs someone to talk to, and if their not a relative, even better. I see her withdrawing to the point that she wouldn't leave the house. You do know Cody is completely in love with her?" Toby rested his face near hers.

Rennie nodded up and down. "He's been here to talk to me, asking what he might do. Abbi won't talk at all, won't answer him, acts like she never heard him speak." Rennie sniffed a little with the hurt for her beautiful sister. "Toby, she got a letter from our folks, and since that day, she hasn't spoken."

"Go get it," Toby said. "In a war you have to know the enemy, and if your folks are flipping her crap, then they become the enemy. There are ways to back them off, so they don't have the ability to hurt either one of you."

"I won't get it tonight, it's too close to the time she will be in for supper, and she would be sure to notice it gone. Besides, I want time to read it and think about it." Rennie looked at the sun easing toward the west.

"OK, Honey I don't have to read it; I trust your ability. I'm concerned it might tell her that for a price the Devil would fix her up, remove her scar or something like that. Abbi has always been very sensible, but she's scared and disfigured to the point she might be open to anything." Toby put his hands on his wife's waist, and started walking his fingers around to the front.

"You have deplorable timing," Rennie laughed. "Mandy just let TJ and Barry out of school, and I see them running in for a snack."

"Now I know why Dad always looked so frustrated," Toby hurried, with a chuckle.

Rennie did look at the letter the next day. Toby was uncannily right, her parents made veiled references, but the implication was clear.

Rennie put the letter back and called Toby. "You were right, it's disgusting. It's worded very carefully, but if you have the back story, it's very clear it's a trade."

"I was afraid of that. Let me see what can be done about a 'traveling mental health professional' perhaps we can stop this." Toby made notes. "I'll get back to you as soon as I put something together. Rennie......there will be a baby girl up for adoption soon," Toby worried at the silence on the other end.

"Oh a girl," Rennie had a catch to her voice, "might it be possible?"

"I'll bring home the information," Toby promised.

Bruce walked across the common area to his cozy cabin with the light shining in the window. Tricia and Julie were singing as Tricia made supper. In the three years he had been gone, Julie had changed dramatically. It had been a long time ago, but Bruce could remember learning to read with the Dick and Jane readers, and Julie looked exactly like baby Sally in the book. She was slightly wary of him, not comfortable since he had been gone so long.

Bruce got to kiss his wife on the neck and sneak a feel. He got a bit of tongue clucking for his boldness in front of the child, so for good measure he sat at the table and grabbed Tricia the next time she got close, pulling her in his lap.

"Shall I tickle Mom?" he asked Julie, knowing all he had to say was tickle and Trish would start laughing.

Julie looked undecided and then nodded yes.

Bruce made a tickling motion in front of Trish, and already she was giggling, "I wonder if I should tickle Julie? If she would come over here, I might see if she will giggle too."

Julie looked undecided, but did move a little closer.

Bruce tickled Tricia with the hand Julie couldn't see, and she giggled. Julie looked, and couldn't see what was happening. Bruce tickled again and Trish laughed. Soon Julie was standing in front of Bruce and he pretended amazement. "Well there you are, how did you get here, how about a tickle?" and he wiggled his fingers at her.

Julie giggled.

The first sound they had heard her make. He tickled Trish and pretended to tickle Julie again. She giggled again. "I wonder what would happen if Trish tickled me?" Bruce asked and Trish tickled him around the neck.

He laughed and after a couple more tickles, he asked if Julie wanted to tickle him. She did and Bruce held very still as she got close enough to lightly touch his shirt by his top button. When she had withdrawn her hand, Bruce laughed, tickled Trish and made her laugh and pretend tickled Julie again.

"You have a nice giggle," he told Julie and then blew a raspberry on Trish's neck and she really squirmed and giggled. "I'm starving, what's for supper?" He left Julie wondering what had made that noise, that tickled Trish.

"Hey marshmallow man with the soft insides, how would you like to have a mini marshmallow in about nine months?" Trish said against his ear.

Bruce stopped all movement, "Don't tease me with that Please," Bruce looked plaintive. "I figured I'd never have children," and he turned sad eyes on Tricia.

