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Carpenter's Bluff Bridge


Photo Junkie
Went on a short photo journey early in the week up near Oklahoma/Texas border...





Time Traveler
Haha, Blueberry, that is exactly what I was going to say! For me it's one of those freakish fetishes I've had forever.

How old is it dwsjr? Those boards don't look very stable.


Innocent Bystander
Carpenter's Bluff Bridge reminds me a lot of the place where the OK cheerleader was dumped by OK HS athletes some years ago.


Time Traveler
Carpenter's Bluff Bridge reminds me a lot of the place where the OK cheerleader was dumped by OK HS athletes some years ago.

HAHA, people are soooo literal. It's a shame that gorgeous photo brings you that type of memory but we can't help what we associate things with.

I agree with the above poster, the first photo begs for a frame.


Innocent Bystander
HAHA, people are soooo literal. It's a shame that gorgeous photo brings you that type of memory but we can't help what we associate things with.

I agree with the above poster, the first photo begs for a frame.

A balanced person can enjoy the aesthetics of a well done photgraph or piece of art while at the same relating it to a historical event, don't you think? :shr:

It's what only human beings are uniquely able to do.

I see no shame in the matter. Chill, Flipper!


Photo Junkie
Thank Yall for the kind comments...

Here's one taken 2 weeks later without the benefits of cloudy overcast, its an entirely different place!


  • IMG_8406_7_8_9_tonemappedW.jpg
    104.8 KB · Views: 214


That first picture reminds me of a bicycle ride in downtown KC 20 years ago. We were down by the river on our mountain bikes and rode across a disused railroad bridge. As we rode across it some of the boards came up off the bridge and we could see down to the river below. Now that i look back it was a tad dangerous.
I really love this picture and look forward to seeing more.


Do you have a studio where you sell your work? Or, is it on line? You paint a lovely canvas. Please keep posting them. snowstorm


Geezer (ret.)
Went on a short photo journey early in the week up near Oklahoma/Texas border...

As a former DFW native and a fan of old bridges in general, I always had a special fondness for that particular bridge. I saw far too many of them dismantled during my years up there. It just about broke my heart when the old Grauwyler Crossing bridge over the Trinity in Dallas was removed. :bwl:

You managed to capture it in a way I have never seen done before. Hope you don't mind me adding your photos to my collection. ;)
Bravo! :applaud: