

Veteran Member
Hi all,

Our school sent home a letter stating that we have at least one "suspected case" of chickenpox. I may just be in "hyper aware" mode now, but my 11 yo non vaccinated son was complaining earlier of a stiff neck, which I contributed to sleeping wrong, he's now running 101 temp and has been sleeping on my bed for almost 3 hours. He doesn't have the rash, yet, but after searching out the symptoms I learned it's not uncommon for chickenpox to start this way and take up to 2 days for the pox to appear.

My question is other than benadryl or calamine for the itch, what to I do for him, it's been 24 years since I've dealt with chickenpox. Also, I have 4 other nonvac'ed children living here who have never had them, how bad is it for 19, 17 and 15 yo girls? I assume the 9 yo son will be similar to the 11 yo one.

Is there anything naturopathic/homeopathic I can use? I know lavendar is supposed to be good for skin conditions but can I use it on the actual pox before they pop?

Thanks all!

Be Well

may all be well
Maybe Summerthyme or another herbal knowing person will chime in. I have never treated chicken pox; when I was growing up every kid got it as there was no vax and people just considered it a normal childhood illness. It is dangerous for adults, so if there are non-vaxed kids around IMO it would be better for them to get it now rather than as an adult.

I would administer any anti-viral herbs - some specific ones are Prunella, Lemon Balm, Lemon and/or Orange peel tea (simmer grated peel - only organic) in water with a lid on it for a while. Lemon Balm is very good for herpes zoster with is the chicken pox virus or close to it. Any anti-inflammatory herbs such as Hibiscus (cooling too, nice flavor when sweetened) would be good, peppermint, chamomile is always good for kids. Keep them rehydrated and don't force food. Oatmeal water - oats cooked with lots of extra water and a few pinches of salt, is good nutrition for illness.

If you apply lavender oil I would dilute it with water, shake and apply. It's okay to apply neat but with pox there are so many it would be too much to have it applied straight. I would try a small pack of clay on the poxes, it is very drying and soothing for regular skin infections like pimples and boils; first try on just a few and see if it helps.

Please report back with how he is doing.

Shooting Star

Veteran Member
When my youngest son had it, I used Aveeno Oatmeal bath - I soaked him in it - It really helped the itch and I believe it kept him from breaking out really bad.


TB Fanatic
It seems like I heard not to give baths because it causes the vesicles to swell with water and burst (can't remember for sure, perhaps someone else will know). Benadryl for the itch; Tylenol for fever. Poor things - makes you feel rough!


Contributing Member
It seems like I heard not to give baths because it causes the vesicles to swell with water and burst (can't remember for sure, perhaps someone else will know). Benadryl for the itch; Tylenol for fever. Poor things - makes you feel rough!

When I had it, I never had any pox. I Just had a high fever. The doctors were stumped at the time. The only reason they figured out what I had was because they did a bunch of blood work because my sister had meningitits (sp) at the time. Once they figured it out they were in a big hurry to get us out of the same hospital room!
Biotin which I believe is B6 reduces the severity and intensity of chickenpox. Always have a bottle around for someone who comes down with shingles later in life. It really helps.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Ok, my son went through this last year. Loads of fun (and he was vaccinated!) We used both Benadryl and Calamine for itching depending on which was closest to my hand when needed. But something I learned when my ex got it, I dosed him with regular Benadryl (pills) as well. His doc approved it. It seemed to help with the itching, and let him sleep.

Chickenpox is more dangerous the older you are. So I'd be more worried about the girls. Try isolating him. It may be too late but it's worth the chance. But then again, it wouldn't be such a bad idea for them to get it now, and have the immunity. My ex got it in his late 20s and was absolutely miserable (and it had some negative side effects for our attempts to have kids). When he got it the dr prescribed large doses of Benadryl, told him to sleep through it as much as possible, and only head for the hospital if the fever got too high. I don't care what the docs say about the vaccine, it doesn't work like it's supposed to. And it gives me nightmares for how many people are going to be adults when they get hit with a case of chickenpox.


Agrarian Separatist
My brother and I got the pox as adults through our children that attended a children's bd party with a nutso mom that did not see fit to cancel the party of her precious even though it had the pox. I got really sick and ended up flunking out of college over it; my brother was hospitalized with internal as well as external pox and was rendered sterile as a result. Good thing he already had children.

Be Well

may all be well
It's a very dangerous illness for adults. When I was a kid, practically every child got it, and it was not serious, just sort of miserable for a week.


Senior Member
If it were me, i would eat vitamin C like candy. If you take more than the body can use you get the runs, a whole lot less than that and it is not very effective. The sicker you are, the more your body will absorb and use. In sufficient quantity, C is an excellent antiviral.

And I would take vinegar baths. Also oatmeal, maybe tea tree oil, etc. Just do not make the baths very warm at all. Just warm enough not to get the chills.

I have heard that if you reduce the effects of chickenpox too much with antivirals, C, etc. than the immunity will not last as long and shingles as an adult will be worse and more often, or you could even get chicken pox again as an adult. The chicken pox vaccine was expected to save the lives of 5,000 children and outright kill 5,000 adults and seniors due to the lack of exposure to active cases of chicken pox giving adults repeated immunity boosters over the years.


Senior Member
My husband caught the pox from our kids 20 years ago. He was 36. He was extremely ill. High fever 104+, missed a month of work, covered with pox every 1/2 inch I mean covered. At the height of it we had a blizzard for three days couldnt go anywhere let alone to the hospital. Finally got a script for atarax for him and that helped. The kids age 3 and 5 just sailed thru it barely fever and a few pox. His Mom swore he had it when he was 10 they took him to the Dr for flea bitesand Dr said he had Chicken Pox. I think the Dr was wrong.


Does too have a life!
Was it the chicken pox?

As a kid, I had them along with measles and nearly died. You couldn't put a pin between them and they were internal also. My mother bathed me in rubbing alcohol all night to get my 105 + temp down. I don't wish them on anybody.