"I'm not teasing Bruce," she said gently against the corner of his mouth. "not about something as important as that."

Bruce threw his head back, closed his eyes and sighed deeper than Trish had ever heard. With a gentle finger he turned her face to him and kissed her. Trish could feel him tremble and she kissed her man.

There was a pat on Bruce's hand, Julie wanted a kiss on her cheek too. So he softly complied.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Glad they don't make allergy medicine for your writing, Mrs. Pac... This is always the highlight of my days!

God Bless You and Yours, Ma'am...




Veteran Member
Must still have some dust in my eyes from cleaning the back room today. Thank you for desert after dinner Pac.


Veteran Member

As Bruce got close to Julie, she backed away, and he paused and showed her how to give a kiss, put it in your hand and blow it to the person. They could then grab it and put it wherever they wanted. Cheeks, nose, arm, on a boo boo, "it can go anywhere," he said, and blew Julie one. She play grabbed it, and held it in her hand. Bruce winked at her and suggested Julie go wash for supper.

Bruce got real still with his shoulders hunched, like he was going to take a blow. "Trish, do you really want my baby?"

"Yes, and the one after that one, and the next one and maybe a fourth. We'll have to see about that one and how close they come together." she spoke softly.

"Why?" Bruce seemed mad, and for the life of her, Trish couldn't figure out why.

"You and God have given me a gift. A precious, amazing creation in God's likeness and your love. To me, it is proof that you love me and I love you, as we join together to create a life with our bond. You don't want a baby?" the thought struck Trish as she looked at the scowling face and closed off attitude. Protectively, she crossed her arms over her stomach, guarding the tiny nucleus of life started inside her.

Trish got a stare that gave her the shivers of alarm. Bruce spoke calmly enough, but she could tell he had tightly leashed himself. "If you tell me that you want this baby, there is no aborting later when you feel it's inconvenient."

Now Trish understood. She was running headlong into Vickie's wall of scorn, sneering attitude, and disregard for Bruce's feelings.

Trish got up off Bruce's lap, but he still had one hand gripping her wrist. Deliberately ignoring what he had said, Trish looked at him. "I will keep and love this baby, as I love Julie and you. If you do not want a child, then I give you permission to be free of this commitment." Trish looked at Bruce with the same amount of intensity, he was giving her.

"That's not what I asked you." the old Bruce was firmly in control, aristocratically demanding answers.

"I am choosing to not answer that." Tish told him. "I've never been pregnant before, I can't tell you what's going to happen. I can't promise my body will accept and carry a child full term. You're a Doctor and know full well the risks of creating a child with a father that has taken massive quantities of drugs. Can you pledge and guarantee that you're contribution is without possible side effects?"

Bruce pursed his lips. "You know I can't." he said shortly.

"That's the problem, Bruce. I will never consciously take a child, but I can't guarantee nature won't. I had no idea you wouldn't want a baby. We have talked about having one, and you seemed agreeable. I'm sorry you feel the way you do." Tess had to turn away from his anger, and she had to tug hard to free her wrist.

Walking in the bedroom, she leaned against the wall, feeling the pits of black despair. Walking over to the bed, she dropped to her knees and folded her hands in prayer, touching them to her forehead. She was crying and praying and didn't hear Bruce open the door.

Whatever he expected to find, it wasn't Tish on her knees praying. Towering above her, Bruce looked like a mountain. "I didn't say I didn't want this baby," he said with deadly precision, anger flaring.

"Then why did you say what you did? Where have I ever given you any indication I would abort a child. Never, that's where. I am Tricia, not your ex wife. I'm sick to think I keep running into this wall you have. Bruce if I can't be me, then we can't be us."

"That's not what I said," he stubbornly repeated.

"What you said was a hurtful, demeaning and sarcastic left over from your previous wife and life. I am small, but I'm not twelve years old, and I don't intend to let you treat me as such." Trish was tired of battling Bruce and his flareups concerning his previous marriage.

"We have created a child with our love, but if you can't let me have the trust that has to go with that love, then I need to know now. And no, I'm not talking about an abortion," she stalled the angry words forming. "I'm talking about releasing you so this child will be nurtured with love and peace for nine months. Not hate and suspicion."

"That's not what I said." Bruce repeated for the third time.

"Then tell me why you would say such hurtful words?" Trish demanded.

"I don't know, they just came out." Bruce excused himself.

"To say them, you have to be thinking them Bruce. Haven't I demonstrated my love, integrity and word of honor to you so you know I'm totally committed? I'm coming off the fright of not hearing from you in almost a year. I wrote letters to you for a year, not knowing if you were dead or alive; because I never got a word in return. This marriage between you and me is a two way street. I can't do it all to sustain us, I have to have a little help and hope from you."

Bruce didn't say anything and Trish felt a great sorrow. She would never have his complete trust. He felt he had been so damaged, he couldn't get past, the past; and was comfortable not having to work to go forward. She bowed her head and asked God to thaw his heart.


Veteran Member
Thanks Pac I sure hope Bruce wakes up and realize he is about to loose the wife that God has Blessed him with.


Lake Lili

Veteran Member
I have ben struggling about why Ted would become a conscientious objector. But I knew that I had read somewhere the first inkling and I found it in #39 of "So that Your Love may be Complete" when they were shooting at the enemy soldiers getting out of the sub.

"Milo hefted the [ammunition] box up a few inches, repositioned himself and then hoisted the box, again and again until he reached the spot where Mark could grab the handle. "Let me reload, then do you want to try your hand?"

It was an invitation Milo had been coveting. "Think long and hard son." Mark warned as Milo settled into the small depression. "These are humans we are killing, but humans that will kill us if they get a chance. They are foreign solders that have landed on American soil with orders to kill or enslave any Americans they encounter. To that end, they need to be stopped."

"Yes Sir." Milo was calm but deliberate. He settled in, steadied the heavy rifle and drew a bead on the next soldier slowly exiting the first sub hulk. When the soldier got his head up enough to see his dead comrades, he tried to retreat, and died half in and half out of the hatch.

"Good shot Milo, you remembered exactly what you were supposed to do. Keep watch and pick them off when they emerge. I need to relax a minute and let my shoulder rest."

"Dad, can we try?" Benny and Teddy were at the base of the fox hole.

"I don't want too," Teddy quickly spoke over Benny's quiet request. "I don't want to do that, do I have too?"

"No Teddy. This is an individual thing. I would never force you to be a sniper." Mark looked levelly at his second son.

Teddy had such a sigh of relief that Mark knew he had said the right words. ..."

I believe that it was Robert Heinlein who wrote that "a conscientious objector is a person who claims all the benefits of a society without being willing to pay the price and claims a halo for his actions." But Ted was a child that grew up with parents who had to defend them on a very consistent basis. They were under attack practically his entire childhood. All of the Linderman children had a firm understanding of what going to war meant, but I think that Ted's inability to shoot a human, even the enemy, is pretty deep seated.

Thanks Pac!


Veteran Member
Lake Lili'

As a clan, the Linderman's have been passionate about and promoted, their children in following their heart. Mark and Clora understand Ted's objections and have let him sail to the course he plotted. It's Ted's brothers and sister that have almost died for the freedom he is enjoying but will not support, that are objecting.

In some ways, it takes more strength to go against family held ideas, than to follow. Ted has always been a child a little out of step with the main stream world. His world is numbers, and he is all consumed by them. But the rest of the family understands Ted wouldn't have the luxury of devoting his life to dealing with those numbers, if they hadn't guaranteed his freedom.

It's the same with Bruce. He was doing well, and then spent three years without Tricia. As a flawed human, because we ALL are, he has reverted back to the base level of his training. As we ALL will do.

Tricia has a point, in that suspicious Bruce will have to get his head on straight, that however is difficult to do when you think yours is on straight and it's the rest of the world that is crooked.

Could Tricia been wiser, and prepared Bruce for such life changing news, certainly. But at times, such news as this comes whether your ready or not; with out warning. You have to deal with it, want to, or not.

Many of us know people that can come out of any situation, on top. And then there are people like Bruce. It wouldn't be realistic to think that being married, would have changed his basic personality to be a totally agreeable person.

(Heavens....I'm a saint...totally agreeable...cough, cough.) So I know how it is.


Veteran Member

Tricia got up from the floor and went to put the meal out. Julie was curled up on the couch, frightened by the loud voices from the bedroom.

"Were you scared?" Tricia asked, as she sat down to gather up Julie. "Momma and Daddy were talking loud at each other because we both have strong feelings. We can talk loud and even yell at one another; but we do not hit each other, nor do we hit children when we're mad like that. I love you and I love Daddy, are we OK on that?"

Julie nodded, watching as Bruce came from the bedroom and sat on the couch. Trish took Bruce's hand and put it on her knee. She put her hand on top of his, and then placed Julie's hand on hers. "We are a family," she stressed, "we love and help each other."

All the while Trish was talking, Bruce was thinking of that saying that Toby was always telling TJ. (The... we are Lindermen men, and we treat our ladies with kindness and respect,) saying. It wasn't hard for him to remember the three years he had just finished without Trish, and how empty and gray the world seemed when she wasn't near.

For such a small person, she was very opinionated and vocal, and unfortunately.....almost always right. Bruce took the hand on top of his and folded it up and kissed her knotted fist. He hoped she would consider it an apology. He couldn't say the apology, deeply ingrained in him was the notion that an apology was a character flaw and a weakness. He had said 'I'm sorry' to Trish several times, but he had held back a part of himself that wasn't, so it didn't count.

Tish merely said, "We're all crabby and hungry, we need to eat." so Bruce was left wondering if his notion of 'I'm sorry' worked or not.

It didn't, it left Tricia with a terrible sadness, that's all.


Veteran Member

Supper for the Doctors Ammon and Julie was low key and casual. Bruce took his plate to the sink and went in to sit on the couch. Tonight he couldn't seem to get comfortable, so he put his shoes back on and went outside to walk.

He stopped by Toby's, but they had papers spread all over the table and appeared to be working on a case, so he waved at them and walked over to the big house to check on Tess. She was asleep; and the assorted crew of disabled veterans were busy doing what they always did. Nothing, and accomplished it in silence.

Nobody needed him for anything. Bruce was bored, he thought he'd give Trish time to get the dishes done and Julie in bed, maybe he could get her to talk and to understand.

Eventually he found Mark and Clora in the atrium, watching Luke play. They waved him in, and Bruce sat down with a sigh. Clora gave him an extra sharp look and a frown, and Bruce ignored her.

Both Lindermans looked terrible, and Bruce in his blunt way, said so.

Clora turned her calm, dignified gaze on Bruce and said, "Luke has another brain tumor, this time it's inoperable."

"Your sure?" Bruce demanded, like Clora and Mark hadn't moved heaven and earth to get a different diagnosis.

"Five different specialists have said so." Her calm reply was so sad, it almost hurt Bruce to hear her. "They give Luke maybe, three months."

"Have the specialists given you any background or clues as to why all three children have had tumors?" Bruce pressed on.

"There has not been a specific marker among the three. We have done the DNA twice, the results are the same in all of us. There is a trigger, we don't know what it is, where it's from or how it activates." Mark replied. "For a while, we wondered about the radiation from the valley, but there is no excess buildup of strontium or radioactive particles. We have done every test suggested, and now the Doctors want to take half Luke's brain out. We are not going to do that. I can't support deliberately reducing a child to a vegetable, to keep them alive."

Clora nodded her agreement. Six year old Luke was playing with a small car, enjoying the time with his parents.

"I'm sorry to hear that," Bruce offered. "Real sorry."

Clora nodded again. "Tess had her eyes open again today for almost a half hour. Slowly, she is coming around. We have an appointment tomorrow with a eye specialist, he's going to look at Milo's eye. And then," Clora sighed hard, "Ted left today. He had a backpack, told us good bye and walked out."

"I can see where he'd want to do that," Bruce said, looking out to where the group on the patio was slowly disbanding for the night. Cody was walking Abbi over to Toby's place, ensuring her safety.

"I don't know why she doesn't marry him, he's a good man." Bruce commented.

