COMMUNISM Chinese Biotech Firm with Deep Links to China’s Military and its COVID-19 Program Just Bought Land in Florida for a Massive Research Complex


Has No Life - Lives on TB

Chinese Biotech Firm with Deep Links to China’s Military and its COVID-19 Program Just Bought Land in Florida for a Massive Research Complex​

Joe Hoft

Chinese Biotech firm with deep links to China’s military and its COVID-19 program just bought land in Florida for a massive research complex.
Guest post by Lawrence Sellin
In July 2022, a Chinese biological research company, JOINN Laboratories, bought 1,400 acres of rural farmland in Morriston, Florida, primarily for a non-human primate (monkey) breeding and quarantine facility.
Current law prohibits the construction of such a facility on that property, but JOINN Laboratories is filing a re-zoning request with the State of Florida.

What is not widely known is JOINN Laboratories’ close connections to China’s People’s Liberation Army and what is arguably its biowarfare program.
The Founder of JOINN and Chair of the Board of Directors is Yuxia Feng, a military physician and graduate of the Academy of Military Medical Sciences in Beijing.

The Co-Founder of JOINN and the Vice Chair of the Board of Directors, Conglin Zuo, appears to have also worked at the Academy of Military Medical Sciences in its Institute of Biotechnology.

JOINN’s Chief of Pathology and Toxicology, Hemei Wang, came from the Institute Of Pharmacology And Toxicology, Academy Of Military Medical Sciences.
The most significant of JOINN’s connections to the People’s Liberation Army is Shusheng Geng, Chief Executive Officer of JOINN’s Biologics Company, who was also employed at the Institute of Pharmacology And Toxicology, Academy Of Military Medical Sciences.

Shusheng Geng has been a research collaborator with high-level People’s Liberation Army scientists, who are considered key contributors to China’s biowarfare program, Cheng-Feng Qin, Yusen Zhou and Shibo Jiang.

A recent Gateway Pundit article noted that buyers from the People’s Republic of China purchased $6.1 billion of U.S. real estate last year.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis told Fox News in June that it was a “huge problem” that Chinese companies were stepping in to purchase farmland in his state.
He said, “I think the problem is these companies have ties to the CCP [Chinese Communist Party], and it’s not always apparent on the face of whatever a company is doing.”

Well, it is not just the Chinese Communist Party that is connected to these land purchases, but China’s People’s Liberation Army.
And whatever those Chinese companies are doing with that land, you can be sure that it is not good for America.

Lawrence Sellin, Ph.D. is retired U.S. Army Reserve colonel and a veteran of Afghanistan and Iraq. He had a civilian career in international business and medical research. Dr. Sellin is the author of Restoring the Republic: Arguments for a Second American Revolution. His email address is


Saved, to glorify God.
WTH?- HOW in the hell is this OK with the FEDS? Or with the state?



Saved, to glorify God.
ANY Public official who empowers the Chinese to do this should be prosecuted for TREASON.

EVERY paper they file every thing they order should be "lost" -SORRY-NO RECORD OF IT! THE COMMON PEOPLE CAN STOP THIS, if the Feds won't protect us, BY SABOTAGING EVERY THING THE Chinese do!

Nope no water for your, facility, and such a large project, you will have to have your own water treatment plant, no power either, MANY year environmental study needed for environmental impact, upon such a large area 1,400 acres could be 10 or 20 year study, at your expense! THEN, several endangered species just found that will be endangered by destruction of their habitat!
Make sure listening devices and cameras are implanted everywhere througout the facility as it's built, explosives implanted under and throughout the complex to destroy it instantly should it be obvious that they are working on biological weapons to harm us in any way. Give them NO PRIVACY in their research, and NO RESTRICTIONS ON UNANNOUNCED ACCESS TO ALL PARTS OF THE FACILITY, and their records, (in English) at ANY TIME OF THE DAY BY US SCIENTISTS, Legislators, AND POLICE.

They are not to employ citizens of China or chinese citizens of other nations including the United States beyond 2% of employees , and American citizens, beyond their demographic occurrence in the national population
English will be the required langusge of the workplace.
All these precautions are prudent precautions necessary for security oversight to allowing such a facility in our nation by a nation that has posited our nation as their enemy.
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Kathy in FL

hell no.........De Santis should pitch 'em to the gators..............

Re-zoning approval comes at the county level here in Florida. Gov's office doesn't control it. Need to get this so that there is a phone campaign. Let the county commissioners know they are under a microscope.


Veteran Member
We need to STOP selling anything to communist bastards!!
D.C. was the 1st sell. Everything else is up for grabs.

Re-zoning approval comes at the county level here in Florida. Gov's office doesn't control it. Need to get this so that there is a phone campaign. Let the county commissioners know they are under a microscope.
Why not declare the sell, a state security threat(it is) and override the nonsense?
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