"She has more pity for herself in her heart than she does love for him. There's a lot of that going on around here," Clora said with out looking at Bruce. "Abbi's not willing to do the work necessary to move forward, it's easier to want Cody to do it for her, than put her heart on the line. And there's a lot of that happening also."

Bruce wasn't stupid, he understood the double entendre, and he ignored it. That was his favorite way to deal with Clora. She might make all these little barbed zingers, but he wasn't rising to her bait.

"Mark," Bruce changed the subject. "I really think you need to see a heart man. Looking at you, you have plugged arteries. A couple of well placed stents could prevent a fatal heart attack."

"Possibly," was all Mark would say.

Luke was yawning and Clora asked him if it was time to find the garage for his car. He put his hand in hers and they walked to his room.

"How's she holding up?" Bruce asked, referring to Clora. "She's a pretty fragile woman."

"Heartsick and sad," Mark said bluntly. "She is blaming herself for all the problems."

"That's foolish," Bruce said as he shook his head.

"Well, haven't you noticed that's what Ladies do, take the blame?" Mark was looking up into the almost night sky, beginning to glitter with stars.

"I hadn't," Bruce immediately thought of Trish, and pushed the thought aside.

"How come Chilly and Vic don't go to the VA, and get prosthetics?" Bruce asked.

"Because it's easier to sit out there and whine, than do something about it. If Clora or I would call and make the appointment, they'd go, get what they need and then never wear them. They don't want too. There to full of their own pity about the way things used to be."

Everything tonight seemed to be jabbing Bruce the wrong way, so he said his goodnights and headed for the cabin.
The small building was dark, Tricia had gone to bed. Bruce forgot she had early rounds tomorrow. He made it inside and stubbed his toe on a chair leg, walking with his shoes off.

Light from the bathroom night light helped him find the bedroom door, and the small lamp on his side of the bed was on. Tricia was curled up in a small ball facing the wall. Bruce didn't think she was asleep, but she didn't say anything.

He got in bed, and then lay there, thinking about what he had said earlier. Hind sight didn't give him a very good feeling about himself. But Bruce knew he was a bastard, everyone told him so, so it was no secret.

It took forever for Bruce to get to sleep, and when he woke, Tricia was already gone for the morning. He had reached over to say good morning and found she was already up. His hand hit her wet pillow where she had silently cried and wiped her eyes on the pillow case. That didn't make him feel good either.

He couldn't figure out why he wanted to treat Tricia the way he was, and Bruce thought about Doctor Ross. Maybe the shrink would have some ideas. So he went to the hospital to talk to the man.


Brown Coat
fixing broke people is never easy. harder when they won't admit they need fixing.

Thanks Mrs. PAC



Veteran Member

Bruce's opinion of Doctor Ross was a cross between an idiot and a hoity toidy idiot. First of all, Dr. Ross wouldn't see him. Bruce didn't work for his hospital any longer, and he had no incentive to keep the tightly strung doctor working.

Bruce was exiting the basement doors when his eyes were caught by the sight of familiar people. Toby was walking in the middle and Rennie was on his right, holding a baby. It was Trish on his left that captured Bruce's attention. In her white lab coat with her good looking legs showing, Trish was walking with them with Toby's arms around both women.

The baby cried and all three of them stopped to check on the noise. Bruce was watching Tish's face when she touched the tiny bundle and her sweet glow was hard to look away from. Bruce stepped back into the shadows and watched.

He watched how Tricia looked so hungry as she smiled at Toby and Rennie and the baby. It was easy to tell she wanted in the worst way to hold the baby, but let Rennie fill her heart first with the pleasure.

The inescapable truth was, Trish wanted the baby, their baby, and he had taken the joy and wonderment from her like a bandit would rob a bank. He watched as Trish hugged Toby and then carefully hugged Rennie. They parted ways; with Trish walking to the bus stop. The further she walked the slower her steps and the more slumped her shoulders became.

Toby and Rennie stopped and turned to look at Trish, shaking their heads. Bruce couldn't hear what they were saying, but it probably wasn't complementary about him.

There he was again, on the outside, looking in as other people shared joy and life milestones together.


Wait! What?
Thank you Pac.
It's hard to fathom this level of suffering, you make it seem so real.
Thank you for continuing your stories of the Clan.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Time for Bruce to slap himself upside his head and tell himself to get a clue ot he really will be on the outside of his family.

Thank you Pac.


Veteran Member

Bruce took a long walk around the hospital campus in the opposite direction as Tricia had gone. The grounds bordered the small river that flowed over rocks and tumbled and sang and left a cheery sound lingering in the air.

Bruce was thinking hard about the good times he and Tricia had before he was drafted. When they were married, Tricia had thrown herself into a frenzy of loving him. He had smiled in his heart and let her heap and give the love she offered. He half way offered some back and she smiled and loved him.

When he came home from the war, her love was still there, but little by little Bruce had chipped away at it with a sarcastic tone here, and a viperous word or two there, the bad attitude creeping in on him during his time in the trenches patching up kids that had no business trying to fight a war.

But he wasn't in the war any longer, and Trish certainly had no part in starting the conflict, so why was he acting like she was responsible for his bad moods. He guessed because it was as Mark said. The lady's always take the blame.

As he walked, there was a small alcove with a bench and Clora was sitting on the bench with her eyes closed and her face turned toward the sun. He flopped down beside her and listened as she said, "hello Bruce."

"Hi," he had mumbled, and then sat there.

Clora could feel the angry tension around Bruce and said a prayer for him. He was so talented, and such a pig out and beyond his doctoring ability, that Clora was ashamed of herself for thinking such thoughts.

"Well, aren't you going to lecture me?" the snide words flew out of his mouth.

"No." was her calm response.

"But you know I'm wrong."


"Well I don't know who appointed you head coordinator of the state of my feelings." he ripped out.

"Nobody, I don't care about you Bruce. I do care about Tricia and Julie, they have feelings other than anger." Clora never opened her eyes, or looked at him.

"I suppose SHE came over to give you the lowdown on what happened so you women could stick together."

"No I haven't talked to Tricia in several days." Clora refused to be bullied, and that was what Bruce was doing. Being a verbal bully.

"Is this where Milo had his appointment?"


"Did you come to see Rennie and Toby's baby?"


"Then why are you here?" Bruce demanded.

"Vic and Chilly committed double suicide last night. I had to accompany they're bodies, no one else was at the farm." Clora used the same measured tone, like she was explaining to Luke.

Bruce leaned forward with his elbows on his knees. "I'm sorry," he said yet again. "I'm an insensitive jerk."


Bruce snapped a look at her. "I didn't ask for you to agree with me."

"Alright." and Clora said nothing further.

Soon, Clora's left hand reached over and started rubbing small circles on Bruce's back. If nothing else, perhaps she could rub the anger out of him. She had never touched Bruce before, even though he had touched her in the capacity of her doctor.

Clora needed to work some of her own anguish out, they were under attack once again as sure as a hail of bullets.

Bruce was so angry. Clora could feel the shrieking fury inside him, and she started whispering a prayer.

If he would have had the ability to move, Bruce would have flung off her hand and walked away without a second glance the moment she started all that prayer mumbo jumbo.

He couldn't move. His legs simply didn't work. He was helpless.

Clora prayed for Bruce as her thumb worked circles on his back. To Bruce, it was hypnotic, the never ending circles holding him prisoner to the bench.

Toby had told him that he would never understand the power Clora had in her faith and her God, until she prayed over him. Bruce, was beginning to get a clue.

Time stood still, as Clora felt compelled to pray the anger out of Bruce. Mark and Milo had come to the hospital after Milo's eye appointment. They had been called by Lemmie to go pick up Clora.

The two men had grinned at each other as they looked out the windows beside the door. Bruce was really getting a prayerful, and soon he would know what the rest of them had gone through. Clora had powerful prayers.


Brown Coat
Thank you Mrs. PAC

Clora carries the world in her faith. People like that sure do get the misery of the world heaped on em though. guess that's evidence that God takes care of his own that she can manage day to day.

Sad but powerful chapter

Thank you
